Córdoba has thehighest summer temperatures in Spain and Europe, with average high temperatures around 37 °C (99 °F) in July and August.[11] Summers are very dry whereas the mild winters have frequent rainfall.
The nameCórdoba has attracted fanciful explanations. One theory, suggested in 1799 byJosé Antonio Conde, is that the name comes fromPunicqart ṭūbah "good town" as Córdoba was founded duringCarthaginian Iberia. After theRoman conquest, the town's name was Latinised asCorduba.[12] During the era of Muslim rule the city was known inArabic asQurṭubah (Arabic:قرطبة).[13]
Corduba became a colonia with the nameColonia Patricia[18] between 46 and 45 BC. It was sacked byJulius Caesar in 45 because of its fealty toPompey and resettled with veteran soldiers byAugustus. It became the capital ofBaetica, with a forum and numerous temples, and was the main center of Roman intellectual life inHispania Ulterior.[19][15] The Roman philosopherSeneca the Younger, his father, the oratorSeneca the Elder, and his nephew, the poetLucan came from Roman Córdoba.[20]
In the late Roman period,Hosius of Corduba or "Bishop Ossius" was the dominant figure of theLatin Church throughout the earlier 4th century.[15] Later, Corduba occupied an important place in theProvincia Hispaniae of theByzantine Empire (552–572); the Visigoths conquered it in the late 6th century.[21][22]
Córdoba was captured by the Muslims in 711 or 712.[23] Unlike other Iberian towns, no capitulation was signed and the position was taken by storm. Córdoba was in turn governed by direct Arab rule. The new Umayyad commanders established themselves within the city and in 716 it became the provincial capital,[23] subordinate to theCaliphate of Damascus, replacingSeville. In Arabic it was known asقرطبة (Qurṭuba).
The centre of the Roman and Visigothic cities became the walledmedina. Over time, as many as 21 suburbs (رَبَضrabaḍ, pl.أَرْبَاضarbāḍ) developed around the city.[24]
In 747, a battle took place in the surroundings of Córdoba, theBattle of Saqunda [es], pitting Arab Yemenites against northernerQays.[25]: 8
Following theAbbasid ousting of the Umayyad Caliphate after 750, the surviving Umayyad Abd ar-Rahman crossed to the Iberian Peninsula in 756. He proclaimed himself EmirAbd ar-Rahman I and established his dynasty in Córdoba once therumpwāliYusuf ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Fihri was defeated at a battle outside the city in May 756.[26][27] In 785–786 (169AH) he ordered construction of theGreat Mosque of Córdoba, which was completed the next year and underwent later expansions under his successors.[28][29]
Historians' estimations of Córdoba's population during the 9th century range from 75,000 to 160,000.[30][31] The ruthless repression of the 818 revolt in the southern suburb of Córdoba led to the destruction of the place.[32] In the 10th and 11th centuries Córdoba was one of the most advanced cities in the world, and a great cultural, political, financial and economic centre.[33][34][35]
Córdoba had a prosperous economy, with manufactured goods including leather, metal work, glazed tiles and textiles, and agricultural produce including a range of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, and materials such as cotton, flax and silk.[36] It was also famous as a centre of learning, home to over 80 libraries and institutions of learning,[33][37] with knowledge of medicine, mathematics, astronomy, botany far exceeding the rest of Europe at the time.[36] Later, the vizieral-Mansur – thede facto ruler of al-Andalus from 976 to 1002 – burned most of the books on philosophy from the library of Caliphal-Hakam II to appeaseMaliki jurists (ulama); most of the others were sold off or perished in the civil strife not long after.[38][39]
After a period of weak central rule,Abd ar-Rahman III came to power as emir in 912 and campaigned lengthily and systematically to re-establish the authority of Córdoba across Al-Andalus. In 929, after years of military and diplomatic efforts, he felt confident enough to declare himself "caliph", a title challenging the Abbasid caliphs inBaghdad and theFatimid caliphs in North Africa. This inaugurated the height of Córdoba's power and influence in the 10th century.[40][41] This century saw the construction of two palatine cities in the surroundings of Córdoba:Madīnat al-Zahrā to the west, built by Abd ar-Rahman III, and another one built later byal-Mansur (Medina Alzahira [es]) to the east.[42]Isa al-Razi describes Cordoba as "surrounded by many beautiful estates" and many varied fruit trees. The inner city of Cordoba was surrounded by 11 palaces, 22almuna and 12arbad (or suburbs), mainly on the right bank of the Guadalquivir, and in particular to the north and west of the city. Not much later,Ibn Bashkuwal lists a total of 21 suburbs (two to the south, three to the north, seven to the east and nine to the west). To the north, part of the rabad al-Rusafa was located just south of the present Parador of Arruzafa (or Parador of Cordoba), where excavations in the 1990s uncovered the remains of a variety ofalmuna, Roman villas and irrigation systems (with onealjibe of the early medieval period preserved in the basement of a private suburban house).[43]The economic historianJ. Bradford DeLong estimates the city's population at 400,000 around 1000 AD,[10] while estimates from other historians range from 100,000 to 1,000,000 during the same era.[44] Whatever Córdoba's population was, the city's apogee came to an abrupt halt after the 1009 crisis.[45]
On 15 February 1009, withHisham II as caliph andAbd al-Rahman Sanchuelo as hajib (andde facto ruler), a revolution broke out in Córdoba, which led to the proclamation of an alternative caliph.[46] This marked the beginning of a long period of civil war and conflict in Al-Andalus known as theFitna. Berbers entered and sacked Córdoba in May 1013.[47]Hisham III was routed from Córdoba on 30 November 1031 and an oligarchic republic replaced the caliphate.[48][49]
Under rule of the Banu Yahwar, Cordobese power did not extend far from the city, as other independent polities emerged in the rest of the former caliphate.[45][50] An estimation of 65,000 inhabitants has been proposed for 11th-century Córdoba.[51]
In 1070, forces from the AbbadidTaifa of Seville entered Córdoba to help in the defence of the city, which had been besieged byal-Mamun of Toledo, ruler of Toledo, yet they took control and expelled the last ruler of the taifa of Córdoba, Abd-Al Malik, forcing him to exile.[52] Al-Mamun did not cease in his efforts to take the city, and making use of a Sevillian renegade who murdered the Abbadid governor, he triumphantly entered the city on 15 February 1075, only to die there barely five months later, apparently poisoned.[53]: 40 Córdoba was seized by force in March 1091 by theAlmoravids.[54] In 1121, the population revolted against the abuses of the Almoravid governor.[55]
Almohad caliphAbdallah al-Adil appointedAl-Bayyasi [es] (brother ofZayd Abu Zayd) as governor of Córdoba in 1224, only to see the later became independent from Caliphal rule.[57] Al-Bayyasi askedFerdinand III of Castile for help and Córdoba revolted against him.[58] Years later, in 1229, the city submitted to the authority ofIbn Hud,[59] disavowing him in 1233, joining instead the territories underMuhammad Ibn al-Aḥmar,[60] ruler of Arjona and soon-to-be emir of Granada.
Ferdinand III entered the city on 29 June 1236, following a siege of several months. According to Arab sources, Córdoba fell on 23Shawwal 633 (that is, on 30 June 1236, a day later than Christian tradition).[61] Upon the city's conquest the mosque was converted into a Catholic cathedral dedicated to theVirgin Mary (Santa Maria).[62][63] This was also followed by the return toSantiago de Compostela of the church bells that had been looted by Almanzor and moved to Córdoba by Christian war prisoners in the late 10th century.[64] Ferdinand III granted the city afuero in 1241;[65] it was based on theLiber Iudiciorum and in the customs ofToledo, yet formulated in an original way.[66] Unlike the case of other kingdoms of the Crown of Castile, the widerKingdom of Córdoba distinctly lackedrealengo (royal demesne) council towns other than the capital city itself.[67] In addition, the military orders had a comparatively lesser presence across the realm.[68] The city was divided into 14colaciones,[citation needed] and numerous new church buildings were added.
By the end of the 13th century, the land belonging to the council of Córdoba peaked at about 12,000 km2.[69] It progressively reduced upon creation of new lordships, amounting to about 9,000 km2 by the end of the middle ages.[69]
The city's surrounding countryside was raided during the 1277–78 Marinid expedition in the Guadalquivir valley.[70] In 1282, in the context of the problematic succession of Alfonso X of Castile, an army formed by the latter's supporters as well as Marinid forces laid siege to the city (whereprince Sancho was) for 21 days.[71][72][73] The city council had indeed joined a newly created brotherhood in 1282 together with other councils of the Upper Guadalquivir defending Sancho's dynastic rights against Alfonso's regal authoritarianism.[74]
Many decades after during theThird Siege of Gibraltar in 1333, a diversionary Granadian army raided the countryside of Cordoba and encamped on the far side of the Roman Bridge of Cordoba. However the diversionary army had to return to Gibraltar to help their Marinid counterparts so no further action was taken.[75] In 1368, during theCastilian Civil War, the city, loyal to theTrastámara side, was attacked by forces supporting ofPeter I, with Granadan backing.[76]
In the context of theEarly Modern Period, the city experienced a golden age between 1530 and 1580, profiting from an economic activity based on the trade ofagricultural products and the preparation of clothes originally fromLos Pedroches, peaking at a population of about 50,000 by 1571.[77] A period of stagnation and ensuing decline followed.[77]
People in front of an inn in Córdoba (1910)
It was reduced to 20,000 inhabitants in the 18th century.[78] The population and economy started to increase again only in the early 20th century. The second half of the 19th century saw the arrival of railway transport via the opening of the Seville–Córdoba line on 2 June 1859.[79]
On 18 July 1936, the military governor of the province, ColonelCiriaco Cascajo [es], launched the Nationalistcoup in the city, bombing the civil government and arresting the civil governor, Rodríguez de León;[82] these actions ignited theSpanish Civil War. Following the orders of theputschist GeneralQueipo de Llano, he declared a state of war. The putschists were met by the resistance of the political and social representatives who had gathered in the civil government headquarters,[83] and remained there until the Nationalist rifle fire and the presence of artillery broke their morale. When its defenders began fleeing the building, Rodríguez de León finally decided to surrender and was arrested.[84]
In the following weeks, Queipo de Llano and Major Bruno Ibañez carried out a bloody repression in which 2,000 persons were executed.[85][86][87] The ensuingFrancoist repression in wartime and in the immediate post-war period (1936–1951) is estimated to have led to around 9,579 killings in the province.[88]
Córdoba is located in the south of theIberian Peninsula, in theGuadalquivir depression formed by theGuadalquivir river, that cuts across the city in an east-north east to west-south west direction. The wider municipality extends across an area of 1,254.25 km2,[90] making it the largest municipality inAndalusia and the fourth largest in Spain.[91]
The city of Córdoba lies in the middle course of the river. Three major landscape units in the municipality include the Sierra (as in the southern reaches ofSierra Morena), the Valley proper and theCampiña.[92]
The differences in elevation in the Valley are very small, ranging from 100 and 170 metres above sea level,[92] with the city proper located at an average altitude of roughly 125 metres above sea level.[93] The landscape of the valley is further subdivided in thepiedmont connecting with the Sierra, thefluvial terraces and the most immediate vicinity of the river course.[92]
TheMioceneCampiña, located in the southern bank of the Guadalquivir, features a hilly landscape gently increasing in height up to about 200 m.[93] In theSierra, to the north of the city, the altitude increases relatively abruptly up to 500 meters.[93] Both theSierra and theCampiña display viewpoints over the valley.[92]
Córdoba has a hotMediterranean climate (Köppen climate classificationCsa).[94] It has the highest summer average daily temperatures in Spain and Europe (with highs averaging 37 °C (99 °F) in July and August) and days with temperatures over 40 °C (104 °F) are common in the summer months. August's 24-hour average of 28.3 °C (83 °F) is also one of the highest in Europe, despite relatively cool nightly temperatures.[95] On average, Córdoba has 16 days with maximum temperatures over 40 °C (104 °F) and 68 days with maximum temperatures over 35 °C (95 °F).[96] These scorching summers occur due to its location in theGuadalquivir Valley, which is considered to be the region with the hottest summer in Europe and even one of the hottest summers in the world that is not located in a semi-arid or arid region.[97][98]
Winters are mild, yet cooler than other low lying cities in southern Spain due to its interior location, wedged between the Sierra Morena and the Penibaetic System. Precipitation is concentrated in the coldest months; this is due to thedry summer climate pattern featured in large parts of the Iberian Peninsula. Precipitation is generated by storms from the west that occur most frequently from December to February. This Atlantic characteristic then gives way to a hot summer with significant drought more typical of Mediterranean climates. Annual rain surpasses 600 mm (24 in), although it is recognized to vary from year to year.
In July 2022, there were 19 days with highs over 40 °C (104 °F) and 30 days with highs over 35 °C (95 °F), with the average high of 40.4 °C (104.7 °F) for that month, which is the highest ever recorded in the country and in Europe among all cities with a population over 100,000.[99][100] On 27 April 2023, Córdoba broke the record for the highest maximum temperature recorded inpeninsular Spain andEurope in a month of April, which registered 38.8 °C (101.8 °F).[101] The registered maximum temperature at theCórdoba Airport, located at 6 km (4 mi) from the city, was 46.9 °C (116.4 °F) on 13 July 2017 and 14 August 2021.[102] The lowest registered temperature was −8.2 °C (17.2 °F), on 28 January 2005.[103]
Climate data for Córdoba Airport (1991-2020), extremes (1949-present)
TheRoman Bridge, over the Guadalquivir River, links the area of Campo de la Verdad with Barrio de la Catedral. It was the only bridge of the city for twenty centuries, until the construction of the San Rafael Bridge in the mid-20th century. It was initially built in the early 1st century BC during the reign of emperor Augustus but significantly rebuilt in the 8th century under Umayyad rule. It has a length of about 250 m and has 16 arches.[106]
Other Roman remains include theRoman Temple, the Theatre,Mausoleum, the Colonial Forum, theForum Adiectum, an amphitheater and the remains of the Palace of EmperorMaximian in the archaeological site of Cercadilla.[107]
From 784- 786 AD, Abd al-Rahman I built the Great Mosque of Córdoba, one of the most famous monuments ofWestern Islamic (Moorish) architecture[108][109][110] and for centuries the third largest mosque in the world.[111] It integrated aspects ofIslamic architecture with some indigenous elements ofRoman andVisigothic architecture.[63] Later Umayyad rulers expanded the mosque, adding a minaret and extending the prayer hall. A major 10th-century expansion resulted in the elaboratemihrab and other ornate embellishments seen today.[63] After the Christian conquest of the city the mosque was converted to a cathedral. It underwent significant modifications in the 16th century but much of the original structure remains.[63] The building was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1984.[89]
Built in 930 AD, the mosque that this minaret adorned has been replaced by a church and the minaret re-purposed as a tower. It retains characteristics of Islamic architecture in the region, including a doublehorseshoe-arch windows.[109][112]
The Calahorra is a fortified tower standing at the southern end of the city's Roman Bridge. Its original construction is attributed to the Almohad period.[114][115] It now houses the Al-Andalus Living Museum (Museo Vivo de Al-Andalus), a museum on the cultural achievements of Al-Andalus.[116][117]
On the outskirts of the city lies the archaeological site of Madinat al-Zahra, the 10th-century palace-city. It is another major example of Islamic architecture in Spain and has been undergoing excavation and reconstruction since 1911.[120]
Near the cathedral is the old Jewish quarter, which consists of many irregular streets that preserve some of the city's medieval aspect.[112] It contains a museum, the Sepharad House,[121][122] and theSynagogue, built in 1315.[123]
Surrounding the large Old town are theRoman walls: gates include the Puerta de Almodóvar, the Puerta de Sevilla andPuerta del Puente, which are the only three gates remaining from the original thirteen. Towers and fortresses include theMalmuerta Tower,Torre de Belén and the Puerta del Rincón's Tower.
In the south of the Old town and east of the great cathedral, in thePlaza del Potro, is thePosada del Potro, a row ofinns mentioned in literary works includingDon Quixote andLa Feria de los Discretos, and which remained active until 1972. Both the plaza and the inn get their name from the fountain in the centre of the plaza, which represents a foal (potro). Not far from this plaza is theArco del Portillo (a 14th-century arch). In the extreme southwest of the Old Town is theAlcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, a former royal property and the seat of theInquisition; adjacent to it are theRoyal Stables, whereAndalusian horses are bred. Palace buildings in the Old Town include thePalacio de Viana (14th century) and thePalacio de la Merced among others. Other sights include theCuesta del Bailío (a staircase connecting the upper and lower part of the city).
The city is home to 12 Christian churches that were built (many as transformations of mosques) by Ferdinand III of Castile after the reconquest of the city in the 13th century. They were to act both as churches and as the administrative centres in the neighborhoods into which the city was divided in medieval times. Some of those that remain are:
San Agustín. Begun in 1328, it has now an 18th-century appearance. The façade bell tower, with four bells, dates to the 16th century.
San Andrés, largely renovated in the 14th and 15th centuries. It has a Renaissance portal (1489) and a bell tower from the same period, while the high altar is aBaroque work byPedro Duque Cornejo.
Scattered throughout the city are ten statues of theArchangel Raphael, protector and custodian of the city. These are called the Triumphs of Saint Raphael, and are located in landmarks such as the Roman Bridge, the Puerta del Puente and the Plaza del Potro.
In the western part of the Historic Centre are the statue of Seneca (near thePuerta de Almodóvar, a gate from the time of Islamic rule, (the Statue ofAverroes (next to thePuerta de la Luna), andMaimonides (in the plaza de Tiberiades). Further south, near the Puerta de Sevilla, are the sculpture to the poetIbn Zaydún and the sculpture of the writer and poetIbn Hazm and, inside theAlcázar de los Reyes Cristianos, the monument to theCatholic Monarchs and Christopher Columbus.
There are also several sculptures in plazas of the Old Town. In the central Plaza de las Tendillas is the equestrian statue ofGonzalo Fernández de Córdoba, in the Plaza de Capuchinos is the Cristo de los Faroles, in Plaza de la Trinidad is the statue ofLuis de Góngora, in the Plaza del Cardenal Salazar is the bust of Ahmad ibn Muhammad abu Yafar al-Gafiqi, in the Plaza de Capuchinas is the statue to the bishop Osio, in Plaza del Conde de Priego is the monument toManolete and the Campo Santo de los Mártires is a statue toAl-Hakam II and the monument to the lovers.
In the Guadalquivir river, near the San Rafael Bridge is the Island of the sculptures, an artificial island with a dozen stone sculptures executed during the International Sculpture Symposium. Up the river, near the Miraflores bridge, is the "Hombre Río", a sculpture of a swimmer looking to the sky and whose orientation varies depending on the current.
San Rafael Bridge, consisting of eight arches of 25 m span and a length of 217 m. The width is between parapets, divided into 12 m of cobblestone for four circulations and two tiled concrete sidewalks. It was inaugurated on 29 April 1953 joining the Avenue Corregidor with Plaza de Andalucía. In January 2004 the plaques reading "His Excellency the Head of State and Generalissimo of all the Armies, Francisco Franco Bahamonde, opened this bridge of the Guadalquivir on 29 April 1953", which were on both sides of each of the entrances of the bridge, were removed.
Andalusia Bridge, a suspension bridge.
Puente de Miraflores, known as "the rusty bridge". This bridge links the Street San Fernando and Ronda de Isasa with the Miraflores peninsula. It was designed by Herrero, Suárez and Casado and inaugurated on 2 May 2003. At first, in 1989, a proposal by architect-engineerSantiago Calatrava was considered[125] that would look like the Lusitania Bridge ofMérida, but this was eventually discarded because its height would obscure the view of the Great Mosque.
Autovía del Sur Bridge.
Abbas Ibn Firnas Bridge, inaugurated in January 2011. It is part of the variant west of Córdoba.
Puente del Arenal, connecting Avenue Campo de la Verdad with the Recinto Ferial (fairground) of Córdoba.
Jardines de la Victoria. Within the gardens there are two newly renovated facilities, the old Caseta del Círculo de la Amistad, today Caseta Victoria, and the Kiosko de la música, as well as a smallModernist fountain from the early 20th century. The northern section, called Jardines ofDuque de Rivas, features a pergola of neoclassical style, designed by the architect Carlos Sáenz de Santamaría; it is used as an exhibition hall and a café bar.
Jardines de la Agricultura, located between the Jardines de la Victoria and the Paseo de Córdoba: it includes numerous trails that radially converge to a round square which has a fountain or pond. This is known as the duck pond, and, in the centre, has an island with a small building in which these animals live. Scattered throughout the garden are numerous sculptures such as the sculpture in memory ofJulio Romero de Torres, the sculpture to the composerJulio Aumente and the bust ofMateo Inurria. In the north is arose garden in form of a labyrinth.
Parque de Miraflores, located on the south bank of the riverGuadalquivir. It was designed by the architect Juan Cuenca Montilla as a series of terraces. Among other points of interest as the Salam and Miraflores Bridge and a sculpture byAgustín Ibarrola.
Parque Cruz Conde, located southwest of the city, is an open park and barrier-free park inEnglish gardens style.[126]
Paseo de Córdoba. Located on the underground train tracks, it is a long tour of several km in length with more than 434,000 m2. The tour has numerous fountains, including six formed by a portico of falling water which form a waterfall to a pond with four levels. Integrated into the tour is a pond of water from theRoman era, and the building of the old train station of RENFE, now converted into offices ofCanal Sur.
Jardines Juan Carlos I, in the Ciudad Jardín neighborhood. It is a fortress which occupies an area of about 12,500 square metres.
Jardines del Conde de Vallellano, located on both sides of the avenue of the same name. It includes a large L-shaped pond with a capacity of 3,000 m3 (105,944.00 cu ft) and archaeological remains embedded in the gardens, among which is a Roman cistern from the second half of the 1st century BC.
Parque de la Asomadilla, with a surface of 27 hectares, is the second largest park in Andalusia.[127] The park recreates a Mediterranean forest vegetation, such as hawthorn, pomegranate, hackberry, oak, olive, tamarisk, cypress, elms, pines, oaks and carob trees among others.
Balcón del Guadalquivir.
Jardines de Colón.
Sotos de la Albolafia. Declared Natural monument by the Andalusian Autonomous Government, it is located in a stretch of the Guadalquivir river from the Roman Bridge and the San Rafael Bridge, with an area of 21.36 hectares.[128] Host a large variety of birds and is an important point of migration for many birds.
TheArchaeological and Ethnological Museum of Córdoba is a provincial museum located near theGuadalquivir River.[129] The museum was officially opened in 1867 and shared space with theMuseum of Fine Arts until 1920. In 1960, the museum was relocated to the Renaissance Palace of Páez de Castillo where it remains to present day. The Archaeological and Ethnological Museum has eight halls which contain pieces from the middle to late Bronze Age, to Roman culture, Visigothic art, and Islamic culture.[130]
TheJulio Romero de Torres Museum is located next to the Guadalquivir and was opened in November 1931.[131] The home ofJulio Romero de Torres, has undergone many renovations and been turned into a museum and it has also been home to several other historical institutions such as the Archaeological Museum (1868-1917) and theMuseum of Fine Arts. Many of the works include paintings and motifs done byJulio Romero de Torres himself.[132]
TheFine Arts Museum of Córdoba is located next to the Julio Romero de Torres Museum which it shares a courtyard with.[133] The building originally was for the old Hospital for Charity but after that the building went under many renovations and renewals to become the renaissance style building it is today.[134][135] The Museum of Fine Arts contains many works from the baroque period, medieval renaissance art, work from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, drawings, mannerist art and other unique works.[136]
The Diocesan Museum is located in theCórdoba's Episcopal Palace which was built upon the former Umayyadalcázar. The collection within houses many paintings, sculptures and furniture.[137]
Interiorpatio during the Courtyards Festival of Córdoba - World Heritage
Tourism is especially intense in Córdoba during May as this month hosts three of the most important annual festivals in the city:[138]
Las Cruces de Mayo (The May Crosses of Córdoba).[139] This festival takes place at the beginning of the month. During three or four days, crosses of around 3m height are placed in many squares and streets and decorated with flowers and a contest is held to choose the most beautiful one. Usually there is regional food and music near the crosses.
Los Patios de Córdoba (TheCourtyards Festival of Córdoba - World Heritage).[140] This festival is celebrated during the second and third week of the month. Many houses of the historic center open their private patios to the public and compete in a contest. Both the architectonic value and the floral decorations are taken into consideration to choose the winners. It is usually very difficult and expensive to find accommodation in the city during the festival.
La Feria de Córdoba (The Fair of Córdoba).[141] This festival takes place at the end of the month and is similar to the better knownSeville Fair with some differences, mainly that the Sevilla Fair has majority privatecasetas (tents run by local businesses), while the Córdoba Fair has majority public ones.
The City Council of Córdoba is divided into different areas: the Presidency; Human Resources, Management, Tax and Public Administration; City Planning, Infraestructure, and Environment; Social; and Development.[142] The Council holds regular plenary sessions once a month, but can hold extraordinary plenary session to discuss issues and problems affecting the city.[143]
The Governing Board, chaired by the mayor, consists of fourIU councillors, three of PSOE, and three non-elected members.[144][145] The municipal council consists of 29 members: 11 ofPP, 7 of PSOE, 4 of IU, 4 ofGanemos Córdoba, 2 ofCiudadanos and 1 ofUnión Cordobesa.
List of mayors since the democratic elections of 1979
As of July 2008, the city is divided into 10 administrative districts, coordinated by the Municipal district boards, which in turn are subdivided into neighbourhoods:
Córdoba's main sports team is its association football team,Córdoba CF, which plays in the SpanishLaLiga HyperMotion following a brief one-season tenure inLa Liga during the 2014–15 season. Home matches are played at theEstadio Nuevo Arcángel, which has 20,989 seats.
Córdoba railway station is connected by high speed trains to the following Spanish cities:Madrid, Barcelona,Seville,Málaga andZaragoza. More than 20 trains per day connect the downtown area, in 54 minutes, with Málaga María Zambrano station, which provides interchange capability to destinations along the Costa del Sol, includingMálaga Airport.
Córdoba has an airport, although there are no airlines operating commercial flights on it. The closest airports to the city areSeville Airport (110 km as the crow flies),Granada Airport (118 km) and Málaga Airport (136 km).[149][150]
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