TheCoup of 1809 (Swedish:Statskuppen 1809) also referred to as theRevolution of 1809 (Swedish:Revolutionen 1809) was a Swedishcoup d'état 13 March that year by a group of noblemen led byGeorg Adlersparre, with support from the Western Army.[1] The coup resulted in the deposition of KingGustav IV Adolf and the introduction ofa new Instrument of Government.[2][3] The coup was provoked by the disastrousFinnish War. The leaders of the coup are known in history collectively as1809 års män ('Men of 1809').
The coup executors convened a parliament orRiksdag, which met on 1 May, and handed over power to it. The Riksdag declared the king deposed and elected his uncleCharles XIII as the new king. In negotiating the newconstitution, Charles XIII and subsequent kings were able to retain some measure ofabsolute power with theRoyal Right of Disposal.