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Cullen number

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Mathematical concept

Inmathematics, aCullen number is a member of theinteger sequenceCn=n2n+1{\displaystyle C_{n}=n\cdot 2^{n}+1} (wheren{\displaystyle n} is anatural number). Cullen numbers were first studied byJames Cullen in 1905. The numbers are special cases ofProth numbers.


In 1976Christopher Hooley showed that thenatural density of positiveintegersnx{\displaystyle n\leq x} for whichCn is aprime is of theordero(x) forx{\displaystyle x\to \infty }. In that sense,almost all Cullen numbers arecomposite.[1] Hooley's proof was reworked by Hiromi Suyama to show that it works for any sequence of numbersn·2n +a +b wherea andb are integers, and in particular also forWoodall numbers. The only knownCullen primes are those forn equal to:

1, 141, 4713, 5795, 6611, 18496, 32292, 32469, 59656, 90825, 262419, 361275, 481899, 1354828, 6328548, 6679881 (sequenceA005849 in theOEIS).

Still, it isconjectured that there are infinitely many Cullen primes.

A Cullen numberCn isdivisible byp = 2n − 1 ifp is aprime number of the form 8k − 3; furthermore, it follows fromFermat's little theorem that ifp is anodd prime, thenp dividesCm(k) for eachm(k) = (2k − k)  (p − 1) − k (fork > 0). It has also been shown that the prime numberp dividesC(p + 1)/2 when theJacobi symbol (2 | p) is −1, and thatp dividesC(3p − 1)/2 when the Jacobi symbol (2 | p) is + 1.

It is unknown whether there exists a prime numberp such thatCp is also prime.

Cp follows therecurrence relation

Cp=4(Cp1+Cp2)+1{\displaystyle C_{p}=4(C_{p-1}+C_{p-2})+1}.


Sometimes, ageneralized Cullen number baseb is defined to be a number of the formn·bn + 1, wheren + 2 > b; if a prime can be written in this form, it is then called ageneralized Cullen prime.Woodall numbers are sometimes calledCullen numbers of the second kind.[2]

As of October 2021, the largest known generalized Cullen prime is 2525532·732525532 + 1. It has 4,705,888 digits and was discovered by Tom Greer, aPrimeGrid participant.[3][4]

According toFermat's little theorem, if there is a primep such thatn is divisible byp − 1 andn + 1 is divisible byp (especially, whenn =p − 1) andp does not divideb, thenbn must becongruent to 1 modp (sincebn is a power ofbp − 1 andbp − 1 is congruent to 1 modp). Thus,n·bn + 1 is divisible byp, so it is not prime. For example, if somen congruent to 2 mod 6 (i.e. 2, 8, 14, 20, 26, 32, ...),n·bn + 1 is prime, thenb must be divisible by 3 (exceptb = 1).

The leastn such thatn·bn + 1 is prime (with question marks if this term is currently unknown) are[5][6]

1, 1, 2, 1, 1242, 1, 34, 5, 2, 1, 10, 1, ?, 3, 8, 1, 19650, 1, 6460, 3, 2, 1, 4330, 2, 2805222, 117, 2, 1, ?, 1, 82960, 5, 2, 25, 304, 1, 36, 3, 368, 1, 1806676, 1, 390, 53, 2, 1, ?, 3, ?, 9665, 62, 1, 1341174, 3, ?, 1072, 234, 1, 220, 1, 142, 1295, 8, 3, 16990, 1, 474, 129897, ?, 1, 13948, 1, ?, 3, 2, 1161, 12198, 1, 682156, 5, 350, 1, 1242, 26, 186, 3, 2, 1, 298, 14, 101670, 9, 2, 775, 202, 1, 1374, 63, 2, 1, ... (sequenceA240234 in theOEIS)
bNumbersn such thatn ×bn + 1 is prime[5]OEIS sequence
32, 8, 32, 54, 114, 414, 1400, 1850, 2848, 4874, 7268, 19290, 337590, 1183414, ...A006552
41, 3, 7, 33, 67, 223, 663, 912, 1383, 3777, 3972, 10669, 48375, 1740349, ...A007646
51242, 18390, ...
61, 2, 91, 185, 387, 488, 747, 800, 9901, 10115, 12043, 13118, 30981, 51496, 515516, ..., 4582770A242176
734, 1980, 9898, 474280, ...A242177
85, 17, 23, 1911, 20855, 35945, 42816, ..., 749130, ...A242178
92, 12382, 27608, 31330, 117852, ...A265013
101, 3, 9, 21, 363, 2161, 4839, 49521, 105994, 207777, ...A007647
1110, ...
121, 8, 247, 3610, 4775, 19789, 187895, 345951, ...A242196
143, 5, 6, 9, 33, 45, 243, 252, 1798, 2429, 5686, 12509, 42545, 1198433, 1486287, 1909683, ...A242197
158, 14, 44, 154, 274, 694, 17426, 59430, ...A242198
161, 3, 55, 81, 223, 1227, 3012, 3301, ...A242199
1719650, 236418, ...
181, 3, 21, 23, 842, 1683, 3401, 16839, 49963, 60239, 150940, 155928, 612497, ...A007648
196460, ...
203, 6207, 8076, 22356, 151456, 793181, 993149, ...A338412


  1. ^Everest, Graham;van der Poorten, Alf; Shparlinski, Igor; Ward, Thomas (2003).Recurrence sequences. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs. Vol. 104.Providence, RI:American Mathematical Society. p. 94.ISBN 0-8218-3387-1.Zbl 1033.11006.
  2. ^Marques, Diego (2014)."On Generalized Cullen and Woodall Numbers That are Also Fibonacci Numbers"(PDF).Journal of Integer Sequences.17.
  3. ^"PrimeGrid Official Announcement"(PDF).Primegrid. 28 August 2021. Retrieved14 November 2021.
  4. ^"PrimePage Primes: 2525532 · 73^2525532 + 1" from the original on 2021-09-04. Retrieved14 November 2021.
  5. ^abLöh, Günter (6 May 2017)."Generalized Cullen primes".
  6. ^Harvey, Steven (6 May 2017)."List of generalized Cullen primes base 101 to 10000".

Further reading

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