China is a majorchess power, with the women's team winning gold medals at theOlympiad in 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2016, 2018; silver medals in 1996, 2010, 2012, and 2014; bronze medals in 1990, 1992, 1994, 2006. The Open team won gold at the 2014 and 2018 Olympiads, and silver at 2006. The average rating for the country's top ten players is third in the FIDE rankings as of January 2025.[1]
Chinese progress has been underpinned by large government support and testing competition in numerous tough events. As of May 2023, eight of the world's top hundred players are from China, as is the world's highest rated woman player,Hou Yifan.[2] The formerWorld chess championDing Liren andWomen's World chess championJu Wenjun is also from China.
Chess has only gained popularity in China in the last few decades, and while chess has grown exponentially in China, it still trailsChinese chess (xiangqi) andgo (weiqi) by a small margin. There are about three million people in China who play chess, of which 300,000 are in thefederation.[3]
In 1974 a seminal meeting was held inKuala Lumpur that was attended byMalaysian Chess Federation PresidentDato Tan Chin Nam, a prominent businessman;Lim Kok Ann, then President of theSingapore Chess Association; President of theJapan Chess AssociationYasuji Matsumoto;FIDE andPhilippine Chess Federation President,Florencio Campomanes and two observers from the Chinese Embassy. The aim of this important meeting was to figure out how to raise the technical level ofchess in Asia in order to reach the highest levels.
It was decided to promote chess first in China where it was believed to have the biggest potential for success. The plan came to be known in Asian chess circles as the "Big Dragon Project" and the man behind it wasDato Tan Chin Nam. He was instrumental in gaining China entrance into FIDE in 1976 and has since backed Asian and Chinese chess in particular financially. The Big Dragon plan called for the Chinese to reach world-class status by the end of the century, something that was largely achieved.
The national governing body for chess is theChinese Chess Association, which runs the country's premier chess training academy, theNational Chess Center inBeijing. (SeeChess Centres.)
Chess in its current form was developed inmedieval toearly modern Europe where in the 19th century moderntournament play began, and the firstworld chess championship was held. The most accepted view is that the direct ancestor of the game,shatranj, was transmitted by thePersians from ancient India, where it was known aschaturanga. Chaturanga is assumed to have also spread eastward to China, under the name ofxiangqi ("elephant game"). According to the chess historianH. J. R. Murray, the earliest certain reference to xiangqi in Chinese sources dates to 762 AD (earlier passages containing the characterxiang, which has several different meanings, cannot be proven to refer to elephant chess).[4]
The European form of Chess was only introduced in China during the 19th century but has never been as popular as Weiqi or Xiangqi.Alexander Alekhine was the first great chess player to visit China in 1933. In an exhibition played inShanghai, he was held to two draws, one toXie Xiaxun Chinese: 谢侠逊, the leading xiangqi player, also nicknamed 总司令 (Chinese for Top Commander) of the first half of the 20th century and later nicknamed "Centurian chess king" because at 100 years old, he was a strong player in all the three strategy board games. Xie Xiaxun (not related to former women's world championXie Jun), helped to promote the game and was the top player in China afterWorld War II. In 1935, he visitedMalaya andSingapore and defeated their champion as well as the British Air Forces champion Hunter. In 1936, inGuangzhou, the British sponsored a tournament with top players from Austria, Britain, China, Germany and the United States. Xie won the tournament convincingly by drawing one and winning the other 18 games. In 1987, Xie (who lived in Wenzhou) died at the age of 101.
Chess was not listed as a competitivesport in China until 1956. In the same year, the 1st Chess Exhibition Tournament was held in Beijing, where only six players from four provinces participated. But at theNational Chess Tournament held one year later, 22 players from approximately 10 provinces and cities were attending. From 1957 to 1966, national competition was almost held once a year and the number of players grew exponentially.
TheChess Association of China was formed in 1962 as a minor affiliate of theChinese Xiangqi Association due to the lack of popularity for the game at the time and only became a fully-fledged independent organization in 1986. It has been only in the last 30 or so years that chess has made major inroads in China, where the game is seen as the poorer cousin of the more popularxiangqi. Chess was banned during the first eight years of theCultural Revolution (1966–1976), but by 1974 there was an easing of the ban that saw China begin to participate in international competitions, the first being in 1976.
In the early 1960s, chess classes were conducted at Children's Palaces or Amateur Sports Schools in key chess cities such as Shanghai, Beijing,Wenzhou andHangzhou. From the mid-1970s, junior chess classes have also been established consecutively inChengdu,Guangzhou,Shanxi andTianjin, where professional chess coaches were hired or arranged to deliver trainings. This has facilitated the growth of many young players. Many big names had been trained at those chess classes when they were young, such as female grandmastersLiu Shilan andWu Minqian; female masterAn Yanfeng; male masterQi Jingxuan,Li Zunian,Liang Jinrong, Yang Xian,Lin Ta,Ma Hongding (马红丁, born in 1963[5]) andWang Li.
Before the ban on chess was imposed in 1966, the Chinese national team played four international matches with the Soviet Union, represented by master players.
After the end of the Chinese National Chess Championship Final in December 1958, three Soviet masters, Boris Baranov, Mamadzhan Mukhitdinov and Alexander Grushevsky visited China. They met top three finishers of Chinese National Chess Championship in Cultural Garden,Guangzhou. The Chinese lost all three games. In the game Grushevsky-Xian Quan (later known as Sin Kuen after leaving to Hong Kong) the Chinese had good winning chances in the middlegame but blundered badly and lost. The USSR team then went toShanghai andHohhot, where they met local chess players and defeating them all as well.
In 1963, China invited a Soviet team to play the return match. To prepare for the match, the Chinese National Sports Committee from June 14 – July 15 selected over 20 players from all over the country to form a National Chess Training Team: Deng Wenxiang, Feng Bingrong, Feng Zuquan, Hong Kemin, Hou Chengji, Huang Xinzhai, Jian Mingji, Li Chengyi, Li Zhongjian, Li Zhu, Liu Chengwan, Liu Zhenguo, Lu Zhuoran, Qian Zongxiang, Wang Bijun, Wu Weiwen, Xu Hongshun, Xu Jialiang, Xu Tianli, Zhang Donglu, Zhang Fujiang and Zhu Fushan. Jian Mingji, the young player from Guangdong, who changed his name to Kan Wai Shui when he left to Hong Kong, took the first place in the round robin qualifying tournament.
In early September 1963, the following qualified eight players from their results: Xu Tianli, Jian Mingji, Deng Wenxiang, Xu Hongshun, Zhang Donglu, Huang Xinzhai, Feng Bingrong and Li Zhongjian. They traveled from Shanghai to Beijing to meet the Soviet team. In September it was confirmed that the Soviets would be led by GMAndor Lilienthal, and other two players were IMMikhail Yudovich andVladimir Zagorovsky. As preparation the Chinese team looked at their opponents’ games in order to analyze their style of play and predict what kind of strategy or tactics would be used.
The third match was played in Moscow in 1964 with China being led by the Chief of National SportsWushu (martial arts) Mao Bohao, while five team members were Jian Mingji, Xu Tianli, Zhang Donglu, Xu Hongshun, Huang Xinzhai. They arrived on June 4. This was the first time the Chinese national chess team played abroad. They played three matches.
The first one was played in Moscow University resulting in five draws. But the second round, played in the club of automotive factory in Moscow, was a one sided battle. Only Xu Tianli scraped a draw, while others lost. The third match was played in Moscow Chess Association's hall. The Chinese lost all the games.
On December 7, 1965, there was a friendship match between players of USSR and China in Beijing. In the 6 round competitions, China scored one victory, one draw and four losses. The Soviet team was led by GMNikolai Krogius with his teammatesFelix Ignatiev,Boris Shatskes,Yuriy Vasilchuk,Mamadzhan Mukhitdinov andBoris Shipov. They played three friendly matches in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou. In these three matches the Chinese team scored 10 wins 17 draws and 27 losses. China'sLiu Wenzhe and Zhang Donglu both beat GM Krogius in their games and they were the best among Chinese players – 5 points out of 8 games with 62.5%
In 1974, at the invitation of the Malaysian business tycoonDato Tan Chin Nam, then President of the reorganizedMalaysian Chess Federation, China was invited to attend the 1st Asian Team Championship withobserver status. It was also in 1974 that China held its firstNational Championship tournament. The first international tournament ever held in China was in 1980.
In 1975, Dato Tan Chin Nam decided that chess in China had enormous potential, and set-up the "Big Dragon Project"; the aim being to see China dominate the chess world by 2010. He said, "I am behind the cause of chess in China for my whole lifetime. And after me, my children will carry on."[6] China now holds every title in the women's game, and are now starting to make progress in the much tougher men's game. Dato Tan Chin Nam also founded theTan Chin Nam Cup in China – a competition that sees top GMs from Eastern Europe meeting Chinese players.[7]
Also in 1975, theChinese Chess Association officially joined FIDE. China came second in the next Asian Team Championship held inAuckland, New Zealand in 1977. China was second again in the next two editions in Singapore in 1979 and in China in 1981. China won the series for the first time in 1983 in India, and won the inaugural women's event in Singapore in 1995.
China came second at the Asian Team Championship in their debut in November 1977. After that, China won the Asian championship for the next two consecutive years. In 1983, China defeated the Philippines Team, the then titleholder of all previous Asian Chess championships and won the winning the title of Asian Champion.
At the6th National Games in 1987 in Guangdong, chess together with traditional I-go and Chinese chess were listed as competition items and held for men's teams and women's teams.
China has taken part in theChess Olympiads since 1978, the first inBuenos Aires, Argentina. It was here that the Chinese soon put themselves on the map when one of their players,Liu Wenzhe, rated a mere 2200, defeated in spectacular style with a stunningqueensacrifice a top Western Grandmaster, the haplessJan Hein Donner of The Netherlands, in just 20 moves. Since then, China has made rapid progress with the women's team taking the bronze medal and the men's team coming sixth at the1990 Olympiad. At the Novi Sad FIDE Congress in 1990 China was awarded the status of"one-zone federation" (3.5), a decision which was inevitable given the various game-throwing scandals in the 1980s which made China's position in the Asia-Pacific zone untenable. Nonetheless, despite having only one Grandmaster, it was already clear that China would soon be worthy of their own zone. In Novi Sad the Chinese open team beat or drew with some of the strong teams and finished 18th. China's women went on to retain their position in the next two Olympiads and in 1996 won the silver medals. Meanwhile, the open team never have ranked below 15th place. In December, 1980, three Chinese teenage girls made their debut. They drew with the world champion USSR Team in the Chess Olympiad and tied for 5th place. In later Chess Olympiads, held every two years, China continued to make progress. At the 27th Chess Olympiad held in Dubai, UAE, they tied for 3rd place. Chinese Woman Grandmaster,Liu Shilan, who played on the first board ranked third of that board, was granted the Best Player. China Women's Team surprisingly won over several tough games with teams such as former World Runner-up, Bulgaria and former World Bronze Medalist, Romania. And they lost the game with USSR Team only by 1 to 2. China open team also got prominent results in the past two sessions of the Chess Olympiad. The team tied for 8th place in the 26th Chess Olympiad in 1984. In the 27th Chess Olympiad held in 1986, where 108 teams participated, they drew the former World Champion, Yugoslavia team and tied for 5th place with Bulgaria and Iceland by 9 victories, 1 draw and 4 losses. This was the highest place ever achieved by an Asian open team at an Olympiad. The best result in the past was 11th place achieved by the Philippines.
Chinese players also made improvement in Individual Chess Competitions.Liu Shilan won 1st place in Asia by sweeping the board in 14 games, entered World Champion Candidate Competition, namely the quarterfinal, and was entitled grandmaster. In 1985, An Yanfeng, Wu Minqian and Zhao Lan swept the first 3 places in Asian Area Competition. Wu Minqian later was admitted to the quarterfinal and won the title of grandmaster as well. Other women players got excellent results in international competitions. An Yanfeng, Zhao Lan and Wu Xiaoying were entitled masters. Ning Chunhong won 2nd place in Asia. He Tianjian, Xie Jun and Peng Zhaoqin were invited to visit USSR. Many Chinese men players have beaten world-famous grandmasters in international competitions. In the Asian Area Qualifying Trial held in Laoag, Philippines, Chinese players Qi Jingxuan, Li Zunian and Ye Jiangchuan swept the top three prizes.
In the 1990s, Chinese women chess players reached the summit of the world and men's team also achieved world class level. Chess became far more popular as a result ofXie Jun becoming the women's world champion in 1991. She made a historical breakthrough for the non-European players in this field. After retaining her title match in 1993, interest in chess was raised even further with an estimated one million chess players in China. China Women's Team won 1st place in 1998 Olympiad for the first time. At the same time, men players likeYe Jiangchuan,Zhang Zhong andNi Hua also gradually gained excellent results in various competitions.
Officials of the Chinese Chess Association have been appointed by the National Sports Committee which also provides funding. The three strategy board games share a common headquarters calledQiYuan (Chess Academy) normally with a dormitory with twin-sharing rooms on the top floor. The three respective national chess associations operate inChina QiYuan situated in Beijing, while Beijing has its own (local) Beijing QiYuan. Similar structures were also set up in most major cities and today, there are more than 30 Qiyuans in China. At these Qiyuans, the paid officials run their day-to-day affairs and trainers conduct chess classes. Each QiYuan has its own management committee. At the (National) China QiYuan, the chairman isChen Zude who is also the President of the Chinese Chess Association. Every QiYuan had been allocated state subsidies to the three strategy board games. Since the restructuring of theChinese government in May 1998, sports had to fund themselves by 2001. During the three year transition period, funding from the government was reduced by 30% each year.
Fortunately for theChinese Chess Association, in 1993, it received anendowment fund from Singapore businessmanLee Seng Tee who donated about US$1.5 million. 10% of this donation was for the establishment of the chess library atChina QiYuan. The remaining 90% were deposited in a fixed account from which the Chinese Chess Association drew interest mainly for its administrative operations and to send players for overseas competitions. In 1997, the Chinese Chess Association founded a computer company to fund its other activities on an annual basis.[8]
Decision making is done collectively and any final decision is only taken after thorough discussion and more important ones are referred to the Sports Committee. Since May 1998, all Qiyuans have been autonomous from China QiYuan but still they cooperate like one organization.
Another major benefactor was ProfLim Kok Ann (1920–2003) who managed to move sponsors into investing in chess in China via the creation of the Dato Tan Chin Nam and ST Lee Cup tournaments. He was most helpful to the Chinese women talents; opening doors for their participation in tournaments in Europe with the aim of seeing the Chinese attain world-class standards. His and others' efforts helped, in part, contribute to the creation of two Women's World Champions,Xie Jun (1991–1996, 1999–2001) andZhu Chen (2001–2004) (ref.).
The first visit of world championAnatoly Karpov in August 1997 boosted the popularity of chess further. During this visit, Karpov played three exhibitions in Beijing which were broadcast live on television. He also appeared for a one-hour talk show viewed live on prime time slot during the most popular TV program in China. His visit was widely publicized across China and because of his unusual popularity, he was invited by the government to another visit in May 1998.
Karpov's second visit took him toBeijing,Shenyang,Shanghai andGuangzhou – four of the five largest cities in China. He also took the opportunity to launch the Chinese edition of his bookDisney's Guide to Chess and appeared to autograph his books at major bookstores in each city he visited. There were 20,000 copies for the first printing and more than half were sold within one week of his visit. Karpov played a total of five exhibitions and once again, the immense publicity raised the interest of chess to another level.
At present, in terms of media publicity, chess is ahead followed by weiqi and then xiangqi. In terms of playing interest, weiqi still commands the lead followed by chess and xiangqi but it has been estimated that 10 million people have learnt to play chess by 2000. On a site inspection visit byTang Kum-Foo andIgnatius Leong fromIntchess Asia in February 1998, among 5 cities they visited wasWenzhou, a commercial seaport on the eastern coast. There they were invited to 3 kindergartens and witnessed about 2,200 children playing chess in classrooms. All the teachers there knew and taught the game to the children. China's first men's GrandmasterYe Rongguang and female GrandmasterZhu Chen come from Wenzhou. Based on statistical criteria, Wenzhou is the only city awarded the status of "Chess City" byChina QiYuan.
There are more than 1,000 chess trainers in China and about 300 professionals. The Beijing City Center Youth Championships held in August 1998, saw 574 children contesting the age-group championships; 233 for chess, 187 for xiangqi, and 154 in weiqi.
In 1981, China organized the Asian Team Championship inHangzhou. In 1990, China hosted the second part of the Women'sCandidates Final Match between Yugoslav GrandmasterAlisa Marić and GMXie Jun. The 1993 Women'sCandidates Tournament won by Hungarian GrandmasterZsuzsa Polgar was played in China. In recent years, were the S T Lee Beijing International Open and the Dato Tan Chin Nam Invitational Tournaments.
In 1998, the controversial Women'sCandidates Final Match between Russian GrandmasterAlisa Galliamova and GM Xie Jun in August and the first ever Asian Chess Open were held in Shenyang. The registration of Galliamova and her subsequent non-appearance for the match had been a talking point among the Chinese people and a daily forum in the press.
For September 1999, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, the city of Shenyang had won the right over international cities to host the second edition of the World Cities Team Championship. An industrial town with a population of 6.5 million people, Shenyang hosted the Asian Sports Festival which included 30 non-Olympic sports and chess. About 1,500 participants from 40 countries took part in the 2-week festival. In 2000, Shenyang unveiled the largest regional chess venue in China with space to hold 1,000 players, the Shenyang Qipanshan International Chess and Card Competitive Center, estimated to have cost US$25million.[9]
Following the World Cities Team Championship, Shenyang hosted the 1st FIDE World Cup (won byViswanathan Anand andXu Yuhua in the men's and women's section, respectively) and the Shenyang Open Tournament. Four Grandmaster Tournaments were held in other cities. Shenyang also organized the Asian Team Championship, the S T Lee International Open, the Tan Chin Nam Cup Grandmaster Tournament and two more Grandmaster Tournaments have been regularly held in other cities.
In 2003,Judit Polgár played twosimultaneous exhibitions inShanghai andWuxi, with +31=7–2 and +29=5–2 results. She also played a six-gameblitz match againstBu Xiangzhi, winning 5–1.[10] After that she visitedBeijing as a tourist with her husband. Chinese media covered her visit extensively.
In September 2003, The Kings and Queens rapid chess tournament was held inYong Chuan. It was won by the tandem pair ofNigel Short andZhao Xue, who took the title a full point ahead of their nearest rivals,Yasser Seirawan andZhu Chen.[11] After the Kings and Queens tandem chess matches the players flew toJinan to play normal chess in the Three Arrows Cup.[12] The Beijing Chess Challenge Match was held later in September in theChina Resources Hotel, Beijing, which had an international team versus two Chinese teams: International Team players:Evgeny Bareev g RUS 2721,Nigel Short g ENG 2701,Yasser Seirawan g USA 2626; Chinese Team A players:Ye Jiangchuan g 2683,Zhang Zhong g 2658,Xu Jun g 2626; Chinese Team B players:Bu Xiangzhi g 2588,Zhang Pengxiang g 2567,Ni Hua f 2533.[13]
The16th World Computer Chess Championship, the13th Computer Olympiad and the Conference on Computers and Games 2008 (CG2008) was held inBeijing from September 28 to October 5, 2008.[14]
The 1stWorld Mind Sports Games took place inBeijing after the2008 Summer Olympics from October 3–18, 2008.[15] Twenty five to thirty gold medals was vied for an estimated 2000 competitors from 150 countries. There were five mind sports, being chess, bridge, go, draughts and xiangqi. The Games were under the aegis ofGAISF and organized by theInternational Mind Sports Association (IMSA) of whichFIDE is a founding member. For chess players, there were competitions ofRapid andBlitz chess for individuals, pairs and teams. The Individual was limited to 50 players, men and women. In the pairs event, teams of one man and one woman from each federation participated, maximum 50 teams. In the teams events, maximum of 80 men's teams and 50 women's teams were invited with teams of 4 players plus one reserve. Altogether 10 gold medals was available for chess plus a trophy for the leading federation over all chess disciplines.
Men's team | Women's team
Men's team (4+1)
| Women's team (4+1)
A Super GM Six-player double round robin Tournament event took place inNanjing,Jiangsu from December 10–22, 2008. The six players wereVeselin Topalov g BUL 2791;Vassily Ivanchuk g UKR 2786;Levon Aronian g ARM 2757;Sergei Movsesian g 2732 SVK;Peter Svidler g 2727;Bu Xiangzhi g CHN 2714. It was the strongest tournament ever held in China (at least by Elo average, 2751.6, making it a category 21 tournament). The Nanjing tournament will become one of the grand slam events similar toCorus chess tournament,M-Tel Masters, andLinares chess tournament.
TheFirst National Mind Sports Games took place in 13 to 23 November 2009 inChengdu,Sichuan. The event is sponsored by General Administration of Sport of China and was participated by over 2, 600 competitors from 46 parties in China, took part in some 43 events of six disciplines. Chess is one of the games amongst another six games (weiqi,xiangqi,chess,contract bridge,gobang,draughts). The chess section has 8 gold medals: open team rapid, women team rapid, open individual rapid, women individual rapid, open individual blitz, women individual blitz, boys team classic, girls team classic.
In the3rd Asian Indoor Games in Vietnam, China won three Gold, two Silvers and a Bronze, topping the overall medals table.[21]
The November2010 Asian Games inGuangzhou featured chess. China won a total of five medals; three Golds, a Silver and a bronze medal.[22]
The first two Grand Slam Finals were held inBilbao, Spain. The first year (2008) it was a 6-player double round-robin won by Veselin Topalov, and the second year (2009) a 4-player double round-robin was won by Levon Aronian.
For 2010, the event was split into two parts: the first half occurred inShanghai (September 3–12). The four participants in the first stagewere: Wang Hao, as best Chinese player (20th ranked); Alexei Shírov, as best Spanish player (9th ranked); Levon Aronian, as winner of the Final Chess Masters 2009 (5th ranked); and Vladimir Kramnik (4th ranked).[23] The second half was held in Bilbao (October 6–14). The top two qualified in Shanghai played in Bilbao along with Magnus Carlsen, winner of the tournaments in Wijk aan Zee, Nanjing and Bazna, and Viswanathan Anand, the then-World Champion.[23][24] The39th Chess Olympiad inKhanty-Mansiysk was played from September 19 – October 4 in between the two parts.[citation needed]
Below statistics is valid foractive players only (as of Nov 2018):[needs update] |
Tan Zhongyi won the 2017Women's World Chess Championship, succeedingHou Yifan, who had held the title since 2010. Previously there were three Chinese players who have been Women's World Champion,Xu Yuhua (2006-2008),Zhu Chen (2001–2004) andXie Jun (twice: 1991–1996; 1999–2001).
Ding Liren won theWorld Chess Championship 2023, being the first player in China to accomplish this feat.
Ju Wenjun won 3 consecutive Women's World Chess Championships held between 2018 and 2020.
The current strongest ranked Chinese player is 30-year-oldDing Liren, ranked 3rd in the world as of April 2023 with a rating of 2789.
Chinese players have the highest average rating of any nation on the most recent FIDE list. Their 330 players average 2245.
As of September 2017, the number of Chinese chess players in the:
China has produced 38Grandmasters (32 male, 6 female) and 21Woman Grandmasters in total.
Name | Birth date | Sex | Year GM title earned | Activity | Peak rating | Notes |
Bu Xiangzhi | 1985.12.10 | M | 1999 | Active | 2730 | SeeChess prodigy |
Ding Liren | 1992.10.24 | M | 2009 | Active | 2816 | World Chess Champion |
Gao Rui | 1992.05.20 | M | 2013 | Active | 2555 | |
Hou Yifan | 1994.02.27 | F | 2008 | Active | 2686 | World'syoungest everfemale grandmaster and Women's World Chess Champion |
Ju Wenjun | 1991.01.31 | F | 2014 | Active | 2604 | She obtained the title with 5 successful GM norms (3 by Fide Women's Grand Prix) |
Li Chao | 1989.04.21 | M | 2007 | Active | 2757 | |
Li Shilong | 1977.08.10 | M | 2002 | Active | 2559 | |
Liang Chong | 1980.01.29 | M | 2004 | Active | 2588 | |
Liang Jinrong | 1960.05.21 | M | 1997 | Active | 2536 | |
Lu Shanglei | 1995.07.10 | M | 2011 | Active | 2641 | |
Ma Qun | 1991.11.9 | M | 2013 | Active | 2626 | |
Ni Hua | 1983.05.31 | M | 2003 | Active | 2724 | |
Peng Xiaomin | 1973.04.08 | M | 1997 | Active | 2657 | |
Wang Hao | 1989.08.04 | M | 2005 | Active | 2752 | |
Wang Yue | 1987.03.31 | M | 2004 | Active | 2756 | |
Wang Rui | 1978.04.18 | M | 2009 | Active | 2526 | |
Wang Zili | 1968.06.14 | M | 1995 | Inactive | 2603 | |
Wei Yi | 1999.06.02 | M | 2013 | Active | 2753 | 9th youngest Grandmaster in history (as of 2023), world's youngest to reach 2700 ELO rating, second youngest to reach 2600 (Wei's record was broken byJohn M. Burke) |
Wen Yang | 1988.07.07 | M | 2008 | Active | 2631 | |
Wu Shaobin | 1969.02.04 | M | 1998 | Active | 2545 | Now plays forSingapore |
Wu Wenjin | 1976.03.10 | M | 2000 | Active | 2602 | |
Xie Jun | 1970.10.30 | F | 1993 | Active | 2574 | Winning Women's World Chess Championship in 1991 - but not yet a title 'automatism' |
Xiu Deshun | 1989.02.01 | M | 2011 | Active | 2585 | |
Xu Jun | 1962.09.17 | M | 1994 | Active | 2668 | |
Xu Yuhua | 1976.10.29 | F | 2006 | Active | 2517 | Achieved GM title by becoming Women's World Champion; also has WGM title |
Ye Jiangchuan | 1960.11.20 | M | 1993 | Active | 2684 | |
Ye Rongguang | 1963.10.03 | M | 1990 | Inactive | 2545 | The first ever Chinese player to gain the Grandmaster title |
Yu Ruiyuan | 1991.09.13 | M | 2012 | Active | 2571 | |
Yu Shaoteng | 1979.03.26 | M | 2004 | Active | 2550 | |
Yu Yangyi | 1994.06.08 | M | 2009 | Active | 2765 | |
Zhang Pengxiang | 1980.06.29 | M | 2001 | Active | 2657 | |
Zhang Zhong | 1978.09.05 | M | 1998 | Active | 2667 | Now plays forSingapore (2006-) |
Zhao Jun | 1986.12.12 | M | 2004 | Active | 2634 | |
Zhao Xue | 1985.04.06 | F | 2008 | Active | 2579 | |
Zeng Chongsheng | 1993.06.10 | M | 2013 | Active | 2541 | |
Zhou Jianchao | 1988.06.11 | M | 2006 | Active | 2669 | |
Zhou Weiqi | 1986.10.01 | M | 2008 | Active | 2646 | |
Zhu Chen | 1976.03.16 | F | 2001 | Active | 2548 | Now plays forQatar |
Name | Birth date | Year WGM title earned | Activity | Peak rating | Notes |
Gu Xiaobing | 1985.07.12 | 2003 | Active | 2371 | |
Hou Yifan | 1994.02.27 | 2007 | Active | 2686 | GM title |
Huang Qian | 1986.07.18 | 2008 | Active | 2494 | |
Ju Wenjun | 1991.01.31 | 2009 | Active | 2604 | |
Li Ruofan | 1978.04.30 | 2002 | Active | 2433 | Played forSingapore (2006–2017) |
Liu Shilan | 1962.01.24 | 1982 | Inactive | 2260 | |
Ning Chunhong | 1968.01.21 | 2001 | Active | 2406 | |
Qin Kanying | 1974.02.02 | 1992 | Inactive | 2501 | |
Ruan Lufei | 1987.10.02 | 2007 | Active | 2503 | |
Shen Yang | 1989.01.23 | 2006 | Active | 2479 | |
Tan Zhongyi | 1991.05.29 | 2009 | Active | 2530 | |
Tian Tian | 1983.03.25 | 2002 | Active | 2355 | |
Wang Lei | 1975.02.04 | 1996 | Inactive | 2512 | |
Wang Pin | 1974.12.11 | 1992 | Active | 2506 | |
Wang Yu | 1982.11.19 | 2003 | Active | 2438 | IM title |
Wu Mingqian | 1961.01.08 | 1985 | Inactive | 2205 | |
Xu Yuanyuan | 1981.03.08 | 2003 | Inactive | 2437 | |
Xu Yuhua | 1976.10.29 | 2001 | Active | 2517 | GM title |
Zhang Jilin | 1986.06.24 | 2007 | Active | 2361 | |
Zhang Xiaowen | 1989.02.24 | 2009 | Active | 2437 | |
Zhao Xue | 1985.04.06 | 2001 | Active | 2579 | IM title |
Notable past players include (active years):