Catherine LawCBE is a Britishpaediatrician andepidemiologist at theUCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health. She received theJames Spence Medal, the highest honour of theRoyal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, in 2020.[1]
Law completed her medical studies at theUniversity of London in 1979 and trained as a paediatrician in London. She finished a doctorate at the UCL Institute of Child Health and subsequently travelled to the United States to pursue postdoctoral research at theJohns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. She returned to the United Kingdom in 1987 as an academic at theUniversity of Southampton, where she remained until she moved to the UCL Institute of Child Health in 2003. There, she eventually became a Professor of Public Health and Epidemiology and Vice Dean for Research in the Faculty of Population Health Sciences.[2] Her research has focused on childhood obesity, growth and inequalities in children's health, and the applications of medical research to public policy.[1]
From 2005 to 2015, she served as the inaugural chair of theNICE Public Health Advisory Committee. She is a member of theWorld Health Organization Europe Advisory Committee on Health Research. She was appointedCBE in 2014 for services topublic health and is an electedFellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.[2]