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Clanners is a Spanish children's animated short-form series aired onTelevisión Española'sClan channel produced in 2011 and 2012. It debuted on 23 May 2011.[1]
The series focuses on the fictional inhabitants of aparallel universe which are called Clanners; the first Clanner was created when a humanDNA molecule merged with a quantum of electromagnetic energy inside a computer. This similarly happened with other types of DNA molecules and electronics, thus creating the Clanners and their world.[2] The Clanners have traits of humans, animals or robots, and have a curiosity of the human world. The Clanners are divided into four tribes: Minisapiens, Biotron, Amorfix, and iTrops, but are nevertheless together. One of the Clanners, Render, is the only one that can access the human world, and will bring any object to the Clanners world that interests him and for others to learn from.[3][4]
The bandMaldita Nerea recorded a song titled "Bienvenido a nuestro Clan" for the show.[5]El Chojin andLa Oreja de Van Gogh also contributed to the show's first music album.India Martínez sings the song "Mi mejor regalo eres tu" included on the second albumSuma y sigue.[6]
The show won the Mejor Personaje Infantil award at the 2012 Festival El Chupete.[7]
Render is a yellow minisapien who resembles a robot. He can access the human world. He is able to fly using his propeller, and can communicate using the human language.
eCocó is a minisapien who resembles a human girl withred hair, and wears a pink cat costume. She also speaks the human language, has a talent for music and wants to protect the environment. She's part of a trio with eComix and eCoré.
eComix is a minisapien who has blonde hair and wears a green mouse costume.
eCoré is a minisapien who has dark skin and black hair and wears a purple dog costume.
Doctor OnOff is a minisapien who is amad scientist. He has apower symbol adorned on the container of green slime on his head. Also capable of speaking the human language, he builds machines and experiments, and wants to conquer the Clanner world, and the human world as well.
Perlita is a biotron who resembles amollusk. She is playful and naughty, and lives in a shell that resembles askull.
Fredo is a biotron who resembles apig with long, rabbit-like ears. He is rock-fashioned and rides his own vehicles, the Fredomoto, Fredoneta, and Fredoavión.
Rey Ceviche is a biotron who's big and blue, resembles a Mexicanluchador, and his arms are those of agorilla while his head and torso are those of a fish. He bears super strength and creates art.
Capitán Memo is a three-eyed amorfix who's made of green jelly and wears a red spacesuit and a dark-red bandana. He wants to be a superhero despite lacking superpowers.
Débora is an amorfix who's teal and slug-like with mismatched eyes (one blank-white with a single eyelash, and another huge with an orange pupil), wearing a pink barrel hat with a strawberry on it, which resembles a bucket ofyogurt. Having a voracious appetite, she transforms into a monstrous, eel-like form in order to eat.
iPé is an iTrop who resembles a humanoid robot. Also capable of flying, she is intelligent and can speak the human language.
Bit, Bip and Bop are three playful iTrops who resemble robots. Bit is yellow, Bip is green, and Bop is blue. They can also speak the human language.