Although the acid is difficult to obtain in pure substance, the conjugate base,chlorite, derived from this acid is stable. One example of a salt of this anion is the well-knownsodium chlorite. This and related salts are sometimes used in the production ofchlorine dioxide.
Chlorous acid is a powerful oxidizing agent, although its tendency to undergo disproportionation counteracts its oxidizing potential.[citation needed]
Chlorine is the onlyhalogen to form an isolable acid of formula HXO2.[1]Fluorine is resistant to oxidation, having a -1 oxidation state even inhypofluorous acid, and is thus unable to form any higher oxoacids; despite the name,fluorite minerals are chemicallyfluoride compounds. Neitherbromous acid noriodous acid has ever been isolated. A few salts ofbromous acid, bromites, are known, but noiodites.[1]