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Organism that eats mostly or exclusively animal tissue
This article is about the general concept of a meat-eating animal. For the mammal order, seeCarnivora. For other uses, seeCarnivore (disambiguation).
"Carnivorous" redirects here. For the Hawkwind album, seeCarnivorous (album).

Lions areobligate carnivores consuming only animal flesh for their nutritional requirements.

Acarnivore/ˈkɑːrnɪvɔːr/, ormeat-eater (Latin,caro, genitivecarnis, meaningmeat or "flesh" andvorare meaning "to devour"), is ananimal orplant whosenutrition andenergy requirements are met byconsumption of animaltissues (mainlymuscle,fat and othersoft tissues) asfood, whether throughpredation orscavenging.[1][2]



Mammal order


The technical term for mammals in theorderCarnivora iscarnivoran, and they are so-named because most member species in the group have a carnivorous diet, but the similarity of the name of the order and the name of the diet causes confusion.

Many but not all carnivorans are meat eaters; a few, such as thelarge and small cats (Felidae) areobligate carnivores (see below). Other classes of carnivore are highly variable. Theursids (bears), for example: while the Arcticpolar bear eats meat almost exclusively (more than 90% of its diet is meat), almost all other bear species areomnivorous, and one species, thegiant panda, is nearly exclusivelyherbivorous.[3]

Dietary carnivory is not a distinguishing trait of theorder. Many mammals with highly carnivorous diets arenot members of the order Carnivora.Cetaceans, for example, all eat other animals, but are paradoxically members of the almost exclusivelyplant-eatinghooved mammals.

Carnivorous diet


Animals that depend solely on animal flesh for their nutrient requirements in nature are calledhypercarnivores orobligate carnivores, whilst those that also consume non-animal food are calledmesocarnivores, orfacultative carnivores, oromnivores (there are no clear distinctions).[2] A carnivore at the top of thefood chain (adults not preyed upon by other animals) is termed anapex predator, regardless of whether it is anobligate orfacultative carnivore. In captivity or domestic settings, obligate carnivores like cats and crocodiles can, in principle, get all their required nutrients from processed food made from plant and synthetic sources.[4][5]

Members of the plant kingdom can live on meat too, such as theVenus flytrap, acarnivorous plant.

Outside the animal kingdom, there are several genera containingcarnivorous plants (predominantly insectivores) and several phyla containingcarnivorous fungi (preying mostly on microscopicinvertebrates, such asnematodes,amoebae, andspringtails).

Subcategories of carnivory


Carnivores are sometimes characterized by theirtype of prey. For example, animals that eat mainlyinsects and similarterrestrialarthropods are calledinsectivores, while those that eat mainlysoft-bodiedinvertebrates are calledvermivores. Those that eat mainlyfish are calledpiscivores.

Carnivores may alternatively be classified according to the percentage of meat in their diet. The diet of ahypercarnivore consists of more than 70% meat, that of amesocarnivore 30–70%, and that of ahypocarnivore less than 30%, with the balance consisting of non-animal foods, such asfruits, other plant material, orfungi.

Omnivores also consume both animal and non-animal food, and apart from their more general definition, there is no clearly defined ratio of plant vs. animal material that distinguishes afacultative carnivore from anomnivore.[6]

Obligate carnivores

TheBengal tiger's largecanines and strong jaws reveal its place as anapex predator.
Lions are voracious carnivores; they require more than 7 kilograms of meat daily. A major component of their diet is the meat of largemammals, such as thisbuffalo.

Obligate or "true" carnivores are those whose diet requires nutrients found only in animal flesh in the wild. While obligate carnivores might be able toingest small amounts of plant matter, they lack the necessaryphysiology required to fullydigest it. Some obligate carnivorous mammals will ingest vegetation as anemetic, a food that upsets their stomachs, to self-induce vomiting.[7]

Obligate carnivores are diverse. The amphibianaxolotl consumes mainly worms and larvae in its environment, but if necessary will consume algae. All wildfelids, including feraldomestic cats, require a diet of primarily animal flesh and organs.[8] Specifically, cats have high protein requirements and their metabolisms appear unable to synthesize essential nutrients such asretinol,arginine,taurine, andarachidonic acid; thus, in nature, they must consume flesh to supply these nutrients.[9]

Characteristics of carnivores


Characteristics commonly associated with carnivores include strength, speed, and keen senses for hunting, as well as teeth and claws for capturing and tearing prey. However, some carnivores do not hunt and arescavengers, lacking the physical characteristics to bring down prey; in addition, most hunting carnivores will scavenge when the opportunity arises. Carnivores have comparatively short digestive systems, as they are not required to break down the tough cellulose found in plants.

Many hunting animals have evolved eyes facing forward, enabling depth perception. This is almost universal among mammalian predators, while most reptile and amphibian predators have eyes facing sideways.

Prehistory of carnivory

Main articles:Predation § Evolutionary history, andEvolutionary history of life

Predation (the eating of one livingorganism by another fornutrition) predates the rise of commonly recognized carnivores by hundreds of millions (perhaps billions) of years. It began withsingle-celled organisms thatphagocytozed anddigested other cells, and later evolved intomulticellular organisms withspecialized cells that were dedicated to breaking down other organisms. Incomplete digestion of the prey organisms, some of which survived inside the predators in a form ofendosymbiosis, might have led tosymbiogenesis that gave rise toeukaryotes and eukaryoticautotrophs such asgreen andred algae.

Proterozoic origin


The earliest predators weremicroorganisms, which engulfed and "swallowed" other smallercells (i.e.phagocytosis) anddigested them internally. Because the earliest fossil record is poor, these first predators could date back anywhere between 1 and over 2.7 bya (billion years ago).[10]

The rise ofeukaryotic cells at around 2.7 bya, the rise of multicellular organisms at about 2 bya, and the rise ofmotile predators (around 600 Mya – 2 bya, probably around 1 bya) have all been attributed to early predatory behavior, and many very early remains show evidence of boreholes or other markings attributed to small predator species.[10]

The sudden disappearance of theprecambrianEdiacaran biota at theend-Ediacaran extinction, who were mostly bottom-dwellingfilter feeders andgrazers, has been hypothetized to be partly caused by increased predation by newer animals with hardened skeleton and mouthparts.[11]



The degradation ofseafloormicrobial mats due to theCambrian substrate revolution led to increased active predation among animals, likely triggering variousevolutionary arms races that contributed to the rapiddiversification during theCambrian explosion.Radiodontarthropods, which produced the firstapex predators such asAnomalocaris, quickly became the dominant carnivores of the Cambrian sea. After their decline due to theCambrian-Ordovician extinction event, the niches of large carnivores were taken over bynautiloidcephalopods such asCameroceras and latereurypterids such asJaekelopterus during theOrdovician andSilurian periods.

The firstvertebrate carnivores appeared after theevolution ofjawed fish, especiallyarmoredplacoderms such as the massiveDunkleosteus. The dominance of placoderms in theDevonian ocean forced other fish to venture into other niches, and one clade ofbony fish, thelobe-finned fish, became the dominant carnivores offreshwaterwetlands formed by earlyland plants. Some of these fish became better adapted for breathing air and eventually giving rise toamphibiantetrapods. These early tetrapods were largesemi-aquaticpiscivores andriparianambush predators that huntterrestrial arthropods (mainlyarachnids andmyriopods), and one group in particular, thetemnospondyls, became terrestrial apex predators that hunt other tetrapods.[12]

The dominance of temnospondyls around the wetland habitats throughout theCarboniferous forced other amphibians to evolve intoamniotes that had adaptations that allowed them to live farther away from water bodies. These amniotes began to evolve both carnivory, which was a natural transition from insectivory requiring minimal adaptation; andherbivory, which took advantage of the abundance ofcoal forestfoliage but in contrast required a complex set of adaptations that was necessary for digesting on thecellulose- andlignin-rich plant materials.[12] After theCarboniferous rainforest collapse, bothsynapsid andsauropsid amniotes quickly gained dominance as the top terrestrial animals during the subsequentPermian period. Some scientists assert thatsphenacodontoid synapsids such asDimetrodon "were the first terrestrial vertebrate to develop the curved, serrated teeth that enable a predator to eat prey much larger than itself".[13]



In theMesozoic, sometheropoddinosaurs such asTyrannosaurus rex are thought probably to have been obligate carnivores.

Though the theropods were the larger carnivores, several carnivorous mammal groups were already present. Most notable are thegobiconodontids, thetriconodontidJugulator, thedeltatheroidans andCimolestes. Many of these, such asRepenomamus,Jugulator andCimolestes, were among the largest mammals in their faunal assemblages, capable of attacking dinosaurs.[14][15][16]



In the early-to-mid-Cenozoic, the dominant predator forms were mammals:hyaenodonts,oxyaenids,entelodonts,ptolemaiidans,arctocyonids andmesonychians, representing a great diversity ofeutherian carnivores in the northern continents andAfrica. InSouth America,sparassodonts were dominant, whileAustralia saw the presence of severalmarsupial predators, such as thedasyuromorphs andthylacoleonids. From theMiocene to the present, the dominant carnivorous mammals have beencarnivoramorphs.

Most carnivorous mammals, fromdogs todeltatheridiums, share several dental adaptations, such ascarnassial teeth, longcanines and even similar tooth replacement patterns.[17] Most aberrant arethylacoleonids, with a diprodontan dentition completely unlike that of any other mammal; andeutriconodonts like gobiconodontids andJugulator, with a three-cusp anatomy which nevertheless functioned similarly to carnassials.[14][18]

See also



  1. ^Ullrey, Duane E. "Nutrient".Encyclopedia of Animal Science.
  2. ^abUllrey, Duane E. "Carnivores".Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Mammals.
  3. ^"What do pandas eat?" Wide Fund for Nature. Retrieved6 December 2021.
  4. ^Devlin, Hannah; correspondent, Hannah Devlin Science (13 September 2023)."Cats may get health benefits from vegan diet, study suggests".The Guardian.ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved6 April 2024.{{cite news}}:|last2= has generic name (help)
  5. ^"Crocodiles in Zimbabwe fed vegetarian diet to make better handbags".The Telegraph. 8 April 2014. Retrieved6 April 2024.
  6. ^Ullrey, Duane E. "Omnivores".Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Mammals.
  7. ^Armstrong, P. Jane; Gross, Kathy L.; Becvarova, Iveta; Debraekeleer, Jacques (2010)."Introduction to Feeding Normal Cats"(PDF).Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. pp. 371–372.Archived(PDF) from the original on 12 May 2021. Retrieved17 January 2022.Because grass is not digested within the cat's gastrointestinal (GI) tract, it acts as a local irritant and sometimes stimulates vomiting. Thus, grass eating may serve as a purgative to eliminate hair or other indigestible material.
  8. ^Velegrand-Defretin, Veronique (1994)."Differences between cats and dogs: A nutritional view".Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.53 (1):15–24.doi:10.1079/pns19940004.PMID 8029223.
  9. ^Ullrey, D.E. (2004)."Carnivores". In Pond, Wilson (ed.).Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Mammals. CRC Press. p. 591.ISBN 978-0-8247-5496-9.
    Ullrey, D.E. (2004)."Nutrient requirements: Carnivores".Encyclopedia of Animal Science. CRC Press. p. 670.ISBN 9780824754969.
  10. ^abBengtson, Stefan (October 2002)."Origins and early evolution of predation"(PDF).The Paleontological Society Papers.8. Cambridge University Press:289–318.doi:10.1017/S1089332600001133.ISSN 1089-3326.Archived(PDF) from the original on 10 September 2008.
  11. ^Stanley, S. M. (1973)."An ecological theory for the sudden origin of multicellular life in the Late Precambrian".PNAS.70 (5):1486–1489.Bibcode:1973PNAS...70.1486S.doi:10.1073/pnas.70.5.1486.PMC 433525.PMID 16592084.
  12. ^abSahney, S.; Benton, M.J.; Falcon-Lang, H.J. (2010). "Rainforest collapse triggered Pennsylvanian tetrapod diversification in Euramerica".Geology.38 (12):1079–1082.Bibcode:2010Geo....38.1079S.doi:10.1130/G31182.1.
  13. ^Foley, James A. (7 February 2014)."Carnivorous, pre-dinosaur predator was first to evolve steak knife-like teeth".Nature World News. Retrieved3 May 2014.
  14. ^abKielan-Jaworowska, Zofia; Cifelli, Richard L.; Luo, Zhe-Xi (2004). "Chapter 12: Metatherians".Mammals from the Age of Dinosaurs: Origins, evolution, and structure. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. pp. 425–262.ISBN 0-231-11918-6.
  15. ^Fox, Richard C. (2015). "A revision of the late Cretaceous–Paleocene eutherian mammalCimolestes(Marsh, 1889)".Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.52 (12):1137–1149.Bibcode:2015CaJES..52.1137F.doi:10.1139/cjes-2015-0113.
  16. ^Cifelli, Richard L.; Madsen, Scott K. (1998). "Triconodont mammals from the medial Cretaceous of Utah".Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.18 (2):403–411.Bibcode:1998JVPal..18..403C.doi:10.1080/02724634.1998.10011068.
  17. ^de Muizon, Christian; Lange-Badré, Brigitte (1997). "Carnivorous dental adaptations in tribosphenic mammals and phylogenetic reconstruction".Lethaia.30 (4):353–366.Bibcode:1997Letha..30..353D.doi:10.1111/j.1502-3931.1997.tb00481.x.
  18. ^"Animales carnivoros. Ejemplos, alimentacion y curiosidades".Que Come (in Spanish). Eating Encyclopedia. 2 February 2017. Archived fromthe original on 24 February 2019.

Further reading

  • Glen, Alistair & Dickman, Christopher, eds. (2014).Carnivores of Australia. Melbourne, AU: CSIRO Publishing.ISBN 978-0-643-10310-8.
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