1:Pinus nigra subsp.nigra (1a: var.nigra, 1b: var.pallasiana, 1c: var.caramanica). 2:Pinus nigra subsp.salzmannii (2a: var.salzmannii, 2b: var.corsicana, 2c: var.mauretanica)
Pinus nigra, theAustrian pine[2] orblack pine, is a moderately variable species ofpine, occurring acrossSouthern Europe from theIberian Peninsula[3] to the eastern Mediterranean, on the Anatolian peninsula of Turkey, Corsica and Cyprus, as well as Crimea and in the high mountains of Northwest Africa. The world's oldest black pine, located in the Banaz district of Uşak, Türkiye, is estimated to be 1000 years old. This makes it significant in the country, which is known for a very dry climate, inhospitable for most trees. It has a height of 11 meters, a diameter of 3 meters and a circumference of 9.60 meters.[4]
The world's oldest black pine tree is about 1000 years old and is in Turkey
Pinus nigra is a largeconiferousevergreentree, growing to 20–55 metres (66–180 feet) high at maturity and spreading to 6 to 12 m (20 to 39 ft) wide. Thebark is gray to yellow-brown, and is widely split by flaking fissures into scaly plates, becoming increasingly fissured with age. Theleaves ('needles') are thinner and more flexible in western populations.[citation needed]
The ovulate and pollen cones appear from May to June. The mature seed cones are 5–10 centimetres (2–4 inches) (rarely to 11 cm) long, with rounded scales; they ripen from green to pale gray-buff or yellow-buff in September to November, about 18 months after pollination. The seeds are dark gray, 6–8 millimetres (1⁄4–5⁄16 in) long, with a yellow-buff wing20–25 mm (3⁄4–1 in) long; they are wind-dispersed when the cones open from December to April. maturity is reached at 15–40 years; large seed crops are produced at 2–5 year intervals.[citation needed]
Pinus nigra is moderately fast growing, at about 30–70 cm (12–28 in) per year. It usually has a rounded conic form, that becomes irregular with age. The tree can be long-lived, with some trees over 500 years old. Multiple pests can damageP. nigra, includingT. piniperda.
The species is divided into two subspecies, each further subdivided into three varieties.[5] Some authorities (e.g.Flora Europaea) treat several of the varieties at subspecific rank, but this reflects tradition rather than sound taxonomy, as the distinctions between the taxa are small.[6]
P. nigra subsp.nigra in the east of the range, from Austria, northeast and central Italy, east to the Crimea and Turkey. Needles stout, rigid, 1.5–2 mm diameter, with 3–6 layers of thick-walled hypodermal cells.
P. nigra subsp.nigra var.nigra (syn.Pinus nigra var.austriaca,Pinus nigra subsp.dalmatica) (Austrian pine): Austria, Balkans (except southern Greece).
P. nigra subsp.nigra var.caramanica (Turkish black pine): Turkey, Cyprus, southern Greece.
P. nigra subsp.nigra var.italica (Italian black pine): central Italy (Villetta Barrea, in Abruzzo National Park)
P. nigra subsp.nigra var.pallasiana (syn.Pinus nigra subsp.pallasiana) (Crimean pine): Crimea, Cyprus.
P. nigra subsp.salzmannii in the west of the range, from southern Italy to southern France, Spain and North Africa. Needles slender, more flexible, 0.8–1.5 mm diameter, with 1–2 layers of thin-walled hypodermal cells.
P. nigra subsp.salzmannii var.salzmannii (Pyrenean pine): Pyrenees, Southern France, Northern Spain.
P. nigra subsp.salzmannii var.corsicana (syn.Pinus nigra subsp.laricio,Pinus nigra var.maritima) (Corsican pine): Corsica, Sicily, Southern Italy.
Pinus nigra subsp.dalmatica(Vis.) Franco (synonymsP. dalmaticaVis.,P. nigra var.dalmatica(Vis.) Businský,P. nigra f.leucodermoidesFukarek & M.Nikolic).[10] Endemic to Croatia, where it is found on the islands ofBrač,Hvar, andKorčula and thePelješac peninsula. TheIUCN Red List assessed it asendangered.[11]
Pinus nigra subsp.laricioPalib. ex Maire (synonymsP. altissimaCarrière,P. italicaHerter,P. karamanaMast.,P. laricioPoir.,P. nigra var.calabrica(Loudon) C.K.Schneid.,P. nigra var.corsicana(Loudon) Hyl.,P. nigra var.maritima(Aiton) Melville,P. sylvestris var.maritimaAiton)[12] – Corsican Pine. Native toCorsica,Sicily, and the southernApennines inCalabria.[9] The IUCN Red List assesses the subspecies asleast-concern.[13]
Pinus nigra subsp.nigra eastern Austria to the Balkan Peninsula – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia.[14]
Pinus nigra subsp.pallasiana(Lamb.) Holmboe (synonymsP. fenzleyiAntoine & Kotschy ex Carrière,P. nigra subsp.caramanica(Loudon) Businský,P. pallasianaLamb.,P. ponticaK.Koch,P. taurica(Loudon) Steud.) Native to Cyprus, the East Aegean Islands, Crimean Peninsula, North Caucasus, and European and Asiatic Turkey.[15]
Pinus nigra subsp.salzmannii(Dunal) Franco (synonymsP. nigra var.mauretanicaMaire & Peyerimh.,P. nigra var. 'monspeliensis(Lavallée) Slavin,P. pyrenaicaLapeyr.,P. salzmanniiDunal) – south-central France (Cévennes forest) to thePyrenees, Spain, northern Morocco (Rif Mountains), and Algeria (Hodna Mountains).[16]
Pinus nigra f.seneriana(Saatçioglu) Kandemir & Mataraci – northwestern Turkey.[17]
Pinus nigra var.yaltirikianaAlptekin – northern Turkey.[18]
It is found at elevations ranging from sea level to 2,000 m (6,600 ft), most commonly from 250–1,600 m (820–5,250 ft). Several of the varieties have distinct English names.[19]It needs full sun to grow well, isintolerant of shade, and is resistant to snow and ice damage.[citation needed]
It has naturalized in parts of the midwestern states of the United States,normally south of the normal native ranges of native pines.[clarification needed][citation needed]
Pinus nigra is a light-demanding species, intolerant of shade but resistant to wind and drought.[20]The easternP. nigra subsp.nigra exhibits greater winter frost hardiness (hardy to below −30 °C) than the westernP. nigra subsp.salzmannii (hardy to about −25 °C).[21]
Different provenances (seed sources by geographic area) or varieties are adapted to different soil types: Austrian and Pyrenees origins grow well on a wide range of soil types, Corsican origins grows poorly onlimestone, while Turkish and Crimean origins grow well on limestone. Most provenances also show good growth onpodzolic soils.[citation needed]
The timber of European black pine is similar to that of Scots pine (P. sylvestris) andred pine (P. resinosa), being moderately hard and straight-grained. It does however tend to be rougher, softer, and not as strong, due to its faster growth. It is used for general construction, fuel, and in paper manufacture.[citation needed]
In the United Kingdom,Pinus nigra is important both as a timber tree and inplantations (primarily Corsican pine subsp.). Recently however, serious problems have occurred with red band needle blight disease, caused by thefungusDothistroma septosporum, resulting in a major recent decline in forestry planting there.[22] In the United States it is of low importance as atimber species.[citation needed]
In regard to Austrian pine, the fungusDothistroma septosporum is widespread and rapidly spreading out of control throughout the United States. It is out of control and not recommended for landscaping, especially in groups or rows.[citation needed]
In Turkey, this pine (subsp. pallasiana) was and is used in various ways, both topically and internally, as well as for construction and for livestock. Among its uses are curingacne,common cold,osteomyelitis, andviral infections; acting as anoral antiseptic; treating cracked hands and feet in the winter; and sealing wooden roofs.[citation needed]
In the US and Canada, the European black pine is planted as a street tree, and as anornamental tree in gardens and parks. Its value as a street tree is largely due to its resistance to salt spray (from road de-icing salt) and various industrial pollutants (includingozone), and its intermediate drought tolerance. In the UK the tree is planted as an ornamental tree in parks and gardens. It is planted with great success as far north as Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.[23]
In both the US and UK most of the specimens planted are from Austrian sources, theP. nigra subsp.nigra andP. nigra subsp.nigra var.nigra seed selections. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, when demand for natural trees was extremely high, its rapid growth, deep green color and low cost made it briefly a popular Christmas tree, but the extreme length of the needles (making it very difficult to decorate) soon led to its fall from favor, and it has long since been abandoned in the US for that purpose.[citation needed]
P. nigra is planted forwindbreaks andshelterbelts in the US, recommended for windbreaks in the Northern Great Plains on medium to deep moist or upland soils.[citation needed]