Standing Turkey was one of three Cherokee leaders to go withHenry Timberlake toLondon in 1762-1763, the others beingOstenaco and Pouting Pigeon.
In 1782, he was one of a party of Cherokee which joined theDelaware,Shawnee, andChickasaw in a diplomatic visit to the Spanish at Fort St. Louis in seeking a new avenue of obtaining arms and other assistance in the prosecution of their ongoing conflict with the Americans in the Ohio Valley. The group of Cherokee led by Standing Turkey sought and received permission to settle in Spanish Louisiana, in the region of theWhite River.[3]
^Conocotocko and his uncleConocotocko I bore the same name. Conley'sCherokee Encyclopedia says the name "has suffered perhaps the worst indignities of any Cherokee name of this period" due to its many and sometimes aberrant spellings.[1] Spelling variations include Canackte, Canacaught, Canacackte, Canacockte, Caneecatee, Cannacaughte, Conarcortuker, Concauchto, Connagatucheo, Connecocartee, Connecorte, Connecortee, Connecote, Connetarke, Connocotte, Connocte, Conocortee, Conocotocho, Conogotocke, Conocotocko, Conogotocho, Conogotocka, Conogotocke, Conogotocko, Conogtoco, Cunigatogae, Cunnacatoque, Cunnicatoque, Guhna-gadoga, Kanagagot, Kanagagota, Kanagataucko, Kanagatoga, Kana-gatoga, Kanagatucko, Kanetekoka, and Kunagadoga.
^Cunne Shote is a corruption of his Cherokee name mistakenly based onFrenchChote, "Chota" (thede facto capital of the Cherokee).[2]
^American Scene 1977, p. 11: "The title, 'Cunne Shote,' is a misnomer. In Cherokee, his name is rendered 'Kanagagota [sic].' [Francis] Parsons relied on a colonial corruption, 'Cunnicatoque,' which he abbreviated to 'Cunne' and to which he added the word 'shote,' a corruption of Chote, a town in the Cherokee Nation, to get his title. In this way Kanagagota (Standing Turkey) became Cunne Shote (Turkey of Chote)";Nies 1996, p. 188: "When he went to London in 1762 with other Cherokee leaders, and had his portrait painted, the artist misunderstood his name as Cunne Shote, a mispronunciation of the chief's name and the Cherokee capital, Echota."