Bridewell Palace inLondon was built as a residence of KingHenry VIII and was one of his homes early in his reign for eight years. Given to the City of London Corporation by his son KingEdward VI in 1553 asBridewell Hospital for use as anorphanage and place of correction for wayward women, Bridewell later became the first prison/poorhouse to have an appointed doctor.
It was built on the banks of theFleet River in the City of London betweenFleet Street and the River Thames in an area today known as Bridewell Place, off New Bridge Street. By 1556 part of it had become a jail known asBridewell Prison. It was reinvented with lodgings and was closed in 1855 and the buildings demolished in 1863–1864.
The name "Bridewell" subsequently became a common name for a jail, used not only in England but in other cities colonised by Britain including Dublin and New York.
The palace was built on the site of the medieval St Bride's Inn directly south ofSt Bride's Church at a cost of £39,000 for Henry VIII who treated it as a main London residence 1515–1523. Standing on the banks of theRiver Fleet, the related saint since the medieval age has beenSt Bride. The papal delegation had preliminary meetings here in 1528 before advising the pope on whether the King could divorceCatherine of Aragon. The building was a project ofCardinalThomas Wolsey.
Bridewell Palace consisted of two brick-built courtyards, with the royal lodgings in three storeys around the inner courtyard. A grand processional staircase led to them from the outer courtyard. Bridewell was the first royal palace not to have a great hall and its staircase was a feature that recurs in Henry VIII's later residences. On the north side of the outer courtyard stood the kitchens and gatehouse. There was a long gallery (240 feet (73 m)) which connected the inner court with Blackfriars,[1] issuing out at Apothecaries Hall[2] on Blackfriars Lane which formerly ran beyond its western façade.
After Wolsey's fall in 1530, the palace was leased to the French ambassador 1531–1539, and was the setting forHolbein's painting,The Ambassadors (1533).[citation needed]
In 1553,Edward VI gave the palace over to theCity of London for thehousing of homeless children and for the punishment of "disorderly women". The City took full possession in 1556 and turned the site into a prison, hospital and workrooms. In 1557 the City authorities created a joint administration for theBridewell and Bethlehem Hospitals whenBethlem Royal Hospital also became the responsibility of the Bridewell Governors.[3]
In the late 17th century, the infamous London brothel keeperElizabeth Cresswell was incarcerated in Bridewell Prison, possibly for reneging on a debt. She died there at some point between 1684 and 1698.[4][5][6][7] She is probably interred in the Bridewell graveyard and legend runs that in her will she left £10 for a sermon to be read that said nothing ill of her. After considerable time, a young clergyman was found who would perform the funeral rites. After an extremely lengthy sermon on social morality, he said "By the will of the deceased it is expected that I should mention her and say nothing but what was well of her. All I shall say of her, therefore, is this — she was born well, lived well, and died well; for she was born with the name of Cresswell, lived at Clerkenwell, and died in Bridewell."[a][9]
Most of the palace was destroyed in theGreat Fire of London, and rebuilt in 1666–1667. In 1700 it became the first prison to appoint medical staff (a doctor).
Eventually, the prison became a school confusingly and variously known as Bridewell (Royal Hospital/School/Royal Hospital School). The prison element closed in 1855 and the buildings were demolished in 1863–1864. Nevertheless, some prison activities continued on the site: in the 1871 census, the Beadle and Turnkey, Joseph Ashley, had charge of two prisoners;[10] and in 1881 Mr Ashley was still there as Collector and Beadle, but no prisoners are named.[11] The school moved in 1867 to a much larger site inSurrey and changed its name toKing Edward's School, Witley which accordingly celebrated its 450th year in 2003.
Part of the vacated site was used for the erection ofDe Keyser's Royal Hotel in 1874,[12] which was requisitioned for military purposes in 1915 and became the subject of aleading case on the use of theroyal prerogative decided by the House of Lordsin 1920. By 1921Lever Brothers had acquired the hotel building for use as the head office of the company's business.
A rebuilt gatehouse in the style of the original is incorporated as the front of the office block at 14 New Bridge Street,[13] including a relief portrait of Edward VI. The main site area of the buildings stretched from there southwards through the Hyatt Regency London Blackfriars Hotel toUnilever House (built in 1931) which stands at the corner of Watergate – the name of the lost river entrance to the palace's precincts beside the former Fleet-Thames confluence (memorialised in the name of the street between the two).[14]
The name "Bridewell" became synonymous with large prisons and was consequently used as a generic name for them.[15] It was adopted for other prisons in London, including theClerkenwell Bridewell (opened in 1615) andTothill Fields Bridewell inWestminster.Similar institutions throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Canada as well as in the United States[16] also borrowed the name Bridewell. The term frequently refers to a city's main detention facility, usually close to a courthouse, as inNottingham,Leeds,Gloucester,Bristol,Dublin,Cork andEdinburgh.[17]
In theBeatles film,A Hard Day's Night,Paul's grandfather (Wilfrid Brambell) reports the arrest ofRingo to the studio by saying "The police have the poor lad in the Bridewell – he'll be pulp by now!"
The nearby Bridewell Theatre takes its name from the palace.[18]
Prisons intermediate between the Common Jail and the State Prison [...] receive different designations in the different states - house of correction, penitentiary, workhouse, bridewell and city prison. [...] Illinois has a bridewell in the city of Chicago, managed by the common council of the same.
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