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Playing card suit

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Categories into which the cards of a deck are divided
The fourFrench-suited playing cards suits used in theEnglish-speaking world: diamonds (), clubs (♣), hearts () and spades (♠)
Traditional Spanish suits – clubs, swords, cups and coins – are found in Spain, as well as Hispanic America, Italy and parts of France
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Inplaying cards, asuit is one of the categories into which the cards of a deck are divided. Most often, each card bears one of severalpips (symbols) showing to which suit it belongs; the suit may alternatively or additionally be indicated by the color printed on the card. The rank for each card is determined by the number of pips on it, except onface cards. Ranking indicates which cards within a suit are better, higher or more valuable than others, whereas there is no order between the suits unless defined in the rules of a specificcard game. In most decks, there is exactly one card of any given rank in any given suit. A deck may include special cards that belong to no suit, often calledjokers.

While English-speaking countries traditionally use cards with theFrench suits ofClubs,Spades,Hearts andDiamonds, many other countries have their own traditional suits. Much of central Europe usesGerman suited cards with suits ofAcorns (Clubs),Leaves (Spades),Hearts (Hearts) andBells (Diamonds); Spain and parts of Italy and South America useSpanish suited cards with their suits ofSwords (Spades),Batons (Clubs),Cups (Hearts) andCoins (Diamonds); German Switzerland usesSwiss suited cards with Acorns (Clubs),Shields (Hearts), yellowRoses (Spades) and Bells (Diamonds); and many parts of Italy useItalian suited cards which have the same suits but different patterns compared with Spanish suited cards. Asian countries such as China and Japan also have their own traditional suits.Tarot card packs have a set of distinct picture cards alongside the traditional four suits.



Modern Western playing cards are generally divided into two or three general suit-systems. The older Latin suits are subdivided into theItalian andSpanish suit-systems. The younger Germanic suits are subdivided into theGerman andSwiss suit-systems. TheFrench suits are a derivative of the German suits but are generally considered a separate system.[1][2]

Origin and development of the Latin suits

Main articles:Italian playing cards,Spanish-suited playing cards, andPortuguese-suited playing cards

The earliestcard games weretrick-taking games and the invention of suits increased the level of strategy and depth in these games. A card of one suit cannot beat a card from another regardless of its rank. The concept of suits predates playing cards and can be found in Chinese dice and domino games such asTien Gow.

Chinese money-suited cards are believed to be the oldest ancestor to the Latin suit system. The money-suit system is based ondenominations of currency:Coins,Strings of Coins,Myriads of Strings (or of coins), andTens of Myriads. Old Chinese coins had holes in the middle to allow them to be strung together. A string of coins could easily be misinterpreted as a stick to those unfamiliar with them.

By then the Islamic world had spread intoCentral Asia and had contacted China, and had adopted playing cards. The Muslims renamed the suit of myriads as cups; this may have been due to seeing a Chinese character for "myriad" () upside-down. The Chinese numeral character for Ten () on the Tens of Myriads suit may have inspired the Muslim suit of swords.[3] Another clue linking these Chinese, Muslim, and European cards are the ranking of certain suits. In many early Chinese games likeMadiao, the suit of coins was in reverse order so that the lower ones beat the higher ones. In the Indo-Persian game ofGanjifa, half the suits were also inverted, including a suit of coins. This was also true for the European games ofTarot andOmbre. The inverting of suits had no purpose in terms of play but was an artifact from the earliest games.

These Turko-Arabic cards, calledKanjifa, used the suits coins, clubs, cups, and swords, but the clubs represented polo sticks; Europeans changed that suit, aspolo was an obscure sport to them.

The Latin suits are coins, clubs, cups, and swords. They are the earliest suit-system in Europe, and were adopted from the cards imported fromMamluk Egypt andMoorish Granada in the 1370s.

There are four types of Latin suits: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,[a] and an extinct archaic type.[4][5] The systems can be distinguished by the pips of their long suits: swords and clubs.

  • Northern Italian swords are curved outward and the clubs appear to be batons. They intersect one another.
  • Southern Italian and Spanish swords are straight, and the clubs appear to be knobbly cudgels. They do not cross each other (The common exception being the three of clubs).
  • Portuguese pips are like the Spanish, but they intersect like Northern Italian ones. They sometimes have dragons on theaces.[6] This system lingers on only in theTarocco Siciliano and theUnsun Karuta andKomatsufuda of Japan. Unsun Karuta additionally has a fifthGuru suit (circular whirls).
  • The archaic system[b] is like the Northern Italian one, but the swords are curved inward so they touch each other without intersecting.[7][8]
  • Minchiate (a game that used a 97-card deck) used a mixed system of Italian clubs and Portuguese swords.

Despite a long history of trade with China,Japan was not introduced to playing cards until the arrival of the Portuguese in the 1540s.[c] Early locally made cards,Karuta, were very similar to Portuguese decks. Increasing restrictions by theTokugawa shogunate on gambling, card playing, and general foreign influence, resulted in theHanafuda deck that today is used most often for fishing-type games and the Komatsufuda andKabufuda decks that are used for gambling. In hanafuda, the role of rank and suit in organizing cards became switched, so the deck has 12 suits, each representing a month of the year, and each suit has 4 cards, most often two normal, one Ribbon and one Special (though August, November and December each differ uniquely from this convention). In komatsufuda and kabufuda, the designs of the suits became much more abstract. The latter much moreso to the point where the suit does not matter (only rank) and the face cards indistinguishable; thus becoming a single-suited deck with ranks 1-10 and the designs quadruplicated. Unsun karuta did not face the same restrictions and instead developed an additional suit and additional ranks.

Invention of German and French suits

Main articles:French-suited playing cards,German-suited playing cards, andSwiss playing cards

During the 15th-century, manufacturers in German speaking lands experimented with various new suit systems to replace the Latin suits. One early deck had five suits, the Latin ones with an extra suit of shields.[10] The Swiss-Germans developed their own suits of shields, roses, acorns, and bells around 1450.[11] Instead of roses and shields, the Germans settled with hearts and leaves around 1460. The French derived their suits oftrèfles (clovers or clubs),carreaux (tiles or diamonds),cœurs (hearts), andpiques (pikes or spades) from the German suits around 1480. French suits correspond closely with German suits with the exception of the tiles with the bells but there is one early French deck that had crescents instead of tiles. The English names for the French suits of clubs and spades may simply have been carried over from the older Latin suits.[12]

Tarot cards


Beginning around 1440 in northern Italy, some decks started to include an extra suit of (usually) 21 numbered cards known astrionfi ortrumps, to playtarot card games.[13] Always included intarot decks is one card,the Fool or Excuse, which may be part of the trump suit depending on the game or region. These cards do not have pips or face cards like the other suits. Most tarot decks used for games come with French suits but Italian suits are still used in Piedmont, Bologna, and pockets of Switzerland. A few Sicilian towns use the Portuguese-suitedTarocco Siciliano, the only deck of its kind left in Europe.

The esoteric use of Tarot packs emerged in France in the late 18th century, since when special packs intended fordivination have been produced. These typically have the suits cups, pentacles (based on the suit of coins), wands (based on the suit of batons), and swords. The trump cards and Fool of traditional card playing packs were named theMajor Arcana; the remaining cards, often embellished with occult images, were the Minor Arcana. Neither term is recognised by card players.[14][15]



Symbolic origin


Indivinatory, esoteric and occult tarot, the Minor Arcana, and the suits by extension, are believed to represent relatively mundane features of life. The court cards may represent the people whom one meets.

Each suit also has distinctive characteristics and connotations commonly held to be as follows:[16]

Latin suitElementClassFaculty
Wands, batons, clubs, stavesFireArtisansWill and creativity
Swords, bladesAirNobility and militaryReason or logic, wisdom, and intellect
Cups, chalices, goblets, vesselsWaterClergySpiritual matters, or emotions and love
Pentacles, coins, disks, ringsEarthMerchantsMaterial matters, or possessions and career

Comparisons between suits

Latin card suits
Comparison of German, French and Swiss suits[f]
Karuta suits
Four of Clubs
Four of Cups
Four of Swords
Four of Coins
Unsun KarutaClubs
Bush Clover[y]
Susuki Grass[z]

Suits in games with traditional decks




In a large and popular category oftrick-taking games, one suit may be designated in each deal to betrump and all cards of the trump suit rank above all non-trump cards, and automatically prevail over them, losing only to a higher trump if one is played to the same trick.[17] Non-trump suits are called plain suits.[18]

Special suits


Some games treat one or more suits as being special or different from the others. A simple example isSpades, which uses spades as a permanent trump suit. A less simple example isHearts, which is a kind ofpoint trick game in which the object is to avoid taking tricks containing hearts. With typical rules for Hearts (rules vary slightly) the queen of spades and the two of clubs (sometimes also the jack of diamonds) have special effects, with the result that all four suits have different strategic value.Tarot decks have a dedicated trump suit.

Chosen suits


Games of theKarnöffel Group have between one and fourchosen suits, sometimes called selected suits or, misleadingly, trump suits. The chosen suits are typified by having a disrupted ranking and cards with varying privileges which may range from full to none and which may depend on the order they are played to the trick. For example, chosen Sevens may be unbeatable when led, but otherwise worthless. In SwedishBräus some cards are even unplayable. In games where the number of chosen suits is less than four, the others are calledunchosen suits and usually rank in their natural order.

Ranking of suits


Whist-style rules generally preclude the necessity of determining which of two cards of different suits has higher rank, because a card played on a card of a different suit either automatically wins or automatically loses depending on whether the new card is a trump. However, some card games also need to define relative suit rank. An example of this is in auction games such asbridge, where if one player wishes to bid to make some number of heart tricks and another to make the same number of diamond tricks, there must be a mechanism to determine which takes precedence in the bidding order.

There is no standard order for the four suits and so there are differing conventions among games that need a suit hierarchy. Examples of suit order are (from highest to lowest):

High → lowGamesMnemonic
Bridge for bidding and scoring
Poker occasionally
Alphabetical orderreversed: S, H, D, C
Big Two1 tip, 2 halves,3 leaves, 4 corners
Preferans only used for bidding
Five Hundred for bidding and scoring

Préférence only used for bidding

Skat for bidding (valued 12, 11, 10, 9) and to determine which Jack beats which in play
Other European games such asBruus
Cego for determining highest card in certain situations
Ninety-nine for scoring3, 2, 1, 0lobes

Pairing or ignoring suits


The pairing of suits is a vestigial remnant ofGanjifa, a game where half the suits were in reverse order, the lower cards beating the higher. In Ganjifa, progressive suits were called "strong" while inverted suits were called "weak". In Latin decks, the traditional division is between the long suits of swords and clubs and the round suits of cups and coins. This pairing can be seen inOmbre andTarot card games. German and Swiss suits lack pairing but French suits maintained them and this can be seen in the game ofSpoil Five.[19]

In some games, such asblackjack, suits are ignored. In other games, such asCanasta, only the color (red or black) is relevant. In yet others, such as bridge, each of the suit pairings are distinguished.

Incontract bridge, there are three ways to divide four suits into pairs: bycolor, byrank and byshape resulting in six possible suit combinations.

  • Color is used to denote thered suits (hearts and diamonds) and theblack suits (spades and clubs).
  • Rank is used to indicate themajor (spades and hearts) versusminor (diamonds and clubs) suits.
  • Shape is used to denote thepointed (diamonds and spades, which visually have a sharp point uppermost) versusrounded (hearts and clubs) suits. This is used in bridge as a mnemonic.

Four-color suits

The aces of afour-color deck
See also:Four-color deck

Some decks, while using the French suits, give each suit a different color to make the suits more distinct from each other. Inbridge, such decks are known asno-revoke decks, and the most common colors are black spades, red hearts, blue diamonds and green clubs, although in the past the diamond suit usually appeared in a golden yellow-orange. A pack occasionally used in Germany uses green spades (comparable to leaves), red hearts, yellow diamonds (comparable to bells) and black clubs (comparable to acorns). This is a compromise deck devised to allow players from East Germany (who used German suits) and West Germany (who adopted the French suits) to be comfortable with the same deck when playing tournamentSkat after theGerman reunification.[20]

Other suited decks


Swiss-German Experimental Suit Systems


This is a list of suit systems devised by early Swiss-German cardmakers mentioned byMichael Dummett:[11]

15th-16th Century Swiss-German suit systems
NameTimeSuit 1Suit 2Suit 3Suit 4Other Suits
Incomplete sheet fromBaselc. 1531PursesKeys
Several incomplete packs fromBaselc. 1470 to 1529FeathersHatsShieldsBells
Cards from Shields suit (presumed Swiss suit system)c. 1433-1451ShieldsAcorns (presumed)Roses (presumed)Bells (presumed)
Stuttgart packc. 1427-1431StagsHoundsDucksFalcons
Ambraser Hofjagdspielc. 1440-1445FalconsLuresHoundsHerons
Pack byVirgil Solisc. 1540-1545LionsApesParrotsPeacocks
2 fragmentary sheets from theUpper Rhine16th centuryCarnationsBeansBirds
Pack byThomas Murner for teaching logic1509BellsAcornsHeartsShieldsCrowns, et al. (total 16 suits)
Pack byThomas Murner for teaching law1515BellsAcornsHeartsShieldsCrowns, et al. (total 12 suits)
Liechtenstein packc. 1440-1450, c. 1494-1500 (disputed)CoinsBatonsCupsSwordsShields
Pack byHopfer of Nuremburg[verification needed]c. 1536-1539CoinsBatons (arranged as spokes of a wheel)CupsSwords (arranged as spokes of a wheel)
2 packs by Heinrich Hauk ofFrankfurt1585 and 1588RosesAcornsBirdsBells
Pack perhaps by Heinrich HaukLionsApesParrotsEagles
Pack byHans Sebald Behamc. 1523LeavesAcornsRosesPomegranates
Pack attributed toHans Sebald BehamAcornsBellsRosesParrots
Listed by Dominican Meister Ingold1450RosesCrownsPenniesRings
Set of mutilated cards fromAlsacec. 1480ShieldsCrownsBellsAcorns
Fragmentary sheet of Maihinger packc. 1450LionsBearsDogs

Other suit systems:

15th-16th Century Swiss-German suit system
NameTimeSuit 1Suit 2Suit 3Suit 4Other Suits
Pack byMaster of the Playing Cards[21][22]c. 1455FlowersWild menBeasts of preyStagsHerons
Hofämterspiel[23]c. 1460Shields (France)Shields (Germany)Shields (Bohemia)Shields (Hungary)
Flemish Hunting Deck[24]c. 1475-1480Dog collarsDog tethersGaming noosesHunting horns
Pack by south German engraver[25]c. 1496Pomegranates[ae]BatonsCupsSwords
Pack by Master P. W.[26]c. 1500HaresParrotsCarnationsColumbinesRoses
Pack byJost Amman[27]1588BooksInk padsPotsCups

Suited-and-ranked decks


A large number of games are based around a deck in which each card has a rank and a suit (usually represented by a color), and for each suit there is exactly one card having each rank, though in many cases the deck has various special cards as well.

Color suits used by some modern card games
UNO,Phase 104
UNO Flip8
4-Colour Suits4
4-Colour Suits (Old)4
Rook, 4-Colour Suits (German)4
Rage, Level 86
Schotten Totten6

Other modern decks


Decks for some games are divided into suits, but otherwise bear little relation to traditional games. An example would be the board gameTaj Mahal, in which each card has one of four background colors, the rule being that all the cards played by a single player in a single round must be the same color. The selection of cards in the deck of each color is approximately the same and the player's choice of which color to use is guided by the contents of their particular hand.

In the trick-taking card gameFlaschenteufel ("The Bottle Imp"), all cards are part of a single sequence ranked from 1 to 37 but split into three suits depending on its rank. players must follow the suit led, but if they are void in that suit they may play a card of another suitand this can still win the trick if its rank is high enough. For this reason every card in the deck has a different number to prevent ties. A further strategic element is introduced since one suit contains mostly low-ranking cards and another, mostly high-ranking cards.

Whereas cards in a traditional deck have two classifications—suit and rank—and each combination is represented by one card, giving for example4 suits × 13 ranks = 52 cards, each card in aSet deck has four classifications each into one of three categories, giving a total of3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 81 cards. Any one of these four classifications could be considered asuit, but this is not really enlightening in terms of the structure of the game.

Uses of playing card suit symbols


Card suit symbols occur in places outside card playing:

  • The four suits were famously employed by the United States'101st Airborne Division duringWorld War II to distinguish its four constituent regiments:
    • Clubs (♣) identified the327th Glider Infantry Regiment; currently worn by the 1st Brigade Combat Team.
    • Diamonds () identified the501st PIR. 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment is now part of the 4th Brigade (ABN),25th Infantry Division in Alaska; the Diamond is currently used by the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade.
    • Hearts () identified the502nd PIR;[28] currently worn by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team.
    • Spades (♠) identified the506th PIR; currently worn by the 4th Brigade Combat Team.

Character encodings

Main article:Playing cards in Unicode

In computer and otherdigital media, suit symbols can be represented withcharacter encoding, notably in theISO andUnicode standards, or withWeb standard (SGML's named entitysyntax):

Playing card characters in Unicode
UTF code:U+2660 (9824dec)U+2665 (9829dec)U+2666 (9830dec)U+2663 (9827dec)
Name:Black Spade SuitRed Heart SuitRed Diamond SuitBlack Club Suit
UTF code:U+2664 (9828dec)U+2661 (9825dec)U+2662 (9826dec)U+2667 (9831dec)
Name:White Spade SuitWhite Heart SuitWhite Diamond SuitWhite Club Suit
UTF codes are expressed by theUnicode code point "U+hexadecimal number" syntax, and as subscript the respective decimal number.
Symbols are expressed here as they are in theweb browser'sHTML renderization.
Name is the formal name adopted in the standard specifications.

Unicode is the most frequently used encoding standard, and suits are in theMiscellaneous Symbols Block (2600–26FF) of the Unicode.

Metaphorical uses


In some card games the card suits have a dominance order, for example: club (lowest) - diamond - heart - spade (highest). That led toin spades being used to meanmore than expected, in abundance, very much.[29]

Other expressions drawn from bridge and similar games includestrong suit (any area of personal strength) andto follow suit (to imitate another's actions).

See also



  1. ^"Portuguese" is slightly misleading nomenclature. The suit system may have originated in Catalonia and spread out through the western Mediterranean before being replaced by the "Spanish" system. The association with Portugal comes from the fact that they continued to use it until completely going over to French suits at the beginning of the 20th century.
  2. ^Probably associated with theDuchy of Ferrara and likely abandoned after the 15th century.
  3. ^The only users of Chinese cards during theEdo period were the expat community inNagasaki.[9]
  4. ^Sample pips come from the Venetian pattern
  5. ^Sample pips come from the Castilian pattern
  6. ^The French suit system is generally considered to be separate from the German and Swiss due to its different set offace cards. However, when comparing only the pips, it is German in origin.
  7. ^There does not appear to be a single universal system of correspondences between Swiss-German and French suits. Cards combining the two suit systems are manufactured in different versions with different combinations of suits.
  8. ^Swiss-German:Eichel
  9. ^Swiss-German:Schilten
  10. ^Swiss-German:Rosen
  11. ^Swiss-German:Schellen
  12. ^German:Eichel (acorn),Ecker (beechnut), Hungarian:Makk (acorn), Czech: Žaludy (acorns)
  13. ^German:Herz (heart),Rot (red), Hungarian:Piros (red), Czech: Srdce (heart), Červené (red)
  14. ^German:Laub (leaves),Grün (green),Gras (grass),Blatt (leaf) Hungarian:Zöld (green), Czech: Listy (leaves), Zelené (green)
  15. ^German:Schellen (bells), Hungarian:Tök (pumpkin), Czech: Kule (balls)
  16. ^The shape of the clubs symbol is believed to be an adaptation of the German suit of acorns. Clubs are also known as clovers, flowers and crosses. The French name for the suit istrèfles meaningclovers, the Italian name for the suit isfiori meaningflowers and the German name for the suit isKreuz meaningcross.
  17. ^In German-speaking countries the spade was the symbol associated with the blade of aspade. The English termspade originally did not refer to the tool but was derived from the Spanish wordespada meaningsword from the Spanish suit. Those symbols were later changed to resemble the digging tool instead to avoid confusion. In German and Dutch the suit is alternatively namedSchippen andschoppen respectively, meaningshovels.
  18. ^In Hanafuda, each of the 12 suits is associated with a month of the year. The traditional month associations differ from region to region. Most notable in modern usage, is that in Korea the suits for November and December are switched compared to the standard Japanese order.
  19. ^Japanese:matsu (,pine), Korean:송학;松鶴;songhak;lit. pine crane. Associated with the month January.
  20. ^Japanese:ume (,plum blossom), Korean:매조;梅鳥;maejo;lit. plum bird. Associated with the month February.
  21. ^Japanese:sakura (,cherry blossom), Korean:벚꽃;beotkkot;lit. cherry blossom or사쿠라;sakura. Associated with the month March.
  22. ^Japanese:fuji (,wisteria), Korean:흑싸리;heugssali;lit. blackbush clover. Associated with the month April.
  23. ^Japanese:ayame (菖蒲,iris) orkakitsubata (杜若,Iris laevigata), Korean:난초;蘭草;nancho;lit. orchid. Associated with the month May.
  24. ^Japanese:botan (牡丹,peony), Korean:모란;牡丹;moran;lit. peony. Associated with the month June.
  25. ^Japanese:hagi (,bush clover), Korean:홍싸리;hongssari;lit. red bush clover. Associated with the month July.
  26. ^Japanese:susuki (,Japanese silver grass) orbōzu (坊主,Buddhist monk, shorn head), Korean:공산;空山;gongsan;lit. empty mountain. Associated with the month August.
  27. ^Japanese:kiku (,chrysanthemum), Korean:국진;gukjin. Associated with the month September.
  28. ^Japanese:momiji (紅葉,maple, red leaves), Korean:단풍;丹楓;danpung;lit. maple, autumn leaves. Associated with the month October.
  29. ^Japanese:yanagi (,willow) orame (, rain), Korean:;bi;lit. rain. Associated with the month November in Japan and December in Korea.
  30. ^Japanese:kiri (,paulownia), Korean:오동;odong;lit. paulownia. Associated with the month December in Japan and November in Korea.
  31. ^Possibly alludes to thekingdom of Granada.


  1. ^Parlett, David (1990).The Oxford Guide to Card Games. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 27–34.
  2. ^McLeod, John.Games classified by type of cards or tiles used Retrieved 24 March 2017.
  3. ^Pollett, Andrea (2002). "Tuman, or the Ten Thousand Cups of the Mamluk Cards".The Playing-Card.31 (1):34–41.
  4. ^Mann, Sylvia (1974). "A Suit-System Subdivided".The Playing-Card.3 (1): 51.
  5. ^McLeod, John.Games played with Latin suited cards Retrieved 10 November 2015.
  6. ^Wintle, Adam.Portuguese Playing Cards at the World of Playing Cards. Retrieved 26 March 2017.
  7. ^Dummett, Michael (1990–1991). "A Survey of 'Archaic' Italian Cards".The Playing-Card.19 (2, 4):43–51,128–131.
  8. ^Gjerde, Tor.Italian renaissance woodcut playing cards at Retrieved 26 March 2017.
  9. ^"(六)鎖国時代の中国の紙牌 - 日本かるた文化館".Japan Playing Card Museum (in Japanese). Retrieved2 September 2023.
  10. ^Meyer, Huck.Liechtenstein'sches Spiel at Retrieved 24 March 2017.
  11. ^abDummett, Michael (1980).The Game of Tarot. London: Duckworth. pp. 14–16.
  12. ^Berry, John (1999). "French suits and English names".The Playing-Card.28 (2):84–89.
  13. ^McLeod, John.Card Games: Tarot Games Retrieved 10 November 2015.
  14. ^Renée, Janina (2001).Tarot for a New Generation (First ed.). St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications. p. 5.ISBN 0738701602.In the system that is most commonly used, these suits are designated as Wands, Swords, Cups, and Pentacles.
  15. ^Smith, Caroline; Astrop, John (1999).The Elemental Tarot. New York: St. Martin's Griffin. p. 7.ISBN 0312241399.The Minor Arcana comprises fifty-six cards divided into four suits, which in most decks are swords, wands, cups, and coins or pentacles.
  16. ^Dee, Jonathan (2002). "Introduction to the Minor Arcana". In Liz Dean (ed.).Tarot, An illustrated guide. Silverdale Books.ISBN 1-85605-685-6.
  17. ^McLeod, John.Mechanics of Card Games Retrieved 24 March 2017.
  18. ^Parlett, David.The Language of Cards at David Parlett Gourmet Games. Retrieved 24 March 2017.
  19. ^Leyden, Rudolf von; Dummett, Michael (1982).Ganjifa, The Playing Cards of India. London:Victoria and Albert Museum. pp. 52–53.
  20. ^"Kartenbilder" (in German). 17 January 2012. Retrieved12 December 2012.
  21. ^Wintle, Simon (February 7, 2017)."Master of the Playing Cards" The World of Playing Cards. RetrievedAugust 31, 2024.
  22. ^"Master of the Playing Cards - The Queen of Flowers" Metropolitan Museum of Art. RetrievedSeptember 4, 2024.
  23. ^Wintle, Simon (July 3, 1996)."Hofamterspiel, c.1460" The World of Playing Cards. RetrievedAugust 31, 2024.
  24. ^Wintle, Simon (May 6, 2015)."Flemish Hunting Deck" The World of Playing Cards. RetrievedAugust 31, 2024.
  25. ^Wintle, Simon (July 3, 1996)."South German Engraver" The World of Playing Cards. RetrievedAugust 31, 2024.
  26. ^Wintle, Simon (July 17, 2011)."Master PW Circular Cards" The World of Playing Cards. RetrievedAugust 31, 2024.
  27. ^Wintle, Simon (July 3, 1996)."The Book of Trades by Jost Amman, 1588" The World of Playing Cards. RetrievedAugust 31, 2024.
  28. ^Zaloga, Steven J (2007).US Airborne Divisions in the ETO 1944-45. Osprey Publishing. p. 58.
  29. ^Martin, Gary."'In spades' - the meaning and origin of this phrase". Retrieved 24 March 2017.
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