Codex Palatinus is a 5th-century manuscript of theLatinNew TestamentGospels written onpurple dyed parchment. It is designated bye or2 in the Beuron register of Latin New Testament manuscripts.[1][2] The text is a version of theOld Latin New Testament. Most of the manuscript was in theAustrian National Library atVienna until 1919, when it was transferred toTrent, where it is now being kept in the Library ofBuonconsiglio Castle.[3]
Two leaves were separated from the manuscript in the 18th century. One is now in the library ofTrinity College, Dublin (shelf number MS 1709), the other in theBritish Library (shelf number Add. MS 40107) inLondon.[4][2]
The manuscript is acodex (precursor to the modernbook format), containing the text of the fourGospels written on 230 folios (660 pages) made ofvellum (sized 35.5cm x 26cm).[1][2] Similar formats are to be found with other Latin New Testament codicesVercellensis (a),Veronensis (b),Brixianus (f)Vindobonensis (i), andPurpureus Sarzanensis (j). The text is written in two columns, with 19-20 lines per page in gold and silver ink.[1][2] It has numerousgaps.[5] The Gospels follow in the so-called "Western" order: Matthew, John, Luke, Mark.[2][4]
The Latin text of the codex is basicallyAfrican recension, but it has been strongly Europeanized.[1] InJohn 1:34 it reflects ὁ ἐκλεκτός (the chosen) along with manuscripts𝔓5,𝔓105,א,b, ff2,syrc,syrs.[6]
The earliest history of the manuscript is unknown. It was likely produced in north Italy in the 5th century CE.[2] It was acquired fromTrent between 1800 and 1829.[5] It was edited by biblical scholarConstantin von Tischendorf (published inEvangelicum Palatinum ineditum, Leipzig 1847), biblical scholarJohannes Belsheim, and Jülicher.[4][7] It is currently housed in the Library of Buonconsiglio Castle (shelf number Ms 1589).[2]
Digital images of the portion of the manuscript held in the British Library.