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List of text editors

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The following is a list of notabletext editors.

Graphical and text user interface


The following editors can either be used with agraphical user interface or atext user interface.

ElvisA vi/ex clone with additional commands and features.ClArtistic
Extensible Versatile Editor (EVE)Default underOpenVMS.?
GNU Emacs[1][2][3][4][5]/XEmacs[6][7]Two long-existing forks of the popularEmacs programmer's editor. Emacs andvi are the dominant text editors onUnix-likeoperating systems, and have inspired theeditor wars.GPL-3.0-or-later /GPL-2.0-or-later
Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE)Programmer's Editor forOpenVMS implemented usingTPU.?
TextadeptA modular, cross-platform editor written inC andLua, usingScintilla.[8]MIT
vile (vi like Emacs)A vi work-alike which retains the vi command-set while adding new features: multiple windows and buffers, infinite undo, colorization, scriptable expansion capabilities, etc.GPL-2.0-only
vim[9][10][11][12]A clone based on the ideas of thevi editor and designed for use both from acommand line interface and in agraphical user interface.Vim

Graphical user interface

AcmeA User Interface for Programmers byRob Pike.MIT
Apache OpenOffice WriterWord processor and text editor of theApache OpenOffice Suite, based onStarOffice's suite.Apache-2.0
ArachnophiliaAsource code editor which is successor to another HTML editor, WebThing.Free software
AtomA modular, general-purpose editor built usingHTML,CSS andJavaScript on top ofChromium andNode.js.MIT
BBEditAproprietarytext editor originally developed forMacintoshSystem Software 6Proprietary
BluefishA source code editor with web development features.GPL-2.0-or-later
BracketsA modular, web-oriented editor built usingHTML,CSS andJavaScript on top of theChromium Embedded Framework.MIT
CodeWrightAn editing system or source code editor which can be configured to work with otherintegrated development environment (IDE) systems.Proprietary
Crimson EditorAtext editor which is typically used as asource code editor andHTML editor.Freeware
CygnusEd (CED)Proprietary
E Text EditorDefault underIBMOS/2 versions 2-4[citation needed].Proprietary
EddieAn editor originally made forBeOS and later ported toLinux andmacOS.Freeware
EmEditorextensiblecommercialtext editor which supportsUnicode,syntax highlighting and vertical selection editing, editing of large files (up to 248 GB or 2.1 billionlines)Proprietary
EpsilonAprogrammer'stext editor modelled afterEmacs.Proprietary
FeatherPadA lightweight editor based onQt.GPL-3.0-or-later
GeanyA fast and lightweight editor –IDE, usesGTK+.GPL-2.0-or-later
geditFormer default underGNOME until GNOME 42.[13]GPL-2.0-or-later
GNOME Text EditorDefault underGNOME from GNOME 42 onwards[14]GPL-3.0-or-later
GoldED (text editor ofCubic IDE)Proprietary
HxDAn editor for huge files, working with both binary data and texts.Freeware
iA WriterA multi-platformMarkdown text editor with writing focused feature setProprietary
jEditA free cross-platform programmer's editor written inJava,GPL licensed.GPL-2.0-or-later
JOVEJonathan's Own Version of EmacsJOVE
KateA basic text editor for theKDE desktop.LGPL,GPL
KeditAn editor with commands andRexx macros similar to IBMXEDIT.Proprietary
KileA user friendlyTeX/LaTeX editor.GPL-2.0-or-later
Komodo EditMPL-1.1
KWriteA default editor onKDE.LGPL
LapisAn experimentaltext editor allowingmultiple simultaneous edits of text in a multipleselection from a fewexamples provided by the user.GPL-2.0
LeafpadDefault underLXDE.[15]GPL-2.0-or-later
LeoA text editor that features outlines with clones as its central tool of organization and navigation.MIT
LibreOffice WriterWord processor and text editor of theLibreOffice Suite, based onStarOffice's suite.MPL-2.0
Light TableA text editor andIDE with real-time, inline expression evaluation. Intended mainly for dynamic languages such asClojure,Python andJavaScript, and for web development.MIT /GPL-3.0-only
mceditA text editor provided withMidnight Commander.GPL-3.0-or-later
MetapadWindows Notepad replacement,GPL licensed.GPL-3.0-or-later
MicroEMACSJASSPA MicroEMACSGPL-2.0-or-later
MousepadThe default underXfce.[16]GPL-2.0-or-later
NEdit – "Nirvana Editor"GPL-2.0-or-later
NotepadDefault underMicrosoft Windows.Proprietary
Notepad++A tabbed text editor.GPL-3.0-or-later
PeA text editor for BeOS.MIT
plumaThe default text editor of theMATE desktop environment for Linux.GPL-2.0-or-later
PolyEditProprietary word processor and text editor.Proprietary
Programmer's File Editor (PFE)Freeware
PSPadAn editor for Microsoft Windows with various programming environments.Freeware
RJ TextEdFreeware
SciTECross-platform, multi-user, multi-codepage, multi-language syntax highlighting, area selector, RE find/replace, and very customisable, allowing different font configurations for each syntactic group, user-defined menus and abbreviation expansion.HPND
SimpleTextDefault underClassic Mac OS from version 7.5.[17]Proprietary
SmultronA macOS text editor.Proprietary
(formerly named Hydra)
Sublime TextProprietary
TeachTextDefault under Classic Mac OS versions prior to 7.5.[18]Proprietary
TED NotepadFreeware
Tex-Edit PlusProprietary
TeXShopTeX/LaTeX editor and previewer.[19][20][21][22]GPL-2.0
TextEditDefault undermacOS,[23]NeXTSTEP[citation needed], andGNUstep.[citation needed]BSD-3-Clause
TextWranglerMac-only editor byBare Bones Software, sunsetted. Final version released 09/20/2016,[24] replaced by free tier of [BBEdit].[25]Freeware
The Hessling EditorGPL-2.0-or-later
The SemWare Editor (TSE)
(formerly named QEdit).
UltraEditText and source code editor withsyntax highlighting, code folding, FTP, etc., handles multi-gigabyte files.Proprietary
Visual Studio Code[26]An extensible code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task running and version control.MIT
X11 XeditMIT
XEDITDefault underVM/CMS.Proprietary

Text user interface


System default

Eis the text editor in PC DOS 6,PC DOS 7 andPC DOS 2000.Proprietary
edThe defaultline editor onUnix since the birth of Unix. Either ed or a compatible editor is available on all systems labeled as Unix (not by default on every one).Free software
EDThe default editor onCP/M,MP/M,Concurrent CP/M,CP/M-86,MP/M-86,Concurrent CP/M-86.Free software
EDITThe default onMS-DOS 5.0 and higher and is included with all 32-bit versions of Windows that do not rely on a separate copy of DOS. Up to includingMS-DOS 6.22, it only supported files up to 64 KB.Proprietary
EDITThe text editor inNovell DOS 7,OpenDOS 7.01,DR-DOS 7.02 and higher. Supports large files for as long as swap space is available. Version 7 and higher optionally supports a pseudo-graphics user interface named NewUI.Proprietary
EDIXThe text editor inConcurrent DOS,Concurrent DOS XM,Concurrent PC DOS,Concurrent DOS 386,FlexOS 286,FlexOS 386,4680 OS,4690 OS,S5-DOS/MT.Proprietary
EDITORThe text editor inDR DOS 3.31 throughDR DOS 6.0, and the predecessor ofEDIT.Proprietary
EDLINA command-line based line editor introduced with86-DOS, and the default onMS-DOS prior to version 5 and is also available on MS-DOS 5.0 and Windows NT.Proprietary
eeStands forEasy Editor, is part of the base system ofFreeBSD, along with vi.[27]Free software
nvi(Installed as vi by default in BSD operating systems and someLinux distributions) – A free replacement for the original vi which maintains compatibility while adding some new features.BSD-3-Clause
vi[9][10][28]The default forUnix systems and must be included in allPOSIX compliant systems[29] – One of the earliest screen-based editors, it is based onex.BSD-4-Clause orCDDL


ECCEECCE (The Edinburgh Compatible Context Editor) is a text editor designed by Dr Hamish Dewar at Edinburgh University.Free software
EmacsA screen-based editor with an embedded computer language,Emacs Lisp. Early versions were implemented in TECO, see below.Free software
JEDMulti-mode, multi-window editor with drop-down menus, folding, ctags support, undo, UTF-8, key-macros, autosave, etc. Multi-emulation; default is emacs. Programmable inS-Lang.GPL-2.0-or-later
JOEA modern screen-based editor with a sort of enhanced-WordStar style to the interface, but can also emulate Pico.Free software
mceditFull featured terminal text editor for Unix-like systems.GPL-3.0-or-later
mgSmall and light, uses GNU/Emacs keybindings. Installed by default on OpenBSD.Public domain
MinEdText editor with user-friendly interface, mouse and menu control, and extensive Unicode and CJK support; for Unix/Linux and Windows/DOS.GPL
GNU nanoA clone of PicoGPL licensed.GPL-3.0-or-later
neA minimal, modern replacement for vi.GPL-3.0-or-later
SETEDITA clone of the editor of Borland's Turbo* IDEs.GPL-2.0-or-later
The SemWare Editor(TSE for DOS)
(formerly called QEdit)

vi clones

BusyBox vi[30]A small vi clone with a minimum of commands and features.GPL-2.0-only
ElvisThe first vi clone and the default vi in Minix.ClArtistic
exOr isvi anex-clone?ex was anextended version ofed. It got a full-screen visual interface, thereby becoming thevi text editor.Free software
KakouneAn editor inspired by vi that makes use of multi cursor workflows and modal editing.[31]Unlicense
nviA new implementation and currently the standard vi in BSD distributions.BSD-3-Clause
StevieSTEVIE (ST Editor for VI Enthusiasts) for the Atari ST, the starting point for vim and xviPublic domain
vileDerived from an early version ofMicroemacs in an attempt to bring theEmacs multi-window/multi-buffer editing paradigm to vi users. First published 1991 with infinite undo, UTF-8 compatibility, multi-window/multi-buffer operation, a macro expansion language, syntax highlighting, file read and write hooks, and more.GPL-2.0-only
vim[12]An extended version of the vi editor, with many additional features designed to be helpful in editing program source code.Vim


No user interface (editor libraries/toolkits)

Cocoa text systemSupports text components ofmacOS.Proprietary
Scintilla (software)Used as the core of several text editors.HPND
sed (stream editor)The standardUnixstreameditor based on the scripting features ined. A utility that parses and transforms text, using a simple, compact programming language.Free software
Text Processing Utility (TPU)Language and runtime package, developed byDEC, used to implement theLanguage-Sensitive Editor andExtensible Versatile Editor, Eve.Proprietary

ASCII and ANSI art


Editors that are specifically designed for the creation ofASCII andANSI text art.

ASCII font editors

  • FIGlet – for creating ASCII art text
  • TheDrawDOS ANSI/ASCII text editor with built-in editor and manager of ASCII fonts



Visual and full-screen editors


Line editors


See also



  1. ^Cameron, D., Rosenblatt, B., Raymond, E., & Raymond, E. S. (1996). Learning GNU Emacs. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
  2. ^Glickstein, B. (1997). Writing GNU Emacs Extensions: Editor Customizations and Creations with Lisp. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
  3. ^Halme, H., & Heinänen, J. (1988). GNU Emacs as a dynamically extensible programming environment. Software: Practice and Experience, 18(10), 999-1009.
  4. ^Schoonover, M. A., & Schoonover, S. (1991). GNU Emacs: UNIX text editing and programming. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
  5. ^Cameron, D., Elliott, J., Loy, M., Raymond, E. S., & Rosenblatt, B. (2005). Learning GNU Emacs. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
  6. ^Stallman, R., & Goyal, R. (1994). Getting Started With XEmacs. One of a complete set of manuals for XEmacs, all available
  7. ^Ayers, L. (1997). A Comparison of Xemacs and GNU emacs. Linux Journal, 1997, 4.
  8. ^"Textadept". Retrieved2014-08-14.
  9. ^abcRobbins, A., Hannah, E., & Lamb, L. (2008). Learning the vi and Vim Editors. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
  10. ^abcRobbins, A. (2011). Vi and Vim Editors Pocket Reference. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
  11. ^Schulz, K. (2007). Hacking Vim: a cookbook to get the most out of the latest Vim editor. Packt Publishing Ltd.
  12. ^abNeil, D. (2015). Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought. Pragmatic Bookshelf.
  13. ^"Apps/Gedit - GNOME Wiki!" Retrieved8 April 2018.
  14. ^"GNOME Release Notes" RetrievedSeptember 26, 2022.
  15. ^"Leafpad"Archived 2008-10-14 at theWayback Machine
  16. ^"Apps:mousepad:start [Xfce Docs]".
  17. ^[dead link]
  18. ^"System 2.0 (4.1/5.5) 800K Disk Contents (9/93)" Retrieved8 April 2018.
  19. ^Mittelbach, F., Goossens, M., Braams, J., Carlisle, D., & Rowley, C. (2004). The LATEX companion. Addison-Wesley Professional.
  20. ^Lamport, L. (1994). LATEX: a document preparation system: user's guide and reference manual. Addison-wesley.
  21. ^Hoenig, A. (1998). TeX unbound: LaTeX & TeX strategies for fonts, graphics, & more. Oxford University Press, USA.
  22. ^Syropoulos, A., Tsolomitis, A., & Sofroniou, N. (2007). Digital typography using LATEX. Springer Science & Business Media.
  23. ^"Mac Basics: TextEdit" Retrieved8 April 2018.
  24. ^Charles Moore (6 March 2017)."So Long Textwrangler, Hello BBEdit" Retrieved28 August 2019.
  25. ^"TextWrangler" Retrieved28 August 2019.
  26. ^Del Sole, A. (2018). Visual Studio Code Distilled: Evolved Code Editing for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Apress.
  27. ^"Chapter 3. FreeBSD Basics | FreeBSD Documentation Portal" Retrieved26 August 2022.
  28. ^abLamb, L., Robbins, A., & Robbins, A. (1998). Learning the vi Editor. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".
  29. ^"vi" Retrieved8 April 2018.
  30. ^Wells, N. (2000). BusyBox: A swiss army knife for linux. Linux Journal, 2000(78es), 10.
  31. ^Voinov, Philippe; Rigger, Manuel; Su, Zhendong (2022-12-01)."Forest: Structural Code Editing with Multiple Cursors".Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software. Onward! 2022. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. pp. 137–152.arXiv:2210.11124.doi:10.1145/3563835.3567663.ISBN 978-1-4503-9909-8.
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