Type of site | Blog |
Available in | English |
Owner | Steve McIntyre |
Created by | Steve McIntyre |
Revenue | Donations |
URL | ClimateAudit.org |
Launched | 31 January 2005 |
Current status | Live |
Climate Audit is ablog founded in 2005[1][2] bySteve McIntyre.
In November 2009 journalistAndrew Revkin described it inThe New York Times as "a popularskeptics’ blog" run by McIntyre, a retired Canadian mining consultant.[3] In 2010, aNature article described the site as part of the "climate change skeptic community" alongside the Air Vent and the Blackboard.[4]
In 2004Stephen McIntyre blogged on his website climate2003.com about his efforts withRoss McKitrick to get an extended analysis of thehockey stick graph into the journalNature.[5][6]
On 25 October 2004 McIntyre posted comments on climate2003.com about a piece byWilliam Connolley circulated on various blogs, and on 26 October wrote, "Maybe I’ll start blogging some odds and ends that I’m working on. I’m going to post up some more observations on some of the blog criticisms."[7] On 1 DecemberMichael E. Mann and nine other scientists launched theRealClimate website as "a resource where the public can go to see what actual scientists working in the field have to say about the latest issues."[8] On climate2003.com McIntyre noted this development in a blog post on 10 December, where he wrote "Mann and some of his colleagues have set up a blog at the above address. A couple of Mann's first postings have been arguments against our papers. I'll post up a two quick comments below."[7] On 2 February 2005 McIntyre set up his Climate Audit blog, having found difficulties with posting comments on the climate2003.com layout.[9]
Judith Curry of theGeorgia Institute of Technology has said "McIntyre started the blog climateaudit.org so that he could defend himself against claims being made at the blog Realclimate with regards to his critique of the “hockey stick” since he was unable to post his comments there". She has also referred to this site as one of several "Climate Auditor" websites.[10]
After theUK Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) came into effect in 2005, Climate Audit readers were asked to make FOI requests to theClimatic Research Unit (CRU) at theUniversity of East Anglia (UEA) for the raw data fromweather stations used in developinginstrumental temperature recorddatasets, for copies of agreements under which the raw data was obtained frommeteorology institutions, and also for email correspondence relating to theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeFourth Assessment Report.[11]On 12 August 2009, Olive Heffernan wrote innaturenews that "Since 2002, Steve McIntyre, the editor of Climate Audit, a blog that investigates the statistical methods used in climate science, has repeatedly asked Phil Jones, director of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, UK, for access to monthlyglobal surface temperature data held by the institute. But in recent weeks, Jones has been swamped by a sudden surge in demands for data". She described how CRU had received 58 FOIA requests between 24 and 29 July 2009 from McIntyre or others associated with the blog. The raw data was restricted to academics, and the unit's directorPhil Jones said that the data was subject to confidentiality agreements with various governments, but he was seeking agreement to get the raw data available online. He said that “Data release needs to be done in a systematic way.”[12]
The site was one of the first to receive word of the e-mails which had been leaked[13][14][15] from the University of East Anglia with Jonathan Leake ofThe Times writing, "The storm began with just four cryptic words. 'A miracle has happened,' announced a contributor to Climate Audit, a website devoted to criticising the science of climate change."[16] Louise Gray wrote inThe Daily Telegraph, "Climate Audit was one of the first to post up the stolen emails from the University of East Anglia that led to the 'climategate' scandal".[17]
Bloomberg said of the controversy, "Web sites and blogs including the Climate Audit Mirror Site have carried copies of e-mails, correspondence between climatologists and commentary. In one e-mail cited widely on blogs including Climate Audit, Phil Jones writes about completing “Mike’s nature trick of adding in the real temps” in order to hide the decline."[18] According to Antonio Regalado writing inScience Insider, Jones wrote e-mails stating that he convinced the university's FOI managers to not release data to "greenhouse skeptics" because Jones believed that they planned to harm the UEA or setback climate science by drawing scientists into disputes, wasting research time.[19] "Think I've managed to persuade UEA to ignore all further FOIA requests if the people have anything to do with Climate Audit," Jones wrote in 2007.[19] TheHouse of Commons' Science and Technology Committee largely vindicated the scientists involved in the scandal, but left consideration of the quality of the science and the conduct of the research to committees chaired byLord Oxburgh andSir Muir Russell.Fox News said that McIntyre "who also worked at theIPCC and submitted notes to the Science and Technology Committee for its investigation, wrote a lengthy rebuttal of the decision on his blog", and disputed the committee's conclusion that the wordtrick "appears to be a colloquialism for a 'neat' method of handling data".[20] Further investigations by theUnited States Environmental Protection Agency, theInspector General of theUnited States Department of Commerce and theOffice of the Inspector General (OIG) of theNational Science Foundation reaffirmed that the accusations against the scientists were unfounded.
James Hansen, the former director of NASA'sGoddard Institute, has dismissed McIntyre as a "court jester".[21]
"If a single person can be credited with setting the stage forClimategate, it's Stephen McIntyre, the retired mining consultant behind the popular skeptic blog Climate Audit," wrote Kate Sheppard atMother Jones in 2011.[22] "Emails from this period show the scientists lashing out against McIntyre. He is referred to as a "bozo" and "a playground bully." McIntyre clearly gets a rise out of irking scientists, whom he frequently refers to as 'the Team'—another play on the hockey-stick metaphor. He likes to 'tease these guys and kind of make fun of them,' he says, and their evident aggravation at his inquiries only egged him on. 'I think it was a mistake for them to in effect adopt a fatwa against Climate Audit,' says McIntyre."[22]
Patrick J. Michaels, a former contributor to the IPCC and a former fellow at the denialistCato Institute, named Climate Audit as part of 'a new “parallel universe” of emerging online publications, manned by serious scientists critical of world governments approach to climate change'. “A parallel universe is assembling itself parallel to the IPCC. This universe has become very technical -- very proficient at taking apart the U.N.’s findings."[23]
Internet voting by the public organized by the Weblog Awards, a right-wing blog sponsored by conservative media group Wizbang LLC, won the website the 2007Weblog "Best Science Blog" award[24] and it was a runner up in the same category in 2008.[25]
Since 2002, Steve McIntyre, the editor of Climate Audit, a blog that investigates the statistical methods used in climate science, has repeatedly asked Phil Jones, director of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, UK, for access to monthly global surface temperature data held by the institute.
the IPCC was rocked by a scandal involving leaked emails which critics say showed that they skewed data.
Many of these controversies came to light within the past 10 months. Emails leaked from the University of East Anglia revealed a handful of influential climate scientists displaying a circle-the-wagons mentality as some analysts tried to gain access to their data and analysis methods. Critics alleged that the emails also held evidence of fudged results.
has long been under attack by those who doubt global warming, particularly after his work was referenced in a series of leaked e-mails from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit.
IT was against this background that the emails were leaked last week