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Royal and noble ranks of the Qing dynasty

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Qing dynasty imperial bureaucracy ranks

TheQing dynasty (1644–1912) ofChina developed a complicated peerage system forroyal and noble ranks.

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Rule of inheritance

See also:Aisin Gioro § Iron-cap princes and their descendants

In principle, titles were downgraded one grade for each generation of inheritance.

  • Direct imperial princes with theEight Privileges were downgraded for four generations, after which the title can be inherited without further downgrades.
  • Direct imperial princes without theEight Privileges were downgraded until the rank offeng'en jiangjun, which then became perpetual.
  • Cadet line imperial princes and lords were downgraded until they reachedfeng'en jiangjun, which could be further inherited three times before the title expired completely.
  • For non-imperial peers, the title could be downgraded toen jiwei before becoming perpetually heritable.

Occasionally, a peer could be granted the privilege ofshixi wangti (世襲罔替;shìxí wǎngtì; "perpetual heritability"), which allowed the title to be passed down without downgrading. Throughout the Qing dynasty, there were 12 imperial princely families that had this privilege. They were known as the "iron-cap princes".

The noble titles were inherited through a system of looseprimogeniture: The eldest son from the peer's first wife was usually the heir apparent, but inheritance by a younger son, a son of a concubine, or brother of the peer was not uncommon. According to their birth (by the chief consort, secondary consort or concubines) and their father's rank, non-heir sons of imperial princes were also entitled to petition for a lower title than the one they would have received had they been the heir. Non-heir sons of other peers were also occasionally granted a lower title.

Whether imperial or not, the inheritance or bestowal was never automatic, and had to be approved by the Emperor, theMinistry of Personnel, or theImperial Clan Court. Imperial princes, upon reaching adulthood at the age of 20, had to pass tests in horse-riding, archery and theManchu language before they were eligible for titles. Imperial princesses, other than the Emperor's daughters, were usually granted titles upon marriage, regardless of age. Princesses' titles were also usually fixed after they were granted, and were not affected by changes in their fathers' nobility ranks.

Grading system


Yunjiwei ("sub-commander of the cloud cavalry") was originally a military rank created in theSui dynasty, but it was later turned into a military honour in theTang dynasty as part of thexun guan (勳官;xūn guān) system. The Qing dynasty abolished the separate military honour system and merged it into the nobility rank system, usingyunjiwei as the lowest grantable rank of nobility, and the basic unit of rank progression.

For example, ayunjiwei who received another grant ofyunjiwei became ajiduwei. Afirst-class duke plus yunjiwei was the equivalent of 23 grants ofyunjiwei.

Official rank (pin)


The Qing dynasty, much like previous dynasties, used an "official rank" system (;pǐn). This system had nine numbered ranks, each subdivided into upper and lower levels, in addition to the lowest "unranked" rank: from upper firstpin (正一品), to lower ninthpin (從九品), to the unranked (未入流), for a total of 19 ranks. All government personnel, from the highest chancellors to the lowest clerk, held an official rankex officio, which determined their salary, uniform, privileges and order of precedence.

Thispin system existed in parallel to the noble ranks detailed in this article. Many higher noble titles ranked above this system (超品;chāopǐn). And while some titles corresponded to apin, they were considered equivalents of convenience rather than actual official ranks.

Titular names


Historically, Chinese noble titles were usually created with ashiyi (食邑;shíyì;fief) each, although the fief could be only nominal. TheHongwu Emperor of theMing dynasty enfeoffed cadet branch princes and other nobles in different regions of China. The Qing dynasty ended this tradition; with only a few exceptions, no fief was ever named. No Qing prince was enfeoffed with territory. Instead, noble titles were created without a name, or were bestowed ameihao (美號;meǐhào; titular name). These names were usually descriptive of the peer's merit, virtue, or the circumstances leading to his ennoblement. The Dukes Yansheng kept their traditional fief in Shandong under Qing rule.

Titular names were unique for imperial princes, while non-imperial peers' titular names may overlap. FollowingMing dynasty tradition, single-character names were reserved forqinwangs, whilejunwangs used two-character names. All other peers normally had two-character names, but could receive up to four characters.

Since noble titles were primarily awarded for military service, the titular names predominantly described martial virtues, e.g.,zhongyong gong (忠勇公;zhōngyǒng gōng; "loyal and brave duke"). However, a particularly common titular name wascheng'en gong (承恩公;chéng'ēn gōng; "duke who receives grace"), which was frequently granted to the Empress's family members.

Imperial clan


Eight Privileges


At the top of the imperial hierarchy, the highest six ranks enjoyed the "Eight Privileges" (八分;bafen;jakūn ubu). These privileges were:

  1. Promotional books inscribed on jade, set of seals for correspondence, red carriage wheels, purple horse reins, right for reported entry, red walls of the residence, use of corner lanterns, use of leopard tail guns.
  2. Precious stones on the mandarin hat crests, clothes with encircled dragon patterns, use of imperial porcelain tea sets, purple reins, red wheels, doornails on the gate, employment of guards.
  3. Finials on mandarin hats embellished with precious stones, use of two-eyed peacock feather, surcoats with encircled dragon patterns, purple reins, right to enter the imperial palace by horse, leopard tail guns, separate manor in the capital, employment of officials and eunuchs.

Peacock feathers, however, were prohibited for princes above the rank ofbeizi and direct imperial clansmen. The "Eight Privileges" entitled the prince to participate in state councils and share the spoils of war. However, the prince was also bound to reside in the capital and render service to the imperial court. In 1816, the princes were forbidden from reporting matters via eunuchs. Thus, most of the princes employed officials as managers of domestic affairs. The range of tasks of those officials included conveyance of memorials on behalf of the prince. The supervisor of princely manor held lower 4 rank in 9-pin system.

Male members

  • Heshuo qinwang (ᡥᠣᡧᠣ‍‍ᡳ
    ᠴᡳᠨ ᠸᠠᠩ
    hošo-i cin wang;和硕亲王;和碩親王;héshuò qīnwáng;хошой чин ван), commonly simplified toqinwang, translated as "Prince of the First Rank" or "Prince of the Blood". "Heshuo" ("hošo") means "four corners, four sides" in Manchu.
    • Shizi (世子;Shìzǐ;šidzi), meaning "heir son", refers to the heir apparent to aqinwang.
  • Duoluo junwang (ᡩᠣᡵᠣ‍‍ᡳ
    ᡤᡳᠶᡡᠨ ᠸᠠᠩ
    doro-i giyūn wang;多罗郡王;多羅郡王;duōluó jùnwáng;төрийн жүн ван), commonly simplified tojunwang, translated as "Prince of the Second Rank" or "Prince of aCommandery".
    • Zhangzi (长子;長子;zhángzǐ;jangdzi), meaning "eldest son" or "chief son", refers to the heir apparent to ajunwang.
  • Duoluo beile (ᡩᠣᡵᠣ‍‍ᡳ
    doro-i beile;多罗贝勒;多羅貝勒;duōluó bèilè;Төрийн бэйл), means "lord", "prince" or "chief" in Manchu, commonly simplified tobeile, and translated as "Prince of the Third Rank", "Venerable Prince", or "Noble Lord". "Duoluo" ("doro") means "virtue, courtesy, propriety" in Manchu. It was usually granted to the son of aqinwang orjunwang. Asbeile is the best known Manchu, non-Chinese title, it is commonly used to refer to all Manchu princes.
  • Gushan beizi (ᡤᡡᠰᠠ‍‍ᡳ
    gūsa-i beise;固山贝子;固山貝子;gùshān bèizǐ;хошууны бэйс), commonly simplified tobeizi, and translated as "Prince of the Fourth Rank", "Banner Prince" or "Banner Lord". "Gushan" ("gūsai") means "banner" in Manchu, a reference to any of theEight Banners. "Beizi" ("beise") is the plural form of "beile", but since 1636, "beile" and "beizi" were used to refer to two different ranks of nobility.

The four ranks above were granted solely to direct male-line descendants of the Emperor. These titles below were granted to cadet lines of the imperial clan.

  • Feng'en zhenguo gong (ᡴᡝᠰᡳ ᠪᡝ
    ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ ᠪᡝ
    kesi-be tuwakiyara gurun-be dalire gung;奉恩镇国公;奉恩鎮國公;fèng'ēn zhènguó gōng;Хишгийг сахих улсын түшээ гүн), translated as "Duke Who Receives Grace and Guards the State", simplified to "Duke Who Guards the State", also translated as "Defender Duke by Grace" or "Duke of the First Rank".
  • Feng'en fuguo gong (ᡴᡝᠰᡳ ᠪᡝ
    ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ ᡩᡝ
    kesi-be tuwakiyara gurun-de aisilara gung;奉恩辅国公;奉恩輔國公;fèng'ēn fǔguó gōng;Хишигийг сахих улсад туслагч гүн), translated as "Duke Who Receives Grace and Assists the State", simplified to "Duke Who Assists the State", also translated as "Bulwark Duke by Grace" or "Duke of the Second Rank".

The above six ranks are titles that enjoy the "Eight Privileges". The titles below do not enjoy the "Eight Privileges" and have no imperial duties.

  • Burubafen zhenguo gong (ᠵᠠᡴᡡᠨ
    ᡠᠪᡠ  ᡩᡝ
    ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ  ᠪᡝ
    jakūn ubu-de dosimbuhakū gurun-be dalire gung;不入八分镇国公;不入八分鎮國公;bùrùbāfēn zhènguó gōng;Найман хувьд оруулсангүй улсын түшээ гүн), translated as "Duke Without the Eight Privileges Who Guards the State", also translated as "Lesser Defender Duke" or "Duke of the Third Rank".
  • Burubafen fuguo gong (ᠵᠠᡴᡡᠨ
    ᡠᠪᡠ  ᡩᡝ
    ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ  ᠪᡝ
    jakūn ubu-de dosimbuhakū gurun-be aisilara gung;不入八分辅国公;不入八分輔國公;bùrùbāfēn fǔguó gōng;Найман хувьд оруулсангүй улсад туслагч гүн), translated as "Duke Without the Eight Privileges Who Assists the State", also translated as "Lesser Bulwark Duke" or "Duke of the Fourth Rank".

All of the above titles arechaopin (超品;chāopǐn), outranking official ranks. The ranks below are ranked first to fourthpin respectively. The first threejiangjun ranks are each further subdivided into four classes:first class plus yunjiwei,first class,second class, andthird class.

  • Zhenguo jiangjun (ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ ᠪᡝ
    ;gurun be dalire janggin;镇国将军;鎮國將軍;zhènguó jiāngjūn;улсыг сахих жанжин), translated as "General Who Guards the State", "Defender General", or "(Hereditary) General of the First Rank".
  • Fuguo jiangjun (ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ ᡩᡝ
    ;gurun de aisilara janggin;辅国将军;輔國將軍;fǔguó jiāngjūn;туслагч жанжин), translated as "General Who Assists the State", "Bulwark General", or "(Hereditary) General of the Second Rank".
  • Fengguo jiangjun (ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ ᠪᡝ
    ;gurun be tuwakiyara janggin;奉国将军;奉國將軍;fèngguó jiāngjūn), translated as "General Who Receives the State", "Supporter General", or "(Hereditary) General of the Third Rank".
  • Feng'en jiangjun (ᡴᡝᠰᡳ ᠪᡝ
    ;kesi-be tuwakiyara janggin;奉恩将军;奉恩將軍;fèng'ēn jiāngjūn), translated as "General Who Receives Grace", "General by Grace", or "(Hereditary) General of the Fourth Rank". This rank has no sub-classes. This title is not grantedper se, but were given to heirs offengguo jiangjuns.

Regardless of title and rank, an imperial prince was addressed as "A-ge" (ᠠᡤᡝ;age;阿哥;À-gē), which means "lord" or "commander" in Manchu.

Comparison of imperial ranks for male members
Imperial TitleTitle equivalentTitle of vassal stateClassSubclass
Crown PrinceAbove ranks
Prince of the First Rank
Prince of the Second RankShizi
Prince of the Third RankZhangzi
Prince of the Fourth RankPrince Consort

of the First Rank

Duke of the First RankPrince Consort of

the Second Rank

Duke of the Second Rank
Duke of the Third RankJasagh taiji/tabunang
Duke of the Fourth Rank
General of the First RankPrince Consort of

the Third Rank

Taiji / Tabunang11
General of the Second RankPrince Consort of

the Fourth Rank

General of the Third RankLady of the First

Rank's Consort

General of the Fourth RankLady of the

Second Rank's


Lady of the Third

Rank's Consort


Female members

See also:Ranks of imperial consorts in China § Qing

The following titles were granted to female members of the imperial clan:

  • Gulun gongzhu (固伦公主;固倫公主;gùlún gōngzhǔ;ᡤᡠᡵᡠᠨ ‍ᡳ
    gurun-i gungju), translated as "State Princess", "Gurun Princess" or "Princess of the First Rank". It was usually granted to a princess born to the Empress. "Gulun" means "all under Heaven" in Manchu.
  • Heshuo gongzhu (和硕公主;和碩公主;héshuò gōngzhǔ;ᡥᠣᡧᠣᡳ
    hošo-i gungju), translated as "Heshuo Princess" or "Princess of the Second Rank". It was usually granted to a princess born to a consort or concubine. "Heshuo" ("hošo") means "four corners, four sides" in Manchu.
  • Junzhu (郡主;jùnzhǔ;ᡥᠣᡧᠣᡳ
    hošo-i gege), translated as "Princess of aCommandery" or "Princess of the Third Rank". It was usually granted to the daughter of aqinwang. Also calledheshuo gege (和碩格格) orqinwang gege (親王格格), lit. "lady of a prince of the blood". Daughters of qinwang also could be promoted toheshuo gongzhu orgulun gongzhu if they were adopted as emperor's daughters.
  • Xianzhu (县主;縣主;xiànzhǔ;ᡩᠣᡵᠣ‍‍ᡳ
    doro-i gege), translated as "Princess of a County" or "Princess of the Fourth Rank". It was usually granted to the daughter of ajunwang orshizi. Also calledduolun gege (多倫格格) orjunwang gege (郡王格格), lit. "lady of a prince of a commandery". Could be promoted tojunzhu in special circumstances.
  • Junjun (郡君;jùnjūn;ᠪᡝᡳᠯᡝᡳ
    beile-i jui doro-i gege), translated as "Lady of a Commandery" or "Lady of the First Rank". It was usually granted to a daughter born to a secondary consort of aqinwang or to the daughter of abeile. Also calledduolun gege (多倫格格) orbeile gege (貝勒格格), lit. "lady of a prince (of the third rank)". Could be promoted toxianzhu.
  • Xianjun (县君;縣君;xiànjūn;ᡤᡡᠰᠠᡳ
    gūsa-i gege), translated as "Lady of a County" or "Lady of the Second Rank". It was usually granted to a daughter born to a secondary consort of ajunwang or to the daughter of abeizi. Also calledgushan gege (固山格格), lit. "lady of a banner", orbeizi gege (貝子格格), lit. "lady of a prince (of the fourth rank)".
  • Xiangjun (乡君;鄉君;xiãngjũn;ᡤᡠᠩ ᠨᡳ
    gung-ni jui gege), translated as "Lady of a Village" or "Lady of the Third Rank". It was usually granted to the daughters of dukes with eight privileges or daughters born to a secondary consort ofbeile. Also calledgong gege (公格格), lit. "lady of a duke".
  • Zongnü (宗女;zõngnǚ), translated as "Clanswoman". This is not a granted title, but the honorific given to all daughters of dukes without eight privileges andjiangjuns, as well as all other untitled princesses. However,
    • Daughters born to a secondary consort of abeizi are calledwupinfeng zongnü (五品俸宗女), "clanswoman with stipend of the fifthpin".
    • Daughters born to a secondary consort of afeng'en zhenguo gong orfeng'en fuguo gong are calledliupinfeng zongnü (六品俸宗女), "clanswoman with stipend of the sixthpin".

Comparison of titles for imperial princesses

Imperial PrincessMotherRank
Imperial ConsortPrimary Princess consortSecondary Consort
Princess of the First


EmpressAbove the ranks
Princess of the

Second Rank

Imperial Consort
Princess of the

Third Rank

Prince of the First Rank
Princess of the

Fourth Rank

Prince of the Second Rank/


Lady of the

First Rank

Prince of the Third Rank/


Prince of the First Rank
Lady of the

Second Rank

Prince of the Fourth RankPrince of the Second Rank
Lady of the

Third Rank

Duke with eight privilegesPrince of the Third Rank
ClanswomanDuke without eight privilegesPrince of the Fourth Rank5
GeneralDuke with eight privileges6
Duke without eight privilleges/General7

Princesses' consorts

See also:Lists of Qing dynasty princes consorts

Efu (ᡝᡶᡠ额驸;額駙;éfù), also knownFuma (驸马;駙馬;fùmǎ), translated as "Prince Consort". Its original meaning was "emperor's charioteer". It was usually granted to the spouse of a princess above the rank ofzongnü. Theefus were separated into seven ranks corresponding to the rank of the princesses theefu married.Efus who marriedgulun gongzhus andheshuo gongzhus held ranks equivalent to thebeizis and dukes respectively. The remainingefus had equivalent official rank from the first to fifthpin.

Anefu retained his title and privileges as long as the princess remained his primary spouse – even after her death. However, if anefu remarried or promoted a consort to be his primary spouse, he lost all rights obtained from his marriage to the princess.

Princess consorts


The following titles were granted to consorts of imperial princes:

  • Primary consort (嫡福晋, dí fújìn) also called Great consort (大福晋, pinyin: dà fújìn,ᠠᠮᠪᠠ
    amba fujin), was given to the main wives of imperial princes above the rank of junwang. Imperial dukes' wives were titled Madame ( 夫人;fū rén). The main spouse of the Crown Prince was given the title “Crown Princess Consort" (皇太子妃). Primary consorts of the emperor's sons could also be entitled "Imperial Princess Consort" (皇子妃). The title “Crown Princess Consort" was equivalent to the Imperial Noble Consort, while "Imperial Princess Consort" was equivalent to Noble Consort. The title "great consort" was granted to primary consorts ofNurhaci andHong Taiji and were equivalent to empress. Primary consorts were selected through receiving aruyi scepter.
  • Secondary consort (側福晉, pinyin: cè fújìn,ᠠᠰᡥᠠᠨ ᡳ
    ashan-i-fujin) was granted to secondary wives of imperial princes above the ranks of junwang. Secondary consort of crown prince was given the title "Crown Prince's Side Consort" (皇太子侧妃). Secondary consorts of emperor's sons could also be entitled "Prince's Side Consort" (皇子侧妃). Secondary consort were selected by receiving an embroidered fragrant pouch.
  • Mistress (格格, pinyin: gégé), little consort (小福晋, pinyin: xiǎo fújìn,ᠠᠵᡳᡤᡝ
    ajige-i-fujin), concubine (妾, qie) or (庶福晋, pinyin: shufujin) was granted to concubines of imperial princes, dukes and generals. A mistress of the crown prince was titled "Crown Prince's Concubine" (皇太子庶妃, pinyin: huáng tàizǐ shù fēi), while a mistress of imperial prince was honoured as "Imperial Prince's Concubine" (皇子庶妃, pinyin: huángzǐ shù fēi).If the prince had more than one mistress, they could be granted honorific names derived from their birth clans names. Mistress was selected by receiving 100taels.

If the princess consort divorced a prince or died, the second princess consort held the title of "step consort" (继福晋, pinyin: jì fújìn). Divorced princess consorts were stripped of their privileges and returned to their maiden manors. Dead primary consorts of the emperor could be posthumously honoured as empress, ex. Lady Niohuru, primary consort ofMinning, Prince Zhi of the First Rank was honoured asEmpress Xiaomucheng, Lady Sakda, primary consort ofYizhu was honoured asEmpress Xiaodexian. The same rule was for primary consort of the imperial prince who died before the marriage, e.g. Lady Nara, primary consort of Yongkui, Prince Li of the First Rank.

Palace maids from prince's residence could be promoted in case of princess consort's death or in case when they had children with a prince, ex.Wang Yuying,Yongxuan's servant was promoted to secondary consort. Remaining spouses could be promoted to higher positions in special circumstances, ex. ladyWanyan,Yongcheng's unranked spouse was given a title of secondary consort.

If imperial prince ascended the throne, his primary consort was named as empress, secondary consorts were named as noble consorts, consorts or concubines and mistresses were granted titles from first class female attendant to concubine or consort and given honorific names.

Princess consorts held titles according to their husbands. If the prince was demoted, princess consort could be treated appropriately. After the demotion of prince, princess consort returned her regalias to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the prince was born in a non-iron cap cadet line, his future title depended on the position of his consort. Nevertheless, they addressed themselves as "qie". On the other hand, princess consort was mainly addressed as "fujin" or "furen" according to the title of her husband. All princess consorts regardless of rank were listed in imperial genealogy (Jade Tables).

Princess consorts could wear chaofu befitting imperial consorts on solemn ceremonies, but were prohibited from wearing yellow-grounded robes. The crown of princess consort had peacocks instead of phoenixes and no tiers on the finial. Princess consort wore jifu with roundels of dragons matching patterns on the surcoat of her husband and tiara with phoenixes. Imperial duchesses wore jifu with medallions of flowers like imperial consorts below the rank of noble lady.

Comparison of imperial titles for women
Imperial consortImperial princess consortImperial clanswomen rankImperial Princess
EmpressAbove the ranks
Imperial Noble ConsortCrown PrincessPrincess Imperial (长公主)
Noble ConsortPrincess Consort of the First Rank/Imperial Princess Consort


Princess of the First Rank (固伦公主)
ConsortHereditary Princess Consort of the First Rank


Princess of the Second Rank (和硕公主)
intermediatePrincess Consort of the Second Rank (郡王福晋)Princess of the Third Rank (郡主)
ConcubinePrincess Consort of the Third Rank (贝勒夫人)Princess of the Fourth Rank (县主)
Noble LadyPrincess Consort of the Fourth Rank (贝子夫人)Junjun (郡君)
First AttendantDuchess with eight privileges


Xianjun (县君)
Great Second Attendant[1]Duchess without eight privileges of the First RankXiangjun (乡君)
Second AttendantDuchess without eight privileges of the Second Rank


Wife of imperial generalfrom 1 to 6Clanswoman



At the beginning of the Qing dynasty, before the rank system was formalised, non-standard titles were also used, such as:

  • Da beile (大贝勒;大貝勒;dà bèilè; 'ᠠᠮᠪᠠ
    'amba beile), translated as "GrandBeile", assumed byDaišan during the tetrarchy, and byHuangtaiji prior to his ascension.
  • Zhang gongzhu (长公主;長公主), translated as "Grand Princess",[2] "Chief Princess", "Elder Princess" or "Princess Imperial", was granted to various daughters ofNurhaci and Huangtaiji. Title could be granted to eldest daughter of the Emperor or Emperor's sister.
  • Da zhang gongzhu (大长公主), translated as "Grand Princess Imperial", was never used in hierarchy, but could be granted to Emperor's paternal aunt. The only holder of this title was Gurun Princess Yongmu, daughter ofHong Taiji byEmpress Dowager Xiaozhuang and aunt of theKangxi Emperor

Non-imperial nobility


Standard non-imperial titles


The following are the nine ranks of the peerage awarded for valour, achievement, distinction, other imperial favour, and to imperial consort clans.

  • Gong (;gōng; 'duke';ᡤᡠᠩgung), often referred to asmin gong (民公;mín gōng; "commoner duke") to differentiate from the imperialguo gong [zh] (國公;guó gōng; "imperial duke"). Translated as "Duke" or "Non-imperial Duke". The titlejun gong [zh] (郡公;jùn gōng; "commandery duke") existed from around theCao Wei period until the early years of theMing dynasty, along withxian gong [zh] (縣公;xiàn gōng; "county duke").
  • Hou (;hóu;ᡥᠣho), translated as "Marquis" or "Marquess".
  • Bo (;;ᠪᡝbe), translated as "Count".

The above three ranks arechaopin (超品;chāopǐn), outranking official ranks. The four following ranks were all evolved from leadership ranks in the Manchu banner army, originally calledᡝᠵᡝᠨejen (額真; "lord" or "master" in Manchu) and laterᠵᠠᠩᡤᡳᠨjanggin (章京; "general" in Manchu).

  • Zi (;;ᠵᡳᠩᡴᡳᠨᡳ
    jinkini hafan), translated as "Viscount".
  • Nan (;nán;ᠠᠰᡥᠠᠨ ᡳ
    ashan-i hafan), translated as "Baron".
  • Qingche duwei (轻车都尉;輕車都尉;qīngchē dūwèi;ᠠᡩᠠᡥᠠ
    adaha hafan), translated as "Master Commandant of Light Chariot", roughly equivalent to a Knight Grand Commander.

All of the above ranks are sub-divided into four classes; in order:first class plus yunqiwei,first class,second class, andthird class.

  • Jiduwei (骑都尉;騎都尉;jídūwèi;ᠪᠠᡳᡨᠠᠯᠠᠪᡠᡵᡝ
    baitalabure hafan), translated as "Master Commandant of Cavalry", rough equivalent of a Knight Commander. This rank is subdivided into two classes:jiduwei plus yunjiwei, and simplyjiduwei.
  • Yunqiwei (云骑尉;雲騎尉;yúnjíwèi;ᡨᡠᠸᠠᡧᠠᡵᠠ
    tuwašara hafan), translated as "Knight Commandant of the Cloud", rough equivalent of a Knight Baronet or a German Hereditary Knight (Ritter).
  • Enjiwei (恩骑尉;恩騎尉;ēnjíwèi;ᡴᡝᠰᡳᠩᡤᡝ
    kesingge hafan), translated as "Knight Commandant by Grace", rough equivalent of an Knight Bachelor. This title was not grantedper se, but bestowed on the heirs ofyunjiweis without the privilege of perpetual inheritance.

Pre-standard non-imperial titles


At the beginning of the Qing dynasty, duringNurhaci's andHuangtaiji's reigns, the noble ranks were not yet standardised. Several titles were created that did not fit into the above system, mostly for defectors from theMing dynasty. These titles were similar to the titles used in the Ming dynasty, and lack the Manchu nomenclature and the noble rank system introduced later.

  • Qinwang (亲王;親王;qīnwáng;ᠴᡳᠨ ᠸᠠᠩcin wang;чин ван), "Prince of the Blood", created forWu Sangui andShang Kexi.
  • Junwang (郡王;jùnwáng;ᡤᡳᠶᡡᠨ ᠸᠠᠩgiyūn wang;жүн ван), "Prince of aCommandery", created forFuhuan andFukang'an.
  • Wang (;wáng;ᠸᠠᠩwang;ван), "Prince", created forYangguli and several Ming defectors. The relation betweenwang andjunwang is unclear: in both Ming and Qing traditions, single-character titular names were reserved forqinwangs, whilejunwangs received two-character titular names, but thesewangs were created with both single and two-character titular names. Both Wu Sangui and Shang Kexi were promoted fromwang toqinwang, but nowang was ever promoted tojunwang or vice versa.
  • Beile (贝勒;貝勒;bèilè;ᠪᡝᡳ᠌ᠯᡝbeile;бэйл), "Lord", "Prince" or "Chief" in Manchu. It was the generic title of all Manchu lords during the Ming dynasty. Under the Qing dynasty, this title was generally reserved for imperials, but was retained by the princes ofYehe after their submission toNurhaci.
  • Beizi (贝子;貝子;bèizǐ;ᠪᡝᡳ᠌ᠰᡝbeise;бэйс). Normally reserved for imperials, it was uniquely created forFukang'an, before he was further elevated tojunwang.
  • Chaopin Gong (超品公;chāopǐngōng; 'duke above ranks'), "High Duke", a unique rank created forYangguli, before he was further elevated towang. This title ranks just belowbeizi and above all other dukes.
  • Gong (;gōng;ᡤᡠᠩGung;гүн; "Duke"),Hou (;hóu;ᡥᠣho; "Marquess"), andBo (;;ᠪᡝbe; "Count"), similar to the later standard titles, but created without subclasses (不言等;bùyándeng).

Additionally, there were banner offices that later evolved into hereditary noble titles. Despite being used as noble titles, these offices continued to exist and function in the banner hierarchy. To distinguish the noble titles from the offices, they were sometimes called "hereditary office" (世职;世職;shì zhí) or "hereditary rank" (世爵;shì jué).

  • Gūsa-i ejenᡤᡡᠰᠠ‍‍ᡳ ᡳ
    (固山额真;固山額真;gùshān é'zhēn, meaning "master of a banner", later Sinicised to becomedutong (都統;dūtǒng), meaning "colonel";
    • Evolved intozongbing (总兵;總兵;zǒngbīng), meaning "chief commander";
    • Then intoamba jangginᠠᠮᠪᠠ
      (昂邦章京/按班章京;ángbāng zhāngjīng/ànbān zhāngjīng), (Mongolian:Их занги), meaning "grand general";
    • Then intojinkini hafanᠵᡳᠩᡴᡳᠨᡳ
      (精奇尼哈番;jīngqíní hāfān), meaning "prime officer";
    • Which was finally Sinicised to becomezi (;), meaning "viscount".
  • Meiren-i ejenᠮᡝᡳᡵᡝᠨ ᡳ
    (梅勒额真/美淩額真;梅勒額真/美凌額真;méilè é'zhēn/měilíng é'zhēn, meaning "vice master", Sinicised to becomefu dutong (副都统;fù dūtǒng), meaning "vice colonel";
    • Evolved intofujiang (副将;副將;fùjiàng), meaning "vice general";
    • Then intomeiren-i jangginᠮᡝᡳᡵᡝᠨ ᡳ
      (梅勒章京;méilè zhāngjīng), (Mongolian:Мэйрэний занги), meaning "vice general";
    • Then intoashan-i hafanᠠᠰᡥᠠᠨ ᡳ
      (阿思尼哈番;ā'sīní hāfān), meaning "vice officer";
    • Which was finally Sinicised to becomenan (;nán), meaning "baron".
  • Jalan-i ejenᠵᠠᠯᠠᠨ ᡳ
    (甲喇额真;甲喇額真;jiǎlā é'zhēn, meaning "master of a sub-banner", Sinicised to becomecanling (参领;參領;cānlǐng), meaning "staff captain";
    • Evolved intocanjiang (参将;參將;cānjiàng), meaning "staff general", oryouji (游击;游擊;yóujī), meaning "vanguard" or "skirmish leader";
    • Then intojalan-i jangginᠵᠠᠯᠠᠨ ᡳ
      (扎兰章京;扎蘭章京;zhālán zhāngjīng), (Mongolian:Залангийн занги), meaning "general of a sub-banner";
    • Then intoadaha hafanᠠᡩᠠᡥᠠ
      (阿达哈哈番;阿達哈哈番;ā'dáhā hāfān), meaning "chariot officer";
    • Which was finally Sinicised to becomeqingche duwei (轻车都尉;輕車都尉;qīngchē dūweì), meaning "master commandant of light chariot".
  • Niru-i ejenᠨᡳᡵᡠᡳ
    (牛录额真;牛錄額真;niúlù é'zhēn, meaning "master of an arrow" (an "arrow" was a basic unit of a banner army), later Sinicised to becomezuoling (佐领;佐領;zuólǐng), meaning "assistant captain";
    • Evolved intobeiyu (备御;備御;bèiyù), meaning "rearguard";
    • Then intoniru-i jangginᠨᡳᡵᡠᡳ
      (牛录章京;牛錄章京;niúlù zhāngjīng), (Mongolian:Сумын занги), meaning "general of an arrow";
    • Then intobaitalabura hafanᠪᠠᡳᡨᠠᠯᠠᠪᡠᡵᡝ
      (拜他喇布勒哈番;bàitālābùlè hāfān), meaning "adjutant officer";
    • Which was finally Sinicised to becomeji duwei (骑都尉;騎都尉;jì dūweì), meaning "master commandant of cavalry".

Comparison of non-imperial nobility titles

Nobility titleClassRankMilitary official rank equivalent
Duke (民公)1Above ranks
Marquis (侯)1
Count (伯)1
Viscount (子)11General (駐防將軍)
2Colonel (都統)
3Minister of War (兵部尚書)
Baron (男)12Vice-colonel (副都统)
2Commander of the garrison(總兵)
3Fujiang (副将)
Qingche duwei (輕車都尉)13Staff-captain (參領)
2Hunting grounds supervisor in Rehe (熱河圍場总管)
3Minister of Imperial Stables (上匹院卿)
Jiduwei (骑都尉;騎都尉;jídūwèi)14Assistant captain (左领)
2Leader of imperial bodyguards (侍卫班领)
Yunjiwei (云骑尉;雲騎尉;yúnjíwèi)15Fifth rank controller of Amur river transport (黑龙江水手管)
Enjiwei (恩骑尉;恩騎尉;ēnjíwèi)16Supervisor of imperial tombs (陵园管)

Notable titles

  • Duke Yansheng (衍圣公;衍聖公;Yǎnshèng Gōng; "Duke Overflowing with Sagacity), granted to the heirs of the senior northern branch ofConfucius inQufu.
  • Duke Hanjun (漢軍公;Hànjūn Gōng; "Duke ofHan-martial"), granted to Ming loyalistZheng Keshuang, the once independent king of the Taiwan-basedKingdom of Tungning who surrendered to the Qing Empire in 1683, and his heirs.
  • Duke Cheng'en (承恩公,Chéng‘ēn Gōng, "Duke Who Receives Grace"), granted to fathers and brothers of empresses. This title had 3 subclasses.
  • First Class Duke Zhongyong (一等忠勇公,Yīděng Zhōngyǒng Gōng, "Duke of Loyalty and Courage"), granted toFuca Fuheng for Xinjiang campaign.
  • Count Zhongcheng (忠誠伯;Zhōngchéng Bó; "Count of Loyalty and Sincerity"), granted toFeng Xifan, a former Ming loyalist official in the Kingdom of Tungning.
  • Marquis Jinghai (靖海侯;Jìnghǎi Hóu; "Marquis Pacifying the Sea"), granted toShi Lang and his heirs.[3]
  • Hereditary Magistrate of Guogan County (世袭果敢县令;世襲果敢縣令;shìxí Guógǎn xiànlìng), granted to Ming loyalist Yang Guohua (楊國華/杨国华), the ruler of theKokang region in present-day Myanmar.
  • Marquis Yan'en (延恩侯;Yán'ēn Hóu; "Marquis of Extended Grace"), granted to the heads of a cadet branch of theHouse of Zhu, the imperial clan of theMing dynasty.[3]
  • Count Zhaoxin (昭信伯;Zhāoxìn Bó), granted toLi Shiyao (李侍堯), a descendant ofLi Yongfang (李永芳).[4][5]
  • First Class Marquis Yiyong (一等毅勇侯;Yīděng Yìyǒng Hóu; “Marquis of Determination and Courage"), granted toZeng Guofan and his descendants.
  • Second Class Marquis Kejing (二等恪靖侯;Èrděng Kèjìng Hóu; "Marquis of Respect and Tranquility" ), granted toZuo Zongtang and his descendants.
  • First Class Marquis Suyi (一等肅毅侯;Yīděng Sùyì Hóu; ”Marquis of Peace and Determination"), granted toLi Hongzhang and his descendants.

Non-imperial nobility titles for women

See also:Mingfu andQizhuang

Mingfu (命妇;mìngfù; "noblewoman") was granted to wives of officials, non-imperial aristocrats and collateral clanswomen. Also, mothers of imperial consorts were granted a title of "mingfu" according to the rank held by her daughter as well as sisters of imperial consorts andfujins. Noblewomen were divided into 7 ranks according to the rank of her husband and her daughter, if her daughter was an imperial consort. If the title held by mingfus' husbands was divided into subclasses, they could be treated equally. Mingfus holding rank equivalent to wives of imperial generals conducted court ceremonies, ex. promotions of imperial consort, weddings of princes and princesses (if they married into Manchu or Han family) and rites, while lower rank ladies attended to them.

Mingfu, whose husband was granted a title above the rank system (Duke, Marquis or Count), was treated similarly to imperial duchess, but enjoyed less privileges than imperial clanswoman. Collateral Gioro ladies were treated as mingfu from 1st to 3rd rank. Noblewomen were addressed as "furen" ("Madam") regardless of rank.


  • Wives of officials who received nobility title, were ranked according to the rank held by their husbands and could be further promoted. Sometimes, mingfus were given honorifical names, ex. Tatara Meixian, primary spouse of Niohuru Lingzhu, was styled as "Madam of Gaoming" byKangxi Emperor personally.
  • Sisters of imperial consorts, who weren't members of imperial family (primary consorts or imperial consorts) were given a title of mingfu and receive a title according to the position of their husbands.
  • Mingfu retained her title even after divorce if her sister or daughter was imperial consort.
  • Wives and mothers of dukes and aristocrats, who received pre-standard titles could be addressed as "fujin" – a title typical for imperial princess consort. For example, mother ofFuk'anggan, Lady Yehe-Nara was mentioned and addressed as "fujin", as a mother of Prince Jiayong of the Second Rank (嘉勇郡王). Fukang'an's wife, Lady Irgen-Gioro was also addressed as "fujin". Their names were not listed in Jade Tables.
  • Close friends and servants of imperial consorts who weren't members of ruling clan could receive a title of mingfu and rarely could be addressed as "gege". AlthoughSumalagu, a confidant ofEmpress Dowager Xiaozhuang, was entitled as mingfu, grand empress dowager Xiaozhuang addressed her as "gege" (imperial princess).

Differently to imperial clanswomen, mingfus wore crowns with three bejeweled plaques and finial consisting of one coral, silk bandeaus with embroidered golden dragons chasing after a flaming pearl and blue-groundedchaofu on solemn ceremonies. Lower-ranking ladies could not wear surcoats with roundels of flowers and auspicious symbols unlike imperial duchesses and clanswomen. Collateral clanswomen could wear surcoats with rampant four-clawed dragons above the magnificent sea-waves pattern (lishui) and white caishui (pointed kerchief fastened to the robe like a pendant). Wives of officials wore sleeveless vest matchingMandarin square of her husband andMing Dynasty style tiaras, as depicted on ancestral portraits.

Comparison of titles of noblewomen
RankTitleTitle of imperial consort

being a daughter of noblewoman

Imperial title equivalent
1ViscountessEmpress/Empress DowagerWife of zhenguo jiangjun
2BaronessImperial Noble ConsortWife of fuguo jiangjun
3Wife of qingche duweiNoble ConsortWife of fengguo jiangjun
4Wife of jiduweiConsortWife of feng'en jiangjun
5Wife of yunjiweiImperial ConcubineClanswoman
6Wife of enjiweiNoble Lady
7Wife of 7th rank officialFirst Attendant / Second Attendant

Civil and honorary titles


With a few exceptions, the above titles were, in principle, created for only military merits. There were also titles for civil officials.

While there were a few Manchu civil titles, the most important civil titles followed the Han Chinese Confucian tradition, derived from high bureaucratic offices or imperial household offices that evolved into honorary sinecures. These were sometimes granted as special privileges, but also often as a practical means of conferring official rank promotion without giving specific responsibilities. Examples of such titles weretaibao (太保; "Grand Protector"),shaoshi (少師; "Junior Preceptor"),taizi taifu (太子太傅; "Grand Tutor of the Crown Prince"), furen (夫人, "Madam"/“Lady") anddafu (大夫; "Gentleman"). These titles were non-heritable.

In addition, there were also honorary and hereditary titles granted to religious and cultural leaders, such as:

Ranks of protectorates and tributary states

See also:Mongolian nobility § Qing dynasty (1691–1911) and Bogd Khaganate (1911–1924)

The Qing imperial court also granted titles to princes of its protectorates and tributary states, mainly inMongolia,Xinjiang andTibet. The vassal titles were generally inherited in perpetuity without downgrading.

The ranks roughly mirrored those of the imperial clan, with a few differences:

  • Han (;hàn; 'Khan';han), ranked higher thanqinwang, and ranked only below the Emperor and the Crown Prince in the Qing hierarchy. Sometimes also calledhanwang (汗王;hánwáng; "Khan-King"). The Emperor also used the title ofdahan (大汗;dàhán; "Great Khan") instead ofEmperor in communiqués to the Central Asian states.
  • Vassal princes who did not have the "Eight Privileges". There were no distinctions between dukes with or without the "Eight Privileges". There were only two ducal ranks:zhenguo gong andfuguo gong.
  • Instead of thejiangjun ranks, the vassal lords held these titles:
    • Taiji (台吉;臺吉;táijí;tayiji), for members of theBorjigin clan.
    • Tabunang (塔布囊;tābùnáng;tabunang), for descendants ofJelme.

Thetaiji andtabunang are equal in rank, and both subdivided into five classes:jasagh,first class,second class,third class, andfourth class.Jasagh ischaopin, above official ranks, while the rest were equivalent to the first to fourthpin.

Under thetusi system, the Qing Empire also recognised various local tribal chieftainships of ethnic minority tribes. This was mainly applied in the mountain regions ofYunnan, but also in western and northern borderlands. They were theChiefdom of Bathang,Chiefdom of Chuchen,Chiefdom of Lijiang,Chiefdom of Lithang,Chiefdom of Mangshi,Chiefdom of Tsanlha,Chiefdom of Yao'an,Chiefdom of Yongning,Mu'egeChiefdom of Muli andChiefdom of Langqu.

The Qing Empire had two vassals in Xinjiang, theKumul Khanate and theTurfan Khanate.

Modernised awards/orders system


The modernised awards system, promulgated in 1882, was as follows in the following order (from highest to lowest):

Other honours and privileges


In addition to systematized rank titles listed above, there were also other honorific titles and privileges, mostly non-heritable:

  • There were various Mongol/Manchu/Turkic titles, granted mainly to non-Han vassals and officials.Bitesi,baksi,jarguci were civil honours, whilebaturu,daicing,cuhur were military honours.Jasagh was granted to vassals with autonomous power, whiledarhan was a hereditary title divided into three classes. These titles were mostly awarded to Manchus and Mongols in the early Qing dynasty, but gradually fell out of use as the court became increasingly Sinicised.
  • The privilege of wearing feathers on the mandarin hat; this privilege was known aslingyu (翎羽;língyǔ):
    • Peacock feathers (花翎;huālíng) were usually worn by imperial princes, prince consorts, imperial bodyguards and some high-ranking officials. Exceptionally, peacock feathers may be granted as a special honour. Two-eyed and three-eyed feathers were very rarely bestowed – only seven peers ever received the three-eyed feathers, while two dozens received the two-eyed feathers.
    • Blue feathers (蓝翎;藍翎;lánlíng) were usually worn by household officials of the imperial and princely houses. Like peacock feathers, blue feathers may be granted as a special honour, usually to officials of the sixthpin and below.
    • Although a badge of honour, the feathers also symbolised bond servitude to the Emperor. As such, direct imperial clansmen and imperial princes rankedbeile and above were prohibited from wearing feathers.
  • The privilege of wearing the yellow jacket (武功黄马褂子;武功黃馬褂子;wǔgōng huángmǎ guàzǐ; "yellow jacket of martial merit"). This is usually the uniform of imperial bodyguards, but it could also be bestowed upon anyone by the Emperor. A rare honour in the early Qing dynasty, it was diluted through excessive grants in the late Qing era. The jacket may only be worn in the Emperor's presence.
  • The privilege of wearing imperial girdles (to both the recipient and his issue):
    • The yellow girdles (黄带子;黃帶子;huángdàizi) were normally reserved for direct imperial clansmen (宗室;zōngshì), but may be granted to collateral imperial clansmen, known asgioro (觉罗;覺羅;juéluó) as an honour. The yellow girdle entitled the wearer to be tried by theImperial Clan Court as opposed to the general or banner courts.
    • The red girdles (红带子;紅帶子;hóngdàizi) were normally reserved for collateral imperial clansmen, orgioro, as well as demoted direct imperial clansmen. Non-imperials may be granted the Gioro surname and be adopted into the imperial clan, thus the privilege of wearing the red girdle.
    • The purple girdles (紫帶子;zǐdàizi) were normally reserved for demotedgioro. Uniquely, the family ofDahai, the "saint of Manchu" and the inventor of the Manchu script, was granted the privilege of wearing purple girdles, to symbolise his family as the "second clan of Manchu(inferior only to the Aisin-Gioro)".
  • Enshrinement in theImperial Ancestral Temple (配享太廟;配享太庙;pèixiǎng tàimiào). Granted to deceased peers (and sometimes also their wives), therefore a privilege for all his descendants. They were worshipped alongside the imperial ancestors, and their descendants had the privilege of sending representatives to participate in the imperial ancestral rituals. Imperial and Mongol princes were housed in the east wing of the temple, while the others were housed in the west wing. This was an extremely high honour, granted only 27 times throughout the Qing dynasty.Zhang Tingyu was the only Han subject to ever receive this honour, whileHeling was the only person to have this honour revoked.
  • Bestowal of Manchu, noble or imperial surnames (賜姓;赐姓;cìxìng). Occasionally, a non-Manchu subject would be granted a Manchu surname, or a Manchu would be granted a more prestigious surname, or even the imperial surname "Gioro", thus adopting into the imperial clan.
  • Promotion within the banner hierarchy:
    • A non-bannerman can be inducted into the banner system.
    • AHan bannerman (汉军八旗;漢軍八旗;Hànjūn bāqí;nikan gūsa) may be elevated into a Manchu banner (满洲八旗;滿洲八旗;Mǎnzhōu bāqí;manju gūsa).
    • A bannerman from the lower banners (plain red, bordered red, bordered white, plain blue, and bordered blue banners) can be elevated into the upper banners (plain yellow, bordered yellow, and plain white) (抬旗;táiqí). This was especially common for the imperial consorts and their clansmen.
  • Court beads (朝珠;cháozhū). The court beads were part of the court uniform; the length of the beads normally corresponded to the courtier'spin. When a courtierkowtowed, the beads must touch the ground. Longer court beads were granted as a special favour regardless of the courtier'spin. This was often granted to elderly courtiers to relieve them of the physical hardship of kowtowing.
  • TheSpencer Museum of Art has sixlong pao robes (dragon robes) that belonged to Han Chinesenobility of the Qing dynasty.[18] Ranked officials and Han Chinese nobles had two slits in the skirts while Manchu nobles and the Imperial family had 4 slits in skirts. All first, second and third rank officials as well as Han Chinese and Manchu nobles were entitled to wear 9 dragons by the Qing Illustrated Precedents. Qing sumptuary laws only allowed four clawed dragons for officials, Han Chinese nobles and Manchu nobles while the Qing Imperial family, emperor and princes up to the second degree and their female family members were entitled to wear five clawed dragons. However officials violated these laws all the time and wore 5 clawed dragons and the Spencer Museum's 6 long pao worn by Han Chinese nobles have 5 clawed dragons on them.[19]
  • TraditionalMing dynastyHanfu robes given by the Ming Emperors to the Chinese nobleDukes Yansheng descended fromConfucius are still preserved in theConfucius Mansion after over five centuries.

Robes from the Qing emperors are also preserved there.[20][21][22][23][24] The Jurchens in the Jin dynasty and Mongols in the Yuan dynasty continued to patronize and support the Confucian Duke Yansheng.[25]

Etymology of Manchu titles


With only a few exceptions, most Manchu titles ultimately derived from Han Chinese roots.

  • Han, used by the Emperor himself and a few Mongol lords, was borrowed from the Turko-MongolKhan,Khaan orKhagan. In Manchu, however, the word is written slightly differently for the Emperor and other Khans.
  • Beile was usually considered an indigenous Manchu title, evolved from earlier Jurchenbojile, which may ultimately be derived from the Turkic titlebey orbeg or even Chinesebo (伯, "count").
  • Beise was originally the plural form ofbeile, but later evolved into a separate title.
  • Janggin derived from the Chinese military titlejiangjun (將軍, "general"). In Manchu, however,janggin evolved into a nominal title distinct from the military office, which is translated in Manchu asjiyanggiyūn.
  • Taiji ortayiji derived from Chinesetaizi (太子, "crown prince"). In Chinese, it was used exclusively by heirs of imperial, royal or princely titles. Among the Mongols, however, theBorjigits have long used it as a distinct title.
  • Tabunang ("son-in-law") was originally the title given to a Mongol prince consort who married a Borjigit princess. It was granted toJelme, and his descendants continued to use this title.
  • Fujin (福晉) is a consort of a prince rankedjunwang or above. This word evolved from Chinesefuren (夫人; "lady", "madame" or "wife"), but was reserved for high-ranked ladies.Furen was used by lower-ranked married ladies.
  • A-ge (阿哥) is a Manchu word meaning both "lord, chief" and "elder brother". It is derived from the Mongolic wordaka, and cognate with the Turkic wordagha.

See also



  1. ^title existed in the Kangxi era
  2. ^Lee, Lily; Wiles, Sue, eds. (2015).Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women. Vol. II. Routledge. p. 609.ISBN 978-1-317-51562-3.An emperor's [...] sister or a favorite daughter was called agrand princess (zhang gongzhu); and his aunt or grand-aunt was called a princess supreme (dazhang gongzhu).
  3. ^abcH. S. Brunnert; V. V. Hagelstrom (2013).Present Day Political Organization of China. Routledge. p. 494.ISBN 978-1-135-79795-9.
  4. ^Hummel, Arthur W. Sr., ed. (1943)."Li Shih-yao" .Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period.United States Government Printing Office.
  5. ^刘秉光 [Liu, Bingguang] (May 25, 2016)."第一个投降满清的明朝将领李永芳结局如何? [What happened to Li Yongfang, the first Ming general to surrender to the Qing dynasty?]".刘秉光的博客 [Liu Bingguang's blog] (in Chinese). RetrievedJuly 8, 2016.
  6. ^Thomas A. Wilson (2002).On Sacred Grounds: Culture, Society, Politics, and the Formation of the Cult of Confucius. Harvard University Asia Center. pp. 69, 315.ISBN 978-0-674-00961-5.
  7. ^Thomas Jansen; Thoralf Klein; Christian Meyer (2014).Globalization and the Making of Religious Modernity in China: Transnational Religions, Local Agents, and the Study of Religion, 1800-Present. BRILL. p. 188.ISBN 978-90-04-27151-7.
  8. ^Xinzhong Yao (2015).The Encyclopedia of Confucianism: 2-volume Set. Routledge. p. 29.ISBN 978-1-317-79349-6.
  9. ^Mark P. McNicholas (2016).Forgery and Impersonation in Imperial China: Popular Deceptions and the High Qing State. University of Washington Press. p. 128.ISBN 978-0-295-80623-5.
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