The earliest recorded mention of Buchach is in 1260 byBartosz Paprocki in his book "Gniazdo Cnoty, zkąd herby Rycerstwa Polskiego swój początek mają",Kraków, 1578.[3] The validity of this date was reasonably refuted by the Polish scientistJózef Apolinary Rolle.[4]
In 1349, the region ofHalychyna (Galicia) became part of theKingdom of Poland. As a part ofRuthenian Voivodeship in theLesser Poland Province remained in Poland from 1434 until 1772 (seePartitions of Poland). It was during this time that the area experienced a large influx ofPolish,Jewish andArmenian settlers. In the late 14th century, Polish nobleman (szlachta)Michał Awdaniec became the owner of the town. On July 28, 1379, Michał Awdaniec founded a Roman Catholic parish church, and builta castle.According to at least one accounting, in 1393, KingWładysław II Jagiełło[citation needed] agreed to grant Magdeburg rights to Buchach (Buczacz): it was first Magdeburg-style city, located in theHalych Land. In the early 15th century, the Awdaniec family of Buchach changed its last name into Buczacki, after its main residence. Frequent invasions of theCrimean Tatars brought destruction to the town, and in 1515, it once again received the Magdeburg rights. In 1558 Katarzyna Tworowska nee Buczacka got the king's grant for market in Buchach. In 1580, local castle was rebuilt: the castle was twice besieged by the Tatars (1665, 1667), who finally captured it in 1672, during thePolish–Ottoman War (1672–1676). Buchach was a temporary residence ofMehmed IV; here, on October 18, 1672, theTreaty of Buchach was signed betweenPolish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and theOttoman Empire. According to this treaty, Poland handed the provinces of Ukraine andPodolia to Turkey.
In 1772, Eastern Galicia[5] together with other areas of south-western Poland, became a part ofKingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria — acrownland of theHabsburg monarchy as part of theFirst Partition of Poland. Industry came to Buchach around the end of the 19th century. Among the small-scale industries there included a brickworks, and candle and soap factory, (modern) flour mills, a textile plant, and a necktie factory. The town also boasted a brewery and a winery. The largest factory was established early in the 1900s, when the Hilfesverein concern of Vienna set up a plant for the manufacture of wooden toys in Buchach employing some 200 workers, mainly young girls. In 1912 the Stanislaviv-based Savings andCredit Union opened a branch in Buchach, and this served as a bank for local industrialists and business.
Before World War II, as many as 10,000 Jews (half of the local population) lived in Buchach. During the Nazi occupation of western Poland in 1939-early 1941, more Jewish refugees arrived in the town. On September 18, 1939, during theSoviet Invasion of Poland, Buchach was occupied by the Red Army, and incorporated into theUkrainian SSR (seeMolotov–Ribbentrop Pact). Before they left, the Soviets murdered civilians, mostly Ukrainian, and left them in the jails of Buchach andCzortków. During the Soviet occupation, many Jews and Christians were deported to the Soviet Union. Other Jews fled east when the Germans arrived. After the Soviets left, but before the Germans arrived in July 1942, Ukrainian militia looted and murdered Jewish residents of the town. Then in August, the Ukrainians assisted the German police in a mass shooting of 400 or so Jewish professionals and craftsmen.
After the initial mass murder in August 1941, the Jewish community remained relatively intact, living in a ghetto (theBuchach Ghetto), until October 1942, when the Gestapo, aided by Ukrainian and Jewish police, rounded up nearly 2000 Jews, shot hundreds, and sent about 1600 toBelzec. Some survivors report that the Ukrainian mayor was fair to the Jews until fall 1941 when control reverted to the German security police and their Ukrainian auxiliaries. In November, 2500 more were sent to Belzec and more were shot in Buchach. In February 1943, about 2000 were led to Fodor Hill where they were shot and pushed into mass graves. Megargee reports that there was so much blood that the city's water supplies were polluted. The final major Aktion took place in April when 4000 Jews were shot on Fedor Hill and others in the streets. In May 1943, Buchach was proclaimedjudenfrei.[7]
During this time, some Jews were able to hide in the forests or join partisan bands. A few hid with Polish or Ukrainian friends. When Buchach was liberated by the Soviet army in March 1944, about 800 Jews were still alive. However, a counter offensive brought the Germans back to Buchach a few weeks later and the Germans hunted down the Jews. They were assisted by townspeople, many of whom were eager to point out hiding places. Property formerly owned by Jews was now in their hands and they feared Jewish revenge. When the Soviet army returned in July, fewer than 100 Jews had survived.[8] Several of Buchach's survivors have published memoirs of this period,[9][10] and a diary of Arah Klonicki-Klonymus who tried to hide in the forests with his wife and baby but was murdered is also well known.[11] A detailed analysis of the murders of the Jews in Buchach in light of its history is told byOmer Bartov in hisAnatomy of a Genocide: The Life and Death of a Town Called Buczacz.[12]
In 1945, its Polish residents were resettled into thelands of western Poland regained from Germany, and Communist authorities closed the parish church, turning it into a storage facility. Bones of the members of the Potocki family, kept in the church cellar, were thrown out, and later buried at the local cemetery.
In 1965, the neighboring village of Nahirianka was annexed to Buchach. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Buchach became a part of independentUkraine, and new, Ukrainian government returned the church to its rightful owners. There is no longer a Polish or Jewish community in Buchach.
Until 18 July 2020, Buchach was the administrative center ofBuchach Raion. The raion was abolished in July 2020 as part of the administrative reform of Ukraine, which reduced the number of raions of Ternopil Oblast to three. The area of Buchach Raion was merged into Chortkiv Raion.[14][15]
St. Nicholas Church (n. 1610,[16] Kievan Metropolis, UGCC, Russian Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, now — Orthodox Church of Ukraine)
Church of the Intercession (n. 1763, UGCC)
Church of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross, or Church of the Elevation of the Cross (1771, UGCC)
St. Michael Church (Nahirianka, 1910, built by Greek Catholics, from ab. 1990 Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, now — Orthodox Church of Ukraine)
St. Volodymyr Church (Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kyiv Patriarchate, now — Orthodox Church of Ukraine)
Procathedral Church of Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary (2007—2014, UGCC)
Church of Assumption of Mary (1761—1763, Roman Catholic church)
Bohdana Durda (born 1940), artist, writer, poet, songwriter
Jaroslaw Padoch, lawyer, historian, community leader,[18] President ofShevchenko Scientific Society in USA and President of Shevchenko Scientific Society's the World Council in 1982–1992
Volodymyr Hnatiuk (1871–1926) — writer, literary scholar, translator and journalist, and was one of the most influential and notable Ukrainian ethnographers[23]
^Megargee, Geoffrey (2012).Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos. Bloomington, Indiana: University of Indiana Press. p. Volume II 761–765.ISBN978-0-253-35599-7.
R.J.W. Evans, "Center on the Margins" (review ofOmer Bartov,Tales from the Borderlands: Making and Unmaking of the Galician Past, Yale University Press, 2024, 376 pp.),The New York Review of Books, vol. LXXI, no. 20 (19 December 2024), pp. 74, 80–81. "I follow Bartov here in using the Polish version of the name, [Buczacz,] since the town [nowBuchach, Ukraine] has lain for most of its history in Poland or a region dominated by Polish culture. [p. 74.] [B]efore theGreat War [p]laces like Buczacz were incubators of both Polish and Ukrainian nationalism, and eventually of its Jewish forms too, asZionism.... Early Zionists enjoyed little local support either within the Jewish community or outside it. [Ukrainian socialist, nationalist, writer, translator, economist, ethnographer] [Ivan]Franko portrayed them with characteristically slight sympathy at the time, though he applauded their plans to emigrate. Bartov accords them little attention here.... [Footnote 6:] He explains the appeal of the movement more clearly inAnatomy of a Genocide.... For many Poles too the eastern homelands – what they came to call theKresy – were a continuing locus for the dreams of benevolent hegemony in the region, which after 1918 underpinned the unsustainable claims of theSecond [Polish] Republic." (p. 80.)