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Magazine (firearms)

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(Redirected fromCasket magazine)
Ammunition feeding device of a firearm
Not to be confused withMagazine (artillery).
A staggered-column9×19mmBrowning Hi-Power pistol box magazine. The top image shows the magazine loaded and ready for use, while the lower image shows it unloaded and disassembled.
Loading of small arms ammunition into a magazine.

Amagazine, often simply called amag, is anammunition storage and feeding device for arepeating firearm, either integral within the gun (internal/fixed magazine) or externally attached (detachable magazine). The magazine functions by holding severalcartridges within itself and sequentially pushing each one into a position where it may be readily loaded into thebarrelchamber by the firearm's movingaction. The detachable magazine is sometimes colloquially referred to as a "clip", although this is technically inaccurate since a clip is actually an accessory device used to help load ammunition into a magazine or cylinder.[1][2][3]

Magazines come in many shapes and sizes, from integraltubular magazines onlever-action andpump-action rifles and shotguns, that may hold more than five rounds, to detachablebox magazines anddrum magazines forautomatic rifles andlight machine guns, that may hold more than fifty rounds. Various jurisdictions ban what they define as "high-capacity magazines".



With the increased use ofsemi-automatic andautomatic firearms, the detachable magazine became increasingly common. Soon after the adoption of theM1911 pistol, the term "magazine" was settled on by the military and firearms experts. Although the term "clip" is often used to refer to detachable (never fixed) magazines, this usage remains a point of strong contention.[4][5][6] The defining difference between a clip and a magazine is the presence of a feed mechanism, typically a spring-loaded follower, which a clip lacks. Whereas a magazine consists of four parts — a spring, a spring follower, a body, and a base — a clip may be constructed of one continuous piece of stamped metal and contain no moving parts. Examples of clips include moon clips forrevolvers; "stripper" clips, such those used in association withspeedloaders for military (e.g.,5.56×45mm NATO) ammunition; anden bloc clips forM1 Garand rifles.[2][7][8][9]



The earliest firearms were loaded with loose powder and a lead ball, and to fire more than a single shot without reloading required multiplebarrels, such as inpepper-box guns,double-barreled rifles,double-barreled shotguns, or multiplechambers, such as inrevolvers. The main problem with these solutions is that they increase the bulk and/or weight of a firearm, over a firearm with a single barrel and/or single chamber. However, many attempts were made to get multiple shots from loading a single barrel through the use ofsuperposed loads.[10] While some early repeaters such as theKalthoff repeater managed to operate using complex systems with multiple feed sources for ball, powder, and primer, easily mass-produced repeating mechanisms did not appear until self-contained cartridges were developed in the 19th century.

Early tubular magazines

Loading sleeve open, three Henry Flat cartridges, compare with .44 WCF round
Diagram of the Spencer rifle showing the tubular magazine in the butt

The first successful mass-produced repeating weapon to use a "tubular magazine" permanently mounted to the weapon was the Austrian Army'sGirandoni air rifle, first produced in 1779.

The first mass-produced repeating firearm was theVolcanic Rifle which used a hollow bullet with the base filled with powder and primer fed into the chamber from a tube called a "magazine" with an integral spring to push the cartridges in to the action, thence to be loaded into the chamber and fired. It was named after a building or room used to store ammunition. The anemic power of theRocket Ball ammunition used in the Volcanic doomed it to limited popularity.[citation needed].

TheHenry repeating rifle is alever-action,breech-loading, tubular magazine-fedrepeating rifle, and was an improved version of the earlier Volcanic rifle. Designed byBenjamin Tyler Henry in 1860, it was one of the first firearms to use self-containedmetallic cartridges. The Henry was introduced in 1860 and was in production until 1866 in the United States by theNew Haven Arms Company. It was adopted in small quantities by theUnion Army in theAmerican Civil War and was favored for its greater firepower than the standard issuecarbine. Many later found their way Westward and was famed both for its use at theBattle of the Little Bighorn, and being the basis for the iconicWinchester lever-action repeating rifle, which is still in production to the present day.[11] TheHenry andWinchester rifles would go on to see service with a number of militaries including Turkey. Switzerland and Italy adopted similar designs.[11]

The second magazine-fed firearm to achieve widespread success was theSpencer repeating rifle, which saw service in theAmerican Civil War. The Spencer used a tubular magazine located in the butt of the gun instead of under the barrel and it used newrimfire metallic cartridges. The Spencer was successful, but the rimfire ammunition did occasionally ignite in the magazine tube and destroy the magazine. It could also injure the user.

The newbolt-action rifles began to gain favor with militaries in the mid-1880s and were often equipped with tubular magazines. TheMauser Model 1871 was originally a single-shot action that added a tubular magazine in its 1884 update. The NorwegianJarmann M1884 was adopted in 1884 and also used a tubular magazine. The FrenchLebel Model 1886 rifle also used 8-round tubular magazine.[12]

Tubular magazines remain common on many makes and models of shotgun.

Integral box magazines

1905 Military Rifles magazines.
1 & 2: Mosin–Nagant M1891
3 & 4: Lebel M1886
5 & 6: Gewehr M1888
7 & 8: Mannlicher M1888
9 & 10: Lee–Metford M1888
11 & 12: Dutch-Mannlicher M1895
13 & 14: Mauser M1893
15: Krag–Jørgensen M1886
16: Schmidt–Rubin M1889

The military cartridge was evolving as the magazine rifle evolved. Cartridges evolved from large-bore cartridges (.40 caliber/10 mm and larger) to smaller bores that fired lighter, higher-velocity bullets and incorporated newsmokeless propellants. TheLebel Model 1886 rifle was the first rifle and cartridge to be designed for use with smokeless powder and used an 8 mmwadcutter-shaped bullet that was drawn from a tubular magazine. This would later become a problem when the Lebel's ammunition was updated to use a more aerodynamic pointed bullet. Modifications had to be made to thecenterfire case to prevent thespitzer point from igniting the primer of the next cartridge inline in the magazine through recoil or simply rough handling.[13] This remains a concern with lever-action firearms today.

Two early box magazine patents were the ones byRollin White in 1855 and William Harding in 1859.[14] A detachable box magazine was patented in 1864 by the American Robert Wilson. Unlike later box magazines this magazine fed into a tube magazine and was located in the stock of the gun.[15][16] Another box magazine, closer to the modern type though non-detachable, was patented in Britain (No. 483) by Mowbray Walker, George Henry Money and Francis Little in 1867.[17]James Paris Lee patented a box magazine which held rounds stacked vertically in 1875,[18] 1879 and 1882 and it was first adopted by Austria in the form of an 11mm straight-pull bolt-action rifle, theMannlicher M1886. It also used a cartridge clip which held 5 rounds ready to load into the magazine.[13][19] One of the first detachable box magazines with a double-stack staggered-feed was theSchmidt-Rubin of 1889. Other examples include the patent of Fritz von Stepski and Erich Sterzinger of Austria-Hungary in May 1888 and the British patents by George Vincent Fosbery in 1883 and 1884.[20][21][22] James Paris Lee is sometimes claimed to have invented the double-stack, staggered-feed detachable box magazine but he didn't design one until 1892 for the Mark IILee-Metford, three years after the Schmidt-Rubin. The first pistol with a double-stack, staggered-feed magazine was theMauser C96 although it was an integral design fed by stripper clips. The first detachable double-stack, single-feed magazine for pistols was probably the one patented by the American Elbert H. Searle in 1904 and adopted byArthur Savage though he didn't apply it in practice to his designs until much later.[23][24] One of the first double-stack, single-feed box magazines was patented in November 1888 by an English inventor called Joseph James Speed of Waltham Cross.[25] Another was patented in May 1887 by the Austro-Hungarian Karl Krnka.[26]

En bloc clip and 8mm ammo for the Gewehr 88
Swedish Mauser stripper clip loaded with Swedish 6.5×55mm

The bolt-actionKrag–Jørgensen rifle, designed in Norway in 1886, used a unique rotary magazine that was built into the receiver. Like Lee's box magazine, the rotary magazine held the rounds side-by-side, rather than end-to-end. Like most rotary magazines, it was loaded through a loading gate one round at a time, this one located on the side of the receiver. While reliable, the Krag–Jørgensen's magazine was expensive to produce and slow to reload. It was adopted by only three countries, Denmark in 1889, the United States in 1892,[27] and Norway in 1894.

Clip-fed revolution

See also:List of clip-fed firearms

Aclip (called acharger in theUnited Kingdom) is a device that is used to store multiple rounds of ammunition together as a unit, ready for insertion into the magazine or cylinder of a firearm. This speeds up the process of reloading the firearm as several rounds can be loaded at once, rather than one round being loaded at a time. Several different types of clips exist, most of which are made of inexpensive metal stampings that are designed to be disposable, though they are often re-used.

The first clips used were of theen bloc variety, developed byFerdinand Mannlicher and first adopted by theAustro-Hungarian Army, which would be used Austro-Hungarians during the first world war in the form of theMannlicher M1895, derivatives of which would be adopted by many national militaries. The Germans used this system for theirModel 1888 Commission Rifle, featuring a 5-rounden bloc clip-fed internal box magazine.[28] One problem with theen bloc system is that the firearm cannot be practically used without a ready supply of (mostly disposable) clips.PaulMauser would solve this problem by introducing a stripper clip that functioned only to assist the user in loading the magazine quickly: it was not required to load the magazine to full capacity. He would continue to make improved models of rifles that took advantage of this new clip design from1889 through1898 in various calibers that proved enormously successful, and were adopted by a wide range of national militaries.[13] In 1890 the French adopted the8mm LebelBerthier rifles with 3-round internal magazines, fed fromen bloc clips; the empty clips were pushed from the bottom of the action by the insertion of a loaded clip from the top.[29][30]

In the late 19th century, there were many short-lived designs, such as theM1895 Lee Navy andGewehr 1888, eventually replaced by theM1903 Springfield rifle andGewehr 98 respectively. TheRussianMosin–Nagant, adopted in 1891, was an exception. It was not revolutionary; it was a bolt-action rifle, used a small-bore smokeless powder cartridge, and a fixed box magazine loaded from the top withstripper clips, all of which were features that were used in earlier military rifles. What made the Nagant stand out was that it combined all the earlier features in a form that was to last virtually unchanged from its issue by Russia in 1894 throughWorld War II and with its sniper rifle variants still in use today.

Magazine cut-off


A feature of many late 19th and early 20th century bolt-action rifles was the magazine cut-off, sometimes called a feed interrupter. This was a mechanical device that prevented the rifle from loading a round from the magazine, requiring the shooter to manually load each individual round as he fired, saving the rounds in the magazine for short periods of rapid fire when ordered to use them. Most military authorities that specified them assumed that their riflemen would waste ammunition indiscriminately if allowed to load from the magazine all the time.[31] By the mid-20th century, most manufacturers deleted this feature to save costs and manufacturing time; it is also likely that battlefield experience had proven the futility of this philosophy.

Final fixed-magazine developments

Comparison of M1 Garanden bloc clip (left), and SKS stripper clip (right)

One of the last new clip-fed, fixed-magazine rifles widely adopted that was not a modification of an earlier rifle was theM1 Garand. The M1 Garand was the firstgas-operatedsemi-automatic rifle adopted and issued in large numbers as the standardservice rifle of any military in the world. The M1 Garand was fed by a special eight-rounden bloc clip. The clip itself was inserted into the rifle's magazine during loading, where it was locked in place. The rounds were fed directly from the clip, with a spring-loaded follower in the rifle pushing the rounds up into feeding position. When empty, the bolt would lock open, and a spring would automatically eject the empty clip with a distinctive pinging sound, leaving the rifle ready to be quickly reloaded. TheM14 rifle, which was based on incremental changes to the Garand action, switched to a detachable box magazine.[citation needed] However, the M14 with magazine attached could also be loaded via 5-round stripper-clips.[32]

The SovietSKS carbine, which entered service in 1945, was something of a stopgap between the semi-automatic service rifles being developed in the period leading up to World War II, and the newassault rifle developed by the Germans. The SKS used a fixed magazine, holding ten rounds and fed by a conventional stripper clip. It was a modification of the earlierAVS-36 rifle, shortened and chambered for the new reduced power7.62×39mm cartridge. It was rendered obsolete for military use almost immediately by the 1947 introduction of the magazine-fedAK-47 assault rifle, though it remained in service for many years in Soviet Bloc nations alongside the AK-47. The detachable magazine quickly came to dominate post-war military rifle designs.[citation needed]

Detachable box magazines

(left to right)
M1 Garand 8-rounden bloc clip,
M14 20-round magazine,
M16 STANAG 20- and 30-round magazines

Firearms using detachable magazines are made with an opening known as amagazine well into which the detachable magazine is inserted. The magazine well locks the magazine in position for feeding cartridges into the chamber of the firearm, and requires a device known as amagazine release to allow the magazine to be separated from the firearm.[33]

TheLee–Metford rifle, developed in 1888, was one of the first rifles to use a detachable box magazine, and the spare one could be optionally worn onsoldier equipment,[34][35][36][37][38] although with the adoption of theShort Magazine Lee–Enfield Mk I this became only detachable for cleaning and not swapped to reload the weapon.[39] However, the first completely modern removable box magazine was patented in 1908 byArthur Savage for theSavage Model 99 (1899),[40] although it was not implemented on the 99 until 1965.[41] James Paris Lee's patent of November 4, 1879, Number 221,328 would have been before Arthur Savage's magazine. Lee's magazine was also used on the Remington Lee model 1899 factory sporting rifle. Other guns did not adopt all of its features until his patent expired in 1942: It has shoulders to retain cartridges when it is removed from the rifle. It operates reliably with cartridges of different lengths. It is insertable and removable at any time with any number of cartridges. These features allow the operator to reload the gun infrequently, carry magazines rather than loose cartridges, and to easily change the types of cartridges in the field. The magazine is assembled from inexpensive stamped sheet metal. It also includes a crucial safety feature for hunting dangerous game: when empty the follower[42] stops the bolt from engaging the chamber, informing the operator that the gun is empty before any attempt to fire.

The first successfulsemi-automatic pistol was theBorchardt C-93 (1893) and incorporated detachable box magazines. Nearly all subsequent semiautomatic pistol designs adopted detachable box magazines.[33]

The Swiss Army evaluated theLuger pistol using a detachable box magazine in7.65×21mm Parabellum and adopted it in 1900 as its standard sidearm. The Luger pistol was accepted by the Imperial German Navy in 1904. This version is known as Pistole 04 (or P.04). In 1908 the German Army adopted the Luger to replace the Reichsrevolver in front-line service. The Pistole 08 (or P.08) was chambered in9×19mm Parabellum. The P.08 was the usual side arm for German Army personnel in bothWorld Wars.

TheM1911 semi-automatic pistol set the standard for most modern handguns and likewise the mechanics of the handgun magazine. In most handguns the magazine follower engages a slide-stop to hold the slide back and keep the firearm out of battery when the magazine is empty and all rounds fired. Upon inserting a loaded magazine, the user depresses the slide stop, throwing the slide forward, stripping a round from the top of the magazine stack and chambering it. In single-action pistols this action keeps the hammer cocked back as the new round is chambered, keeping the gun ready to begin firing again.

During World War One, detachable box magazines found favor, being used in all manner of firearms, such as pistols, light-machine guns, submachine guns, semi-automatic and automatic rifles. However, after theWar to End All Wars, military planners failed to recognize the importance of automatic rifles and detachable box magazine concept, and instead maintained their traditional views and preference for clip-fedbolt-action rifles. As a result, many promising new automatic rifle designs that used detachable box magazines were abandoned. An important development that took place during this war was the invention of Schmeisser's Cone in 1916 byHugo Schmeisser which allowed high-capacity double-stack, single-feed box magazine using guns to function reliably although it wasn't implemented on any of his designs until afterWorld War One. The first reliable high-capacity double-stack, staggered-feed box magazine was developed by an American designer called Oscar V. Payne for theThompson submachine gun around the same time as Schmeisser's Cone.[43]

As World War II loomed, most of the world's major powers began to develop submachine guns fed by 20- to 40-round detachable box magazines. However, of the major powers, only the United States would adopt a general-issue semi-automatic rifle that used detachable box magazines: theM1 carbine with its 15-round magazines. As the war progressed the Germans developed theSturmgewehr 44 assault rifle concept with its 30-round detachable magazine. After WWII, automatic weapons using detachable box magazines were developed and used by all of the world's armies. Today, detachable box magazines are the norm and they are so widely used that they are simply referred to as magazines or "mags" for short.

Function and types

SKS internal box magazine.
Detachable box magazine for aSIG SG 550 with studs for stacking multiple magazines together.

All cartridge-based single-barrel firearms designed to fire more than a single round of ammunition without manual reloading require some form of magazine designed to store and feed cartridges into the firearm's action. Magazines come in many shapes and sizes, with the most common type in modern firearms being the detachable box type. Most magazines designed for use with areciprocating bolt firearm (tube fed firearms being the exception) make use of a set of feed lips which stop the vertical motion of the cartridges out of the magazine but allow one cartridge at a time to be pushed forward (stripped) out of the feed lips by the firearm's bolt into the chamber. Some form of spring and follower combination is almost always used to feed cartridges to the lips which can be located either in the magazine (most removable box magazines) or built into the firearm (fixed box magazines). There are also two distinct styles to feed lips. In a single-feed design the top cartridge touches both lips and is commonly used in single-column box magazines, while a staggered feed magazine (sometimes called "double-feed" magazine, not to be confused with thefirearm malfunction) consists of a wider set of lips so that the second cartridge in line forces the top cartridge against one of the lips. The staggered-feed design has proven more resistant to jamming in use with double-column magazines than single-feed variants,[44] since the narrowing of a magazine tube to a single-feed induces extra friction which the magazine springs needs to overcome.[45] Some magazine types are strongly associated with certain firearm types, such as the fixed "tubular" magazine found on most modernlever-action rifles andpump-action shotguns. A firearm using detachable magazines may accept a variety of types of magazine, such as theThompson submachine gun, most variations of which would accept box or drum magazines. Some types of firearm, such as theM249 and othersquad automatic weapons, can feed from both magazines and belts.



Many of the firstrepeating rifles andshotguns, particularlylever-action rifles andpump-action shotguns, used magazines that stored cartridges nose-to-end inside of a spring-loaded tube that typically runs parallel underneath the barrel, or inside of the buttstock. Tubular magazines are also commonly used in.22 caliberbolt-actionrimfire rifles, such as theMarlin Model XT. Tubular magazines and centerfire cartridges with pointed (spitzer) bullets present a safety issue: a pointed bullet may (through the forces of recoil or simply rough handling) strike the next round'sprimer and ignite that round, or even cause a chain ignition of other rounds, within the magazine. TheWinchester Model 1873 used blunt-nosed centerfire cartridges such as the.44-40 Winchester. Certain modern rifle cartridges using soft pointed plastic tips have been designed to avoid this problem while improving the aerodynamic qualities of the bullet to match those available in bolt-action designs, therefore extending the effective range of lever-actions.


Left and centre: Single column (akasingle-stack), and staggered-column single feed (akadouble-stack single feed) column detachable box magazines. The diagram on the right shows a staggered-column staggered-feed (akadouble-stack staggered-feed) design.

The most popular type of magazine in modern rifles and handguns, a box magazine stores cartridges in a column, either one above the other or in staggeredzigzag fashion. This zigzag stack is often identified as adouble-column ordouble-stack (The double-stack is much more common because of its ability to store more rounds), since a staggered column is actually two single side-by-side vertical columns offset by half of the diameter of a round. As the firearm cycles, cartridges are moved to the top of the magazine by a follower driven by spring compression to either a single-feed (center-feed) position or side-by-side (staggered-feed) positions. Box magazines may be integral to the firearm or removable:

  • Aninternal box,integral box orfixed magazine (also known as ablind box magazine when lacking a floorplate) is built into the firearm and is not easily removable. This type of magazine is found most often onbolt-action rifles. An internal box magazine is usually charged through the action, one round at a time. Military rifles often use stripper clips, a.k.a. chargers, permitting multiple rounds, commonly 5 or 10 at a time, to be loaded in rapid sequence. Some internal box magazines useen bloc clips that are loaded into the magazine with the ammunition and that are ejected from the firearm when empty.
  • Adetachable box magazine is a self-contained mechanism capable of being loaded or unloaded while detached from the host firearm. They are attached via a slot in the firearm receiver, usually below the action, to the side of the action, or on top of the action. When necessary, the magazine can easily be detached from the firearm and replaced by another. This significantly speeds the process of reloading, allowing the operator quick access to ammunition. This type of magazine may be straight or curved, the curve being necessary if the rifle uses rimmed ammunition or ammunition with a tapered case. Detachable box magazines may be metal or plastic. The plastic magazines are sometimes partially transparent so the operator can easily check the remaining ammunition. Box magazines are often affixed to each other with clamps, clips, tape, straps, or built-in studs to facilitate faster reloading: seejungle style.

There are, however, exceptions to these rules. TheLee–Enfield rifle had a detachable box magazine only to facilitate cleaning. The Lee–Enfield magazine did open, permitting rapid unloading of the magazine without having to operate the bolt-action repeatedly to unload the magazine. Other designs, like theBreda Modello 30, had a fixed protruding magazine from the right side that resembled a conventional detachable box, but it was non-detachable and only reloaded by using 20 roundstripper clips.

Box magazines may come in straight, angled, or curved forms depending if the cartridges aretaperedrimmed/rimless or bottlenecked. Straight or slightly curved magazines work well with straight-sided rimless cartridges, angled magazines work well with straight-sided rimmed/rimless cartridges and curved magazines work well with rimmed/rimless tapered cartridges.

Pistol magazines are often single- or double-stack with single-feed, which may be due to this design being slimmer at the top which can simplify the design of the pistol frame with regards to grip thickness.


Photo of a loaded FN P90 magazine
Photo of a partially loaded FN P90 magazine
The P90's magazine has a capacity of 50 rounds, and it fits flush with the weapon's frame.[46]

TheFN P90,Kel-Tec P50, andAR-57personal defense weapons use horizontally mounted feeding systems. The magazine sits parallel to the barrel, fitting flush with the top of the receiver, and the ammunition is rotated 90 degrees by a spiral feed ramp before being chambered. TheHeckler & Koch G11, an experimental assault rifle that implementscaseless ammunition, also functions similarly with the magazine aligned horizontally over the barrel. Rather than being positioned laterally to the barrel like with the aforementioned examples, ammunition is positioned vertically with the bullet facing downward at a 90-degree angle relative to the barrel where it is fed into a rotary chamber before firing. TheAR-57, also known as the AR Five-seven, is an upper receiver for theAR-15 rifle lower receiver, firing FN 5.7×28mm rounds from standard FN P90 magazines.


Diagram of the Spectre M4 casket magazine

Another form of box magazine, sometimes referred to as a "quad-column", can hold a large amount of ammunition. It is wider than a standard box magazine, but retains the same length. Casket magazines can be found on theSuomi KP/-31,Hafdasa C-4,Spectre M4,QCW-05 and on5.45×39mm AK rifle derivatives, and now the Kel-Tec CP33 as well.Magpul has been granted a patent[47] for aSTANAG-compatible casket magazine,[48] and such a magazine was also debuted by SureFire in December 2010, and is now sold as the MAG5-60 and MAG5-100 high capacity magazine (HCM) in 60 and 100 round capacities, respectively, in 5.56mm for AR-15 compatible with M4/M16/AR-15 variants and other firearms that accept STANAG 4179 magazines.[49]Izhmash has also developed a casket magazine for theAK-12.[48] Desert Tech have also released the QMAG-53 compatible Quattro-15 lower receiver for the AR-15.[50]



A tandem magazine is a type of box magazine with another magazine placed in front.[51] When firing, the bolt travels further back past the front section magazine until the rear section is empty, then uses the front section. Firearms using tandem magazines are theSpecial Purpose Individual Weapon (SPIW) and Gerasimenko VAG-73.


Ruger 10/22's BX-1CLR rotary magazine

The rotary (or spool) magazine consists of a cylindricalsprocket actuated by atorsion spring, with cartridges fitting between the tooth bar of the sprocket, which is mounted on a spindle parallel to the bore axis and rotates each round sequentially into the feeding position. Rotary magazines may be fixed or detachable, and are usually of low capacity, generally 5 to 10 rounds, depending on the caliber used. John Smith patented a rotary magazine in 1856.[52][53] Another rotary magazine was produced bySylvester Roper in 1866 and was also used in the weapons by Anton Spitalsky and theSavage Model 1892.[54][55] Otto Schönauer first patented a spool magazine in 1886[56] and his later design, patented in 1900,[57] was used onbolt-action rifles produced at least until 1979,[58] among themMannlicher–Schönauer adopted by theGreek Army in 1903. TheM1941 Johnson rifle also uses a rotary magazine. The design is still used in some modern firearms, most notably theRuger American series, the semi-automaticRuger 10/22, the bolt-actionRuger 77/22 and theSteyr SSG 69.



A capsule magazine functions similar to a box magazine, but the spring and follower is stowed away when the magazine bottom is flipped open. The cartridges are loosely dumped into the magazine and spring-fed to the chamber when the bottom is closed.On the Krag-Jørgensen the magazine is wrapped around the bolt-action to save vertical space and ease loading from the side.

TheKrag-Jorgensen bolt-action rifle is the only firearm to use this type of magazine and it was adopted by the militaries of Denmark, Norway, and the United States in the late 19th century.


Main article:Drum magazine
50- and 100-round drum magazines plus 20- and 30-round box magazines for Thompson SMG

Drum magazines are used primarily forlight machine guns. In one type, a moving partition within a cylindrical chamber forces loose rounds into an exit slot, with the cartridges being stored parallel to the axis of rotation. After loading of the magazine, a wound spring or other mechanism forces the partition against the rounds. In all models a single column is pushed by a follower through a curved path. From there the rounds enter the vertical riser either from a single or dual drums. Cylindrical designs such as rotary and drum magazines allow for larger capacity than box magazines, without growing to excessive length. The downside of a drum magazine's extra capacity is its added weight that, combined with the gun, can affect handling and prolonged use. Drum magazines can be more difficult to incorporate into combat gear compared to more regular, rectangular box magazines.

Many drum-fed firearms can also load from conventional box magazines, such as the SovietPPSh-41 submachine gun,RPK light machine gun, and the AmericanThompson submachine gun.

The term "drum" is sometimes applied to a belt box for a belt-fed machine gun, though this is just a case that houses a length of ammunition belt, not a drum magazine.

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Beta C-Mag double-drum magazine.

Before WWII the Germans developed 75-round saddle-drum magazines for use in theirMG 13 andMG 15 machine guns. TheMG 34 machine guns could also use saddle-drum magazine when fitted with a special feed cover. The 75 rounds of ammunition were evenly distributed in each side of the magazine with a central feed "tower" where the ammunition is fed to the bolt. The ammunition was fed by a spring force, with rounds alternating from each side of the double drum so that the gun would not become unbalanced.


Pan magazine as used on a 7.92x57mm Lewis Gun.

Pan magazines differ from other circular magazines in that the cartridges are stored perpendicular to the axis of rotation, rather than being parallel, and are usually mounted on top of the firearm. This type is used on theLewis Gun,Vickers K,Bren Gun (only used in anti-aircraft mountings),[59]Degtyaryov light machine gun, andAmerican-180 submachine gun. A highly unusual example was found on theType 89 machine gun fed from two 45-round quadrant-shaped pan magazines (each magazine held nine of the five-round stripper clips).


Calico pioneered the helical magazine design. Pictured is the company'sM960carbine.

Helical magazines extend the drum magazine design so that rounds follow a spiral path around an auger-shaped rotating follower ordrive member, allowing for large ammunition capacity in a relatively compact package (compared to a regular box magazine of similar capacity). Early helical magazine designs include that patented by an unidentified inventor through the patent agent William Edward Newton in 1857 and the internal magazine of theEvans Repeating Rifle, patented in the late 1860s.[60][61] This type of magazine is used by theCalico M960,PP-19 Bizon,CS/LS06 and KBPPP90M1. The North Korean military uses a 100- to 150- round helical magazine in the Type 88 assault rifle.[62] Helical magazines offer substantially more ammunition carriage; however, they are inherently complex designs. As such, they can be difficult to load and may decrease the reliability of feeding the weapon.[60]



The hopper magazine is a very unusual design. Unlike many other types of magazine-fed machine guns, which commonly used either box magazines or belts to feed ammunition into the firearm's action, the hopper magazine functioned differently. It would usestripper clips from an infantryman or machine gunner to supply ammunition for the machine gun to operate. This could be accomplished at any time, by just dropping the entire stripper clip into the hopper magazine.

The JapaneseType 11 light machine gun was the only weapon system that used a hopper magazine. This light machine gun was fed by standard6.5×50mmSR Arisaka stripper clips that were used by riflemen armed with theType 38 bolt action rifle. The hopper is located on the left side of the receiver and held 6 of the 5-round clips, for a total of 30 rounds of ammunition. The hopper magazine was designed with a series of mechanical teeth activated by a cam track on the gas piston to pull cartridges off each clip and into the action. After the fifth and final round from each stripper clip was fed and fired, the empty clip would then fall out the bottom of the hopper magazine and the next fully loaded stripper clip would then be dropped into place for feeding. There is a spring-loaded follower that applied pressure on top of the clips to hold them in place so they would not fall out while the weapon was being transported or fired.[63]

STANAG magazine

Two STANAG-compliant magazines: A 20-round Colt-manufactured magazine, and a 30-round Heckler & Koch "high reliability" magazine.
Main article:STANAG magazine

ASTANAG magazine[64][65] orNATO magazine is a type of detachable magazine proposed byNATO in October 1980.[66] Shortly after NATO's acceptance of the5.56×45mm NATO rifle cartridge, Draft Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4179 was proposed in order to allow NATO members to easily share rifle ammunition and magazines down to the individual soldier level. The U.S. M16 rifle magazine was proposed for standardization. Many NATO members subsequently developed or purchased rifles with the ability to accept this type of magazine. However, the standard was never ratified and remains a "Draft STANAG".[67]

The STANAG magazine concept is only an interface, dimensional, and control (magazine latch, bolt stop, etc.) requirement.[68][69] Therefore, it not only allows one type of magazine to interface with various weapon systems,[68][69] but also allows STANAG magazines to be made in various configurations and capacities.[68][69] The standard STANAG magazines are 20, 30, and 40 round box magazines,[69] but there are many other designs available with capacities ranging from one round[70] to 60 and 100 round casket magazines,[71][72] 90 roundsnail-drum magazines,[73] and 100 round[74] and 150 round double-drum magazines.[75]

High-capacity magazines

Main article:High-capacity magazine
See also:High-capacity magazine ban

In the United States, a number of states have passed laws that ban magazines which are defined as "high-capacity" by statute.[76] High-capacity or large-capacity magazines are generally those defined by statute to be capable of holding more than 10 to 15 rounds, although the definitions will vary by state.[76][77][78] Other nations impose restrictions on magazine capacity as well. In Canada, magazines are generally limited to 5 rounds forrifles andshotguns (with some exceptions) and 10 rounds forhandguns (with some exceptions), depending on the firearm.[79]

See also



  1. ^"NRA Firearms Glossary".National Rifle Association of America. Archived fromthe original on 2011-07-18. Retrieved2008-06-26.
  2. ^abSpeir, Dean."Gun Zone clips vs. magazines". The Gun Zone. Archived fromthe original on 2008-07-20. Retrieved2008-06-26.
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  5. ^United States Ordnance Dept. (1917).Description of the Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45, Model of 1911. Govt. print. off.
  6. ^United States War Dept (1907).Annual Reports of the Secretary of War.
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  10. ^Charles Winthrop Sawyer (1920).Firearms in American History, volume III. Cornhill Company, Boston.[page needed]
  11. ^abA Naval Encyclopædia. L. R. Hamersly & Co. 1880.
  12. ^Military Small Arms Of The 20th Century, 7th Edition, 2000 by Ian V. Hogg & John S. Weeks, p.179-180
  13. ^abcSeton-Karr, Henry (1911)."Rifle" . InChisholm, Hugh (ed.).Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 23 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 325–336.
  14. ^"Abridgments of the Specifications Relating to Fire-arms and Other Weapons, Ammunition, and Accoutrements: Printed by Order of the Commissioners of Patents". George E. Eyre and William Spottiswoode, pub. at the Great seal patent office. 27 October 1870. p. 72.
  15. ^Jaroslav Lugs. A complete review of firearm systems and their histories.
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  17. ^Westwood, David (2005).Rifles: An Illustrated History Of Their Impact. US: ABC-CLIO. p. 94.ISBN 978-1851094011.
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  19. ^Chamber's Encyclopaedia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. W. & R. Chambers. 1891. pp. 720–721.
  20. ^U.S. patent 393,406
  21. ^"Patents for Inventions. Abridgments of Specifications, Volume 19". Great Britain. Patent Office. 1896.
  22. ^"Patents for inventions. Abridgments of specifications relating to fire-arms, ammunition, &c. Division I. Fire-arms and similar weapons ... Printed by order of the Commissioners of patents". Great Britain. Patent Office. 1883–1886.
  23. ^"Savage 1907: Not the 1905, and Not Even the 1911". 16 September 2021.
  24. ^"Firearm".
  25. ^"Espacenet – search results".
  26. ^U.S. patent 386638A
  27. ^United States Army Ordnance Department (1898).Description and Rules for the Management of the U.S. Magazine Rifle and Carbine. p. 36.
  28. ^Military Small Arms Of The 20th Century, 7th Edition, 2000 by Ian V. Hogg & John S. Weeks, p.184
  29. ^Military Small Arms Of The 20th Century, 7th Edition, 2000 by Ian V. Hogg & John S. Weeks, p.180
  30. ^Chuck Hawks."The 8x50R Lebel (8mm Lebel)" Retrieved2017-06-05.
  31. ^"Firearms Technical Trivia: Magazine cut-offs" February 2000.
  32. ^Rottman, Gordon L (2013).The Book of Gun Trivia: Essential Firepower Facts. Bloomsbury Publishing.ISBN 978-1-78200-620-6.
  33. ^abBrown, Edmund G. (2009).Handgun Safety Certificate.West Sacramento, California:California Department of Justice. p. 52.
  34. ^War Office, Horse Guards (1888).Instructions For Fitting The Slade–Wallace Equipment. p. 5.
  35. ^Shaw, Wilkinson J. (1890).The Elements of Modern Tactics.London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner. p. 75.
  36. ^The Canadian Magazine, Vol. V. Ontario Publishing Company, Limited. 1895. p. 112.
  37. ^Navy And Army Illustrated, Vol. VI. London: Hudson and Kerns, George Newnes, Limited. 1898. p. 617.
  38. ^Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall Yard, Vol. 47, Issue 1, by Royal United Service Institution.Great Britain: W. Mitchell. 1903. p. 51.
  39. ^Military Small Arms of the 20th Century, 7th Edition, 2000, by Ian V. Hogg & John S. Weeks, p. 187
  40. ^U.S. patent 885,868, April 28, 1908, Improved Magazine, Inventor: Arthur W. Savage.
  41. ^"The Life and Times of the Savage Model 99, One of America's Greatest Lever-Action Rifles". 9 December 2020. Retrieved21 October 2022.
  42. ^The "follower" is the sheet metal part between the last cartridge and the spring. It might be made of or coated with other materials such as nylon or Teflon.
  43. ^"The Magazines".
  44. ^Weeks, John,World War II Small Arms, London: Orbis Publishing Ltd. (1979), p. 33.
  45. ^Ask Ian: Single Feed vs Double Feed Pistols - YouTube
  46. ^Kevin, Dockery (2007).Future Weapons. New York: Berkley Trade.ISBN 978-0-425-21750-4.
  47. ^U.S. patent 8,061,071
  48. ^ab"Magpul Invents New Quad-Stack Magazine for ARs « Daily Bulletin" Retrieved5 June 2017.
  49. ^Crane, David (December 3, 2010)."DR Exclusive!: SureFire MAG5-60 and MAG5-100 High Capacity Magazine (HCM) "Quad-Stack" AR Rifle Magazines: 60-Round/Shot and 100-Round/Shot AR (AR-15/M16) 5.56mm NATO Box Magazines for Significantly-Increased Firepower during Infantry Combat and Tactical Engagements of All Sorts" from the original on January 4, 2011.
  50. ^"Desert Tech's Quattro-15 and QMAG-53 Now Shipping -". 7 November 2023.
  51. ^"1964 SPIW 60-round Magazine". 31 July 2013.
  52. ^"Bibliographic data" Retrieved5 June 2017.
  53. ^"Improvement in repeating magazine fire-arms".
  54. ^Lee, Jerry (15 July 2013).Gun Digest 2014. Gun Digest Books. p. 61.ISBN 978-1-4402-3550-4.
  55. ^U.S. patent 502,018, Magazine Gun, Application date: April 10, 1889, Issue date: July 25, 1893, Inventor:Arthur W. Savage
  56. ^U.S. patent 336443A
  57. ^GB 190001567A 
  58. ^"The Mannlicher Schönauer M72". 5 March 2015.
  59. ^"Photographic image"(JPG) Retrieved2017-06-05.
  60. ^abJenzen-Jones, N.R. (28 August 2019)."Chinese CS/LS06 'Chang Feng' sub-machine gun – Armament Research Services".Armament Research Services. Retrieved2019-09-18.
  61. ^"English Patents of Inventions, Specifications: 1857, 309 - 385". 1857.
  62. ^"North Korean Helical AK Magazines – Armament Research Services". 4 February 2014. Retrieved2019-09-18.
  63. ^Oldham, C. (n.d.). The five worst light machine guns (lmgs). Defense Media Network.
  64. ^The M16, Gordon L. Rottman, © Osprey Publishing, 2011, Page 35-36
  65. ^Future Weapons, Kevin Dockery, © Penguin, 2007, Page 125-126
  66. ^Watters, Daniel: "The 5.56 X 45mm Timeline: A Chronology of DevelopmentArchived 2015-03-16 at theWayback Machine", The Gun Zone, 2000–2007.
  67. ^"NATO Infantry Weapons StandardizationArchived 2012-12-01 at theWayback Machine", NDIA Conference 2008
  68. ^abcDockery, Kevin (5 June 2017).Future Weapons. Penguin. p. 125.ISBN 978-0-425-21750-4.
  69. ^abcdRottman, Gordon L. (20 October 2013).The Book of Gun Trivia: Essential Firepower Facts. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 147.ISBN 978-1-78200-620-6.
  70. ^"Sinclair International AR-15/M16 Single Shot Magazine Follower" Sinclair Intl. RetrievedApril 27, 2019.
  71. ^"Magpul Invents New Quad-Stack Magazine for ARs « Daily Bulletin" Retrieved15 November 2014.
  72. ^David Crane (3 December 2010)."DR Exclusive!: SureFire MAG5-60 and MAG5-100 High Capacity Magazine (HCM) "Quad-Stack" AR Rifle Magazines: 60-Round/Shot and 100-Round/Shot AR (AR-15/M16) 5.56mm NATO Box Magazines for Significantly-Increased Firepower during Infantry Combat and Tactical Engagements of All Sorts" (DR): An online tactical technology and military defense technology magazine with particular focus on the latest and greatest tactical firearms news (tactical gun news), tactical gear news and tactical shooting news. Retrieved15 November 2014.
  73. ^"MWG 90-Rounder Snail Drum Magazine: 90 Rounds of Immediate 5.56mm Firepower for Your M4/M4A1 Carbine (or AR-15 Carbine)" Retrieved5 June 2017.
  74. ^The Gun Digest Book of the AR-15. Patrick Sweeney. Gun Digest Books, September 9, 2005. page 106
  75. ^"SAW-MAG – Armatac Industries"
  76. ^ab"Large Capacity Ammunition Magazines Policy Summary" Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. May 31, 2013. RetrievedMay 25, 2014.
  77. ^Rose, Veronica (January 24, 2013)."Laws on High Capacity Magazines" Connecticut General Assembly. RetrievedApril 9, 2014.
  78. ^"SAFE Act court ruling dumps 7-bullet limit - Outdoor News - January 2014". Archived fromthe original on 2014-12-24. Retrieved2014-07-12.
  79. ^"Maximum Permitted Magazine Capacity".Special Bulletin for Businesses No. 72. Royal Canadian Mounted Police. 2014-12-08. Retrieved28 January 2015.

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