Amultifoil arch (or polyfoil arch), also known as acusped arch,[1][2]polylobed arch,[3][4] orscalloped arch,[5] is anarch characterized by multiple circular arcs or leaf shapes (calledfoils, lobes, or cusps) that are cut into its interior profile or intrados.[2][1][6][7] The termfoil comes from theold French word for "leaf." A specific number of foils is indicated by a prefix:trefoil (three),quatrefoil (four), cinquefoil (five), sexfoil (six), octofoil (eight). The term multifoil or scalloped is specifically used for arches with more than five foils.[8][9][10] The multifoil arch is characteristic ofIslamic art andarchitecture; particularly in theMoorish architecture ofal-Andalus (Iberian Peninsula) andNorth Africa and inMughal architecture of theIndian subcontinent.[11] Variants of the multifoil arch, such as thetrefoil arch, are also common in other architectural traditions such asGothic architecture.[2]: 132
The first multifoil arches were developed by theUmayyads and can be found in a small mosque atQasr al-Hallabat, one of theUmayyad Desert Castles, in present-dayJordan.[12][13] The architects of this structure experimented with both hollow/concave lobes and protruding/convex lobes in therelieving arches above the doors.[14]: 513–514 Multifoil arches also appear early on as decorative niches in theQasr al-'Ashiq inSamarra, present-dayIraq, and in theMosque of Ibn Tulun inCairo,Egypt, both of which were built underAbbasid (andTulunid) rule in the 9th century.[1][15][16]: 87 These examples have been used to support the hypothesis that multifoil arches originated in theMiddle Eastern regions of the Islamic world, althoughRichard Ettinghausen,Oleg Grabar and Marilyn Jenkins-Madina have called this hypothesis into question.[16]: 87–89 [14]: 513
Other early examples of multifoil arches are found in theGreat Mosque of Cordoba inal-Andalus (present-daySpain), in particular the arches of themaqsura area added to the mosque in the 10th century byal-Hakam II.[17]: 232–234 Ettinghausen, Grabar, and Jenkins-Madina argue that the form of these arches probably developed locally in al-Andalus, noting that in Cordoba they occurred as structural elements while in the eastern Islamic world they occurred mostly as decorative elements.[16]: 87–89 Another scholar, Ignacio Arce, notes that Ettinghausen and Grabar did not take into account the earlier occurrences at the Qasr al-Hallabat mosque, where polylobed arches are used as structural elements.[14]: 513–514 Jonathan Bloom also argues that the intersecting cusped arches of the Great Mosque of Cordoba were a local development, likely the result of a deliberate elaboration from the older two-tiered round arches that were part of the mosque since its initial foundation in 785.[18]: 72
The typical multifoil arches that appear in later buildings of Al-Andalus and North Africa also have precedents inFatimid architecture inIfriqiya and Egypt, for example atBab Zuweila (dated to 1091).Georges Marçais argued that both the Great Mosque of Cordoba and Fatimid architecture in Ifriqiya were probably the most relevant precedents which led to the adoption and development of multifoil arches in the western regions of the Islamic world.[17]: 232–234 Multifoil arches appear prominently in the 11th-centuryAljaferia palace of theTaifas period in al-Andalus. In theAlmoravid andAlmohad periods (11th–13th centuries), this type of arch was further refined for decorative functions whilehorseshoe arches continued to be standard elsewhere.[17]: 232–234 They appear, for example, in theGreat Mosque of Tlemcen (in present-dayAlgeria) and theMosque of Tinmal (present-day Morocco).[17]: 232 The motif of intersecting multifoil arches also gave rise to thesebka motif which is frequently employed in the art and architecture of the region.[17]: 257–258 In Egypt, the cusped trefoil or trilobed arch became a characteristic decorative feature ofportals in late Fatimid architecture andMamluk architecture (from approximately the 12th to 16th centuries).[19]: 191 [20]: 89
The cusped arch is attested inHindu temple architecture such as the trilobed or trefoil arches of theMartand Temple (8th century) and thetemple of Pandrethan (10th century), both inKashmir,[22] as well as at the temple ofMalot (10th century) in northernPunjab.[23]: 58 The example at the Martand Temple is made with acorbelled stone construction.[24] This use of a trefoil arch, typically inside a triangularpediment on the façade of temples, was a characteristic feature of Hindu architecture in Kashmir and thewestern Himalayan region during this time.[25][24][26] Some of the earliest trefoil-arched entrances in this tradition are attested in temples atBilot andMari-Indus, dated byMichael W. Meister to the late 6th or early 7th century and the 8th century, respectively.[23]: 31, 36–37 Over the 9th and 10th centuries this style evolved further and sometimes incorporated five-lobed (or cinquefoil) arches, as exemplified in theAmb temples dated to this period.[23]: 31 The most important contribution ofIndo-Islamic architecture to this region was the introduction the"true" arch during theDelhi Sultanate period,[a] which progressively replaced thetrabeate or corbel arch.[22][29] After this, multifoil arches later became a characteristic feature ofMughal architecture during the 17th century,[30][31][32] particularly during the reign ofShah Jahan (r. 1628–1658).[33][34] It was also characteristic ofRajput architecture, which developed in close relation with Mughal architecture during theMughal era.[35][31]
In the architecture of Christian Europe, multifoil arches appear occasionally inRomanesque architecture, with some early examples inFrance such as thechapel of Saint-Michel-d’Aiguilhe inLe Puy-en-Velay, France (10th–11th century) and theAbbey of Cluny (circa 1100).[1][46]: 272 In the Christian territories of the Iberian Peninsula (present-day Spain), the earliest examples are from the early 12th century and found in theCollegiate Church of San Isidoro inLéon and theCathedral of Santiago de Compostela.[46]: 272 These early Iberian examples were highly similar to the multifoil arches of contemporary Islamic/Moorish architecture in al-Andalus and were probably directly appropriated from the latter.[47]: 105–107 [46]: 272 Scholars Francine Giese and Sarah Keller argue that this initial appropriation from Muslim architecture was likely intended to express a sense of triumph and superiority over Islamic al-Andalus at the time, but that over the course of the 12th century the motif becameacculturated to Romanesque art and then developed independently from al-Andalus in both Christian Iberia and France.[46]: 272 As a result, multifoil arches became more common and developed multiple variations in the Romanesque architecture of these regions during the later 12th century.[47]: 105–107 [46]: 272 InToledo, after its conquest byCastile in 1085, the new churches andsynagogues which were built in the 12th century and after were designed in aMudéjar style that frequently incorporated polylobed arches as part of its visual repertoire.[46]: 273 TheCathedral of Toledo, whose construction began in the 13th century, was built primarily in a Gothic style but also incorporates polylobed arches (most notably in thetriforium of theambulatory), suggesting that this motif had by then become thoroughly assimilated to local Christian architecture.[46] Multifoil arches, particularly trefoil arches, became common in Gothic architecture for portals and decoration throughout Europe.[2] Cusped forms (not necessarily as arches) were also common to form the motifs used in Gothictracery.[1]
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