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Convolution power

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Mathematical concept

Inmathematics, theconvolution power is then-fold iteration of theconvolution with itself. Thus ifx{\displaystyle x} is afunction onEuclidean spaceRd andn{\displaystyle n} is anatural number, then the convolution power is defined by

xn=xxxxxn,x0=δ0{\displaystyle x^{*n}=\underbrace {x*x*x*\cdots *x*x} _{n},\quad x^{*0}=\delta _{0}}

where denotes the convolution operation of functions onRd and δ0 is theDirac delta distribution. This definition makes sense ifx is anintegrable function (inL1), a rapidly decreasingdistribution (in particular, a compactly supported distribution) or is a finiteBorel measure.

Ifx is the distribution function of arandom variable on the real line, then thenth convolution power ofx gives the distribution function of the sum ofn independent random variables with identical distributionx. Thecentral limit theorem states that ifx is in L1 and L2 with mean zero and variance σ2, then

P(xnσn<β)Φ(β)as n{\displaystyle P\left({\frac {x^{*n}}{\sigma {\sqrt {n}}}}<\beta \right)\to \Phi (\beta )\quad {\rm {{as}\ n\to \infty }}}

where Φ is the cumulativestandard normal distribution on the real line. Equivalently,xn/σn{\displaystyle x^{*n}/\sigma {\sqrt {n}}} tends weakly to the standard normal distribution.

In some cases, it is possible to define powersx*t for arbitrary realt > 0. If μ is aprobability measure, then μ isinfinitely divisible provided there exists, for each positive integern, a probability measure μ1/n such that

μ1/nn=μ.{\displaystyle \mu _{1/n}^{*n}=\mu .}

That is, a measure is infinitely divisible if it is possible to define allnth roots. Not every probability measure is infinitely divisible, and a characterization of infinitely divisible measures is of central importance in the abstract theory ofstochastic processes. Intuitively, a measure should be infinitely divisible provided it has a well-defined "convolution logarithm." The natural candidate for measures having such a logarithm are those of (generalized)Poisson type, given in the form

πα,μ=eαn=0αnn!μn.{\displaystyle \pi _{\alpha ,\mu }=e^{-\alpha }\sum _{n=0}^{\infty }{\frac {\alpha ^{n}}{n!}}\mu ^{*n}.}

In fact, theLévy–Khinchin theorem states that a necessary and sufficient condition for a measure to be infinitely divisible is that it must lie in the closure, with respect to thevague topology, of the class of Poisson measures (Stroock 1993, §3.2).

Many applications of the convolution power rely on being able to define the analog ofanalytic functions asformal power series with powers replaced instead by the convolution power. Thus ifF(z)=n=0anzn{\displaystyle \textstyle {F(z)=\sum _{n=0}^{\infty }a_{n}z^{n}}} is an analytic function, then one would like to be able to define

F(x)=a0δ0+n=1anxn.{\displaystyle F^{*}(x)=a_{0}\delta _{0}+\sum _{n=1}^{\infty }a_{n}x^{*n}.}

Ifx ∈ L1(Rd) or more generally is a finite Borel measure onRd, then the latter series converges absolutely in norm provided that the norm ofx is less than the radius of convergence of the original series definingF(z). In particular, it is possible for such measures to define theconvolutional exponential

exp(x)=δ0+n=1xnn!.{\displaystyle \exp ^{*}(x)=\delta _{0}+\sum _{n=1}^{\infty }{\frac {x^{*n}}{n!}}.}

It is not generally possible to extend this definition to arbitrary distributions, although a class of distributions on which this series still converges in an appropriate weak sense is identified byBen Chrouda, El Oued & Ouerdiane (2002).



Ifx is itself suitably differentiable, then from theproperties of convolution, one has

D{xn}=(Dx)x(n1)=xD{x(n1)}{\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}{\big \{}x^{*n}{\big \}}=({\mathcal {D}}x)*x^{*(n-1)}=x*{\mathcal {D}}{\big \{}x^{*(n-1)}{\big \}}}

whereD{\displaystyle {\mathcal {D}}} denotes thederivative operator. Specifically, this holds ifx is a compactly supported distribution or lies in theSobolev spaceW1,1 to ensure that the derivative is sufficiently regular for the convolution to be well-defined.



In the configuration random graph, the size distribution ofconnected components can be expressed via the convolution power of the excessdegree distribution (Kryven (2017)):

w(n)={μ1n1u1n(n2),n>1,u(0)n=1.{\displaystyle w(n)={\begin{cases}{\frac {\mu _{1}}{n-1}}u_{1}^{*n}(n-2),&n>1,\\u(0)&n=1.\end{cases}}}

Here,w(n){\displaystyle w(n)} is the size distribution for connected components,u1(k)=k+1μ1u(k+1),{\displaystyle u_{1}(k)={\frac {k+1}{\mu _{1}}}u(k+1),} is the excess degree distribution, andu(k){\displaystyle u(k)} denotes thedegree distribution.

Asconvolution algebras are special cases ofHopf algebras, the convolution power is a special case of the (ordinary) power in a Hopf algebra. In applications toquantum field theory, the convolution exponential, convolution logarithm, and other analytic functions based on the convolution are constructed as formal power series in the elements of the algebra (Brouder, Frabetti & Patras 2008). If, in addition, the algebra is aBanach algebra, then convergence of the series can be determined as above. In the formal setting, familiar identities such as

x=log(expx)=exp(logx){\displaystyle x=\log ^{*}(\exp ^{*}x)=\exp ^{*}(\log ^{*}x)}

continue to hold. Moreover, by the permanence of functional relations, they hold at the level of functions, provided all expressions are well-defined in an open set by convergent series.

See also



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