![]() "King of the Bladder." A man stands on a box holding a two-string bladder-fiddle. The mid-1870s image, a caricature, shows a perception that something is wrong with the musician. | |
String instrument | |
Other names | drone, drone-and-string, boomba, bumbass, stamp fiddle, stumpf fiddle, pogo cello, Devil's stick, Devil's violin, boom bass, hum strum, teufel stick, stomp stick, Teufelsgeige (German, devil's fiddle), Bettelgeige (German, beggar's fiddle), saubass (Austrian-German), luk muzycyny (Polish), Diabelskie skrzypce (Polish, Devil's fiddle), rabel (Spanish), basse de Flandre (French, Flanders fiddle). |
Classification | String, percussion |
Hornbostel–Sachs classification | (MIMO puts all bumbasses together, whether percussion or fiddles. Hornbostel-Sachs doesn't consider number of strings. Drums and bladders not considered for resonators (only gourds).
Other options musical bows
Related instruments | |
Thebladder fiddle was afolk instrument used throughout Europe and in the Americas. The instrument was originally a simple large stringed fiddle (amusical bow) made with a long stick, one or more thick gutstrings, and apig's-bladder resonator. It was bowed with either a notched stick or a horsehairbow.[1]
The folk instrument was historically played by "wandering musicians" and beggars up to the early 19th century.[2][3][4] Although it may be used in serious folk music[5] it has also been used for humor.
Changes in the instrument have produced two distinct modern variations. The traditional bowed instrument has been preserved into the 21st century in Lithuania as thepusline[5] (and possibly Estonia and Flanders), producing sustained or rhythmicdroning notes.[2] The other variation, a percussion instrument, is used in folk music internationally, including Europe, North America and Australia, in which sound may imitate a drum roll and other percussive sounds.[2][6]
The instrument was originally a fiddle. It used a flexible stick, amusical bow, as the instrument's body and neck. The resonator, at first an inflated animal bladder, was held between the stick and the bowstring. Versions in Poland, Lithuania and the Netherlands had as many as three strings, but pictures of the Flanders fiddle and theNocturnal Serenade by Jan Steen show monochords (single-stringed instruments). In this configuration, the fiddle is played by drawing the bow over the string or strings; pressing down on the string changes the note.[1] Having multiple strings allows a fiddler to accompany other instruments with simple patterns using one, two or three notes fromopen strings. Some variants of the instrument show a flexible stick, making the bowed-instrument a musical bow. Others, such as the Estonian and Lithuanian instruments, have rigid sticks, making the instrument a bar or stick zither.
The instrument changed in some places. While the pig-bladder instrument can still be found in Lithuania today, in Holland the pig's bladder had been replaced by 1675 by a drum-like circle, wedged between the stick and a single gutstring, which resonated when the string was bowed. That version, the bumbass, was illustrated in the paintingNocturnal Serendade, by Dutch painter Jan Steen.
Immigrants to the United States brought the bumbass with them. In America, it used by the Pennsylvania Dutch culture of eastern Pennsylvania, United States, and still exists today, as the boomba, a percussion instrument. It may also be seen in Texas, at events celebrating local German heritage (such as theTomball German Heritage Festival).[7]
On percussion instruments, the drum has been turned sideways on the instrument and the string runs across it like thesound-table on aspike lute. The string has been dropped in some cases, the bow stick becoming a drumstick and the instrument now a percussion instrument, called a boomba, stamp fiddle, stumpf fiddle, or pogo cello.[6] Also called Devil's stick, Devil's violin, boom bass, hum strum, teufel stick or stomp stick.[6] In the percussion instrument, the string may still have limited use as a chordophone, if it has been set up with a tuning peg to tighten the string; if used in this manner, the instrument is bowed with a notched stick, producing rough sounds. In some modern instruments, the string has been replaced by a long spring, solely a percussion instrument, and in other instruments the string has been dropped altogether. The PolishDiabelskie skrzypce [pl] (Devil's fiddle) often has no string, but includes the memory of the instrument's past, by placing a violin-shaped piece of wood on the instrument.
This percussion version of the instrument is international, being used in Denmark (called theRumsterstang or thekrigsdjaevel,lit. 'war devil')[8][9] and Germany as well as the United States.Boomba is highly likely to have come from GermanBumbaß [pronounced "BOOM-bahss"];bum possibly coming from an older form ofbrummen ("to hum") andbaß ("bass", as in music).[10]
During World War I, German soldiers made Stumpf fiddles orTeufelsgeiges (lit. 'devil's fiddles'), replacing the pig's bladder with a tin can for the resonator, and bowing with a notched stick. Other bowed instruments were created using a wooden box for the resonator.
Today, there are two types of the instrument, bowed and percussion. The Stumpf fiddle became a percussion instrument, beaten with a stick and stamped on the ground to shake attached wrattles, bells and cymbals. The instrument may have a string, or not. It is also called Devil's stick, pogo cello, boom-ba, boom bass, hum strum, devil's violin, teufel stick.
It is known under different names; inGermany it was called the bumbass, Teufelsgeige (devil's fiddle) or Bettelgeige (beggar's fiddle).[4] In Germany sometimes a bell or cymbal was added to the top for decoration or additional sound. In Austria it was called the saubass, in Spanish therabel.[9]
InFrance it is thebasse de Flandre (Flanders fiddle), and inEngland adrone, "drone and string" or bladder fiddle. In England it was used by traveling musicians.[11] In Venezuela, the bladder fiddle is known as "marimba, tarimba, guarumba, guasdua, and carangano".[12] The name in Latvian is pūšļa vijole. In Lithuania, the instrument is the Pūslinė.[13]
In Poland there is a variant that started as a costume accessory and has become a devil's violin, called theDiabelskie skrzypce [pl].
TheSlavic peoples have a musical bow (Słowiański łuk muzyczny in Polish) which is pictured as having three strings (trzy struny).[14]
Hornbostel-Sachs classification are first in captions, then place and date.
The original pig-bladder instrument is still played with a bow in Lithuania as a traditional folk instrument, called a Pūslinė.[15][13] Estonia has one as well, called the põispill.[16][17] The instrument has between 1-3 strings and can be tuned with tuning pegs.[18][19]
The modern boomba focuses heavily on loud percussion, typically consisting of a variety of percussion instruments attached to a wooden pole.[20] The exact designs of a boomba vary, with much emphasis being put on the personalization of the boomba. Common features typically include a spring-loaded rubber base (much like a pogo stick), with percussion instruments such as bells and wood blocks attached.[20] Boombas often also include a set of cymbals which crash as the boomba is bounced, and a tambourine which can be played with a drumstick or shaken as the boomba is played.[20]
The boomba is similar in nature to the "stumpf fiddle", though the stumpf fiddle generally lacks the loud crashing cymbal on top. It is this loud crash when bounced that makes the boomba distinct.[20] An older, German variant of the stumpf fiddle and the boomba is theTeufelsgeige (lit. 'Devil's fiddle'), which is decorated with a Devil's head at the top of the pole.
A modern percussion instrument in Friesland is called theKuttepiel [fy]. A similar percussion instrument in Slovakia is theOzembuch [sk].[21][22]
sounded with a horsehair bow, and the pitch can be changed by pressing down on the string. It has little use as a melody instrument, but can be useful for providing a drone and rhythm accompaniment..."stumpf fiddle" or stomp stick
...used by wandering musicians up to the early 19th century...
variable and multidimensional folk instrument of diverse sound, shape and character...an accompaniment to dancing, but it was mainly used by beggars and itinerant musicians as entertainment at fairs. Today, it is mainly used in the carnival parade of masks
instrument (the beggar musicians)...a long stick, bent by a fixed gut string...sound box made of a cattle bladder or a box made of wood or metal...played with toothed piece of wood or short horsehair bow>
[Video showing Lithuanian folk ensemble, with pusline played as a bass instrument]
[Video of man playing a Stumpf Fiddle, showing percussive sounds that the modern folk instrument can play.]
Tomball German Heritage Festival in Tomball, Texas....The origin of the Boom-ba has been lost in the passage of time. Some believe it dates back to 18th or 19th century in the United States. The Dutch, Poles and Germans immigrants all claim to have originated it. The traditional Polish/German percussion instrument is made out of whatever materials immigrants had on hand. [note: talked to author, who said his information came from the lady in the photo that is part of the source for this quote.]
[Rumerstang sold at Danish auction, a percussion instrument without any strings]
põis pill Sõnaveeb etn seapõiest resonaatori ja soolest v. nöörist keel(t)ega eesti rahvapill (translation: ethn pig bladder resonator and intestine v. Estonian folk instrument with stringed language (s))
Pūslinė (Poispillid) estų liaudies muzikos instrumentas. Kopija. Sudaryta iš pūslės su vamzdeliu, pritvirtintu ant rėmo, lanko tipo, kurio vienas galas atremiamas į žemę. Priešingas galas - galvutė, su vienu varžtu stygai įtempti. Stygos laikikliai pagaminti iš žarnų.(translation: Poispillid is an instrument of Estonian folk music. Copy. Consisting of a bladder with a tube attached to a frame, an arc type, one end of which is supported on the ground. The opposite end is the head, with one screw tensioning the strings.)
Pūslinė is a string folk musical instrument played in ensembles...bass instrument which consists of a wooden stick, air-filled pig's bladder and intestines or small cords...1 to 3 strings...tuned using special wooden pegs.
[2-string Pūslinė played as bass instrument in a folk-music ensemble.]
A boom-ba is spring loaded like a pogo stick and usually carries percussion tools like a wood block, a tambourine, a cow bell, assorted bells and drumming surfaces. It is played by bouncing the stick and hitting the various percussion elements with a drumstick...>