The body of the chum salmon is deeper than most salmonid species. In common with other species found in the Pacific, the anal fin has 12 to 20 rays, compared with a maximum of 12 in European species. Chum have an ocean coloration of silvery blue green with some indistinct spotting in a darker shade, and a rather paler belly. When they move into fresh water the color changes to dark olive green and the belly color deepens. When adults are nearspawning, they have purple blotchy streaks near thecaudal peduncle, darker towards the tail. Spawning males typically grow an elongated snout orkype, their lower fins become tipped with white and they have enlarged teeth.[7] Some researchers speculate these characteristics are used to compete for mates.[citation needed]
Adult chum salmon usually weigh from 4.4 to 10.0 kg (9.7 to 22.0 lb) with an average length of 60.0 cm (23.6 in). Theall-tackleworld record for chum recognized by theIGFA is 35 lb (15.88 kg) and 112.0 cm (44.1 in) caught by Todd Johansson on July 11, 1995 at Edye Pass (achannel betweenPrescott andPorcher Islands in theHecate Strait) in theNorth Coast region ofBritish Columbia;[8] while the all-tackle length world record is 71.0 cm (28.0 in) caught by Vicki D. Martin on October 20, 2021 atWynoochee River inWashington.[8]
Male chum salmon, female chum salmon and female pink salmon
Most chum salmonspawn in small streams andintertidal zones. Some chum travel more than 3,200 km (2,000 mi) up theYukon River. Chumfry migrate out to sea from March through July, almost immediately after becomingfree swimmers. They spend one to three years traveling very long distances in the ocean. These are the last salmon to spawn (November to January) in some regions. In Alaska they are the first to spawn in June and August and are then followed bypink andcoho salmon. They die about two weeks after they return to the freshwater to spawn. They utilize the lower tributaries of the watershed, tend to build nests calledredds, really little more than protected depressions in the gravel, in shallow edges of the watercourse and at the tail end of deep pools. The female lays eggs in the redd, the male sprays milt on the eggs, and the female covers the eggs with gravel. The female can lay up to 4000 eggs.[citation needed]
In theopen ocean, chum salmon stay fairly high on the water column, rarely diving below 50 m (160 ft). Their typical swimming depths are 13 m (43 ft) from the surface during the day, and 5 m (16 ft) during the night.[14]
Oncorhynchus keta eggsGlobal capture production of Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in thousand tonnes from 1950 to 2022, as reported by theFAO[15]
The registered total harvest of the chum salmon in the North Pacific in 2010 was some 313,000 tons, corresponding to 91 million fish. Half of the catch was fromJapan, and about a quarter each from Russia and the United States. In 2010, the chum salmon harvest was about 34% of the total harvest of allPacific salmon species by weight.[16][a]
The chum salmon is the least commercially valuable salmon in North America. Despite being extremely plentiful in Alaska,commercial fishers and sport anglers often choose not to target them because of low market value due to the fact that the chum salmon is the least desirable salmon for human consumption. Recent market developments have increased the demand for chum salmon, due to new markets developed from 1984 to 1994 in Japan andNorthern Europe.[citation needed] They are a traditional source ofdried salmon.
^Augerot, Xanthippe; Foley, Dana Nadel (2005).Atlas of Pacific salmon: the first map-based status assessment of salmon in the North Pacific. University of California Press. pp. 68–71.ISBN978-0-520-24504-4.
^N. B. Scofield (1916). "The humpback and dog salmon taken in San Lorenzo River".California Fish and Game.2 (1): 41.
^Hallock Richard J, Fry Donald H Jr. "Five Species of Salmon, Oncorhynchus, in the Sacramento River, California".California Fish and Game.53 (1): 5~22.CiteSeerX10.1.1.475.6744.