Acraft name, also referred to as amagical name, is a secondary religious name often adopted by practitioners ofWicca and other forms ofNeopaganwitchcraft ormagic. Craft names may be adopted as a means of protecting one's privacy (especially for those who are "in thebroom closet"), as an expression of religious devotion, or as a part of aninitiation ritual. It may also be used as a protective method, as it is believed by some that one's "true name" can be used to identify that person for the purpose of magical activities (predominantly curses).
The idea of using an alternate name as an attempt to develop a different persona is not restricted to Neopagans: Samuel Clemens' adoption of the nameMark Twain has been described as the adoption of a magical name.[1] Before the emergence of Neopaganism similar pseudonyms appear to have been used by writers ofgrimoires such asThe Book of Abramelin, attributed to theRabbiYaakov Moelin.[2]
In traditional forms of Wicca, such asGardnerian orAlexandrian, Craft names are typically adopted primarily out of regard for their symbolism. Craft names may be carefully guarded and used only with members of one's owncoven. Some Wiccans will use two different Craft names, one with the general public (or the Neopagan community) and one with their covenmates.[3] Wiccans who choose to conceal their religion to avoidreligious discrimination may use a craft name when speaking to the press. The use of Craft names as online handles for Neopaganism- or Wicca-related groups and discussions has become increasingly common.
The use (or over-use) of "outer court" Craft names (to be used outside of initiates-only or "inner-court" settings) is the subject of some debate. Some treat the choosing of a name as a solemn and significant event[4] while others regard the practice as an affectation to be ridiculed.[5]
Craft names of some famous Wiccans and otherNeopagan witches include: