Evans has defended a type ofsubstance dualism termed minimal dualism that combines aspects of theCartesian andThomistic view of persons in a Christian framework.[5]
TheC. S. Lewis Book Prize, awarded by St. Thomas Philosophy of Religion Project at theUniversity of St. Thomas for the best recent book in philosophy of religion, 2012. Awarded forNatural Signs and the Knowledge of God: A New Look at Theistic Arguments.[6][7]
NEH Fellowship for College Teachers, 1988–1989 and 2000–2001.[1][2]
Preserving the Person: A Look at the Human Sciences (InterVarsity Press, 1977; Baker Reprint, 1982)
Subjectivity and Religious Belief: An Historical, Critical Study (Eerdmans, 1978)
Kierkegaard's Fragments and Postscript: The Religious Philosophy of Johannes Climacus (Humanities Press, 1983; reprinted by Humanity Books, an imprint of Prometheus Books, 1999)
Existentialism: The Philosophy of Despair and the Quest for Hope (Zondervan, 1984; reprinted Probe Books, 1989). A revised edition ofDespair: A Moment or a Way of Life? (InterVarsity Press, 1971)
Philosophy of Religion: Thinking About Faith (InterVarsity Press, 1985). Spanish translation: Filosofía de la Religion (Editorial Mundo Hispano, 1990). Macedonian translation 2004.
Wisdom and Humanness in Psychology (Baker Books, 1989)
Søren Kierkegaard's Christian Psychology (Zondervan, 1990)
Passionate Reason: Making Sense of Kierkegaard's Philosophical Fragments (Indiana University Press, 1992)
Why Believe? Reason and Mystery as Pointers to God (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996). A revised version ofThe Quest for Faith: Reason and Mystery As Pointers to God (InterVarsity Press, 1986). Chinese edition ofWhy Believe? translated by Daniel Kwok-Tung Cheung (Hong Kong: FES Press, 2002).
The Historical Christ and the Jesus of Faith: The Incarnational Narrative as History (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996)
Faith Beyond Reason (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998; and Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1998)
Pocket Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion and Apologetics (Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 2002). Translated and published in Portuguese by Editora Vida, 2003. Translated and published in Macedonian, 2003. Spanish translation published by Editorial Unilit in 2007.
Kierkegaard's Ethic of Love: Divine Commands and Moral Requirements (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004)
Kierkegaard on Faith and the Self: Collected Essays (Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2006)
Kierkegaard: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
Natural Signs and Knowledge of God: A New Look at Theistic Arguments (Oxford University Press, 2010)
God and Moral Obligation (Oxford University Press, 2014)
A History of Western Philosophy: From the Pre-Socratics to Postmodernism (InterVarsity Press, 2018)