Coccinia grandis, theivy gourd, also known asscarlet gourd,[2] is a tropicalvine. It grows primarily intropical climates and is commonly found in the Indian states where it forms a part of the local cuisine.Coccinia grandis is cooked as avegetable dish.
Immature fruits ready for consumption in IndiaIvy gourd at Thrissur, Kerala, India
Itsnative range extends from Africa to Asia, including India, the Philippines, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, eastern Papua New Guinea, and the Northern Territories, Australia. Its documentedintroduced range includes the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Guam, Saipan, Hawaii, the Marshall Islands, Samoa, Tonga, and Vanuatu.[4]
Seeds or fragments of the vine can be relocated and lead to viable offspring. This can occur when humans transport organic debris or equipment containingC. grandis. Once the ivy gourd is established, it is presumably spread by birds, rats, and other mammals. In Hawaii, the fruit may be dispersed by pigs.[4] Long-distance dispersal is most commonly carried out by humans due to its culinary uses or by mistake.
Regarded as veryinvasive and on the Hawaii State Noxious Weed List, ivy gourd can grow up to four inches per day. It grows in dense blankets, shading other plants from sunlight and highjacking nutrients, effectively killing vegetation underneath.[5] It was introduced to Hawaii as a backyardfood crop. It is sometimes tolerated along garden fences and other outdoor features because of its attractive white flowers. It has escaped to become a vigorous pest in Hawaii, Florida, Australia, and Texas.
This plant is a perennial climber with single tendrils and glabrous leaves. The leaves have 5 lobes and are 6.5–8.5 cm long and 7–8 cm wide. The species isdioecious.[6] Female and male flowers emerge at the axils on the petiole, and have 3 stamens.[7]
Both physical and chemical recommendations are made for control of the ivy gourd. Physical control requires pulling up plants by the roots, removing and destroying all stems and fruits, and subsequent policing of the area over several years to destroy (pull up by the roots and remove) seedlings as they sprout. Less rigorous hand-harvesting techniques can make infestations worse, to the point that chemical procedures are required, since plants are able to re-establish themselves from small stem pieces that touch the ground. When usingchemical controls, that ivy gourd responded well to a thin-lined bark application of 100% Garlon 4 (triclopyr), leaving plants in place so as not to translocate the herbicide or spread the pest.[4] It is applied multiple times until the vine dies. In Hawaii, several species of insect have been introduced with the purpose of being abiocontrol. Twoweevils,Acythopeus burkhartorum andA. cocciniae, were introduced by theDepartment of Agriculture to Oahu and Hawaii.African vine moths were also released onto Oahu and Maui. On the island of Maui, theA. cocciniae apparently is established and damaging leaves. Thelarvae feed on the plant and the adults chew holes in the leaves. Themoth has yet to appear successful in its purpose.
They are best when cooked, and are often compared to bitter melon. The fruit is commonly eaten inIndian cuisine. People ofIndonesia and other Southeast Asian countries also consume the fruit and leaves. In U.S. cuisine, rashmati are typically cooked and eaten during work lunches or dinners. InThai cuisine, it is one of the ingredients of the common clear soup dishkaeng jued tum lueng and some currieskaeng khae curry andkaeng lieng curry.
In India, it is eaten as acurry, by deep-frying it along with spices, stuffing it withmasala and sauteing it, or boiling it first in a pressure cooker and then frying it. It is also used insambar, a vegetable and lentil-based soup. The immature fruit is also used raw, preserving its crisp texture, to make a quick fresh pickle. Some people cut it into circles or, in a few cases, dice it up into smaller pieces.