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(Redirected fromCommunities)
Social unit which shares commonality
For other uses, seeCommunity (disambiguation).
Community townhall
Acommunity of interest gathers atStonehenge, England, for the summer solstice.
Part ofa series on
Academic studies
Key concepts
Community development
See also

Acommunity is asocial unit (a group of people) with a shared socially-significant characteristic, such asplace, set ofnorms, culture,religion,values,customs, oridentity. Communities may share a sense of place situated in a given geographical area (e.g. acountry,village,town, orneighborhood) or in virtual space through communication platforms. Durable good relations that extend beyond immediate genealogical ties also define a sense of community, important to people's identity, practice, and roles in socialinstitutions such asfamily, home, work,government, TV network,[clarification needed]society, or humanity at large.[1] Although communities are usually small relative to personal social ties, "community" may also refer to large-group affiliations such asnational communities,international communities, andvirtual communities.[2]

In terms ofsociological categories, a community can seem like a sub-set of asocial collectivity.[3]In developmental views, a community can emerge out of a collectivity.[4]

TheEnglish-language word "community" derives from theOld Frenchcomuneté (Modern French:communauté), which comes from theLatincommunitas "community", "public spirit" (from Latincommunis, "common").[5]

Human communities may haveintent,belief,resources,preferences,needs, andrisks in common, affecting the identity of the participants and their degree ofcohesiveness.[6]

Perspectives of various disciplines




Archaeological studies of social communities use the term "community" in two ways, mirroring usage in other areas. The first meaning is an informal definition of community as a place where people used to live. In this literal sense it is synonymous with the concept of an ancientsettlement—whether ahamlet,village,town, orcity. The second meaning resembles the usage of the term in othersocial sciences: a community is a group of people living near one another who interact socially.Social interaction on a small scale can be difficult to identify with archaeological data. Most reconstructions of social communities by archaeologists rely on the principle that social interaction in the past was conditioned by physical distance. Therefore, a small village settlement likely constituted a social community and spatial subdivisions of cities and other large settlements may have formed communities.Archaeologists typically use similarities inmaterial culture—from house types to styles of pottery—to reconstruct communities in the past. This classification method relies on the assumption that people or households will share more similarities in the types and styles of their material goods with other members of a social community than they will with outsiders.[7]



Early sociological studies identified communities as fringe groups at the behest of local power elites. Such early academic studies includeWho Governs? byRobert Dahl as well as the papers byFloyd Hunter onAtlanta. At the turn of the 21st century the concept of community was rediscovered by academics, politicians, and activists. Politicians hoping for a democratic election started to realign with community interests.[8]


Main article:Community (ecology)

Inecology, a community is an assemblage of populations—potentially of different species—interacting with one another. Community ecology is the branch of ecology that studies interactions between and among species. It considers how such interactions, along with interactions between species and theabiotic environment, affect social structure and species richness, diversity and patterns of abundance.[9] Species interact in three ways:competition,predation andmutualism:

  • Competition typically results in a double negative—that is both species lose in the interaction.
  • Predation involves a win/lose situation, with one species winning.
  • Mutualism sees both species co-operating in some way, with both winning.

The two main types of ecological communities aremajor communities, which are self-sustaining and self-regulating (such as a forest or a lake), andminor communities, which rely on other communities (like fungi decomposing a log) and are the building blocks of major communities. Moreover, we can establish other non-taxonomic subdivisions of biocenosis, such asguilds.

A simplified example of a community. A community includes many populations and how they interact with each other. This example shows interaction between the zebra and the bush, and between the lion and the zebra, as well as between the bird and the organisms by the water, like the worms.



The concept of "community" often has a positive semantic connotation, exploited rhetorically by populist politicians and by advertisers[10]to promote feelings and associations of mutual well-being, happiness and togetherness[11]—veering towards an almost-achievableutopian community.

In contrast, theepidemiological term "community transmission" can have negative implications,[12] and instead of a "criminal community"[13] one often speaks of a "criminal underworld" or of the "criminal fraternity".

Key concepts


Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft

Main article:Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft

InGemeinschaft und Gesellschaft (1887), German sociologistFerdinand Tönnies described two types of human association:Gemeinschaft (usually translated as "community") andGesellschaft ("society" or "association"). Tönnies proposed theGemeinschaftGesellschaftdichotomy as a way to think about social ties. No group is exclusively one or the other.Gemeinschaft stress personalsocial interactions, and the roles, values, and beliefs based on such interactions.Gesellschaft stress indirect interactions, impersonal roles, formal values, and beliefs based on such interactions.[14]

Sense of community

Main article:Sense of community

In a seminal 1986 study, McMillan and Chavis[15] identify four elements of "sense of community":

  1. membership: feeling of belonging or of sharing a sense of personal relatedness,
  2. influence: mattering, making a difference to a group and of the group mattering to its members
  3. reinforcement: integration and fulfillment of needs,
  4. shared emotional connection.
To what extent do participants in joint activities experience asense of community?

A "sense of community index" (SCI) was developed by Chavis and colleagues, and revised and adapted by others. Although originally designed to assess sense of community in neighborhoods, the index has been adapted for use in schools, the workplace, and a variety of types of communities.[16]

Studies conducted by the APPA[who?] indicate that young adults who feel a sense of belonging in a community, particularly small communities, develop fewer psychiatric and depressive disorders than those who do not have the feeling of love and belonging.[17]


Main article:Socialization
Lewes Bonfire Night procession commemorating 17 Protestant martyrs burnt at the stake from 1555 to 1557

The process of learning to adopt thebehavior patterns of the community is calledsocialization. The most fertile time of socialization is usually the early stages of life, during whichindividuals develop the skills and knowledge and learn theroles necessary to function within theirculture andsocial environment.[18] For some psychologists, especially those in thepsychodynamic tradition, the most important period of socialization is between the ages of one and ten. But socialization also includes adults moving into a significantly different environment where they must learn a new set of behaviors.[19]

Socialization is influenced primarily by the family, through which children first learn communitynorms. Other important influences include schools,peer groups, people, mass media, theworkplace, and government. The degree to which the norms of a particular society or community are adopted determines one's willingness to engage with others. The norms oftolerance,reciprocity, andtrust are important "habits of the heart", asde Tocqueville put it, in an individual's involvement in community.[20]


Main article:Community development

Community development is often linked withcommunity work or community planning, and may involve stakeholders, foundations, governments, or contracted entities includingnon-government organisations (NGOs), universities or government agencies to progress the social well-being of local, regional and, sometimes, national communities. More grassroots efforts, calledcommunity building orcommunity organizing, seek to empower individuals and groups of people by providing them with the skills they need to effect change in their own communities.[21] These skills often assist in building political power through the formation of large social groups working for a common agenda. Community development practitioners understand how to work with individuals and affect communities' positions within the context of larger social institutions. Public administrators, in contrast, understand community development in the context of rural and urban development, housing and economic development, and community, organizational and business development.

Formal accredited programs conducted by universities, as part of degree granting institutions, are often used to build a knowledge base to drive curricula inpublic administration,sociology andcommunity studies. TheGeneral Social Survey from theNational Opinion Research Center at theUniversity of Chicago and theSaguaro Seminar at theHarvard Kennedy School are examples of national community development in the United States. TheMaxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University in New York State offers core courses in community and economic development, and in areas ranging from non-profit development to US budgeting (federal to local, community funds). In the United Kingdom, theUniversity of Oxford has led in providing extensive research in the field through itsCommunity Development Journal,[22] used worldwide by sociologists and community development practitioners.

At the intersection between communitydevelopment and communitybuilding are a number of programs and organizations with community development tools. One example of this is the program of theAsset Based Community Development Institute ofNorthwestern University. The institute makes available downloadable tools[23] to assess community assets and make connections betweennon-profit groups and other organizations that can help in community building. The Institute focuses on helping communities develop by "mobilizing neighborhood assets" – building from the inside out rather than the outside in.[24] In the disability field, community building was prevalent in the 1980s and 1990s with roots in John McKnight's approaches.[25][26]

Building and organizing

The anti-waraffinity group "Collateral Damage"protesting theIraq War

InThe Different Drum: Community-Making and Peace (1987)Scott Peck argues that the almost accidental sense of community that exists at times of crisis can be consciously built. Peck believes that conscious community building is a process of deliberate design based on the knowledge and application of certain rules.[27] He states that this process goes through four stages:[28]

  1. Pseudocommunity: When people first come together, they try to be "nice" and present what they feel are their most personable and friendly characteristics.
  2. Chaos: People move beyond the inauthenticity of pseudo-community and feel safe enough to present their "shadow" selves.
  3. Emptiness: Moves beyond the attempts to fix, heal and convert of the chaos stage, when all people become capable of acknowledging their own woundedness and brokenness, common to human beings.
  4. True community: Deep respect and true listening for the needs of the other people in this community.

In 1991, Peck remarked that building a sense of community is easy but maintaining this sense of community is difficult in the modern world.[29] An interview with M. Scott Peck by Alan Atkisson.In Context #29, p. 26.The three basic types of community organizing aregrassroots organizing,coalition building, and "institution-based community organizing", (also called "broad-based community organizing", an example of which isfaith-based community organizing, orCongregation-based Community Organizing).[30]

Community building can use a wide variety of practices, ranging from simple events (e.g.,potlucks, smallbook clubs) to larger-scale efforts (e.g., massfestivals,construction projects that involve local participants rather than outside contractors).

Community building that is geared toward citizen action is usually termed "community organizing".[31] In these cases, organized community groups seek accountability from elected officials and increased direct representation within decision-making bodies. Where good-faith negotiations fail, these constituency-led organizations seek to pressure the decision-makers through a variety of means, including picketing,boycotting, sit-ins, petitioning, and electoral politics.

Community organizing can focus on more than just resolving specific issues. Organizing often means building a widely accessible power structure, often with the end goal of distributing power equally throughout the community. Community organizers generally seek to build groups that are open and democratic in governance. Such groups facilitate and encourageconsensus decision-making with a focus on the general health of the community rather than a specific interest group.[32]

If communities are developed based on something they share in common, whether location or values, then one challenge for developing communities is how to incorporate individuality and differences. Rebekah Nathan suggests[according to whom?] in her book,My Freshman Year, we are drawn to developing communities totally based on sameness, despite stated commitments to diversity, such as those found on university websites.


Participants in Diana Leafe Christian's "Heart of a Healthy Community" seminar circle during an afternoon session at O.U.R.Ecovillage

A number of ways to categorize types of community have been proposed. One such breakdown is as follows:

  1. Location-based: range from the localneighbourhood,suburb,village,town orcity, region, nation or even the planet as a whole. These are also calledcommunities of place.
  2. Identity-based: range from the local clique, sub-culture,ethnic group,religious,multicultural orpluralisticcivilisation, or theglobal community cultures of today. They may be included ascommunities of need oridentity, such asdisabled persons, orfrail aged people.
  3. Organizationally-based: range from communities organized informally aroundfamily ornetwork-based guilds and associations to more formalincorporated associations,politicaldecision-making structures,economic enterprises, or professional associations at a small, national or international scale.
  4. Intentional: a mix of all three previous types, these are highly cohesive residential communities with a common social or spiritual purpose, ranging frommonasteries andashrams to modernecovillages andhousing cooperatives.

The usual categorizations of community relations have a number of problems:[33] (1) they tend to give the impression that a particular community can be defined as just this kind or another; (2) they tend to conflate modern and customary community relations; (3) they tend to take sociological categories such as ethnicity or race as given, forgetting that different ethnically defined persons live in different kinds of communities—grounded, interest-based, diasporic, etc.[34]

In response to these problems,Paul James and his colleagues have developed ataxonomy that maps community relations, and recognizes that actual communities can be characterized by different kinds of relations at the same time:[35]

  1. Grounded community relations. This involves enduring attachment to particular places and particular people. It is the dominant form taken by customary andtribal communities. In these kinds of communities, the land is fundamental to identity.
  2. Life-style community relations. This involves giving primacy to communities coming together around particular chosen ways of life, such as morally charged or interest-based relations or just living or working in the same location. Hence the following sub-forms:
    1. community-life as morally bounded, a form taken by many traditional faith-based communities.
    2. community-life as interest-based, including sporting, leisure-based and business communities which come together for regular moments of engagement.
    3. community-life as proximately-related, where neighbourhood or commonality of association forms a community of convenience, or acommunity of place (see below).
  3. Projected community relations. This is where a community is self-consciously treated as an entity to be projected and re-created. It can be projected as through thin advertising slogan, for examplegated community, or can take the form of ongoing associations of people who seek political integration,communities of practice[36] based on professional projects, associative communities which seek to enhance and support individual creativity, autonomy and mutuality. Anation is one of the largest forms of projected orimagined community.

In these terms, communities can be nested and/or intersecting; one community can contain another—for example a location-based community may contain a number ofethnic communities.[37] Both lists above can be used in a cross-cutting matrix in relation to each other.

Internet communities

Main article:Virtual community

In general,virtual communities value knowledge and information ascurrency or social resource.[38][39][40][41] What differentiates virtual communities from their physical counterparts is the extent and impact of "weak ties", which are the relationships acquaintances or strangers form to acquire information through online networks.[42] Relationships among members in avirtual community tend to focus on information exchange about specific topics.[43][44] A survey conducted byPew Internet and The American Life Project in 2001 found those involved in entertainment, professional, and sports virtual-groups focused their activities on obtaining information.[45]

An epidemic ofbullying and harassment has arisen from the exchange of information between strangers, especially among teenagers,[46] in virtual communities. Despite attempts to implement anti-bullying policies, Sheri Bauman, professor of counselling at the University of Arizona, claims the "most effective strategies to prevent bullying" may cost companies revenue.[47]

Virtual Internet-mediated communities can interact with offlinereal-life activity, potentially forming strong and tight-knit groups such asQAnon.[48]

See also



  1. ^James, Paul; Nadarajah, Yaso; Haive, Karen; Stead, Victoria (2012).Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Development: Other Paths for Papua New Guinea. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. p. 14.[...] we define community very broadly as a group or network of persons who are connected (objectively) to each other by relatively durable social relations that extend beyond immediate genealogical ties and who mutually define that relationship (subjectively) as important to their social identity and social practice.
  2. ^See also:James, Paul (2006).Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism: Bringing Theory Back In – Volume 2 of Towards a Theory of Abstract Community. London: Sage Publications.
  3. ^Rydin, Yvonne (1 October 1999). "Public participation in planning: Public participation and collective decision making". In Cullingworth, J. Barry (ed.).British Planning: 50 Years of Urban and Regional Policy. London: The Athlone Press. p. 196.ISBN 9780485006049. Retrieved6 September 2024.[...] planning decisions are a form of collective decision making. This is not the same thing as decision making by the local community since that represents only a subset of the broader social collectivity.
  4. ^Howell, Signe (2002). "Community beyond place: Adoptive families in Norway". In Amit, Vered (ed.).Realizing Community: Concepts, Social Relationships and Sentiments. European Association of Social Anthropologists. London: Psychology Press. p. 98.ISBN 9780415229074. Retrieved6 September 2024.[...] without [...] interaction [...], a category of collectivity is likely to remain a conceptual category rather than [...] become a community. It seems likely that some sort of social intimacy, particularly when this takes place at vulnerable times, must occur to serve as a paradigmatic vehicle for the wider sense of shared experience.
  5. ^"community".Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.).Oxford University Press.doi:10.1093/OED/1005093760. (Subscription orparticipating institution membership required.)
  6. ^Melih, Bulu (2011).City Competitiveness and Improving Urban Subsystems: Technologies and Applications: Technologies and Applications. IGI Global.ISBN 978-1-61350-175-7.In human communities, intent, belief, resources, preferences, needs, risks, and a number of other conditions may be present and common, affecting the identity of the participants and their degree of cohesiveness.
  7. ^Canuto, Marcello A. and Jason Yaeger (editors) (2000)The Archaeology of Communities. Routledge, New York. Hegmon, Michelle (2002) Concepts of Community in Archaeological Research. InSeeking the Center: Archaeology and Ancient Communities in the Mesa Verde Region, edited by Mark D. Varien and Richard H. Wilshusen, pp. 263–279. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
  8. ^Stephen Danley (2018).A Neighborhood Politics of Last Resort: Post-Katrina New Orleans and the Right to the City. McGill-Queen's University Press. p. 3.ISBN 9780773555891.
  9. ^Nicolson, Malcolm (March 1993)."L. A. Real and J. H. Brown (eds.), Foundations of Ecology: Classic Papers with Commentaries. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press (with the Ecological Society of America), 1991. Pp. xiv + 905".The British Journal for the History of Science.26 (1):129–130.doi:10.1017/s0007087400030673.ISSN 0007-0874.
  10. ^Wilson, Alexander, ed. (1968).Advertising and the Community. Reprints of economic classes (reprint ed.). Manchester: Manchester University Press. p. 39.ISBN 978-0719003363. Retrieved6 June 2021.In Britain, by far the more fashionable concern is that for advertising's value to the community.
  11. ^Everingham, Christine (2003).Social Justice and the Politics of Community. Welfare and society : studies in welfare policy, practice and theory (reprint ed.). Aldershot: Ashgate. p. 21.ISBN 978-0754633983. Retrieved6 June 2021.Community is a very troublesome word then, having a wide range of meanings and connotations but little in the way of specific content. It is particularly useful as a rhetorical device because of its democratic and populist connotations, being associated with 'the people', as distinct from 'the government'.
  12. ^For example:Basu, Mohana (13 March 2020)."What is community transmission — how one can contract COVID-19 without travelling".ThePrint. Printline Media Pvt Ltd. Retrieved6 June 2021.[...] when the source of transmission for a large number of people is not traceable it is called a community transmission. [...]Most types of influenza and bird flu outbreaks in the past were known to have spread through community transmission. The outbreak of H1N1 in 2009, commonly known as swine flu, was primarily through community transmission. [...] In the case of community transmission, contact tracing is inadequate in containing the disease. [...] This is particularly worrisome for health officials because that means the virus is in the community but no one knows where it has come from or track its origins. This also means the virus can be widespread in a community.
  13. ^Feinberg, Joel (1988).The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law: Harmless wrongdoing. Volume 4 of The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 103.ISBN 978-0-19-504253-5. Retrieved6 June 2021.There is, as I have said, a law enforcement community but not a criminal community. Why should that be?
  14. ^Tönnies, Ferdinand (1887).Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft, Leipzig: Fues's Verlag. An English translation of the 8th edition 1935 by Charles P. Loomis appeared in 1940 asFundamental Concepts of Sociology (Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft), New York: American Book Co.; in 1955 asCommunity and Association (Gemeinschaft und gesellschaft[sic]), London: Routledge & Kegan Paul; and in 1957 asCommunity and Society, East Lansing: Michigan State U.P. Loomis includes as an Introduction, representing Tönnies' "most recent thinking", his 1931 article "Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft" inHandwörterbuch der Soziologie (Stuttgart, Enke V.).
  15. ^McMillan, D.W., & Chavis, D.M. 1986. "Sense of community: A definition and theory," p. 16.
  16. ^Perkins, D.D., Florin, P., Rich, R.C., Wandersman, A. & Chavis, D.M. (1990). Participation and the social and physical environment of residential blocks: Crime and community context.American Journal of Community Psychology, 18, 83–115. Chipuer, H.M., & Pretty, G.M.H. (1999). A review of the Sense of Community Index: Current uses, factor structure, reliability, and further development.Journal of Community Psychology, 27(6), 643–658. Long, D.A., & Perkins, D.D. (2003). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Sense of Community Index and Development of a Brief SCI.Journal of Community Psychology, 31, 279–296.
  17. ^"Sense of community: A definition and theory".Archived from the original on 2022-09-07. Retrieved2022-12-29.
  18. ^Newman, D. 2005.Chapter 5. "Building Identity: Socialization"Archived 2012-01-06 at theWayback Machine pp. 134–140.
  19. ^Newman, D. 2005, p. 41.
  20. ^Smith, M. 2001.CommunityArchived 2012-10-29 at theWayback Machine.
  21. ^Kelly, Anthony,With Head, Heart and Hand: Dimensions of Community Building (Boolarong Press)ISBN 978-0-86439-076-9[page needed]
  22. ^Community Development Journal, Oxford University Press
  23. ^ABCD Institute, in cooperation with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. 2006.Discovering Community Power: A Guide to Mobilizing Local Assets and Your Organization's Capacity.[dead link]
  24. ^ABCD Institute. 2006.Welcome to ABCDArchived 2000-08-19 at theWayback Machine.
  25. ^Lutfiyya, Z.M (1988, March).Going for it": Life at the Gig Harbor Group Home. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Center on Human Policy, Research and Training Center on Community Integration.
  26. ^McKnight, J. (1989).Beyond Community Services. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University, Center of Urban Affairs and Policy Research.
  27. ^M. Scott Peck, (1987).The Different Drum: Community-Making and Peace, pp. 83–85.
  28. ^Peck (1987), pp. 86–106.
  29. ^"Sense of Community: A Definition and Theory — Dr. David McMillan".Archived from the original on 2022-12-29. Retrieved2022-12-29.
  30. ^Jacoby Brown, Michael, (2006),Building Powerful Community Organizations: A Personal Guide To Creating Groups That Can Solve Problems and Change the World (Long Haul Press)
  31. ^Walls, David (1994)"Power to the People: Thirty-five Years of Community Organizing"Archived 2010-11-15 at theWayback Machine. FromThe Workbook, Summer 1994, pp. 52–55. Retrieved on: June 22, 2008.
  32. ^Alinsky, Saul D."Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals". 1971.
  33. ^Gerhard Delanty, Community, Routledge, London, 2003.
  34. ^James, Paul (2006).Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism: Bringing Theory Back In – Volume 2 of Towards a Theory of Abstract Community. London: Sage Publications.
  35. ^James, Paul; Nadarajah, Yaso; Haive, Karen; Stead, Victoria (2012).Sustainable Communities, Sustainable Development: Other Paths for Papua New Guinea (pdf download). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  36. ^Etienne Wenger, Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.
  37. ^Tropman John E., Erlich, John L. and Rothman, Jack (2006), "Tactics and Techniques of Community Intervention" (Wadsworth Publishing)
  38. ^Ridings, Catherine M., Gefen, David (2017). From the couch to the keyboard: Psychotherapy in cyberspace. In S. Kiesler (Ed.),Culture of the Internet (pp. 71–102). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, cited in Binik, Y. M., Cantor, J., Ochs, E., & Meana, M. (1997).
  39. ^Ridings, Catherine M., Gefen, David (2017). Asynchronous learning networks as a virtual classroom.Communications of the ACM, 40 (9), 44–49, cited in Hiltz, S. R., & Wellman, B. (1997).
  40. ^Ridings, Catherine M., Gefen, David (2017). A slice of life in my virtual community. In L. M. Harasim (Ed.),Global networks: Computers and international communication (pp. 57–80). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, cited in Rheingold, H. (1993a).
  41. ^Ridings, Catherine M., Gefen, David (2017). Atheism, sex and databases: The Net as a social technology. In S. Kiesler (Ed.),Culture of the Internet (pp. 35–51). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, cited in Sproull, L., & Faraj, S. (1997).
  42. ^Ridings, Catherine M., Gefen, David (2017). The kindness of strangers: The usefulness of electronic weak ties for technical advice.Organization Science, 7 (2), 119–135, cited in Constant, D., Sproull, L., & Kiesler, S. (1996).
  43. ^Baym, N. K. (2000).Tune in, log on: Soaps, fandom and online community. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Inc.
  44. ^Wellman, B., & Gulia, M. (1999a). The network basis of social support: A network is more than the sum of its ties. In B. Wellman (Ed.),Networks in the global village: Life in contemporary communities (pp. 83–118). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  45. ^Horrigan, J. B., Rainie, L., & Fox, S. (2001).Online communities: Networks that nurture long-distance relationships and local ties. Retrieved October 17, 2003 from 2009-02-19 at theWayback Machine.
  46. ^Smith, Peter K.; Mahdavi, Jess; Carvalho, Manuel; Fisher, Sonja; Russell, Shanette; Tippett, Neil (2008). "Cyberbullying: its nature and impact in secondary school pupils".Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines.49 (4):376–385.doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2007.01846.x.ISSN 1469-7610.PMID 18363945.
  47. ^Wellemeyer, James (July 17, 2019)."Instagram, Facebook and Twitter struggle to contain the epidemic in online bullying".MarketWatch. RetrievedSeptember 30, 2019.
  48. ^Dickson, E.J. (22 January 2021)."The QAnon Community Is in Crisis — But On Telegram, It's Also Growing".Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone, LLC.ISSN 0035-791X. Retrieved18 February 2021.On the encrypted messaging app Telegram, however, which is currently serving as a bastion of far-right extremism, the QAnon community is not just thriving, but growing, according to data from the Center for Hate and Extremism.


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Look upcommunity in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
  • Barzilai, Gad. 2003.Communities and Law: Politics and Cultures of Legal Identities. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Beck, U. 1992.Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity. London: Sage: 2000.What is globalization? Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Chavis, D.M., Hogge, J.H., McMillan, D.W., & Wandersman, A. 1986. "Sense of community through Brunswick's lens: A first look."Journal of Community Psychology, 14(1), 24–40.
  • Chipuer, H.M., & Pretty, G.M.H. (1999). A review of the Sense of Community Index: Current uses, factor structure, reliability, and further development.Journal of Community Psychology, 27(6), 643–658.
  • Christensen, K., et al. (2003).Encyclopedia of Community. 4 volumes. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Cohen, A. P. 1985.The Symbolic Construction of Community. Routledge: New York.
  • Durkheim, Émile. 1950 [1895]The Rules of Sociological Method. Translated by S.A. Solovay and J.H. Mueller. New York: The Free Press.
  • Cox, F., J. Erlich, J. Rothman, and J. Tropman. 1970.Strategies of Community Organization: A Book of Readings. Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock Publishers.
  • Effland, R. 1998.The Cultural Evolution of Civilizations Mesa Community College.
  • Giddens, A. 1999. "Risk and Responsibility"Modern Law Review 62(1): 1–10.
  • James, Paul (1996).Nation Formation: Towards a Theory of Abstract Community. London: Sage Publications.
  • Lenski, G. 1974.Human Societies: An Introduction to Macrosociology. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  • Long, D.A., & Perkins, D.D. (2003). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Sense of Community Index and Development of a Brief SCI.Journal of Community Psychology, 31, 279–296.
  • Lyall, Scott, ed. (2016).Community in Modern Scottish Literature. Brill | Rodopi: Leiden | Boston.
  • Nancy, Jean-Luc.La Communauté désœuvrée – philosophical questioning of the concept of community and the possibility of encountering a non-subjective concept of it
  • Muegge, Steven (2013)."Platforms, communities and business ecosystems: Lessons learned about entrepreneurship in an interconnected world".Technology Innovation Management Review.3 (February):5–15.doi:10.22215/timreview/655.
  • Newman, D. 2005.Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life,Chapter 5. "Building Identity: Socialization"Archived 2012-01-06 at theWayback Machine Pine Forge Press. Retrieved: 2006-08-05.
  • Putnam, R.D. 2000.Bowling Alone: The collapse and revival of American community. New York: Simon & Schuster
  • Sarason, S.B. 1974.The psychological sense of community: Prospects for a community psychology. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 1986. "Commentary: The emergence of a conceptual center."Journal of Community Psychology, 14, 405–407.
  • Smith, M.K. 2001.Community.Encyclopedia of informal education. Last updated: January 28, 2005. Retrieved: 2006-07-15.
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