Belanda Hitam (Indonesian; "Black Dutchmen") was anIndonesian language term used to refer toBlack soldiers recruited by theDutch colonial empire for service in theRoyal Netherlands East Indies Army (KNIL), thecolonial army of theDutch East Indies. The recruitment of Black soldiers into the KNIL resulted from a combination of factors, including the heavy losses suffered by Dutch forces in theJava War and concerns over the reliability of indigenous KNIL troops. Between 1831 and 1872, over 3,000West Africans, mostlyAkan people, were recruited from theDutch Gold Coast for KNIL service in the East Indies.[1][2]
Following theindependence of Belgium in 1830, the Netherlands' population was considerably diminished, making colonial combat losses more difficult to replace. Furthermore, the Dutch wanted the number of locally recruited soldiers in the East Indies Army to be limited to roughly half the total strength, to ensure the loyalty of native forces. It was also hoped that Akan soldiers would be more resistant to the tropical climate and tropical diseases of theDutch East Indies than Dutch soldiers.
The soldiers from the Gold Coast were first recruited inElmina. Of the 150 that were enlisted, 44 were descendants of Euro-African families in Elmina. They were deployed in 1832 in southernSumatra. The West Africans proved less resistant to the climate than had been hoped, but their physique and general appearance as soldiers impressed the Sumatran population. In 1836 a further group of 88 Akan soldiers arrived in the Dutch East Indies. The Dutch government then decided to recruit from theAshanti people.
In the autumn of 1836, Major GeneralJan Verveer undertook a mission to the King of Ashanti. On November 1, 1836, after he had arrived in Elmina, General Verveer departed with a retinue of about 900 people (the majority porters carrying provisions and gifts) to the capital of theAshanti Empire,Comassie (Kumasi). After lengthy negotiations, an agreement was concluded withKing Kwaku Dua. In Kumasi, a recruiting branch office was established byJacob Huydecoper, a Dutch government official from Elmina of mixed Dutch-African descent. Kwaku Dua also sent two princes,Kwasi Boachi and Kwame Poku Boachi, to Verveer in the Netherlands for training. Their subsequent careers are described byArthur Japin in his novelThe Two Hearts of Kwasi Boachi (1997).
Because the British had abolishedslavery, a somewhat cautious approach to recruitment was taken. The Ashanti king offered slaves and prisoners of war from the surrounding regions, for Dutch colonial service. However they nominally put themselves forward as voluntary recruits. As Dutchmilitary service personnel they were entitled to receive pay. However, British objections in 1842 led to discontinuation of this relatively successful recruitment. In 1855, enrollment resumed due to the positive experiences of West African soldiers in the Dutch East Indies. This renewed recruitment was now on a strictly voluntary basis.
A total of several thousand Malay immigrants in the Negro Cavalier "with a Dutch name", were shipped to the Dutch East Indies. TheTreaty of Sumatra in 1871 gave the Netherlands possessions on the Gold Coastto the British. This terminated the recruitment of Africans for the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army. On April 20, 1872, the last ship with African recruits left forJava. There were however two further attempts to recruit black volunteers for the Colonial Army. Between 1876 and 1879, thirtyAmerican Negroes recruits were hired for the KNIL. In 1890, there was an attempt to obtain recruits fromLiberia. A total of 189 Liberians went to Java, but this group became almost entirely dissatisfied with failed promises and returned to Liberia in 1892. Even without the recruitment of Malay soldiers, the KNIL still had soldiers of Malay origin in its army long after the 1890s. These Malay andIndo-Afrikaan soldiers were the offspring of the Welanders that the Dutch shipped from theDutch Gold Coast between 1830 and 1872.[3]