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Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt

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"Kushite Empire" redirects here. For the kingdom south of Egypt, seeKingdom of Kush.
Kushite rule in Egypt during the third intermediate period

Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt
754 BC–656 BC
Statues of various rulers of the late 25th Dynasty–early Napatan period. From left to right: Tantamani, Taharqa (rear), Senkamanisken, again Tantamani (rear), Aspelta, Anlamani, again Senkamanisken; Kerma Museum.[1] of Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt
Statues of various rulers of the late 25th Dynasty–early Napatan period. From left to right:Tantamani,Taharqa (rear),Senkamanisken, againTantamani (rear),Aspelta,Anlamani, againSenkamanisken;Kerma Museum.[1]
Kushite heartland, and Kushite Empire of the 25th dynasty of Egypt, circa 700 BC.[2]
Kushite heartland, and Kushite Empire of the 25th dynasty of Egypt, circa 700 BC.[2]
Common languagesEgyptian,Meroitic
Ancient Egyptian religionKushite religion
• 744–712 BC
Piye (first)
• 664–656 BC
Tantamani (last)
Historical eraThird Intermediate Period of Egypt
• Established
754 BC
• Disestablished
656 BC
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt
Twenty-third Dynasty of Egypt
Twenty-fourth Dynasty of Egypt
Kingdom of Kush
Late Period of ancient Egypt
Assyrian conquest of Egypt
Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt
Kingdom of Kush

TheTwenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt (notatedDynasty XXV, alternatively25th Dynasty orDynasty 25), also known as theNubian Dynasty, theKushite Empire, theBlack Pharaohs,[2][3] or theNapatans, after their capitalNapata,[4] was the last dynasty of theThird Intermediate Period of Egypt that occurred after theKushite invasion.

The 25th dynasty was a line of pharaohs who originated in theKingdom of Kush, located in present-day northernSudan andUpper Egypt. Most of this dynasty's kings sawNapata as their spiritual homeland. They reigned in part or all of Ancient Egypt for nearly a century, from 744 to 656 BC.[5][6][7][8]

The 25th dynasty was highly Egyptianized, using the Egyptian language and writing system as their medium of record and exhibiting an unusual devotion to Egypt's religious, artistic, and literary traditions. Earlier scholars have ascribed the origins of the dynasty to immigrants from Egypt, particularly the Egyptian Amun priests.[9][10][11] The third intermediate-period Egyptian stimulus view is still maintained by prominent scholars, especially that excavations from el-Kurru cemetery, the key site to the origin of the Napata state, show sudden Egyptian arrivals and influence during the 3rd intermediate period, concurrent with the Egyptianization process.[12][13]

The 25th Dynasty's reunification ofLower Egypt, Upper Egypt, and Kush created the largest Egyptian empire since theNew Kingdom. They assimilated into society by reaffirming Ancient Egyptian religious traditions, temples, and artistic forms, while introducing some unique aspects of Kushite culture.[14] It was during the 25th dynasty that the Nile valley saw the first widespread construction of pyramids (many in what is now Northern Sudan) since the Middle Kingdom.[15][16][17]

AfterSargon II andSennacherib defeated attempts by the Nubian kings to gain a foothold in theNear East, their successorsEsarhaddon andAshurbanipal invaded Egypt and defeated the dynasty, in theAssyrian conquest of Egypt. The fall of the 25th Dynasty marks the start of theLate Period of ancient Egypt. TheTwenty-sixth Dynasty was initially a puppet dynasty installed by and vassals of the Assyrians, and was the last native dynasty to rule Egypt before the invasion by the PersianAchaemenid Empire.

The traditional representation of the dynasty as "Black Pharaohs" has attracted criticism from scholars, specifically because the term suggests that other dynasties did not share similar southern origins[18] (seeAncient Egyptian race controversy). They also argue that the term overlooks the genetic continuum that linked ancient Nubians and Egyptians.[19][20]




Main article:Piye

The twenty-fifth dynasty originated inKush, which is presently in NorthernSudan. The city-state ofNapata was the spiritual capital and it was from there thatPiye (spelledPiankhi orPiankhy in older works) invaded and took control ofEgypt.[21] Piye personally led the attack on Egypt and recorded his victory in a lengthy hieroglyphic filledstele called the "Stele of Victory." The stele announces Piye as Pharaoh of all Egypt and highlights his divine kingship by naming him "Son of Re" (Ruler of Lower Egypt) and "Beloved of Amun" (Ruler of Upper Egypt).[7]: 166  Piye's success in achieving the double kingship after generations of Kushite planning resulted from "Kushite ambition, political skill, and the Theban decision to reunify Egypt in this particular way", and not Egypt's utter exhaustion, "as frequently suggested in Egyptological studies."[16] Piye revived one of the greatest features of the Old and Middle Kingdoms, pyramid construction. An energetic builder, he constructed the oldest known pyramid at the royal burial site ofEl-Kurru. He also expanded theTemple of Amun at Jebel Barkal[16] by adding "an immense colonnaded forecourt."[7]: 163–164 

TheStele of Piye, with detail of pharaoh Piye (left, partially erased).[22][23]

Piye made various unsuccessful attempts to extend Egyptian influence in theNear East, then controlled fromMesopotamia by theSemiticNeo-Assyrian Empire. In 720 BC he sent an army in support of a rebellion against Assyria inPhilistia andGaza, however, Piye was defeated bySargon II, and the rebellion failed.[24] AlthoughManetho does not mention the first king, Piye, mainstream Egyptologists consider him the first Pharaoh of the 25th dynasty.[15][16][17][25] Manetho also does not mention the last king,Tantamani, although inscriptions exist to attest to the existence of both Piye and Tantamani.

TheStele of Piye inscription describes Piye as very religious, compassionate, and a lover of horses.[26] Piye scolded those that abused horses, demanded horses as gifts, and had eight of his horses buried with him.[26] Studies of horse skeletons at el Kurru, textual evidence, and iconographical evidence related to the use of horses in Kushite warfare indicate that "the finest horses used in Egypt and Assyria were bred in, and exported from Nubia."[7]: 157–158  Better horses, chariots, and the development of cavalry tactics helped Piye to defeat Tefnakht and his allies.[7]: 158 

Shabaka and Shebitku Chronology Dispute

Cartouche with the name of pharaohShabaka

Although the Manethonic and classical traditions maintain that it was Shabaka's invasion which brought Egypt under Kushite rule, the most recent archaeological evidence shows that Shabaka ruled Egypt after Shebitku and not before, as previously thought. The confusion may stem from Shabaka's accession via Kushite collateral succession versus Egyptian patrilinear succession.[7]: 168  The construction of the tomb of Shebitku (Ku. 18) resembles that of Piye (Ku. 17) while that of Shabaka (Ku. 15) is similar to that of Taharqa (Nu. 1) and Tantamani (Ku. 16) [39 – D. Dunham, El-Kurru, The Royal Cemeteries of Kush, I, (1950) 55, 60, 64, 67; also D. Dunham, Nuri, The Royal Cemeteries of Kush, II, (1955) 6–7; J. Lull, Las tumbas reales egipcias del Tercer Periodo Intermedio (dinastías XXI-XXV). Tradición y cambios, BAR-IS 1045 (2002) 208.] .[27] Secondly, Payraudeau notes in French that "the Divine Adoratrix Shepenupet I, the last Libyan Adoratrix, was still alive during the reign of Shebitku because she is represented performing rites and is described as "living" in those parts of the Osiris-Héqadjet chapel built during his reign (wall and exterior of the gate) [45 – G. Legrain, "Le temple et les chapelles d’Osiris à Karnak. Le temple d’Osiris-Hiq-Djeto, partie éthiopienne", RecTrav 22 (1900) 128; JWIS III, 45.].[27] In the rest of the room it is Amenirdis I, (Shabaka's sister), who is represented with the Adoratrix title and provided with a coronation name. The succession Shepenupet I – Amenirdis I thus took place during the reign of Shebitku/Shabataqo. This detail in itself is sufficient to show that the reign of Shabaka cannot precede that of Shebitku/Shabataqo.[27] Finally, Gerard Broekman's GM 251 (2017) paper shows that Shebitku reigned before Shabaka since the upper edge of Shabaka's NLR #30's Year 2 Karnak quay inscription was carved over the left-hand side of the lower edge of Shebitku's NLR#33 Year 3 inscription.[28] This can only mean that Shabaka ruled after Shebitku.


Shebitku,Nubian Museum

According to the newer chronology,Shebitku conquered the entireNile Valley, including Upper and Lower Egypt, around 712 BC. Shebitku hadBocchoris of the preceding Sais dynasty burned to death for resisting him. After conquering Lower Egypt, Shebitku transferred the capital toMemphis.[28] Dan'el Kahn suggested thatShebitku was king of Egypt by 707/706 BC.[29] This is based on evidence from an inscription of theAssyrian kingSargon II, which was found inPersia (then a colony of Assyria) and dated to 706 BC. This inscription calls Shebitku the king ofMeluhha, and states that he sent back to Assyria a rebel namedIamani in handcuffs. Kahn's arguments have been widely accepted by many Egyptologists including Rolf Krauss, and Aidan Dodson[30] and other scholars at the SCIEM 2000 (Synchronisation of Civilisations of the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C.) project with the notable exception ofKenneth Kitchen andManfred Bietak at present.



According to the traditional chronology,Shabaka "brought the entire Nile Valley as far as the Delta under the empire of Kush and is 'reputed' to have had Bocchoris, dynast of Sais, burnt to death."[15][7]: 166–167  There is no direct evidence that Shabaqo did slay Bakenranef, and although earlier scholarship generally accepted the tradition, it has recently been treated more skeptically.[31] Initially, Shabaka maintained good relations with Assyria, as shown by his extradition of the rebel, Iamani of Ashdod, to Assyria in 712 BC.[7]: 167  Shabaka supported an uprising against theAssyrians in thePhilistine city of Ashdod, however he and his allies were defeated bySargon II.[citation needed]

Shabaka "transferred the capital to Memphis"[7]: 166  and restored the great Egyptian monuments and temples, "unlike his Libyan predecessors".[7]: 167–169  Shabaka ushered in the age of Egyptian archaism, or a return to a historical past, which was embodied by a concentrated effort at religious renewal and restoration of Egypt's holy places.[7]: 169  Shabaka also returned Egypt to a theocratic monarchy by becoming the first priest ofAmon. In addition, Shabaka is known for creating a well-preserved example of Memphite theology by inscribing an old religious papyrus into theShabaka Stone.


Main article:Taharqa
See also:Assyrian conquest of Egypt
Pharaoh Taharqa, wearing the double-uraeus skullcap.[33]
Portrait of Taharqa,Nubian Museum.[32]
Assyrian siege of an Egyptian fort, probably a scene fromthe war in 667 BC. Sculpted in 645 – 635 BC, underAshurbanipal at the Palace ofNineveh.British Museum.[34]

In 690 BC,[7]Taharqa was crowned in Memphis[26] and ruled Upper and Lower Egypt as Pharaoh from Tanis in the Delta.[35][15] Taharqa's reign was a prosperous time in the empire with a particularly large Nile river flood and abundant crops and wine.[36][7] Taharqa's inscriptions indicate that he gave large amounts of gold to the temple of Amun at Kawa.[37] He restored and constructed great works throughout the Nile Valley, including works at Jebel Barkal, Kawa (with Lebanese cedar),[7] Qasr Ibrim, and Karnak.[38][39] "Thebes was enriched on a monumental scale."[7] At Karnak, the Sacred Lake structures, the kiosk in the first court, and the colonnades at the temple entrance are all owed to Taharqa and Mentuemhet. Taharqa and the Kushites marked a renaissance in Pharaonic art.[40] Taharqa built the largest pyramid (52 square meters at base) in the Nubian region atNuri (nearEl-Kurru) with the most elaborate Kushite rock-cut tomb.[41] Taharqa was buried with "over 1070 shabtis of varying sizes and made of granite, green ankerite, and alabaster."[42]

Taharqa's army undertook successful military campaigns, as attested by the "list of conquered Asiatic principalities" from the Mut temple at Karnak and "conquered peoples and countries (Libyans, Shasu nomads, Phoenicians?,Khor in Palestine)" from Sanam temple inscriptions.[7] Imperial ambitions of theMesopotamian basedAssyrian Empire made war with the 25th dynasty inevitable. In 701 BC, Taharqa and his army aidedJudah and KingHezekiah in withstanding a siege by KingSennacherib of the Assyrians (2 Kings 19:9; Isaiah 37:9).[43] There are various theories (Taharqa's army,[44] disease, divine intervention, Hezekiah's surrender) as to why the Assyrians failed to take the city and withdrew to Assyria.[45] Torok mentions that Egypt's army "was beaten at Eltekeh" under Taharqa's command, but "the battle could be interpreted as a victory for the double kingdom", since Assyria did not take Jerusalem and "retreated to Assyria."[7]: 170  Many historians claim that Sennacherib was the overlord of Khor following the siege in 701 BC. Sennacherib's annals record Judah was forced into tribute after the siege.[24] However, this is contradicted by Khor's frequent utilization of an Egyptian system of weights for trade,[46] the 20 year cessation in Assyria's pattern (before 701 and after Sennacherib's death) of repeatedly invading Khor,[47] Khor paying tribute to Amun of Karnak in the first half of Taharqa's reign,[7] and Taharqa flouting Assyria's ban on Lebanese cedar exports to Egypt, while Taharqa was building his temple to Amun at Kawa.[48] Sennacherib was murdered by his own sons in revenge for the destruction of the rebellious Mesopotamian city ofBabylon, a city sacred to all Mesopotamians, the Assyrians included.[citation needed]

In 679 BC, Sennacherib's successor, KingEsarhaddon, campaigned into Khor and took a town loyal to Egypt. After destroying Sidon and forcing Tyre into tribute in 677-676 BC, Esarhaddon invaded Egypt in 674 BC. Taharqa and his army defeated the Assyrians outright in 674 BC, according to Babylonian records.[49] Taharqa's Egypt still held sway in Khor during this period as evidenced by Esarhaddon's 671 BC annal mentioning that Tyre's King Ba'lu had "put his trust upon his friend Taharqa", Ashkelon's alliance with Egypt, and Esarhaddon's inscription asking "if the Egyptian forces will defeat Esarhaddon at Ashkelon."[50] However, Taharqa was defeated in Egypt in 671 BC when Esarhaddon conquered Northern Egypt, captured Memphis, imposed tribute, and then withdrew.[35] In 669 BC, Taharqa reoccupied Memphis, as well as the Delta, and recommenced intrigues with the king of Tyre.[35]Esarhaddon again led his army to Egypt and on his death, the command passed toAshurbanipal. Ashurbanipal and the Assyrians advanced as far south as Thebes, but direct Assyrian control was not established."[35] Taharqa retreated to Nubia, where he died in 664 BC.

Taharqa remains an important historical figure in Sudan and elsewhere, as is evidenced byWill Smith's recent project to depict Taharqa in a major motion picture.[51] As of 2017, the status of this project is unknown.

A study of the sphinx that was created to represent Taharqa indicates that he was a Kushite pharaoh from Nubia.[52]


Main article:Tantamani
Statue of Kushite ruler and lastpharaoh of the 25th Dynasty of Egypt,Tantamani;Louvre Museum reconstruction.

Taharqa's successor,Tantamani sailed north from Napata, through Elephantine, and with a large army to Thebes, where he was "ritually installed as the king of Egypt."[7]: 185  From Thebes, Tantamani began his reconquest[7]: 185  and regained control of Egypt, as far north as Memphis.[35] Tantamani's dream stele states that he restored order from the chaos, where royal temples and cults were not being maintained.[7]: 185  After defeating Sais and killing Assyria's vassal,Necho I, in Memphis, "some local dynasts formally surrendered, while others withdrew to their fortresses."[7]: 185  Tantamani proceeded north of Memphis, invading Lower Egypt and, besieged cities in the Delta, a number of which surrendered to him.[citation needed]

Portrait ofTantamani from his tomb inEl-Kurru

Necho's son Psamtik I fled Egypt to Assyria and returned in 664 BC withAshurbanipal and a large army comprisingCarian mercenaries.[citation needed] Upon the Assyrians arrival in Egypt, Tantamani fled to Thebes, where he was pursued by the Assyrians.[7]: 186–187  Then, Tantamani escaped to Nubia and the Assyrian armysacked Thebes "and devastated the area" in 663 BC[35]Psamtik I was placed on the throne of Lower Egypt as a vassal of Ashurbanipal.[citation needed] Psamtik quickly unified Lower Egypt and expelled the Assyrian army, becoming the first ruler of theTwenty-Sixth Dynasty.[7]: 186  In 656 BC, Psamtik sent a large fleet southwards to Thebes, peacefully taking control of the still rebellious Upper Egypt thereby unifying all of Egypt.

Tantamani and the Nubians never again posed a threat to either Assyria or Egypt. Upon his death, Tantamani was buried in the royal cemetery ofEl-Kurru, upstream from theKushite capital ofNapata. He was succeeded by a son of Taharqa, kingAtlanersa.[24]In total, the Twenty-fifth Dynasty ruled Egypt for less than one hundred years.[5][53] The successors of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty settled back in their Nubian homeland, where they continued their kingdom atNapata (656–590 BC), and continued to make empty claims to Egyptian kingship during the next 60 years, while the effective control of Egypt was in the hands ofPsamtik I and his successors.[54] The Kushite next ruled further south atMeroë (590 BC – 4th century AD).[24]

Armies of the 25th dynasty


The Nubian/Egyptian soldiers of the 25th dynasty are represented in a few Assyrian reliefs related to theAssyrian conquest of Egypt, such as theSiege of an Egyptian fort in 667 BC. Nubian soldiers defending their city are represented, as well as prisoners under Assyrian escort, many wearing the typical one-feathered headgear of Taharqa's soldiers.[55][56]

  • Armoured Kushite soldiers of Taharqa defending their city from the Assyrian assault
    Armoured Kushite soldiers of Taharqa defending their city from the Assyrian assault
  • Nubian prisoners escorted by Assyrian guards out of the Egyptian city.[55]
    Nubian prisoners escorted by Assyrian guards out of the Egyptian city.[55]
  • Nubian prisoners.They wear the typical one-feathered headgear of Taharqa's soldiers.[55]
    Nubian prisoners.They wear the typical one-feathered headgear of Taharqa's soldiers.[55]

Revenge of Psamtik II


Psamtik II, the third ruler of the following dynasty, theTwenty-Sixth Dynasty, deliberately destroyed monuments belonging to the 25th Dynasty of Kushite kings in Egypt, erasing their names and their emblems of royalty from statues and reliefs in Egypt. He then sent an army to Nubia in 592 BCE to erase all traces of their rule, during the reign of the Kushite KingAspelta. This expedition and its destructions are recorded on several victory stelae, especially theVictory Stela of Kalabsha. The Egyptian army "may have gone on to sack Napata, although there is no good evidence to indicate that they actually did so."[35]: 65  This led to the transfer of the Kushite capital farther south atMeroë.[57][58]

Art and architecture

Main articles:Art of Ancient Egypt andNubian pyramids
The royal pyramids ofNuri
Temple of Amun atJebel Barkal, originally built during the EgyptianNew Kingdom but greatly enhanced byPiye.

Although the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty controlled Ancient Egypt for only 91 years (747–656 BC), it holds an important place in Egyptian history due to the restoration of traditional Egyptian values, culture, art, and architecture.

The Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt revived the lost Egyptian tradition of building pyramids for their deceased rulers. Nubian kings built their own pyramids 1000 years after Egyptian burial methods had changed.[59]Nubian pyramids were built for the first time atEl Kurru in751 BC, for thePiye, the first ruler of the 25th Dynasty, and more were built atNuri.[60] The Nubian-style pyramids emulated a form of Egyptian private elite family pyramid that was common during theNew Kingdom (1550-1069 BC).[61] There are twice as many Nubian pyramids still standing today as there are Egyptian.[59]

Pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty

Main article:List of pharaohs

The pharaohs of the 25th Dynasty ruled for approximately 91 years in Egypt, from 747 BC to 656 BC.

Dynasty XXV Kings of Egypt
PharaohImagePrenomen (Throne name)Horus-nameReignPyramidConsort(s)Comments
PiyeUsimareKanakhtkhaemnepetc. 747–714 BCKurru 17
Kashta is sometimes considered the first pharaoh of the dynasty, as opposed to Piye.
ShebitkuDjedkareDjedkhau714–705 BCKurru 18Arty (Kurru 6)
ShabakaNeferkareSebaqtawy705–690 BCKurru 15
TaharqaKhunefertumreQakhau690–664 BCNuri 1
TantamaniBakareWahmerut664–656 BCKurru 16
Lost control of Upper Egypt in 656 BC whenPsamtik I captured Thebes in that year.

The period starting withKashta and ending withMalonaqen is sometimes called theNapatan Period. The later Kings from the twenty-fifth dynasty ruled overNapata,Meroe, and Egypt. Theseat of government and the royal palace were inNapata during this period, whileMeroe was a provincial city. The kings and queens were buried inEl-Kurru andNuri.[63]

Alara, the first known Nubian king and predecessor ofKashta was not a 25th dynasty king since he did not control any region of Egypt during his reign. WhilePiye is viewed as the founder of the 25th dynasty, some publications may include Kashta who already controlled some parts of Upper Egypt. A stela of his was found atElephantine and Kashta likely exercised some influence atThebes (although he did not control it) since he held enough sway to have his daughterAmenirdis I adopted as the nextDivine Adoratrice of Amun there.

Timeline of the 25th Dynasty


See also

Periods anddynasties ofancient Egypt
All years areBC
Third Dynasty III 2686–2613
Fourth Dynasty IV 2613–2498
Fifth Dynasty V 2498–2345
Sixth Dynasty VI 2345–2181
Seventh Dynasty VII spurious
Eighth Dynasty VIII 2181–2160
Ninth Dynasty IX 2160–2130
Tenth Dynasty X 2130–2040
EarlyEleventh Dynasty XI 2134–2061
LateEleventh Dynasty XI 2061–1991
Twelfth Dynasty XII 1991–1803
Thirteenth Dynasty XIII 1803–1649
Fourteenth Dynasty XIV 1705–1690
Fifteenth Dynasty (Hyksos) XV 1674–1535
Sixteenth Dynasty XVI 1660–1600
Abydos Dynasty 1650–1600
Seventeenth Dynasty XVII 1580–1549
Eighteenth Dynasty XVIII 1549–1292
Nineteenth Dynasty XIX 1292–1189
Twentieth Dynasty XX 1189–1077
XXXV 379 AD – 641 AD


  1. ^Elshazly, Hesham."Kerma and the royal cache".
  2. ^ab"Dive beneath the pyramids of Sudan's black pharaohs".National Geographic. 2 July 2019. Archived fromthe original on 2 July 2019.
  3. ^Morkot, Robert (2000).The black pharaohs : Egypt's Nubian rulers. London: Rubicon Press.ISBN 0-948695-23-4.OCLC 43901145.
  4. ^Oliver, Roland (5 March 2018).The African Experience: From Olduvai Gorge to the 21st Century. Routledge. p. 66.ISBN 978-0-429-97650-6.The Napatans, somewhere around 900 BC conquered both Lower and Upper Nubia, including the all-important gold mines, and by 750 were strong enough to conquer Egypt itself, where their kings ruled for nearly a century as the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty
  5. ^ab"Nubia | Definition, History, Map, & Facts".Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved28 May 2021.
  6. ^Bard, Kathryn A. (7 January 2015).An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. John Wiley & Sons. p. 393.ISBN 978-1-118-89611-2.
  7. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxTörök, László (1998).The Kingdom of Kush: Handbook of the Napatan-Meroitic Civilization. Leiden: BRILL. pp. 132–133,153–184.ISBN 90-04-10448-8.
  8. ^"King Piye and the Kushite control of Egypt".Smarthistory. Retrieved28 May 2021.
  9. ^Heinrich, Brugsch (1902).A history of Egypt under the Pharaohs. John Murray London. p. 387.
  10. ^Breasted, J.H. (1924).A History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest. Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 538–539.
  11. ^Drioton, E. (1962).Drioton, E; Vandier, J – Les Peuples de l'Orient Méditerranéen II L' Egypte. Paris: Presses universitaires de France. pp. 524,537–538.
  12. ^Assmann, Jan (2002).The Mind of Egypt: History and Meaning in the Time of the Pharaohs. Metropolitan Books. pp. 317–321.
  13. ^Wenig, Steffen (1999).The origin of the Napatan state: El Kurru and the evidence for the royal ancestors. In Studien zum antiken Sudan: Akten der 7. Internationalen Tagung für meroitische Forschungen vom 14. bis 19. September 1992 in Gosen/bei Berlin. Harrassowitz; Bilingual edition. pp. 3–117.
  14. ^Bonnet, Charles (2006).The Nubian Pharaohs. New York: The American University in Cairo Press. pp. 142–154.ISBN 978-977-416-010-3.
  15. ^abcdMokhtar, G. (1990).General History of Africa. California, USA: University of California Press. pp. 161–163.ISBN 0-520-06697-9.
  16. ^abcdEmberling, Geoff (2011).Nubia: Ancient Kingdoms of Africa. New York: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. pp. 9–11.ISBN 978-0-615-48102-9.
  17. ^abSilverman, David (1997).Ancient Egypt. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 36–37.ISBN 0-19-521270-3.
  18. ^Logan, Jim (21 September 2020)."The African Egypt".The Current / UC Santa Barbara.Smith, who has been excavating the ancient site of Tombos in modern Sudan (Nubia) since 2000, has focused his research on questions of identity, especially ethnicity, and intercultural interaction between ancient Egypt and Nubia. In the 8th century BCE, he noted, Kushite rulers were crowned as Kings of Egypt, ruling a combined Nubian and Egyptian kingdom as pharaohs of Egypt's 25th Dynasty. Those Kushite kings are commonly referred to as the 'Black Pharaohs' in both scholarly and popular publications. That terminology, Smith said, is often presented as a celebration of black African civilization. But it also reflects a longstanding bias that holds the Egyptian pharaohs and their people weren't African — that is, not Black. It's a trope that feeds into a long history of racism that traces back to the some of the founding figures of Egyptology and their role in the creation of "scientific" racism in the U.S. [...] 'It has always struck me as odd that Egyptologists have been reluctant to admit that the ancient (and modern) Egyptians were rather dark-skinned Africans, especially the farther south one goes," Smith continued.
  19. ^"One of the other problems with the "Black Pharaohs" moniker is that it implies that none of the other Predynastic, Protodynastic, or dynastic Egyptian rulers could be called "black" - in the sense of the Kushites - which, while not particularly interesting, is not true. Even Sir Flinders Petrie, father of the Asiatic "Dynastic Race" theory of dynastic Egypt's foundation, stated that various other dynasties were of "Sudany" origin or had connections there, based on phenotype; which implies [incorrectly] that particular traits could not have been Egyptian i.e. been a part of its ancestral biological variation".Keita, S. O. Y. (September 2022)."Ideas about "Race" in Nile Valley Histories: A Consideration of "Racial" Paradigms in Recent Presentations on Nile Valley Africa, from "Black Pharaohs" to Mummy Genomest".Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections.
  20. ^Crawford, Keith W. (2021)."Critique of the "Black Pharaohs" Theme: Racist Perspectives of Egyptian and Kushite/Nubian Interactions in Popular Media".African Archaeological Review.38 (4):695–712.doi:10.1007/s10437-021-09453-7.ISSN 0263-0338.S2CID 238718279.
  21. ^Herodotus (2003).The Histories. Penguin Books. pp. 106–107, 133–134.ISBN 978-0-14-044908-2.
  22. ^Leahy, Anthony (1992). "Royal Iconography and Dynastic Change, 750-525 BC: The Blue and Cap Crowns".The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology.78: 227, and Plate XXVI.doi:10.2307/3822074.ISSN 0307-5133.JSTOR 3822074.
  23. ^Lichtheim, Miriam (1980).Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Book of Readings. University of California Press. pp. 66–75.ISBN 978-0-520-04020-5.
  24. ^abcdRoux, Georges (1992).Ancient Iraq (Third ed.). London: Penguin.ISBN 0-14-012523-X.
  25. ^Mokhtar, G. (1990).General History of Africa. California, USA: University of California Press. p. 67.ISBN 0-520-06697-9.
  26. ^abcHaynes, Joyce (1992). Harvey, Fredrica (ed.).Nubia: Ancient Kingdoms of Africa. Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Museum of Fine Arts. pp. 25–30.ISBN 0-87846-362-3.
  27. ^abcPayraudeau, F. (2014)."Retour sur la succession Shabaqo-Shabataqo"(PDF).Nehet.1:115–127.
  28. ^abBroekman, Gerard P. F. (2017). "Genealogical considerations regarding the kings of the Twenty-fifth Dynasty in Egypt".Göttinger Miszellen.251:13–20.ISSN 0344-385X.
  29. ^Kahn, Dan'el (2001). "The Inscription of Sargon II at Tang-i Var and the Chronology of Dynasty 25".Orientalia.70 (1):1–18.JSTOR 43076732.
  30. ^Sidebotham, Steven E. (2002). "Newly Discovered Sites in the Eastern Desert".Journal of Egyptian Archaeology.82: 181–192 [p. 182 n. 24].doi:10.1177/030751339608200118.JSTOR 3822121.S2CID 192102954.
  31. ^Wenig, Steffen (1999).Studien Zum Antiken Sudan: Akten Der 7. Internationalen Tagung Für Meroitische Forschungen Vom 14. Bis 19. September 1992 in Gosen/bei Berlin. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. p. 203.ISBN 978-3-447-04139-3.
  32. ^Smith, William Stevenson; Simpson, William Kelly (1 January 1998).The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt. Yale University Press. p. 235.ISBN 978-0-300-07747-6.
  33. ^Bianchi, Robert Steven (2004).Daily Life of the Nubians. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 207.ISBN 978-0-313-32501-4.
  34. ^"Wall panel; relief British Museum".The British Museum.
  35. ^abcdefgWelsby, Derek A. (1996).The Kingdom of Kush. London, UK: British Museum Press. pp. 64–65.ISBN 0-7141-0986-X.
  36. ^Welsby, Derek A. (1996).The Kingdom of Kush. London, UK: British Museum Press. p. 158.ISBN 0-7141-0986-X.
  37. ^Welsby, Derek A. (1996).The Kingdom of Kush. London, UK: British Museum Press. p. 169.ISBN 0-7141-0986-X.
  38. ^Welsby, Derek A. (1996).The Kingdom of Kush. London, UK: British Museum Press. pp. 16–34,62–64, 175, 183.ISBN 0-7141-0986-X.
  39. ^Diop, Cheikh Anta (1974).The African Origin of Civilization. Chicago, Illinois: Lawrence Hill Books. pp. 219–221.ISBN 1-55652-072-7.
  40. ^Welsby, Derek A. (1996).The Kingdom of Kush. London, UK: British Museum Press. p. 178.ISBN 0-7141-0986-X.
  41. ^Welsby, Derek A. (1996).The Kingdom of Kush. London, UK: British Museum Press. pp. 103,107–108.ISBN 0-7141-0986-X.
  42. ^Welsby, Derek A. (1996).The Kingdom of Kush. London, UK: British Museum Press. p. 87.ISBN 0-7141-0986-X.
  43. ^Aubin, Henry T. (2002).The Rescue of Jerusalem. New York, NY: Soho Press, Inc. pp. x,141–144.ISBN 1-56947-275-0.
  44. ^Aubin, Henry T. (2002).The Rescue of Jerusalem. New York, NY: Soho Press, Inc. pp. x, 127,129–130,139–152.ISBN 1-56947-275-0.
  45. ^Aubin, Henry T. (2002).The Rescue of Jerusalem. New York, NY: Soho Press, Inc. pp. x, 119.ISBN 1-56947-275-0.
  46. ^Aubin, Henry T. (2002).The Rescue of Jerusalem. New York, NY: Soho Press, Inc. pp. x,155–156.ISBN 1-56947-275-0.
  47. ^Aubin, Henry T. (2002).The Rescue of Jerusalem. New York, NY: Soho Press, Inc. pp. x,152–153.ISBN 1-56947-275-0.
  48. ^Aubin, Henry T. (2002).The Rescue of Jerusalem. New York, NY: Soho Press, Inc. pp. x, 155.ISBN 1-56947-275-0.
  49. ^Aubin, Henry T. (2002).The Rescue of Jerusalem. New York, NY: Soho Press, Inc. pp. x,158–161.ISBN 1-56947-275-0.
  50. ^Aubin, Henry T. (2002).The Rescue of Jerusalem. New York, NY: Soho Press, Inc. pp. x,159–161.ISBN 1-56947-275-0.
  51. ^Fleming, Michael (7 September 2008)."Will Smith puts on 'Pharaoh' hat".Variety. Retrieved23 July 2016.
  52. ^Nöthling, F. J. (1989).Pre-Colonial Africa: Her Civilisations and Foreign Contacts. Southern Book Publishers. p. 43.ISBN 978-1-86812-242-4. Retrieved2 April 2018.He moved his capital to Thebes and became king of Kush and Misr (Egypt) forming the 25th dynasty. Kushite power stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the present Ethiopian boundary. Some Egyptians welcomed the Kushite presence and saw them as civilised people and not as barbarians. Their culture was a mixture of indigenous Egyptian and Sudanese elements and physically their appearance included Egyptian, Berber-Libyan and other Mediterranean elements as well as the Negroid blood coming from the region of the fifth and sixth cataracts
  53. ^"Kushite Kingdom | The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago" Retrieved28 May 2021.
  54. ^"The next six decades, they and their successors would continue to make fictive claims toEgyptian kingship"Kendall, Timothy.Jebel Barkal Guide(PDF). p. 6.
  55. ^abc"Wall panel; relief British Museum".The British Museum.
  56. ^Bianchi, Robert Steven (2004).Daily Life of the Nubians. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 206.ISBN 978-0-313-32501-4.
  57. ^Leahy, Anthony (1992). "Royal Iconography and Dynastic Change, 750-525 BC: The Blue and Cap Crowns".The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology.78: 238.doi:10.2307/3822074.ISSN 0307-5133.JSTOR 3822074.
  58. ^Elshazly, Hesham.Kerma and the royal cache. pp. 26–77.
  59. ^abTakacs, Sarolta Anna; Cline, Eric H. (17 July 2015).The Ancient World.Routledge.ISBN 978-1-317-45839-5.
  60. ^Mitchell, Joseph; Mitchell, Helen Buss (27 March 2009).Taking Sides: Clashing Views in World History, Volume 1: The Ancient World to the Pre-Modern Era, Expanded. McGraw-Hill Education.ISBN 978-0-07-812758-8.
  61. ^Kolb, Michael J. (6 November 2019).Making Sense of Monuments: Narratives of Time, Movement, and Scale. Routledge.ISBN 978-0-429-76492-9.
  62. ^Smith, William Stevenson; Simpson, William Kelly (1 January 1998).The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt. Yale University Press. p. 234.ISBN 978-0-300-07747-6.
  63. ^Dunham, Dows (1946). "Notes on the History of Kush 850 BC – A.D. 350".American Journal of Archaeology.50 (3):378–388.doi:10.2307/499459.JSTOR 499459.S2CID 193086188.

Further reading

  • Reisner, G. A. (1919). "Discovery of the Tombs of the Egyptian XXVth Dynasty".Sudan Notes and Records.2 (4):237–254.JSTOR 41715805.
  • Morkot, R. G. (2000).The Black Pharaohs, Egypt's Nubian Rulers. London: Rubicon Press.

External links

  • Pharaohs
    • male
    • female
  • uncertain
(pre-3150 BC)
Early Dynastic
(3150–2686 BC)
Old Kingdom
(2686–2181 BC)
1st Intermediate
(2181–2040 BC)
  • Pharaohs
    • male
    • female
  • uncertain
Middle Kingdom
(2040–1802 BC)
2nd Intermediate
(1802–1550 BC)
  • Pharaohs  (male
  • female)
  • uncertain
New Kingdom
(1550–1070 BC)
3rd Intermediate
(1069–664 BC)
High Priests of Amun
Late toRoman Period(664 BC–313 AD)
  • Pharaohs
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    • female
  • uncertain
(664–332 BC)
(332–30 BC)
(30 BC–313 AD)
Dynastic genealogies
Rulers of theancient Near East
4000–3200 BCENaqada I
Naqada II
Gebel el-Arak Knife
Egypt–Mesopotamia relationsPre-Dynastic period (4000–2900 BCE)Susa I

Uruk period
(4000–3100 BCE)

(Anu Ziggurat, 4000 BCE)

(Anonymous "King-priests")
Susa II
Susa II Priest-King with bow and arrows
(Uruk influence or control)
3200–3100 BCEProto-Dynastic period
(Naqada III)
Early or legendary kings:
Upper Egypt
Finger SnailFishPen-AbuAnimalStorkCanideBullScorpion IShendjwIry-HorKaScorpion IINarmer /Menes
Lower Egypt
Hedju HorNy-HorHsekiuKhayuTiuTheshNehebWaznerNat-HorMekhDouble FalconWash
3100–2900 BCEEarly Dynastic Period
First Dynasty of Egypt
Narmer Palette
Narmer Palette

NarmerMenesNeithhotep (regent)Hor-AhaDjerDjetMerneith (regent)DenAnedjibSemerkhetQa'aSneferkaHorus Bird
CanaanitesJemdet Nasr period
(3100–2900 BCE)

(Susa III)
(3100–2700 BCE)
2900 BCESecond Dynasty of Egypt

HotepsekhemwyNebra/RanebNynetjerBaNubneferHorus SaWeneg-NebtyWadjenesSenedjSeth-PeribsenSekhemib-PerenmaatNeferkara INeferkasokarHudjefa IKhasekhemwy
Early Dynastic Period I (2900–2700 BCE)
First Eblaite

First kingdom of Mari
Kish I dynasty
2800 BCE

Uruk I dynasty
Enmerkar ("conqueror ofAratta")
2700 BCEEarly Dynastic Period II (2700–2600 BCE)
Dumuzid, the Fisherman
Enmebaragesi ("made the land of Elam submit")[6]
Aga of KishAga of KishGilgameshOld Elamite period
(2700–1500 BCE)

Indo-Mesopotamia relations
2600 BCEThird Dynasty of Egypt

Saqqarah Djeser pyramid
(FirstEgyptian pyramids)
Early Dynastic Period III (2600–2340 BCE)
Kish II dynasty
(5 kings)
2575 BCEOld Kingdom of Egypt
Fourth Dynasty of Egypt

Ur I dynasty
"King of Ur and Kish", victorious over Uruk
2500 BCEPhoenicia (2500–539 BCE)Second kingdom of Mari


Kish III dynasty
Akshak dynasty
Uruk II dynasty
Mug-siUmma I dynasty

Lagash I dynasty


Awan dynasty
2450 BCEFifth Dynasty of Egypt

UserkafSahureNeferirkare KakaiNeferefreShepseskareNyuserre IniMenkauhor KaiuDjedkare IsesiUnas
Elamite invasions
(3 kings)[6]
2425 BCEKun-DamuEannatum
(King of Lagash, Sumer, Akkad, conqueror of Elam)
2400 BCEAdub-Damu
Kish IV dynasty
Enannatum II
Ur II dynasty
Mesh-ki-ang-Nanna II
2380 BCESixth Dynasty of Egypt
TetiUserkarePepi IMerenre Nemtyemsaf IPepi IIMerenre Nemtyemsaf IINetjerkare Siptah
Kneeling statuette of Pepy I
Adab dynasty
"King of the four quarters of the world"
2370 BCEIsar-DamuEnna-Dagan
Invasion byMari
Anbu, Anba, Bazi, Zizi of Mari, Limer, Sharrum-iter[6]
2350 BCEPuzur-Nirah
Uruk III dynasty
(Governor of Umma, King of all Sumer)
2340 BCEAkkadian Period (2340–2150 BCE)
Akkadian Empire

Sargon of AkkadRimushManishtushu
Akkadian Governors:
2250 BCENaram-SinLugal-ushumgal
(vassal of the Akkadians)
2200 BCEFirst Intermediate Period
Seventh Dynasty of Egypt
Eighth Dynasty of Egypt
MenkareNeferkare IINeferkare NebyDjedkare ShemaiNeferkare KhenduMerenhorNeferkaminNikareNeferkare TereruNeferkahorNeferkare PepisenebNeferkamin AnuQakare IbiNeferkaureNeferkauhorNeferirkare
Third kingdom of Mari

(vassals of the Akkadians)

Igigi,Imi,Nanum,Ilulu (3 years)
Uruk IV dynasty
Lagash II dynasty
Ur-Ningirsu I
2150 BCENinth Dynasty of Egypt
Meryibre KhetyNeferkare VIINebkaure KhetySetut
Ur III period (2150–2000 BCE)

Gutian dynasty
(21 kings)

Kuda (Uruk)
Umma II dynasty
(vassal of the Gutians)


2125 BCETenth Dynasty of Egypt
MeryhathorNeferkare VIIIWahkare KhetyMerikare

Uruk V dynasty
2100 BCE(Vassals of UR III)Iddi-ilum
(vassals of Ur III)[7]
Ur III dynasty
"Kings of Ur, Sumer and Akkad"
2025–1763 BCEAmorite invasionsIbbi-SinElamite invasions
Kindattu (Shimashki Dynasty)
Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt
Mentuhotep IIntef IIntef IIIntef IIIMentuhotep IIMentuhotep IIIMentuhotep IV
Third Eblaite



Lim Dynasty
Yaggid-LimYahdun-LimYasmah-AdadZimri-Lim (QueenShibtu)
Old Assyria
Puzur-Ashur I
Erishum I
Sargon I
Puzur-Ashur II
Erishum II
Isin-Larsa period
Dynasty of Isin:Ishbi-ErraShu-IlishuIddin-DaganIshme-DaganLipit-IshtarUr-NinurtaBur-SuenLipit-EnlilErra-imittiEnlil-baniZambiyaIter-pishaUr-du-kugaSuen-magirDamiq-ilishu
Dynasty of Larsa:NaplanumEmisumSamiumZabaiaGungunumAbisareSumuelNur-AdadSin-IddinamSin-EribamSin-IqishamSilli-AdadWarad-SinRim-Sin I (...)Rim-Sin II
Uruk VI dynasty: Alila-hadum Sumu-binasa Naram-Sin of UrukSîn-kāšid Sîn-iribamSîn-gāmil Ilum-gamilAn-amIrdaneneRîm-Anum Nabi-ilišu
Sukkalmah dynasty

Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt
Amenemhat ISenusret IAmenemhat IISenusret IISenusret IIIAmenemhat IIIAmenemhat IVSobekneferu
1800–1595 BCEThirteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Fourteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Kings of Byblos
Kings of Tyre
Kings of Sidon
(Yamhad dynasty)
Old Assyria

(Shamshi-Adad dynasty
1808–1736 BCE)
Shamshi-Adad IIshme-Dagan IMut-AshkurRimushAsinumAshur-dugulAshur-apla-idiNasir-SinSin-namirIpqi-IshtarAdad-saluluAdasi

(Non-dynastic usurpers
1735–1701 BCE)

(Adaside dynasty
1700–722 BCE)
Bel-baniLibayaSharma-Adad IIptar-SinBazayaLullayaShu-NinuaSharma-Adad IIErishum IIIShamshi-Adad IIIshme-Dagan IIShamshi-Adad IIIAshur-nirari IPuzur-Ashur IIIEnlil-nasir INur-iliAshur-shaduniAshur-rabi IAshur-nadin-ahhe IEnlil-Nasir IIAshur-nirari IIAshur-bel-nisheshuAshur-rim-nisheshuAshur-nadin-ahhe II

First Babylonian dynasty
("Old Babylonian Period")


Early Kassite rulers

Second Babylonian dynasty
("Sealand Dynasty")


Second Intermediate Period
Dynasty of Egypt


Dynasty of Egypt

Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Pharaoh Ahmose I slaying a Hyksos
Pharaoh Ahmose I slaying a Hyksos

(1600–1260 BCE)
KirtaShuttarna IBaratarna
1531–1155 BCE
New Kingdom of Egypt
Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Ahmose IAmenhotep I
Third Babylonian dynasty (Kassites)
Agum-KakrimeBurnaburiash IKashtiliash IIIUlamburiashAgum IIIKaraindashKadashman-Harbe IKurigalzu IKadashman-Enlil IBurna-Buriash IIKara-hardashNazi-BugashKurigalzu IINazi-MaruttashKadashman-TurguKadashman-Enlil IIKudur-EnlilShagarakti-ShuriashKashtiliash IVEnlil-nadin-shumiKadashman-Harbe IIAdad-shuma-iddinaAdad-shuma-usurMeli-Shipak IIMarduk-apla-iddina IZababa-shuma-iddinEnlil-nadin-ahi
Middle Elamite period

(1500–1100 BCE)
Kidinuid dynasty
Igehalkid dynasty

Thutmose IThutmose IIHatshepsutThutmose III
Amenhotep IIThutmose IVAmenhotep IIIAkhenatenSmenkhkareNeferneferuatenTutankhamunAyHoremhebHittite Empire (1450–1180 BCE)
Suppiluliuma IMursili IIMuwatalli IIMursili IIIHattusili IIITudhaliya IVSuppiluliuma II

Ugarit (vassal of Hittites)
Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt
Ramesses ISeti IRamesses IIMerneptahAmenmessesSeti IISiptahTausret
Elamite Empire
Shutrukid dynasty
1155–1025 BCETwentieth Dynasty of Egypt

SetnakhteRamesses IIIRamesses IVRamesses VRamesses VIRamesses VIIRamesses VIIIRamesses IXRamesses XRamesses XI

Third Intermediate Period

Twenty-first Dynasty of Egypt
SmendesAmenemnisuPsusennes IAmenemopeOsorkon the ElderSiamunPsusennes II

Kings of Byblos
Kings of Tyre
Kings of Sidon

Kingdom of Israel
Syro-Hittite states
Middle Assyria
Eriba-Adad IAshur-uballit IEnlil-nirariArik-den-iliAdad-nirari IShalmaneser ITukulti-Ninurta IAshur-nadin-apliAshur-nirari IIIEnlil-kudurri-usurNinurta-apal-EkurAshur-dan INinurta-tukulti-AshurMutakkil-NuskuAshur-resh-ishi ITiglath-Pileser IAsharid-apal-EkurAshur-bel-kalaEriba-Adad IIShamshi-Adad IVAshurnasirpal IShalmaneser IIAshur-nirari IVAshur-rabi IIAshur-resh-ishi IITiglath-Pileser IIAshur-dan II
Fourth Babylonian dynasty ("Second Dynasty of Isin")
Marduk-kabit-ahheshuItti-Marduk-balatuNinurta-nadin-shumiNebuchadnezzar IEnlil-nadin-apliMarduk-nadin-ahheMarduk-shapik-zeriAdad-apla-iddinaMarduk-ahhe-eribaMarduk-zer-XNabu-shum-libur
Neo-Elamite period (1100–540 BCE)
1025–934 BCEFifth, Sixth, Seventh, Babylonian dynasties ("Period of Chaos")
Simbar-shipakEa-mukin-zeriKashshu-nadin-ahiEulmash-shakin-shumiNinurta-kudurri-usur IShirikti-shuqamunaMar-biti-apla-usurNabû-mukin-apli
911–745 BCETwenty-second Dynasty of Egypt
Shoshenq IOsorkon IShoshenq IITakelot IOsorkon IIShoshenq IIIShoshenq IVPamiShoshenq VPedubast IIOsorkon IV

Twenty-third Dynasty of Egypt
Harsiese ATakelot IIPedubast IShoshenq VIOsorkon IIITakelot IIIRudamunMenkheperre Ini

Twenty-fourth Dynasty of Egypt

Kingdom of Samaria

Kingdom of Judah
Neo-Assyrian Empire
Adad-nirari IITukulti-Ninurta IIAshurnasirpal IIShalmaneser IIIShamshi-Adad VShammuramat (regent)Adad-nirari IIIShalmaneser IVAshur-Dan IIIAshur-nirari V
Eight Babylonian Dynasty
Ninurta-kudurri-usur IIMar-biti-ahhe-iddinaShamash-mudammiqNabu-shuma-ukin INabu-apla-iddinaMarduk-zakir-shumi IMarduk-balassu-iqbiBaba-aha-iddina (five kings)Ninurta-apla-XMarduk-bel-zeriMarduk-apla-usurEriba-MardukNabu-shuma-ishkunNabonassarNabu-nadin-zeriNabu-shuma-ukin IINabu-mukin-zeri
Humban-Tahrid dynasty

Tammaritu I
Humban-haltash III
745–609 BCETwenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt
("Black Pharaohs")
Neo-Assyrian Empire

(Sargonid dynasty)
Tiglath-PileserShalmaneserMarduk-apla-iddina IISargonSennacheribMarduk-zakir-shumi IIMarduk-apla-iddina IIBel-ibniAshur-nadin-shumiNergal-ushezibMushezib-MardukEsarhaddonAshurbanipalAshur-etil-ilaniSinsharishkunSin-shumu-lishirAshur-uballit II

Assyrian conquest of EgyptAssyrian conquest of Elam
626–539 BCELate Period
Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt
Necho IPsamtik INecho IIPsamtik IIWahibreAhmose IIPsamtik III
Neo-Babylonian Empire
NabopolassarNebuchadnezzar IIAmel-MardukNeriglissarLabashi-MardukNabonidus
Median Empire
539–331 BCETwenty-seventh Dynasty of Egypt
(First Achaemenid conquest of Egypt)
Kings of Byblos
Kings of Tyre
Kings of Sidon
Achaemenid Empire
CyrusCambysesDarius IXerxesArtaxerxes IDarius IIArtaxerxes IIArtaxerxes IIIArtaxerxes IVDarius III
Twenty-eighth Dynasty of Egypt
Twenty-ninth Dynasty of Egypt
Thirtieth Dynasty of Egypt
Thirty-first Dynasty of Egypt
331–141 BCEArgead dynasty andPtolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy I SoterPtolemy CeraunusPtolemy II PhiladelphusArsinoe IIPtolemy III EuergetesBerenice II EuergetisPtolemy IV PhilopatorArsinoe III PhilopatorPtolemy V EpiphanesCleopatra I SyraPtolemy VI PhilometorPtolemy VII Neos PhilopatorCleopatra II Philometor SoteiraPtolemy VIII PhysconCleopatra IIIPtolemy IX LathyrosCleopatra IVPtolemy X AlexanderBerenice IIIPtolemy XI AlexanderPtolemy XII AuletesCleopatra VCleopatra VI TryphaenaBerenice IV EpiphaneaPtolemy XIIIPtolemy XIVCleopatra VII PhilopatorPtolemy XV CaesarionArsinoe IV
Hellenistic Period
Seleukos I Nikator Tetradrachm from Babylon
Seleukos I Nikator Tetradrachm from Babylon
Argead dynasty:Alexander IIIPhilip IIIAlexander IV
Antigonid dynasty:Antigonus I
Seleucid Empire:Seleucus IAntiochus IAntiochus IISeleucus IISeleucus IIIAntiochus IIISeleucus IVAntiochus IVAntiochus VDemetrius IAlexander IIIDemetrius IIAntiochus VI DionysusDiodotus TryphonAntiochus VII Sidetes
141–30 BCEKingdom of Judea
Simon ThassiJohn HyrcanusAristobulus IAlexander JannaeusSalome AlexandraHyrcanus IIAristobulus IIAntigonus II Mattathias
Alexander II ZabinasSeleucus V PhilometorAntiochus VIII GrypusAntiochus IX CyzicenusSeleucus VI EpiphanesAntiochus X EusebesAntiochus XI EpiphanesDemetrius III EucaerusPhilip I PhiladelphusAntiochus XII DionysusAntiochus XIII AsiaticusPhilip II PhiloromaeusParthian Empire
Mithridates IPhraatesHyspaosinesArtabanusMithridates IIGotarzesMithridates IIIOrodes ISinatrucesPhraates IIIMithridates IVOrodes IIPhraates IVTiridates IIMusaPhraates VOrodes IIIVonones IArtabanus IITiridates IIIArtabanus IIVardanes IGotarzes IIMeherdatesVonones IIVologases IVardanes IIPacorus IIVologases IIArtabanus IIIOsroes I
30 BCE–116 CERoman Empire
(Roman conquest of Egypt)
Province of Egypt
116–117 CEProvince of Mesopotamia underTrajanParthamaspates of Parthia
117–224 CESyria PalaestinaProvince of MesopotamiaSinatruces IIMithridates VVologases IVOsroes IIVologases VVologases VIArtabanus IV
224–270 CESasanian Empire
Province of Asoristan
Coin of Ardashir I, Hamadan mint.
Coin of Ardashir I, Hamadan mint.
Ardashir IShapur IHormizd IBahram IBahram IIBahram IIINarsehHormizd IIAdur NarsehShapur IIArdashir IIShapur IIIBahram IVYazdegerd IShapur IVKhosrowBahram VYazdegerd IIHormizd IIIPeroz IBalashKavad IJamaspKavad IKhosrow IHormizd IVKhosrow IIBahram VI ChobinVistahm
270–273 CEPalmyrene Empire
273–395 CERoman Empire
Province of EgyptSyria PalaestinaSyriaProvince of Mesopotamia
395–618 CEByzantine Empire
Byzantine EgyptPalaestina Prima,Palaestina SecundaByzantine SyriaByzantine Mesopotamia
618–628 CE(Sasanian conquest of Egypt)
Province of Egypt
Sasanian Empire
Province of Asoristan
Khosrow IIKavad II
628–641 CEByzantine EmpireArdashir IIIShahrbarazKhosrow IIIBoranShapur-i ShahrvarazAzarmidokhtFarrukh HormizdHormizd VIKhosrow IVBoranYazdegerd IIIPeroz IIINarsieh
Byzantine EgyptPalaestina Prima,Palaestina SecundaByzantine SyriaByzantine Mesopotamia
639–651 CEMuslim conquest of EgyptMuslim conquest of the LevantMuslim conquest of Mesopotamia and Persia
Chronology of the Neolithic periodRulers of ancient Central Asia
  1. ^Rulers with names in italics are considered fictional.
  2. ^Hallo, William W.;Simpson, William Kelly (1971).The Ancient Near East: A History. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. pp. 48–49.ISBN 978-0-15-502755-8.
  3. ^"Rulers of Mesopotamia".CDLI:wiki. Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative.
  4. ^Thomas, Ariane;Potts, Timothy, eds. (2020).Mesopotamia: Civilization Begins. Los Angeles: The J. Paul Getty Museum. p. 14.ISBN 978-1-60606-649-2.
  5. ^Roux, Georges (1992).Ancient Iraq. London: Penguin Books Limited. pp. 532–534 (Chronological Tables).ISBN 978-0-14-193825-7.
  6. ^abcPer theSumerian King List.
  7. ^Unger, Merrill F. (2014).Israel and the Aramaeans of Damascus: A Study in Archaeological Illumination of Bible History. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock. p. 5.ISBN 978-1-62564-606-4.
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