AShenandoah, also known as anAmish beard, achin curtain, aDonegal, aLincoln, aspade beard, or awhaler, is a style offacial hair.
The hair is grown full and long over the jaw and chin, meeting thesideburns, while the hair above the mouth is shaved.[1]Depending on the style, there are subtle differences in the shape, size, and general manageability. The chin curtain is a particular style that grows along the jawline and covers the chin completely. This is not to be confused with thechinstrap beard—a similar style of beard that also grows along the jawline but does not fully cover the chin. In addition, many chin curtain beards do not extend far below the jawline, if at all, whereas chinstrap beards generally do. The Shenandoah tends to be somewhat longer than the chin curtain.[citation needed]
This facial hair style is popular among followers of certain sects ofIslam, as they believe it is how theIslamic prophetMuhammad wore his beard, citing the relevanthadith compiled byMuhammad al-Bukhari, "Cut the mustaches short and leave the beard".[2][3]
In the United States, this beard style is common among marriedAmish men. Male members of the sect generally grow a beard afterbaptism, but shave the mustache off.[4][5][6]
However Salafists - theultraconservative fundamentalist Muslims - like to let their beards grow long and wild, often leaving their upper lip clean-shaven as a nod to how the Prophet Mohammed wore his own beard 1,400 years ago.
"Cut the moustaches short and leave the beard," says the famed hadith found in a collection by Muslim scholar Muhammad al-Bukhari. Muslim men who grow out their beard and shave their lips are emulating the Prophet Muhammad's actions, say the religiously inspired fans of the style. And while many particularly defined groups, such as some Salafists and Wahhabists, adhere to the teaching, the existence of clean-shaven Muslim men – and those bald-chin moustache-wearers such as Afridi – prove that such teachings, like the wearing of the hijab, are not accepted universally.