Abuilding oredifice is an enclosedstructure with aroof andwalls, usually standing permanently in one place,[1] such as ahouse orfactory.[1] Buildings come in a variety ofsizes,shapes, and functions, and have been adapted throughout history for numerous factors, frombuilding materials available, to weather conditions, land prices, ground conditions, specific uses,prestige, and aesthetic reasons. To better understand the concept, seeNonbuilding structure for contrast.
Buildings serve several societal needs –occupancy, primarily as shelter from weather, security, living space, privacy, to store belongings, and to comfortably live and work. A building as a shelter represents a physical separation of thehuman habitat (a place of comfort and safety) from theoutside (a place that may be harsh and harmful at times).
A building is 'a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place';[1] "there was a three-storey building on the corner"; "it was an imposing edifice". In the broadest interpretation afence or wall is a building.[2] However, the wordstructure is used more broadly thanbuilding, to include natural and human-made formations[3] and ones that do not have walls;structure is more often used for a fence.Sturgis' Dictionary included that"[building] differs fromarchitecture in excluding all idea of artistic treatment; and it differs fromconstruction in the idea of excluding scientific or highly skilful treatment."[4]
Structural height in technical usage is the height to the highest architectural detail on the building from street level. Spires and masts may or may not be included in this height, depending on how they are classified. Spires and masts used as antennas are not generally included. The distinction between a low-rise and high-rise building is a matter of debate, but generally three stories or less is considered low-rise.[5]
Single-family residential buildings are most often calledhouses orhomes. Multi-family residential buildings containing more than one dwelling unit are calledduplexes orapartment buildings.Condominiums are apartments that occupantsown rather thanrent. Houses may be built in pairs (semi-detached) or in terraces, where all but two of the houses have others on either side. Apartments may be built roundcourtyards or as rectangular blocks surrounded by plots of ground. Houses built as single dwellings may later be divided into apartments orbedsitters, or converted to other uses (e.g., offices or shops).Hotels, especially of the extended-stay variety (apartels), can be classed as residential.
Building types may range fromhuts to multimillion-dollarhigh-riseapartment blocks able to house thousands of people. Increasing settlement density in buildings (and smaller distances between buildings) is usually a response to high ground prices resulting from the desire of many people to live close to their places of employment or similar attractors.
Historically, many people lived in communal buildings calledlonghouses, smaller dwellings calledpit-houses, and houses combined with barns, sometimes calledhousebarns.
Commonbuilding materials include brick, concrete, stone, and combinations thereof. Buildings are defined to be substantial, permanent structures. Such forms asyurts andmotorhomes are therefore considereddwellings but notbuildings.
Sometimes a group of inter-related (and possibly inter-connected) builds are referred to as a complex – for example ahousing complex,[8] educational complex,[9] hospital complex, etc.
The practice of designing, constructing, and operating buildings is most usually a collective effort of different groups ofprofessionals andtrades. Depending on the size, complexity, and purpose of a particular building project, the project team may include:
The principal design Engineering disciplines which would normally include the following professionals:Civil,Structural,Mechanical building services or HVAC (heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) Electrical Building Services, Plumbing and drainage. Also other possible design Engineer specialists may be involved such as Fire (prevention), Acoustic, façade engineers, building physics, Telecoms, AV (Audio Visual), BMS (Building Management Systems) Automatic controls etc. These design Engineers also prepare construction documents which are issued to specialist contractors to obtain a price for the works and to follow for the installations.
Buildings represent a large part of energy, electricity, water and materials consumption. As of 2020, they account for 37% of global energy use and energy-related CO2 emissions, which the United Nations estimate contributed to 33% of overall worldwide emissions.[10][11] Including the manufacturing of building materials, the global CO2 emissions were 39%.[12] If new technologies in construction are not adopted during this time of rapid growth, emissions could double by 2050, according to theUnited Nations Environment Program.
Glass buildings, especially all-glass skyscrapers, contribute significantly to climate change due to their energy inefficiency. While these structures are visually appealing and allow abundant natural light, they also trap heat, necessitating increased use of air conditioning systems, which contribute to higher carbon emissions. Experts advocate for design modifications and potential restrictions on all-glass edifices to mitigate their detrimental environmental impact.[13][14]
Buildings account for a large amount of land. According to theNational Resources Inventory, approximately 107 million acres (430,000 km2) of land in the United States are developed. TheInternational Energy Agency released a publication that estimated that existing buildings are responsible for more than 40% of the world's total primary energy consumption and for 24% of global carbon dioxide emissions.[15][16]
According to Global status report from the year 2016, buildings consume more than 30% of all produced energy. The report states that "Under a below 2°C trajectory, effective action to improve buildingenergy efficiency could limit building final energy demand to just above current levels, meaning that the average energy intensity of the global building stock would decrease by more than 80% by 2050".[17]Hanging gardens ofOne Central Park,SydneyGreen building practices aim to reduce theenvironmental impact of building as the building sector has the greatest potential to deliver significant cuts in emissions at little or no cost.[18] General guidelines can be summarized as follows: Every building should be as small as possible. Avoid contributing tosprawl, even if the most energy-efficient, environmentally sound methods are used in design and construction. Bioclimatic design principles are able to reduce energy expenditure and by extension, carbon emissions. Bioclimatic design is a method of building design that takes local climate into account to create comfortable conditions within the structure.[19][20] This could be as simple as constructing a different shape for thebuilding envelope or facing the building towards the south to maximize solar exposure for energy or lighting purposes. Given the limitations of city planned construction, bioclimatic principles may be employed on a lesser scale, however it is still an effectivepassive method to reduce environmental impact.
Any building requires a certain general amount of internal infrastructure to function, which includes such elements like heating / cooling, power and telecommunications, water and wastewater etc. Especially incommercial buildings (such as offices or factories), these can be extremely intricate systems taking up large amounts of space (sometimes located in separate areas or double floors / false ceilings) and constitute a big part of the regular maintenance required.
ElevatorAn under construction building in Pune, India. It is a high rise building, located in the South-Eastern Part of the city. In an area commonly known as 'Nine Hills'.
Buildings may be damaged during construction or during maintenance. They may be damaged by accidents[21] involving storms, explosions, subsidence caused by mining,[22] water withdrawal[23] or poor foundations[24] and landslides.[25] Buildings may sufferfire damage[26][27] and flooding.[28] They may become dilapidated through lack of proper maintenance, or alteration work improperly carried out.
^Building def. 2. Whitney, William Dwight, and Benjamin E. Smith.The Century dictionary and cyclopedia. vol. 1. New York: Century Co., 1901. 712. Print.
^Structure. def. 2.Merriam-Webster's dictionary of synonyms: a dictionary of discriminated synonyms with antonyms and analogous and contrasted words.. Springfield, Mass: Merriam-Webster, 1984. 787. Print.
^Building. def 1. Sturgis, Russell.A dictionary of architecture and building: biographical, historical, and descriptive. vol. 1. New York: The Macmillan Co.; 1901. 2236. Print.
^Paul Francis Wendt and Alan Robert Cerf (1979),Real estate investment analysis and taxation, McGraw-Hill, p. 210
^Pace, Anthony (2004). "Tarxien". In Daniel Cilia (ed.).Malta before History – The World's Oldest Free Standing Stone Architecture. Miranda Publishers.ISBN978-9990985085.
^Bru, G.; Herrera, G.; Tomás, R.; Duro, J.; Vega, R. De la; Mulas, J. (2013-02-01). "Control of deformation of buildings affected by subsidence using persistent scatterer interferometry".Structure and Infrastructure Engineering.9 (2):188–200.doi:10.1080/15732479.2010.519710.ISSN1573-2479.S2CID110521863.
^Brotóns, V.; Tomás, R.; Ivorra, S.; Alarcón, J. C. (2013-12-17). "Temperature influence on the physical and mechanical properties of a porous rock: San Julian's calcarenite".Engineering Geology.167 (Supplement C):117–127.Bibcode:2013EngGe.167..117B.doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2013.10.012.