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Flower chafer

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Subfamily of beetles

Flower chafer
Cetonia aurata, the green rose chafer
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Leach, 1815

Flower chafers are a group ofscarab beetles comprising the subfamilyCetoniinae. Many species arediurnal and visitflowers forpollen andnectar, or to browse on the petals. Some species also feed onfruit. The group is also calledfruit and flower chafers,flower beetles andflower scarabs. There are around 4,000 species, many of them still undescribed.

Ten tribes are presently recognized:Cetoniini,Cremastocheilini,Diplognathini,Goliathini,Gymnetini,Phaedimini,Schizorhinini,Stenotarsiini,Taenioderini, andXiphoscelidini. The former tribes Trichiini and Valgini were elevated in rank to subfamily.[1][2] The tribe Gymnetini is the biggest of the American tribes, and Goliathini contains the largest species, and is mainly found in therainforest regions ofAfrica.



Adult flower chafers are usually brightly coloured beetles, often metallic, and somewhat flattened in shape. The insertions of theantennae are visible from above, while themandibles andlabrum are hidden by theclypeus. Theelytra lack a narrow membranous margin and are truncate to expose thepygidium. The abdominalspiracles are diverging so that several lie on the abdominalsternites with at least one exposed. The fore coxae are conical and produced ventrally, while the mid coxae are transverse or only slightly oblique. The mesothoracic epimera is visible from above. The tarsi are each equipped with a pair of simple (not forked) tarsal claws of subequal size.[3][4]

A feature possessed by adults of many flower chafers, especially Cetoniini, is lateral emargination of the elytra.[5]

Larvae are stout-bodied and very hairy with short legs. The head is partly covered by theprothorax. Each antenna has the apical segment as wide as the penultimate segment. The galea and lacinia are used to form a mala. The anal cleft is transverse. The mandible has a ventralstridulating area. The labrum is symmetrical with a deeply pigmented notch on each side of the midline.[3]



Adult cetoniines areherbivorous, being found on flowers (from which they consume nectar and pollen), tree sap and rotting fruit. Larvae generally live and feed in decaying plant matter (including decaying wood) or soil. In captivity, cetoniine larvae will feed on soft fruit.[3][4]

Many species in the tribe Cremastocheilini are known to be predaceous, feeding on hymenopteran larvae or soft-bodiednymphs ofAuchenorrhyncha.Spilophorus spp. have been noted feeding on the nesting material and excrement of South African passerine birds,[6] whileSpilophorus maculatus has been recorded feeding onOxyrhachis sp. nymphs[7] andHoplostomus fuligineus is known to feed on the brood of honey bees in South Africa and thepupae of the waspBelonogaster petiolata.Campsiura javanica feeds on the larvae ofRopalidia montana in southern India.[8]Cremastocheilus stathamae feeds on ants of the genusMyrmecocystus.[9]

In terms of movement, adults are considered some of the best flyers among beetles. They can hover above and land on flowers or fruit. When threatened by predators, they escape by either performing a rush take off or by falling toward the ground and then flying before impact. Many cetoniines fly with their elytra closed, as their hindwings can unfold and slide out under the elytra during flight (thanks to the emargination of the elytra).[5]

Larvae of some taxa can crawl on their backs using theirtergal folds, which are covered in strong bristles. Others crawl on their legs.[3][5]

Systematics and taxonomy

Mecynorhina ugandensis
Protaetia cuprea ignicollis
Ischnoscelis hoepfneri
Gymnetis stellata

The following list contains the genera and subtribes in ten tribes of subfamily Cetoniinae, according to Catalogue of Life and Scarabaeidae of the World (2023).[1]



Authority: Leach, 1815

  1. AethiessaBurmeister, 1842
  2. AnatonaBurmeister, 1842
  3. AnelaphinisKolbe, 1892
  4. AphelinisAntoine, 1987
  5. AtrichelaphinisKraatz, 1898
  6. AtrichianaDistant, 1911
  7. BadizoblaxThomson, 1877
  8. CentrantyxFairmaire, 1884
  9. CetoniaFabricius, 1775
  10. ChewiaLegrand, 2004
  11. ChilolobaBurmeister, 1842
  12. CosmesthesKraatz, 1880
  13. CosmiophaenaKraatz, 1898
  14. DischistaBurmeister, 1842
  15. DolichostethusKolbe, 1892
  16. ElaphinisBurmeister, 1842
  17. EnoplotarsusLucas, 1859
  18. ErlangeriaPreiss, 1902
  19. GametisBurmeister, 1842
  20. GametoidesAntoine, 2005
  21. GlycosiaSchoch, 1896
  22. GlycyphanaBurmeister, 1842
  23. GymnophanaArrow, 1910
  24. HemiprotaetiaMikšić, 1963
  25. HeterocnemisAlbers, 1852
  26. HeterotephraeaAntoine, 2002
  27. LorkovitschiaMikšić, 1968
  28. MarmylidaThomson, 1880
  29. MireiaRuter, 1953
  30. NiphobletaKraatz, 1880
  31. PachnodaBurmeister, 1842
  32. PachnodoidesAlexis & Delpont, 2002
  33. PachytephraeaDe Palma & Malec, 2020
  34. PaleopragmaThomson, 1880
  35. ParanelaphinisAntoine, 1988
  36. ParaprotaetiaMoser, 1907
  37. PararhabdotisKraatz, 1899
  38. ParastraellaAntoine, 2005
  39. ParaxelomaHolm, 1988
  40. ParelaphinisMarais & Holm, 1989
  41. PhaneresthesKraatz, 1894
  42. PhonotaeniaKraatz, 1880
  43. PhoxomeloidesSchoch, 1898
  44. PodopholisMoser, 1915
  45. PodopogonusMoser, 1917
  46. PogonopusArrow, 1910
  47. PolystalacticaKraatz, 1882
  48. ProtaetiaBurmeister, 1842
  49. ProtaetiomorphaMikšić, 1968
  50. PseudotephraeaKraatz, 1882
  51. ReineriaMikšić, 1968
  52. RhabdotisBurmeister, 1842
  53. RhabdotopsKrikken, 1981
  54. RhyxiphloeaBurmeister, 1842
  55. RuteraetiaKrikken, 1980
  56. SimorrhinaKraatz, 1886
  57. SomalibiaLansberge, 1882
  58. StalagmosomaBurmeister, 1842
  59. SystellorrhinaKraatz, 1895
  60. TephraeaBurmeister, 1842
  61. ThyreogoniaReitter, 1898
  62. TrichocephalaMoser, 1916
  63. TropinotaMulsant, 1842
  64. WalsternoplusAllsopp, Jákl & Rey, 2023
  65. XelomaKraatz, 1881
  1. ChlorixantheBates, 1889
  2. EuphoriaBurmeister, 1842
  1. AcrothyreaKraatz, 1882
  2. AlleucosmaSchenkling, 1921
  3. AmaurinaKolbe, 1895
  4. AnalleucosmaAntoine, 1989
  5. CyrtothyreaKolbe, 1895
  6. DiscopeltisBurmeister, 1842
  7. GrammopygaKolbe, 1895
  8. HeteralleucosmaAntoine, 1989
  9. HomothyreaKolbe, 1895
  10. LeucocelisBurmeister, 1842
  11. LonchothyreaKolbe, 1895
  12. MausoleopsisLansberge, 1882
  13. MecaspidiellusAntoine, 1997
  14. MolynopteraKraatz, 1897
  15. MolynopteroidesAntoine, 1989
  16. OxythyreaMulsant, 1842
  17. PaleiraReiche, 1871
  18. ParalleucosmaAntoine, 1989
  19. PhoxomelaSchaum, 1844
  20. PseudalleucosmaAntoine, 1989
  21. PseudooxythyreaBaraud, 1985



Authority: Burmeister & Schaum, 1841

  1. AspilochilusRojkoff, 2013
  2. AspilusWestwood, 1874
  3. ProtochilusKrikken, 1976
  1. ArielinaRossi, 1958
  2. AstoxenusPéringuey, 1907
  3. BasilewskyniaSchein, 1957
  4. CoenochilusSchaum, 1841
  1. CentrochilusKrikken, 1976
  2. ClinteroceraMotschulsky, 1857
  3. CremastocheilusKnoch, 1801
  4. CyclidiellusKrikken, 1976
  5. CyclidinusWestwood, 1874
  6. CyclidiusMacLeay, 1838
  7. GenuchinusWestwood, 1874
  8. LissomelasBates, 1889
  9. ParacyclidiusHowden, 1971
  10. PlatysodesWestwood, 1874
  11. PsilocnemisBurmeister, 1842
  1. CymophorusKirby, 1827
  2. MyrmecochilusWasmann, 1900
  3. RhagopteryxBurmeister, 1842
  1. GenuchusKirby, 1825
  2. MeurguesiaRuter, 1969
  3. ProblerhinusDeyrolle, 1864
  1. GoliathopsisJanson, 1881
  1. HeterogeniusMoser, 1911
  2. PseudastoxenusBourgoin, 1921
  1. ChthonobiusBurmeister, 1847
  2. LissogeniusSchaum, 1844
  1. BrachymacromaKraatz, 1896
  2. CampsiuraHope, 1831
  3. MacrominaWestwood, 1874
  4. PseudopilinurgusMoser, 1918
  1. NyassinusWestwood, 1879
  1. AnatonochilusPéringuey, 1907
  2. OplostomusMacLeay, 1838
  3. PlacodidusPéringuey, 1900
  4. ScaptobiusSchaum, 1841
  1. CallynomesMohnike, 1873
  2. CentrognathusGuérin-Méneville, 1840
  3. ParapilinurgusArrow, 1910
  4. PeriphanesthesKraatz, 1880
  5. PilinurgusBurmeister, 1842
  6. PriskaJákl, 2018
  1. SpilophorusWestwood, 1848
  1. TelochilusKrikken, 1975
  1. LecanoderusKolbe, 1907
  2. TrichoplusBurmeister, 1842
  1. PseudoscaptobiusKrikken, 1976
  2. TrogodesBoheman, 1857



Authority: Burmeister, 1842

  1. AnoplocheilusMacLeay, 1838
  2. AnthracophoraBurmeister, 1842
  3. AnthracophoridesMoser, 1918
  4. ApocnosoidesAntoine, 2001
  5. CharadronotaBurmeister, 1842
  6. ConradtiaKolbe, 1892
  7. DiphrontisGerstaecker, 1882
  8. DiplognathaGory & Percheron, 1833
  9. EriulisBurmeister, 1842
  10. HadrodiplognathaKraatz, 1898
  11. HeteropseudincaValck Lucassen, 1933
  12. LamellothyreaKrikken, 1980
  13. MetallopseudincaValck Lucassen, 1933
  14. NiphetophoraKraatz, 1883
  15. Nselenius(Holm & Perissinotto, 2004)
  16. OdontorrhinaBurmeister, 1842
  17. ParapoecilophilaHauser, 1904
  18. PhonopleurusMoser, 1919
  19. PilinopygaKraatz, 1888
  20. PorphyronotaBurmeister, 1842
  21. PseudincaKraatz, 1880
  22. StethopseudincaValck Lucassen, 1933
  23. TetragonorrhinaKraatz, 1896
  24. TrichostethaBurmeister, 1842
  25. TriplognathaKrikken, 1987
  26. TrymoderaGerstaecker, 1867
  27. UlopteraBurmeister, 1842



Authority: Latreille, 1829

  1. DicronocephalusHope, 1831
  2. PlatynocephalusWestwood, 1854
  1. FornasiniusBertoloni, 1852
  2. GoliathusLamarck, 1801
  3. HegemusThomson, 1881
  4. HypselogeniaBurmeister, 1840
  1. GariepPéringuey, 1907
  2. IchnestomaGory & Percheron, 1833
  3. KarooidaPerissinotto, 2020
  4. MzansicaPerissinotto, 2020
  1. AnagnathoceraArrow, 1922
  2. AnisorrhinaWestwood, 1842
  3. AsthenorhellaWestwood, 1874
  4. AsthenorhinaWestwood, 1843
  5. BietiaFairmaire, 1898
  6. CaelorrhinaHope, 1841
  7. CheirolasiaWestwood, 1842
  8. ChloresthiaFairmaire, 1905
  9. ChlorocalaKirby, 1828
  10. ChondrorrhinaKraatz, 1880
  11. CompsocephalusWhite, 1845
  12. CosmiomorphaSaunders, 1852
  13. CyphonocephalusWestwood, 1842
  14. DesfontainesiaAlexis & Delpont, 1999
  15. DicellachilusWaterhouse, 1905
  16. DicherosGory & Percheron, 1833
  17. DicronorhinaHope, 1837
  18. DiphyllomorphaHope, 1843
  19. DymusiaBurmeister, 1842
  20. EuchloropusArrow, 1907
  21. EudicellaWhite, 1839
  22. EutelesmusWaterhouse, 1880
  23. GnathoceraKirby, 1825
  24. GnorimimelusKraatz, 1880
  25. HemiheterorrhinaMikšić, 1974
  26. HerculaisiaSeilliere, 1910
  27. HeterorhinaWestwood, 1842
  28. IngrismaFairmaire, 1893
  29. IschnoscelisBurmeister, 1842
  30. JumnosSaunders, 1839
  31. LansbergiaRitsema, 1888
  32. LophorrhinaWestwood, 1842
  33. LophorrhinidesPerissinotto, Clennell & Beinhundner, 2019
  34. MawenzhenaAlexis & Delpont, 2001
  35. MecynorhinaHope, 1837
  36. MoserianaRuter, 1965
  37. MystrocerosBurmeister, 1842
  38. NaryciusDupont, 1835
  39. NeomystrocerosAlexis & Delpont, 1998
  40. NeophaedimusLucas, 1870
  41. NeoscelisSchoch, 1897
  42. PedinorrhinaKraatz, 1880
  43. PlaesiorrhinaWestwood, 1842
  44. PetrovitziaMikšić, 1965
  45. PriscorrhinaKrikken, 1984
  46. PseudodicerosMikšić, 1974
  47. PseudotorynorrhinaMikšić, 1967
  48. PtychodesthesKraatz, 1883
  49. RacelomaThomson, 1877
  50. RhamphorrhinaKlug, 1855
  51. RhinarionRuter, 1965
  52. RhomborhinaHope, 1837
  53. ScythropesthesKraatz, 1880
  54. SmicorhinaWestwood, 1847
  55. SpelaiorrhinaLansberge, 1886
  56. StephanorrhinaBurmeister, 1842
  57. TaurhinaBurmeister, 1842
  58. TmesorrhinaWestwood, 1841
  59. TorynorrhinaArrow, 1907
  60. TrichoneptunidesLegrand, 2001
  61. TrigonophorinusPouillaude, 1913
  62. TrigonophorusHope, 1831



Authority: Kirby, 1827

  1. BlaesiaBurmeister, 1842
  2. HalffterinetisMorón & Nogueira, 2007
  1. AllorrhinaBurmeister, 1842
  2. AmazulaKraatz, 1882
  3. AmithaoThomson, 1878
  4. ArgyripaThomson, 1878
  5. AstroscaraSchürhoff, 1937
  6. BadelinaThomson, 1880
  7. BalsamedaThomson, 1880
  8. ChiriquibiaBates, 1889
  9. ClinteriaBurmeister, 1842
  10. ClinteroidesSchoch, 1898
  11. CotinisBurmeister, 1842 - (Green June Beetles)
  12. DesicastaThomson, 1878
  13. GuatemalicaNeervoort Van De Poll, 1886
  14. GymnephoriaRatcliffe, 2019
  15. GymnetinaCasey, 1915
  16. GymnetisMacLeay, 1819
  17. HadrostictaKraatz, 1892
  18. HeterocotinisMartinez, 1948
  19. HologymnetisMartinez, 1949
  20. HoplopygaThomson, 1880
  21. HoplopygothrixSchürhoff, 1933
  22. HowdenypaArnaud, 1993
  23. JansoniaSchürhoff, 1937
  24. MacrocraniusSchürhoff, 1935
  25. MadianaRatcliffe & Romé, 2019
  26. MarmarinaKirby, 1827
  27. NeocorvicoanaRatcliffe & Mico, 2001
  28. PseudoclinteriaKraatz, 1882
  29. StethodesmaBainbridge, 1840
  30. TiaroceraBurmeister, 1842



Authority: Schoch, 1894

  1. HemiphaedimusMikšić, 1972
  2. PhaedimusWaterhouse, 1841
  3. PhilistinaMacLeay, 1838
  4. TheodosiaThomson, 1880



Authority: Burmeister, 1842

  1. AgestrataEschscholtz, 1829
  2. IschiopsophaGestro, 1874
  3. LomapteraGory & Percheron, 1833
  4. MacronotaHoffmannsegg, 1817
  5. MegaphoniaSchürhoff, 1933
  6. MorokiaJanson, 1905
  7. MycterophallusNeervoort Van De Poll, 1886
  8. ThaumastopeusKraatz, 1885
  1. AnacamptorrhinaBlanchard, 1842
  2. AphanesthesKraatz, 1880
  3. AurumHutchinson & Moeseneder, 2019
  4. AxilloniaKrikken, 2018
  5. BisallardianaAntoine, 2003
  6. ChalcopharisHeller, 1902
  7. ChlorobaptaKraatz, 1880
  8. ChondropygaKraatz, 1880
  9. ClithriaBurmeister, 1842
  10. DiaphoniaNewman, 1840
  11. DichrosomaKraatz, 1885
  12. DigenethleThomson, 1877
  13. DilochrosisThomson, 1878
  14. EupoecilaBurmeister, 1842
  15. GrandaustralisHutchinson & Moeseneder, 2013
  16. HemichnoodesKraatz, 1880
  17. HemipharisBurmeister, 1842
  18. KerowagiaDelpont, 1996
  19. LenosomaMacLeay, 1863
  20. LyraphoraKraatz, 1880
  21. MacrotinaStrand, 1934
  22. MetallesthesKraatz, 1880
  23. MicrodilochrosisJákl, 2009
  24. MicrolomapteraKraatz, 1885
  25. MicropoecilaKraatz, 1880
  26. NavigatorMoeseneder & Hutchinson, 2016
  27. NeoclithriaNeervoort Van De Poll, 1886
  28. NeorrhinaThomson, 1878
  29. OctocollisMoeseneder & Hutchinson, 2012
  30. PanglaphyraKraatz, 1880
  31. PeotoxusKrikken, 1983
  32. PoecilopharisKraatz, 1880
  33. PseudoclithriaNeervoort Van De Poll, 1886
  34. RigoutorumHutchinson & Moeseneder, 2022
  35. SchizorhinaKirby, 1825
  36. SchochidiaBerg, 1898
  37. StenopisthesMoser, 1913
  38. StoreyusHasenpusch & Moeseneder, 2010
  39. TafaiaValck Lucassens, 1939
  40. TapinoschemaThomson, 1880
  41. TerritoniaKrikken, 2018
  42. TrichaulaxKraatz, 1880



Authority: Kraatz, 1880

  1. AnochiliaBurmeister, 1842
  2. EpistalagmaFairmaire, 1880
  1. ChromoptiliaWestwood, 1842
  2. DescarpentriesiaRuter, 1964
  1. BricoptisBurmeister, 1842
  2. CoptomiaBurmeister, 1842
  3. CoptomiopsisPouillaude, 1919
  4. EccoptomiaKraatz, 1880
  5. EuchiliaBurmeister, 1842
  6. EuryomiaBurmeister, 1842
  7. HeterocranusBourgoin, 1919
  8. HiberastaFairmaire, 1901
  9. HyphelithiaKraatz, 1880
  10. LiostracaBurmeister, 1842
  11. MicreuchiliaPouillaude, 1917
  12. MicropeltusBlanchard, 1842
  13. PareuchiliaKraatz, 1880
  14. PygoraBurmeister, 1842
  15. PyrrhopodaKraatz, 1880
  16. VieuellaRuter, 1964
  1. DoryscelisBurmeister, 1842
  2. EpixanthisBurmeister, 1842
  3. HemiaspidiusKrikken, 1982
  4. PararhynchocephalaPaulian, 1991
  5. ParepixanthisKraatz, 1893
  6. PseudepixanthisKraatz, 1880
  7. RhynchocephalaFairmaire, 1883
  1. EuchroeaBurmeister, 1842
  1. HeterophanaBurmeister, 1842
  2. OxypeltaPouillaude, 1920
  3. PogoniotarsusKraatz, 1880
  4. PogonotarsusBurmeister, 1842
  5. ZebinusFairmaire, 1894
  1. HeterosomaSchaum, 1844
  2. PlochiliaFairmaire, 1896
  1. BonoraellaRuter, 1978
  2. CelidotaBurmeister, 1842
  3. CyrioderaBurmeister, 1842
  4. DirrhinaBurmeister, 1842
  5. HemiliaKraatz, 1880
  6. LucasseniaOlsoufieff, 1940
  7. MelanchroeaKraatz, 1900
  8. MoriaphilaKraatz, 1880
  9. PantoliaBurmeister, 1842
  10. TetraodorhinaBlanchard, 1842
  1. ParachiliaBurmeister, 1842
  1. CallipechisBurmeister, 1842
  2. IschnotarsiaKraatz, 1880
  3. RhadinotaeniaKraatz, 1900
  4. StenotarsiaBurmeister, 1842
  5. VadonidellaRuter, 1973



Authority: Mikšić, 1976

  1. AnocoelaMoser, 1914
  2. ChalcotheaBurmeister, 1842
  3. ChalcotheomimaMikšić, 1970
  4. ClerotaBurmeister, 1842
  5. GlyptotheaBates, 1889
  6. GlyptotheomimaMikšić, 1976
  7. HemichalcotheaMikšić, 1970
  8. MicrochalcotheaMoser, 1910
  9. ParaplectroneMikšić, 1985
  10. PenthimaKraatz, 1892
  11. PlectroneWallace, 1867
  12. PseudochalcotheaRitsema, 1882
  13. PseudochalcotheomimaMikšić, 1985
  1. BacchusiaMikšić, 1976
  2. BombodesWestwood, 1848
  3. CarneluttiaMikšić, 1976
  4. CoiloderaHope, 1831
  5. CostinotaSchürhoff, 1933
  6. EumacronotaMikšić, 1976
  7. EureminaWestwood, 1867
  8. EuselatesThomson, 1880
  9. GnorimidiaLansberge, 1887
  10. IxoridaThomson, 1880
  11. MacronotopsKrikken, 1977
  12. MerolobaThomson, 1880
  13. PleuronotaKraatz, 1892
  14. StenonotaFairmaire, 1889
  15. TaenioderaBurmeister, 1842
  16. XenolobaBates, 1889



Authority: Krikken, 1984

  1. AporecolpaLansberge, 1886
  2. CallophyllaMoser, 1916
  3. HeteroclitaBurmeister, 1842
  4. IschnostomiellaKrikken, 1978
  5. MeridioclitaKrikken, 1982
  6. MyodermidiusBourgoin, 1920
  7. NeoclitaPerissinotto, 2017
  8. OroclitaKrikken, 1982
  9. PlochilianaRuter, 1978
  10. ProtoclitaKrikken, 1978
  11. RhinocoetaBurmeister, 1842
  12. ScheiniaRuter, 1957
  13. XiphoscelisBurmeister, 1842
  14. XiphosceloidesHolm, 1992


  1. ^ab"Cetoniinae Leach, 1815".Catalogue of Life. Retrieved2023-09-24.
  2. ^Bouchard, P.; Bousquet, Y.; Davies, A.; Alonso-Zarazaga, M.; Lawrence, J.; Lyal, C.; Newton, A.; Reid, C.; Schmitt, M.; Ślipiński, A.; Smith, A. (2011)."Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta)".ZooKeys (88):1–972.Bibcode:2011ZooK...88....1B.doi:10.3897/zookeys.88.807.PMC 3088472.PMID 21594053.
  3. ^abcd"Australian Faunal Directory" Retrieved2022-12-08.
  4. ^ab"Subfamily Cetoniinae - Fruit and Flower Chafers" Retrieved2022-12-08.
  5. ^abcŠípek, Petr; Fabrizi, Silvia; Eberle, Jonas; Ahrens, Dirk (2016)."A molecular phylogeny of rose chafers (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) reveals a complex and concerted morphological evolution related to their flight mode".Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.101:163–175.Bibcode:2016MolPE.101..163S.doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2016.05.012.PMID 27165937.
  6. ^Shipley, A. E.; Marshall, Guy A. K., eds. (1910).The Fauna of British India. London, Calcutta and Bombay: Taylor and Francis. p. 201.
  7. ^Ghorpade, K.D. (1975). "A remarkable predacious cetoniid,Spilophorus maculatus (Gory & Percheron), from southern India (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)".The Coleopterists Bulletin.29 (4):226–230.doi:10.5962/p.372723.JSTOR 3999660.
  8. ^Jeanne, Robert L. & J. H. Hunt (1992)."Beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in a social wasp nest (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) in India"(PDF).Entomologist's Monthly Magazine.128:139–141. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 2016-03-04. Retrieved2014-10-28.
  9. ^Cazier, M.A. & Marjorie Statham (1962). "The behaviour and habits of the myrmecophilous scarab,Cremastocheilus stathamae Cazier, with notes on other species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)".J. New York Entomol. Soc.70:125–149.

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