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Blood clot
For the sea sponge genus, seeThrombus (sponge).
"Clot" and "Blood clot" redirect here. For other uses, seeClot (disambiguation).
Not to be confused withEmbolism orThrombosis.
Medical condition
Other namesBlood clot
Diagram of a thrombus (blood clot) that has blocked avein valve
SpecialtyVascular surgery
Symptomsabrupt change inmental status,chest pain, cramp-like feeling,fatigue, passing out (syncope), and swelling in the arm and/or leg
Complicationsbleeding risks from takinganticoagulants, breathing problems,heart attacks,stroke
Durationc. 3–6 months
TypesSuperficial thrombophlebitis andthrombophlebitis migrans
Causesinjury to the artery, sepsis or viral infection,immobility
Risk factorshospitalization,immobility,obesity,pregnancy,physical trauma
Diagnostic methodmagnetic resonance angiography,ultrasound, andvenography
Preventionsmoking cessation, regular exercise, improved blood flow, management of comorbidities
TreatmentAnticoagulants:edoxaban,tinzaparin, unfractionated heparin
Medicationapixaban,edoxaban, andrivaroxaban
Deaths100,000–300,000 each year

Athrombus (pl.thrombi) is a solid or semisolid aggregate from constituents of the blood (platelets, fibrin, red blood cells, white blood cells) within the circulatory system during life.[1][2] While ablood clot is the final product of theblood coagulation step inhemostasis in or out of the circulatory system. There are two components to a thrombus: aggregatedplatelets andred blood cells that form a plug, and a mesh of cross-linkedfibrin protein. The substance making up a thrombus is sometimes calledcruor. A thrombus is a healthy response toinjury intended to stop and prevent further bleeding, but can be harmful inthrombosis, when a clot obstructs blood flow through a healthyblood vessel in thecirculatory system.

In themicrocirculation consisting of the very small and smallest blood vessels thecapillaries, tiny thrombi known as microclots can obstruct the flow of blood in the capillaries. This can cause a number of problems particularly affecting thealveoli in thelungs of therespiratory system resulting from reduced oxygen supply. Microclots have been found to be a characteristic feature in severe cases ofCOVID-19 and inlong COVID.[3]

Mural thrombi are thrombi that adhere to the wall of a largeblood vessel orheart chamber.[4] They are most commonly found in theaorta, the largestartery in the body, more often in thedescending aorta, and less often in theaortic arch orabdominal aorta.[4] They can restrict blood flow but usually do not block it entirely. They appear grey-red along with alternating light and dark lines (known aslines of Zahn) which represent bands of white blood cells and red blood cells (darker) entrapped in layers of fibrin.[5]



Thrombi are classified into two major groups depending on their location and the relative amount of platelets and red blood cells.[6] The two major groups are:

  1. Arterial or white thrombi (characterized by predominance of platelets)
  2. Venous or red thrombi (characterized by predominance of red blood cells).



In themicrocirculation consisting of the very small and smallest blood vessels, thecapillaries, tiny thrombi (microthrombi)[7] known as microclots can obstruct the flow of blood in the capillaries. Microclots are small clumps of blood that form within the circulation, usually as a result of a larger thrombus breaking down into smaller pieces. They can be a cause for concern as they can lead to blockages in small vessels and restrict blood flow, leading to tissue damage and potentially causingischemic events.[citation needed]

Microclots can cause a number of problems particularly affecting thealveoli in thelungs of therespiratory system, resulting from reduced oxygen supply. Microclots have been found to be a characteristic feature in severe cases ofCOVID-19, and inlong COVID.[3][8]

Mural thrombi

Further information:Left ventricular thrombus

Mural thrombi form and adhere on the inner wall of a largeblood vessel orheart chamber, often as a result of blood stasis.[4] They are most commonly found in theaorta, the largestartery in the body, more often in thedescending aorta, and less often in theaortic arch orabdominal aorta.[4] They can restrict blood flow but usually do not block it entirely. Mural thrombi are usually found in vessels already damaged byatherosclerosis.[5]

A mural thrombus can affect any heart chamber. When found in theleft ventricle it is often a result of a heart attack complication. The thrombus in this case can separate from the chamber, be carried through arteries and block a blood vessel.[4] They appear grey-red with alternating light and dark lines (known aslines of Zahn) which represent bands of white blood cells and red blood cells (darker) entrapped in layers offibrin.[citation needed]


Illustration comparing normal artery with diseased artery with a blood clot.

It was suggested over 150 years ago that thrombus formation is a result of abnormalities in blood flow, vessel wall, and blood components. This concept is now known asVirchow's triad. The three factors have been further refined to include circulatory stasis, vascular wall injury, and hypercoagulable state, all of which contribute to increased risk for venous thromboembolism and other cardiovascular diseases.[6]

Virchow's triad describes thepathogenesis of thrombus formation:[9][10]

  1. Endothelial injury: Injury to theendothelium (interior surface of blood vessel), causing platelet activation and aggregation;
  2. Hemodynamic changes (stasis, turbulence): Blood stasis promotes greater contact between platelets/coagulative factors with vascular endothelium. If rapid blood circulation (e.g., because oftachycardia) occurs within vessels that have endothelial injuries, that creates disordered flow (turbulence) that can lead to the formation of thrombosis;[11]
    • Common causes of stasis include anything that leads to prolonged immobility and reduced blood flow such as:trauma/broken bones and extendedair travel.
  3. Hypercoagulability (also calledthrombophilia; any disorder of the blood that predisposes to thrombosis);[12]
    • Common causes include: cancer (leukaemia),factor V mutation (Leiden) – prevents Factor V inactivation leading to increased coagulability.

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) involves widespread microthrombi formation throughout the majority of the blood vessels. This is due to excessive consumption of coagulation factors and subsequent activation offibrinolysis using all of the body's availableplatelets and clotting factors. The result is hemorrhaging and ischemic necrosis of tissue/organs. Causes aresepticaemia, acuteleukaemia,shock, snake bites,fat emboli from broken bones, or other severe traumas. DIC may also be seen inpregnant females. Treatment involves the use offresh frozen plasma to restore the level of clotting factors in the blood, as well as platelets and heparin to prevent further thrombi formation.[citation needed]


Animation of the formation of an occlusive thrombus in a vein. A few platelets attach themselves to the valve lips, constricting the opening and causing more platelets and red blood cells to aggregate and coagulate. Coagulation of unmoving blood on both sides of the blockage may propagate a clot in both directions.

A thrombus occurs when the hemostatic process, which normally occurs in response to injury, becomes activated in an uninjured or slightly injured vessel. A thrombus in a large blood vessel will decrease blood flow through that vessel (termed a mural thrombus). In a small blood vessel, blood flow may be completely cut off (termed an occlusive thrombus), resulting in death of tissue supplied by that vessel. If a thrombus dislodges and becomes free-floating, it is considered anembolus.[citation needed] If an embolus becomes trapped within a blood vessel, it blocks blood flow and is termed as an embolism. Embolisms, depending on their specific location, can cause more significant effects like strokes, heart attacks, or even death.[13]

Mechanism of blood clotting

Some of the conditions which increase the risk of blood clots developing includeatrial fibrillation (a form ofcardiac arrhythmia), heart valve replacement, a recentheart attack (also known as amyocardial infarction), extended periods of inactivity (seedeep venous thrombosis), and genetic or disease-related deficiencies in the blood's clotting abilities.[citation needed]



Platelet activation occurs through injuries that damage theendothelium of the blood vessels, exposing the enzyme calledfactor VII, a protein normally circulating within the vessels, to thetissue factor, which is a protein encoded by the F3 gene.The platelet activation can potentially cause a cascade, eventually leading to the formation of the thrombus.[14] This process is regulated throughthromboregulation.

  • Micrograph showing a thrombus (center of image) within a blood vessel of the placenta. H&E stain.
    Micrograph showing a thrombus (center of image) within a blood vessel of theplacenta.H&E stain.
  • Illustration depicting thrombus formation over arterial plaque.
    Illustration depicting thrombus formation over arterial plaque.
  • Composition of a fresh thrombus at microscopy, showing nuclear debris in a background of fibrin and red blood cells.
    Composition of a fresh thrombus at microscopy, showing nuclear debris in a background offibrin andred blood cells.


Main articles:Thrombolysis,Thrombosis prophylaxis, andReperfusion therapy

Anticoagulants are drugs used to prevent the formation of blood clots, reducing the risk ofstroke,heart attack andpulmonary embolism.Heparin andwarfarin are used to inhibit the formation and growth of existing thrombi, with the former used for acute anticoagulation while the latter is used for long-term anticoagulation.[10] The mechanism of action of heparin and warfarin are different as they work on different pathways of thecoagulation cascade.[15]

Heparin works by binding to and activating the enzyme inhibitorantithrombin III, an enzyme that acts by inactivating thrombin and factor Xa.[15] In contrast, warfarin works by inhibitingvitamin K epoxide reductase, an enzyme needed to synthesize vitamin K dependent clotting factors II, VII, IX, and X.[15][16] Bleeding time with heparin and warfarin therapy can be measured with the partial thromboplastin time (PTT) andprothrombin time (PT), respectively.[16]



Once clots have formed, other drugs can be used to promotethrombolysis or clot breakdown.Streptokinase, an enzyme produced bystreptococcal bacteria, is one of the oldest thrombolytic drugs.[16] This drug can be administeredintravenously to dissolve blood clots incoronary vessels. However, streptokinase causes systemic fibrinolytic state and can lead to bleeding problems.Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is a different enzyme that promotes the degradation of fibrin in clots but not free fibrinogen.[16] This drug is made by transgenic bacteria and converts plasminogen into the clot-dissolving enzyme,plasmin.[17] Recent research indicates that tPA could have toxic effects in the central nervous system. In cases of severe stroke, tPA can cross theblood–brain barrier and enter interstitial fluid, where it then increases excitotoxicity, potentially affecting permeability of the blood–brain barrier,[18] and causing cerebral hemorrhage.[19]

There are also some anticoagulants that come from animals that work by dissolvingfibrin. For example,Haementeria ghilianii, anAmazonleech, produces an enzyme calledhementin from itssalivary glands.[20]



Thrombus formation can have one of four outcomes: propagation, embolization, dissolution, and organization and recanalization.[21]

  1. Propagation of a thrombus occurs towards the direction of the heart and involves the accumulation of additional platelets and fibrin. This means that it is anterograde in veins or retrograde in arteries.
  2. Embolization occurs when the thrombus breaks free from the vascular wall and becomes mobile, thereby traveling to other sites in the vasculature. A venous embolus (mostly fromdeep vein thrombosis in thelower limbs) will travel through the systemic circulation, reach the right side of the heart, and travel through the pulmonary artery, resulting in a pulmonary embolism. Arterial thrombosis resulting from hypertension or atherosclerosis can become mobile and the resulting emboli can occlude any artery or arteriole downstream of the thrombus formation. This means that cerebral stroke, myocardial infarction, or any other organ can be affected.
  3. Dissolution occurs when thefibrinolytic mechanisms break up the thrombus and blood flow is restored to the vessel. This may be aided by fibrinolytic drugs such as Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) in instances of coronary artery occlusion. The best response to fibrinolytic drugs is within a couple of hours, before the fibrin meshwork of the thrombus has been fully developed.
  4. Organization and recanalization involves the ingrowth ofsmooth muscle cells,fibroblasts andendothelium into thefibrin-rich thrombus. If recanalization proceeds it provides capillary-sized channels through the thrombus for continuity of blood flow through the entire thrombus but may not restore sufficient blood flow for the metabolic needs of the downstream tissue.[9]

See also



  1. ^Bang, Nils U.; Beller, Fritz K.; Deutsch, Erwin; Mammen, Eberhard F., eds. (1971-01-01),"Thrombosis",Thrombosis and Bleeding Disorders, Academic Press, pp. 488–534,ISBN 978-0-12-077750-1, retrieved2025-02-27
  2. ^Rubin, Emanuel; Reisner, Howard M. (2009).Essentials of Rubin's Pathology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.ISBN 978-0-7817-7324-9.
  3. ^abPretorius E, Vlok M, Venter C, Bezuidenhout JA, Laubscher GJ, Steenkamp J, Kell DB (August 2021)."Persistent clotting protein pathology in Long COVID/Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) is accompanied by increased levels of antiplasmin".Cardiovasc Diabetol.20 (1): 172.doi:10.1186/s12933-021-01359-7.PMC 8381139.PMID 34425843.
  4. ^abcdeSingh, Davinder P.; Basit, Hajira; Malik, Ahmad; Mahajan, Kunal (5 November 2021)."Mural Thrombi".PMID 30484999. Retrieved11 February 2022.
  5. ^abKaraolanis G, Moris D, Bakoyiannis C, Tsilimigras DI, Palla VV, Spartalis E, Schizas D, Georgopoulos S (August 2017)."A critical reappraisal of the treatment modalities of normal appearing thoracic aorta mural thrombi".Ann Transl Med.5 (15): 306.doi:10.21037/atm.2017.05.15.PMC 5555985.PMID 28856146.
  6. ^ab"Thrombus Formation – Virchow's triad & Types of Thrombi".Thrombosis Adviser. Bayer AG. Retrieved20 March 2020.
  7. ^"Medical Definition of micro thrombus" Retrieved22 February 2023.
  8. ^Chen W, Pan JY (January 2021)."Anatomical and Pathological Observation and Analysis of SARS and COVID-19: Microthrombosis Is the Main Cause of Death".Biological Procedures Online.23 (1): 4.doi:10.1186/s12575-021-00142-y.PMC 7816139.PMID 33472576.S2CID 255608747.
  9. ^abKumar, Vinay; Abbas, Abul; Aster, Jon (2014).Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (9th ed.). Philadelphia: Elsevier.ISBN 9781455726134.OCLC 879416939.
  10. ^ab"Venous thromboembolism (VTE) | McMaster Pathophysiology Review" 26 September 2012. Retrieved2018-11-03.
  11. ^Kushner, Abigail; West, William P.; Pillarisetty, Leela Sharath (2020),"Virchow Triad",StatPearls, Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing,PMID 30969519, retrieved2020-06-18
  12. ^Ataga KI (10 May 2020)."Hypercoagulability and thrombotic complications in hemolytic anemias".Haematologica.94 (11):1481–1484.doi:10.3324/haematol.2009.013672.PMC 2770956.PMID 19880774.
  13. ^Marieb, Elaina N.Human Anatomy and Physiology (11th ed.). Pearson.
  14. ^Furie, Bruce; Furie, Barbara (2008). "Mechanisms of Thrombus Formation".The New England Journal of Medicine.359 (9):938–49.doi:10.1056/NEJMra0801082.PMID 18753650.
  15. ^abcHarter, K.; Levine, M.; Henderson, S. O. (2015)."Anticoagulation Drug Therapy: A Review".The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine.16 (1):11–17.doi:10.5811/westjem.2014.12.22933.PMC 4307693.PMID 25671002.
  16. ^abcdWhalen, Karen; Finkel, Richard S.; Panavelil, Thomas A. (2015).Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.ISBN 9781451191776.OCLC 881019575.
  17. ^Saladin, Kenneth S. (2012).Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 710.ISBN 978-0-07-337825-1.
  18. ^Fredriksson, L.; Lawrence, D. A.; Medcalf, R. L. (2016)."TPA modulation of the blood–brain barrier: A unifying explanation for the pleiotropic effects of tPA in the CNS?".Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis.43 (2):154–168.doi:10.1055/s-0036-1586229.PMC 5848490.PMID 27677179.
  19. ^Medcalf, R. (2011). "Plasminogen activation-based thrombolysis for ischaemic stroke: the diversity of targets may demand new approaches".Current Drug Targets.12 (12):1772–1781.doi:10.2174/138945011797635885.PMID 21707475.
  20. ^Budzynski, A. Z. (1991). "Interaction of hementin with fibrinogen and fibrin".Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis.2 (1):149–52.doi:10.1097/00001721-199102000-00022.PMID 1772982.
  21. ^Kumar, Vinay; et al. (2007).Robbins Basic Pathology (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier.ISBN 978-1-4160-2973-1.

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