Bream (/ˈbriːm/,[1]US also/ˈbrɪm/ ⓘ[1][2]) are species offreshwater fish belonging to a variety ofgenera includingAbramis[3][4] (e.g.,A. brama, thecommon bream),Ballerus,Blicca,Brama,Chilotilapia,Etelis,Lepomis,Gymnocranius,Lethrinus,Nemipterus,Pharyngochromis,Rhabdosargus,Scolopsis, orSerranochromis.
Although species from all of these genera are called "bream", the term does not imply a degree of relatedness between them. Fish termed "bream" tend to be narrow, deep-bodied species. The name is a derivation of theMiddle English wordbreme, ofOld French origin.
The termsea bream is sometimes used for fish of thefamilySparidae includingAcanthopagrus (Australia),Argyrops,gilt-head breamSparus aurata (orata in Italy,dorada in Spain),black seabreamSpondyliosoma cantharus and red seabreamPagrus orPagellus species; orpomfrets (familyBramidae).