Acowl is a device used on akiln to keep the weather out of and to induce a flow of air through the kiln. They are normally associated withoasts but can also be found onbreweries (Letheringsett,Norfolk),maltings (Ware, Hertfordshire;Hadlow, Kent) andwatermills (East Linton,East Lothian).[1][2]
This section deals with the traditional cowls found on oasts, with particular reference to the South East. From the outside, a cowl appears to just sit on the roof of the kiln. High in the roof of the kiln is a beam spanning the centre, called thesprattle beam, this carries a bearing which thepintle on the bottom of thecentre post sits in. At the top of the kiln, the centre post passes through a two or three armedtop stay iron. At the top of the centre post is carried theback board which carries anelmcurb ring at the bottom, and one or two curb rings higher up on all except the smallest of cowls. Atie beam could also be carried, either at each curb level, or just the bottom curb level, spanning the width of the cowl. The top of the backboard carries a shapedtop plate to which the weatherboards were affixed. The whole is covered in taperedweatherboards, widest at the bottom and narrowest at the top. Slotted through the centre post and attached to the back board is the distinctivefinger which sometimes carried a motif. The finger assisted the turning of the cowl in light winds. Weatherboards would be attached to the cowl withnails made fromcopper. Cowls were usually painted white, although some were cream. The cowl is constructed so that when looking down vertically on a kiln, it covers the whole of the opening. It also covers some2⁄3 to3⁄4 of thecircumference of the kiln opening, the remaining section being open to allow air to vent from the kiln.[3][4]
The size of cowls is expressed as height from top plate to base by width of kiln opening covered. Cowls varied in size from 7 ft × 5 ft (2.1 m × 1.5 m) to 24 ft × 15 ft (7.3 m × 4.6 m).
The cowl always has its back into thewind, with the finger pointing in the directiontoward which the wind is blowing. As the wind blows past the cowl, it creates a lowpressure area inside the edge boards of the cowl. In the bottom of the kiln are various openings; with these open, a flow of air through the kiln is created, added to which is the heated air when a kiln is in userising naturally as it is lessdense than cold air.[3]
The building and maintenance of cowls was generally the job of awheelwright. To remove a cowl, acowl pole would be bolted to one of the main beams of the kiln, and the top would protrude from the top of the kiln. Arope would be passed over thepulley at the top of the cowl pole and tied around the cowl. The finger would be removed, and the coach bolt securing the centre post to the backboard undone. The cowl could then be lifted off thetenon at the top of the centre post and lowered down the kiln. Ropes were also tied at each end of the tie beam if present. The cowl could either be lowered inverted, or alternatively, aladder would be placed against the kiln roof and the cowl be carried down by the wheelwright, the weight being mainly taken by those in the kiln working on the rope. It was important to avoid damaging the kiln roof. Replacement was a reversal of the above process. A series of illustrations showing the process can be foundhere. The modern method involves using a mobile crane.[3]
There are variations in style among cowls.
Reports in the media have mentioned the cowls can creak and is a 'feature' of oast houses. This is generally true, however the creaking can be eliminated by greasing the bearing. By climbing inside and putting grease at the bottom of the pole and around the top metal ring all noises when the cowl turns are thwarted. Some use a long stick with grease on to reach the very top as it can be as much as 7M above the internal floor.