Commandant's Service was the name for themilitary police of someWarsaw Pact[1] and other armies. Its principal duties were providing garrison security and traffic control. It is not to be confused with a similar organization calledTraffic Regulators operated by the Transport Troops of theRear Services.
TheKomendantskaya sluzhba (Russian: комендантская служба) or 'komendatura' (Ru:комендатура) in theSoviet andRussian militaries were designated by a red shield on one or both arms bearing a yellow letter "K", plain redshoulder boards and a white helmet bearing a red star and broad red circumferential stripe.[2] These helmets were generally painted at the unit level[2][3] Thekomendatura have been replaced by the newly establishedMilitary Police (Ru:Военная полиция России or Voennaya politsiya or VP).
At one time the komendatura members wore a black cloth or leather uniform with white helmets and gloves, and belts and holsters.[4][2][5][6]
The Commandment Service is part of theMinistry of Defence, located inSofia and is in charge of real estate management, transportation, library services, documentation publishing and communications support for the central administration of the MoD, transportation support to the immediate MoD personnel, classified information, cryptographic, and perimeter security for the MoD administration buildings.
TheEast German Army Commandant's Service was called theKommandantendienst or KD, in addition to traffic control and military police duties it performed courier services.[1] TheKommandantendienst wore a white stripe on their helmet and a whitecross strap and belt,handgun holster and gloves.[7]