Cypress trees typically reach heights of up to 25 metres (82 ft) and exhibit apyramidal form, particularly in their youth. Many are characterised by their needle-like,evergreen foliage andacorn-like seed cones. Some species develop flattened, spreading heads at maturity, while certain variants may manifest as shrubs, standing at less than 6 metres (20 ft). Thebark of cypress trees varies, with some species having smooth surfaces, while most exhibit bark that separates into thin plates or strips, often shedding over time. Leaves of young cypress trees are spreading and awl-shaped, and are typically small, scale-like formations that tightly adhere to older branches. They are usuallyaromatic, with glandular pits on the outer surface, and cover the stem in opposite pairs, giving the branchlet a four-sided appearance.[1]
Cypress is any of the twelve species of ornamental and timberevergreen conifers constituting the genusCupressus of the familyCupressaceae. Manyresinous, aromatic evergreen trees called cypress belong to other genera of the same family, especially species offalse cypress andcypress pine. The namecypress is occasionally used for some species offustic and forbald cypress, and it often denotesjack pine in easternCanada.[1]
Species that are commonly known as cypresses include:
Cypress (multiple species within the genusCupressus):
Taxodium distichum, commonly known as bald cypress and native to the southeastern United States.[6]
Taxodium mucronatum, commonly known as Montezuma cypress or Montezuma bald cypress.[7] It is native to Mexico,Guatemala, and southern-central United States.[7]
Calocedrus decurrens, which has the common names bastard-cedar, incense-cedar and California incense cedar.[8] They are native to North America, specifically California, Oregon,Nevada, and Mexico.[8]
In the most prevalent version of the story, Cyparissus receives astag as a gift from Apollo, which he accidentally kills with a spear while hunting in the forest. Cyparissus is overwhelmed by pain and sorrow, and asks Apollo to allow his tears to flow for eternity. Apollo transforms Cyparissus into a cypress tree, and thesap that typically drips down the tree's trunk represents Cyparissus' tears.[23][24]
Consequently, the cypress emerged as a symbol of mourning, sadness, and loss inclassical mythology, thereby serving anaetiological purpose in explaining its cultural significance.[23] Due to its connection to grief, the cypress became one of the symbols ofHades and has been planted in cemeteries since theclassical era. During theRenaissance period, the myth ofKyparissos was revived, and is depicted in several works of art and poetry.[23]
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