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InGreek mythology,Cleocharia (/ˌkliːoʊˈkɛəriə/;[1]Ancient Greek: ΚλεοχαρείαςKleokhareia) was anaiad ofLaconia who later on became the queen-consort of KingLelex of Lelegia. She was the ancestress of theSpartan royal family and gave birth to Eurotas (presumably named after his grandfather). Eurotas had a daughter namedSparta, who marriedLacedaemon.[2] The latter named the city ofSparta after his wife. However, the city's name would also be his own, as it was called either Lacedaemon or Sparta interchangeably.
In some accounts, Lelex's two children wereMyles andPolycaon possibly by Cleocharia. In this account, Myles was the father of Eurotas instead.[3]