The majority of Chaharmahal Turks are from theQashqai tribal confederation. The Chaharmahali Turks who are not Qashqai are part of Dareshuri, Nefer,Baharlu,Seljuq,Inallu,Qizilbash,Bayat,Afshar,Khalaj or Belwardi tribes.
Most of Chaharmahali Turks speakQashqai Turkish and Chaharmahali Turkish, a branch ofOghuz Turkic languages, as well asPersian, the official language ofIran.[3]
Chaharmahal Turks comprise 12.1% of the population of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, and about 30% of the population of Chaharmahal region itself. The majority of their population is in the counties ofSaman,Ben,Shahrekord,Borujen andFarsan. They areShia Muslims.[2][4]
^abشماره کتابشناسی ملی:۲۸۷۷۸۳۱/طرح بررسی و سنجش شاخصهای فرهنگ عمومی کشور (شاخصهای غیرثبتی){گزارش}:استان چهارمحال و بختیاری/به سفارش شورای فرهنگ عمومی کشور؛ مدیر طرح و مسئول سیاست گذاری:منصور واعظی؛ اجرا:شرکت پژوهشگران خبره پارس -شابک:۱–۴۴–۶۶۲۷–۶۰۰–۹۷۸ *وضعیت نشر:تهران-موسسه انتشارات کتاب نشر ۱۳۹۱ *وضعیت ظاهری:۳۰۰ ص:جدول (بخش رنگی)، نمودار (بخش رنگی)
1 Central Asian (i.e.Turkmeni,Afghani andIranian)Turkmens, distinct from Levantine (i.e.Iraqi andSyrian) Turkmen/Turkoman minorities, who mostly adhere to an Ottoman-Turkish heritage and identity.2 In traditional areas of Turkish settlement (i.e. formerOttoman territories).