Surface formed from spheres centered along a curve
canal surface: directrix is ahelix, with its generating spherespipe surface: directrix is a helix, with generating spherespipe surface: directrix is a helix
Ingeometry andtopology, achannel orcanal surface is a surface formed as theenvelope of a family ofspheres whose centers lie on a spacecurve, itsdirectrix. If the radii of the generating spheres are constant, the canal surface is called apipe surface. Simple examples are:
Canal surfaces play an essential role in descriptive geometry, because in case of anorthographic projection its contour curve can be drawn as the envelope of circles.
In technical area canal surfaces can be used forblending surfaces smoothly.
Let be a regular space curve and a-function with and. The last condition means that the curvature of the curve is less than that of the corresponding sphere.The envelope of the 1-parameter pencil of spheres
is called acanal surface and itsdirectrix. If the radii are constant, it is called apipe surface.
of the canal surface above is for any value of the equation of a plane, which is orthogonal to the tangent of the directrix. Hence the envelope is a collection of circles. This property is the key for a parametric representation of the canal surface. The center of the circle (for parameter) has the distance (see condition above)from the center of the corresponding sphere and its radius is. Hence
where the vectors and the tangent vector form anorthonormal basis, is a parametric representation of the canal surface.[2]
For one gets the parametric representation of apipe surface: