Jewish almond cookie, also known as aChinese cookie, is a popularJewish cookie made with almonds and commonly served at Jewish delis and eateries.
In the early 1900s,Chinese restaurants were one of the few non-Jewish eateries which allowed Jewish people entry and let them dine on the premises. This, along with the fact that dairy and meat are practically never combined inChinese cuisine, contributed to the rise in popularity ofChinese cuisine in American Jewish culture. A similar Chinese cookie was likely served at some Chinese restaurants inNew York City during this time, and it has been theorized that this was the inspiration for the Jewish almond cookie, and was when this cookie was introduced intoAmerican Jewish cuisine.[1]
This cookie was adapted to address both Jewish dietary concerns (Kosher), as well as the difficulty in procuring ingredients such asalmond flour or almond oil at that time. Jewish almond cookies were first made withalmond paste (marzipan), andvegetable shortening, instead of the traditional almond flour and liquid oil used in Chinese cookies. This created a smoother, less grainy texture for Jewish almond cookies versus Chinese cookies.[1]
Jewish almond cookies quickly spread in popularity as they arepareve and could be eaten afterfleishig meals containing meat. Thus, Jewish almond cookies became a staple of the cookie counter street Jewish delis across America.[2]
A Jewish almond cookie is a small, round cookie that is made with a dough containing flour, almond paste or marzipan, sugar, eggs, baking soda and vegetable shortening, and is topped with a whole almond in the center of each cookie.[2]
Jewish almond cookies come in a number of varieties.
Jewish almond cookies are also available in Israel, where they are made withtehina and topped withpoppy seeds. The fact that these cookies are available in Israel raises doubts about the claims of a Chinese origin to these cookies, asChinese cuisine is not commonly found in Israel.[2]
Jewish almond cookies are available at Jewish delicatessens,kosher bakeries and other Jewish eateries throughout the United States, particularly in theNortheastern United States andLos Angeles.[2]
Jewish almond cookies are also available in Israel, where they are commonly sold in bakeries.[2]