The ultimate origin of buoys is unknown, but by 1295 a seaman's manual referred to navigation buoys in theGuadalquivir River in Spain.[3] To the north there are early medieval mentions of the French / Belgian RiverMaas being buoyed.[4] Such early buoys were probably just timber beams or rafts, but in 1358 there is a record of a barrel buoy in the DutchMaasmond (also known as the Maas Sluis or Maasgat).[4] The simple barrel was difficult to secure to the seabed, and so a conicaltonne was developed. They had a solid plug at the narrow end through which a mooring ring could be attached.[5] By 1790 the older conical tonne was being replaced by anun buoy. This had the same conical section below the waterline as the tonne buoy, but at the waterline a barrel shape was used to allow a truncated cone to be above the water. The whole was completed with a top mark.[6] In the nineteenth century iron buoys became available. They had watertight internal bulkheads and as well as topmarks and might have bells (1860) or whistles (1880).[7] In 1879Julius Pintsch obtained a patent for the illumination of buoys by using a compressed gas.[8] This was superseded from 1912 onwards byGustaf Dalén'sacetylene lamp. This could be set to flash which ensured that buoys could be distinguished from ships' lights and from each other. A later development was thesun valve which shut off the gas during sunlight.[9]
Race course marker buoys are used for buoy racing, the most prevalent form ofyacht racing and power boat racing. They delimit the course and must be passed to a specified side. They are also used inunderwater orienteering competitions.
Emergency wreck buoys provide a clear and unambiguous means of temporarily marking new wrecks, typically for the first 24–72 hours. They are coloured in an equal number of blue and yellow vertical stripes and fitted with an alternating blue and yellow flashing light. They were implemented following collisions in the Dover Strait in 2002 when vessels struck the new wreck of theMV Tricolor.[10]
Ice marking buoys mark holes in frozen lakes and rivers so snowmobiles do not drive over the holes.
Large Navigational Buoys (LNB, orLanby buoys) are automatic buoys over 10 meters high equipped with a powerful light monitored electronically as a replacement for alightvessel.[11] They may be marked on charts as a "Superbuoy."[12]
Sea marks aidpilotage by marking amaritime channel, hazard or administrative area to allowboats andships tonavigate safely. Some are fitted with wave-activated bells or gongs.
Wreck buoys mark a wrecked ship to warn other ships to keep away because of unseen hazards.
Buoys are often used to temporarily or permanently mark the positions of underwater objects:
Lobster trap buoys are brightly colored buoys marking lobster trap locations solobster fishers can find their lobster traps. Each fisher has a unique colour marking or registration number. They are allowed to haul only their own traps, and must display their buoy colour or license number on their boat so law enforcement officials know what they should be hauling. The buoys are brightly coloured with highly visible numbers so they can be seen in poor visibility conditions likerain,fog andsea smoke.[13][14]
Fishing floats are a type of lightweight buoys used inangling to mark the position of thebaitedhook suspended underneath, and as abite indicator to signal the angler any changes in the hook's underwater status.
Lifebuoys are lifesaving buoys thrown to people in the water to providebuoyancy. They usually have a connected line allowing them to be pulled in.
Self-locating datum marker buoys (SLDMB) are 70% scale Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment (CODE)/Davis-style oceanographic surface drifters with drogue vanes between 30 and 100 cm deep,[16] designed for deployment fromU.S. Coast Guard vessels or airframes for search and rescue. They have very little surface area above water to minimizethe effects on them off winds and waves.[17]
Profiling buoys are specialized buoys that adjust their buoyancy to sink at a controlled rate to a set depth, for example 2,000 metres while measuring sea temperature and salinity. After a certain period, typically 10 days, they return to the surface, transmit their data via satellite, then sink again.[18] SeeArgo (oceanography).
Wave buoys measure the movement of the water surface as a wave train. The data they transmit is analysed to form statistics likesignificant wave height and period, and wave direction.
Weather buoys measure weather parameters such as air temperature, barometric pressure, and wind speed and direction. They transmit this data, via satellite radio links such as the purpose-builtArgos System or commercialsatellite phone networks, to meteorological centres for forecasting and climate study. They may be anchored (moored buoys), or allowed to drift (drifting buoys) in the open currents. Their position is calculated by the satellite. They are also referred to asOcean Data Acquisition Systems, or (ODAS) buoys.[19] and may be marked on charts as "Superbuoys."[12]
Mooring buoys keep one end of amooring cable or chain on the water's surface soships and boats can tie to them. Manymarinas mark them with numbers and assign them to particular vessels, or rent them to transient vessels.
Tripping buoys are used to keep one end of a 'tripping line' to be used to break out and lift an anchor on the water's surface so that a stuckanchor can more easily be freed.
Marker buoys, used innaval warfare (particularlyanti-submarine warfare) emit light and/or smoke usingpyrotechnic devices to create theflare andsmoke. Commonly 3 inches (76 mm) in diameter and about 20 inches (500 mm) long, they are activated by contact with seawater and float on the surface. Some extinguish themselves after a specific period, while others are sunk when they are no longer needed.
Target buoys simulate targets, such as small boats, in live-fire exercises by naval and coastal forces. They are usually targeted by medium-sized weapons such asheavy machine guns, rapid fire cannons (~20 mm),autocannons (up to 40–57 mm) andanti-tank rockets.
Lifebuoys with flags, used onyachts and smaller pleasure craft
Temporary markers inDanish seine fishing to mark net anchor positions
Temporary markers set bydanlayers during minesweeping operations to indicate the boundaries of swept paths, swept areas, known hazards, and other locations or reference points
Imaginary"Mail buoys" have been used as aprank in the US Navy when a new sailor may be given the task of locating one to retrieve non-existent mail.[22]
Space buoys, a feature in some science fiction stories which are stationary objects inouter space that provide navigation data or warnings.[citation needed]
^[Bang, I., Mooers, C. N. K., Haus, B., Turner, C., Lewandowski, M. (2007). Technical Report: Surface Drifter Advection and Dispersion in the Florida Current Between Key West and Jacksonville, Florida. Technical Report.].
^Kery, SM (1989)."Diving in support of buoy engineering: The RTEAM project".In: Lang, MA; Jaap, WC (Ed). Diving for Science...1989. Proceedings of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences Annual Scientific Diving Symposium 28 September – 1 October 1989 Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA. Archived from the original on 2013-06-21. Retrieved2013-04-16.