This is a complete list of the 166shorts in theTom and Jerry series produced and released between 1940 and 2021. Of these, 162 are theatrical shorts, one is a made-for-TV short, one is a two-minute sketch shown as part of a telethon, and two arespecial shorts released onHBO Max.
1940–1958: Hanna–Barbera/MGM cartoons
The following 114 cartoons were directed byWilliam Hanna andJoseph Barbera at theMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio inHollywood, California. All cartoons were released to theaters byMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer.Rudolf Ising was the producer ofPuss Gets the Boot; subsequent cartoons were produced byFred Quimby through 1955. Quimby retired in 1955 and from 1955 to 1957, Hanna and Barbera produced the shorts until MGM closed the cartoon studio in 1957, and the last cartoon was released in 1958.[1] Most of these cartoons were produced in the standardAcademy ratio (1.37:1). Four cartoons were produced for both Academy Ratio andCinemaScope formats (2.55:1, later 2.35:1). Finally, 19 cartoons were produced in widescreen CinemaScope format only (though reissues have the standard Academy ratio 1.37:1 instead).
Like the other studios, MGM reissued and edited its cartoons when rereleased to theaters. Many pre-1952 cartoons were reissued withPerspecta Sound, which was introduced in 1954. MGM also reissued its cartoons before the introduction of Perspecta Sound. Because of the1965 MGM vault fire, all original film of pre-September-1951 MGM cartoons are lost, leaving only the backup prints (usually the altered reissue prints), although some production artwork relating to the missing material has survived, like pencil sketches.[2]
Tom and Jerry's first cartoon. Tom (here named Jasper) tries to stop the mouse Jerry (here unnamed) from breaking plates and glasses beforethe maid can kick Jasper out.
First appearances of Tom (as Jasper), Jerry (as the unnamed mouse), and the housekeeper (never given a name). FirstTom and Jerry cartoon nominated for anAcademy Award forBest Short Subject, Cartoon.
Jerry attempts to outsmart Tom so he can get a snack from the refrigerator.
First time Tom and Jerry are referred to by those names. The housekeeper will never be referred to by any name. Rereleased in Perspecta Stereo in 1958.
Tom gets to know the spirit of giving when he begins to feel guilty after blockading the front door, trapping Jerry outside in the cold onChristmas Eve.
When the housekeeper kicks Tom out of the house after Jerry frames him, the mouse enjoys his freedom without Tom until he gets lonesome. They work together to prove Tom's worth as a mouse-catcher to the housekeeper.
Tom and Jerry try to impress Toots by wearing azoot suit.
Unusual for a Tom and Jerry cartoon, characters speak lengthy lines.
The Million Dollar Cat
May 6, 1944
Tom inherits a million dollars on one condition: He must avoid causing harm to any animal, which Jerry uses to his advantage.
Scott Bradley received the only music credit for this short, but examination of the archived orchestral score bears the inscription, "Adapted by Ted Duncan". As Barrier has remarked inHollywood Cartoons, this score is very unlike Bradley's other work of the period, since it "sounds like ordinary dance-band music, related only tenuously to the cartoon action". It seems plausible that Duncan adapted the score from pre-existing songs because Bradley was unavailable, and the latter received credit for contractual reasons.[3]
The Bodyguard
July 22, 1944
Jerry frees Spike the bulldog from the dog-catcher's truck. Spike promises to protect Jerry from Tom by responding to the sound of a whistle.
Tom sneaks up to Toodles' house to sing love songs to her at night.
Cat Fishin'
February 22, 1947
Tom goes fishing using Jerry as bait and deals with watchdog Spike.
Part Time Pal
March 15, 1947
The housekeeper warns Tom to keep Jerry out of the refrigerator or she'll throw him out, but Tom accidentally becomes repeatedly drunk and befriends Jerry.
Won anOscar forBest Short Subject, Cartoon.[4] In 1994, it was voted No. 42 of the 50 Greatest Cartoons of all time by members of the animation field, the only Tom & Jerry cartoon to make the list.[5]
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse
June 14, 1947
Tom tries to prevent Jerry from drinking his milk by poisoning it, but his plan completely backfires when the poison transforms Jerry into a monster.
After a muddy Tom chases Jerry through the house, the housekeeper forces the cat to clean the house. While she is gone, Jerry sabotages Tom's efforts.
Blackface gag removed from television and omitted from DVD due to racial stereotyping.[6]
Polka-Dot Puss
February 26, 1949
Tom convinces the housekeeper that he is too sick to go outside. He stays in the house until Jerry paints red dots all over Tom's face to trick him into thinking he has caught themeasles.
After a piano flattens Tom while he attempts to catch Jerry, Tom is refused entry to catheaven due to his record of trying to harm Jerry. To save himself fromHell, Tom must have Jerry sign a certificate of forgiveness within one hour.
After the housekeeper goes out with her friends, Tom invites three of his feline friends: Butch, Lightning, and Topsy over for a party with loud music, which disturbs Jerry, who is trying to sleep.
Only (albeit brief) time that the face ofhousekeeper is shown. Rereleased in Perspecta Stereo in 1957. Rereleased to television in the mid-1960s with housekeeper replaced by a white teenage female.
Texas Tom
March 11, 1950
Tom tries to woo a cowgirl cat.
Rereleased in Perspecta Stereo in 1957.
Jerry and the Lion
April 8, 1950
Jerry promises to return an escaped circus lion to the African jungle.
Only appearance ofLion. Rereleased in Perspecta Stereo in 1957.
Safety Second
July 1, 1950
Jerry and Nibbles celebrateIndependence Day. Nibbles wants to set off firecrackers, but Jerry would rather play it safer.
Tom offers Jerry as a gift to a wealthy and attractive female cat (Toodles). Jerry attracts the attention of another cat (Butch) who also becomes interested in her, resulting in a fight between Tom and the other cat for her affection.
Blackface gag removed from television and omitted from DVD due to racial stereotyping.[6] Rereleased in Perspecta Stereo in 1958.
Jerry and the Goldfish
March 3, 1951
Jerry must save a goldfish from Tom.
Rereleased in Perspecta Stereo in 1958.
Jerry's Cousin
April 7, 1951
Jerry enlists help from his tough cousin Muscles to deal with Tom.
After staying out all night with his alley cat friends, Tom attempts to catch Jerry on housekeeper's orders, but he gets sleepy in the process.
Rereleased in Perspecta Stereo in 1958.
His Mouse Friday
July 7, 1951
Tom becomes a castaway on an island and chases Jerry to a native village, but Jerry tricks the cat by disguising himself as a blackface native.
Rereleased in Perspecta Stereo in 1958. This short is edited in two ways onTom and Jerry on Parade VHS andSpotlight Collection DVD.[8]
Slicked-up Pup
September 8, 1951
Spike threatens Tom to keep Tyke clean while he is gone. Jerry dirties Tyke to get Tom in trouble.
Nit-Witty Kitty
October 6, 1951
The housekeeper accidentally knocks Tom out with a blow to the head which causes him to forget who he is and think that he is a mouse, and Jerry finds Tom more obnoxious as a fellow rodent.
Cat Napping
December 8, 1951
Tom and Jerry fight over who is going to sleep in the hammock.
The Flying Cat
January 12, 1952
Tom chases Jerry and Cuckoo by devising an aerial plan of attack.
The Duck Doctor
February 16, 1952
Tom shoots down a wild duckling while hunting. Jerry helps him get airborne again.
As the pet owned byJohann Strauss inVienna, Tom becomes an accomplished pianist himself after his master goes away in order to lure dancing Jerry out with piano music.
Spike strikes an agreement with Tom for the feline to act scared whenever Tyke barks at him.
Just Ducky
September 5, 1953
After Quacker hatches, Jerry befriends him and teaches him how to swim so he can find his family, but Jerry must also protect him from Tom.
Two Little Indians
October 17, 1953
Jerry is a scoutmaster who is taking two young mice (both resembling Nibbles) on a hiking trip.
Life with Tom
November 21, 1953
Jerry writes an autobiography titledLife with Tom, which Tom has mixed emotions reading.
Compilation short; contains footage fromCat Fishin',The Little Orphan, andKitty Foiled.
Puppy Tale
January 23, 1954
A litter of puppies are thrown into a river, but Jerry saves them and has to deal with one that will not leave him and Tom alone.
Posse Cat
January 30, 1954
Tom is a cat owned by a western rancher living near theLa Sal Mountains, who rules that, going forward, Tom's dinner will depend on him keeping Jerry out of the shack from stealing their food. Tom and Jerry eventually reach a truce that allows Tom to earn the meal.
Similar in story and spirit toTexas Tom.
Hic-cup Pup
April 17, 1954
Tom's usual antics of chasing Jerry wake Tyke up, and the puppy gets the hiccups. This annoys Spike, who threatens Tom to keep quiet, while Jerry tries to frame him.
Little School Mouse
May 29, 1954
Jerry is a professor with a certified degree in outwitting cats, and tries to teach Nibbles how to do so, with very little success.
Similar in story and spirit toProfessor Tom.
Baby Butch
August 14, 1954
Butch disguises himself as ababy to steal food from Tom and Jerry's household, aggravating both of them.
Mice Follies
September 4, 1954
Jerry and Nibbles flood the kitchen and freeze it, turning it into a skating rink, causing Tom to use unusual tactics to catch them.
Neapolitan Mouse
October 2, 1954
Tom and Jerry vacation inNaples and encounter a local mouse named Topo.
Downhearted Duckling
November 13, 1954
After reading the story of "The Ugly Duckling", Quacker is persistent with the idea of his being ugly, and even resorts to being eaten by Tom rather than to live with his "ugliness".
Pet Peeve
November 20, 1954
After the cost of dog and cat food increase, George and Joan (Tom and Spike's owners) decide they must get rid of one of them before they are eaten out of their home. Tom and Spike must compete to catch Jerry so they can stay, but both get kicked out in the end and Jerry stays.
Produced simultaneously in both the standard Academy format and in widescreen CinemaScope. First appearances ofGeorge and Joan, although their faces are not seen here.
Touché, Pussy Cat!
December 18, 1954
Captain Jerry tries to teach eager Nibbles how to become a Mouseketeer.
Produced simultaneously in both the standard Academy format and in widescreen CinemaScope. Last cartoon to get nominated for anOscar forBest Short Subjects, Cartoons.
Southbound Duckling
March 12, 1955
Quacker is determined to fly south for the winter, which Jerry objects since farm ducks do not fly south, while Tom tries to catch the duck.
Produced simultaneously in both the standard Academy format and in CinemaScope.
Pup on a Picnic
April 30, 1955
Spike and Tyke are having a picnic, but several inconveniences occur.
Produced simultaneously in both the standard Academy format and in CinemaScope.
Mouse for Sale
May 21, 1955
Tom sells Jerry disguising him as a white mouse after seeing an ad in the newspaper. But his plan to get rich backfires when the house owner finds the money and buys Jerry back.
Designs on Jerry
September 2, 1955
Stick figure versions of Tom and Jerry come to life when Tom creates a very detailed blueprint of a mousetrap.
Tom and Chérie
September 9, 1955
Mouseketeer Nibbles gets frustrated when Captain Mouseketeer Jerry repeatedly asks him to deliver his love letters despite Mouseketeer Nibbles's continually encountering troubles with Tom along the way.
Produced in CinemaScope. This is the only Tom and Jerry episode during the Hanna-Barbera era where Tom and Jerry never come in contact with each other.
Smarty Cat
October 14, 1955
Tom and his pals watch old footage of Spike's misery while the owners are not home.
Jerry's uncle Pecos comes to the city with his guitar for his television singing debut. Tom is terrified of Pecos because he keeps using Tom's whiskers as replacement guitar strings.
Only appearance ofUncle Pecos. LastTom and Jerry cartoon released in the standardAcademy format. All subsequent Hanna-Barbera cartoons were released in CinemaScope. LastTom and Jerry cartoon released withFred Quimby as producer.
That's My Mommy
November 19, 1955
Quacker hatches near Tom andimprints on him, thinking Tom is his mother, despite Jerry's multiple pleas to show him otherwise.
Produced in CinemaScope. FirstTom and Jerry cartoon withWilliam Hanna andJoseph Barbera as both producers and directors.
The Flying Sorceress
January 27, 1956
Tom sees an advert wanting an intelligent cat as a travel companion. He leaves his home for the new job, only to find a creepy house occupied by a witch, who wants a cat to take on broomstick rides.
The first short Joan's face is seen. Produced in CinemaScope.
The Egg and Jerry
March 23, 1956
A mother woodpecker leaves for lunch leaving her egg behind, but the egg ends up in Jerry's home and hatches. The baby woodpeckerthinks Jerry is his mother and saves him from Tom.
Produced in CinemaScope. CinemaScope remake ofHatch Up Your Troubles and first of the three CinemaScope remakes.
Busy Buddies
May 4, 1956
When Jeannie the babysitter is too busy on the phone to look after the baby who is constantly crawling away, Tom and Jerry collaborate to make sure the baby does not get hurt.
Tom arrives at the beach with a female cat to spend some quality time. But instead, he is competing with Butch by lifting weights to impress her.
Produced in CinemaScope.
Down Beat Bear
October 21, 1956
A dancing bear escapes from the zoo and arrives at Tom and Jerry's house, so Jerry keeps playing music to make him dance with Tom and prevent Tom from calling to collect the reward.
Jerry, narrating, recounts the tragic love story that led to Tom's depression.
Deemed infamous for its depictions ofalcoholism andsuicide. This was mistaken asTom and Jerry's last film, but it did not stop there.[9][10]
Barbecue Brawl
December 14, 1956
Spike shows his son Tyke how to barbecue, but they have to deal with constant interruptions.
Produced in CinemaScope and Perspecta Stereo.
Tops with Pops
February 22, 1957
Jerry hides with Spike and Tyke so Tom will get in trouble if he tries to catch him.
Produced in CinemaScope and Perspecta Stereo. CinemaScope remake version ofLove That Pup and second of the three Cinemascope remakes.
Timid Tabby
April 19, 1957
Tom's cousin George comes to visit, and he is afraid of mice.
Produced in CinemaScope and Perspecta Stereo.
Feedin' the Kiddie
June 7, 1957
Jerry and Tuffy dine on Thanksgiving treats until Tom tries to stop them.
Produced in CinemaScope and Perspecta Stereo. Remake ofThe Little Orphan with Nibbles named as Tuffy and is Jerry's nephew.
Mucho Mouse
September 6, 1957
Tom is a mouse-catching world champion and arrives inSpain to catch Jerry, known as El Magnifico, but he miserably fails to catch him.
Produced in CinemaScope and Perspecta Stereo.
Tom's Photo Finish
November 1, 1957
When Tom eats his owner's chicken and frames Spike, Jerry takes a picture to expose him, spreading copies around the house for his owners to see them. Tom goes to extreme measures to destroy or otherwise hide the photos from his owners, but ultimately fails.
Produced in CinemaScope and Perspecta Stereo.
Happy Go Ducky
January 3, 1958
TheEaster Bunny leaves anEaster egg for Tom and Jerry, which hatches into Quacker who thoroughly annoys them.
Produced in CinemaScope and Perspecta Stereo.
Royal Cat Nap
March 7, 1958
Royal guard Tom must get rid of Mouseketeers Jerry and Tuffy without waking up the king from his nap.
Produced in CinemaScope and Perspecta Stereo.
The Vanishing Duck
May 2, 1958
In a plot reminiscent of 1947'sThe Invisible Mouse, Jerry and Quacker become invisible using vanishing cream and play pranks on Tom.
Produced in CinemaScope and Perspecta Stereo.
Robin Hoodwinked
June 6, 1958
AfterRobin Hood gets locked up, Jerry and Tuffy attempt to save him, but first they must get past Tom.
The following 34 cartoons were produced byChuck Jones in Hollywood, California. Earlier cartoons were produced in conjunction with Walter Bien's "Sib Tower 12 Productions" (one or the other credited on the 1963 and 1964 productions), until it was integrated into a new animation department calledMGM Animation/Visual Arts. Directors (if other than Jones) or co-directors for each short are listed. All cartoons were released to theaters by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Note: All the Chuck Jones MGMTom and Jerry shorts were in Metrocolor.
Direction credited to William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, with story and supervision byTom Ray. Compilation short; contains footage fromThe Flying Cat,Professor Tom,The Missing Mouse,Jerry and the Lion,Love That Pup,The Flying Sorceress,Jerry's Diary, andThe Truce Hurts. Tom and Jerry watch themselves in a theater.
Direction credited to William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, with story and supervision by Tom Ray. Compilation short; Contains footage fromPart Time Pal,The Yankee Doodle Mouse,Nit-Witty Kitty,Johann Mouse,Heavenly Puss, andDesigns on Jerry.
Advance and Be Mechanized
August 25, 1967
Directed by Ben Washam. Followup toO-Solar-Meow.
Purr-Chance to Dream
September 8, 1967
Directed by Ben Washam. Followup toThe Cat's Me-Ouch.
2001–present: Warner Bros. cartoons
2001: Hanna-Barbera Productions/Turner Entertainment cartoon
In Japan, the local sushi chef with his cat Tom notice a mouse known as Jerry scurrying around the Chef's restaurant. In order to earn Chef's keep, Tom determines to catch the sushi-stealing mouse.
Directed by Kenny Pittenger.
The House That Cat Built
February 20, 2021
Following Tom's extra-deluxe, extra-large cat castle destroying a "Hole Sweet Hole" portrait in Jerry's house, Jerry invades the castle. Tom becomes determined to get Jerry out of his own luxury.
^abcVallance, Tom (December 20, 2006). "Joseph Barbera: Animation pioneer whose creations with William Hanna included the Flintstones and Tom and Jerry".The Independent (London).
^Beck, Jerry (ed.) (1994).The 50 Greatest Cartoons: As Selected by 1,000 Animation Professionals. Atlanta: Turner Publishing.ISBN1-878685-49-X.