Baddha Konasana (Sanskrit:बद्धकोणासन;IAST:baddhakoṇāsana),Bound Angle Pose,[1]Butterfly Pose,[2] orCobbler's Pose (after the typicalsitting position of Indian cobblers when they work),[3] and historically calledBhadrasana,[4]Throne Pose,[4] is a seatedasana inhatha yoga and modernyoga as exercise. If the knees rest on the floor, it is suitable as ameditation seat.[4]
The name comes from the Sanskrit words बद्ध,Baddha meaning "bound", कोण,Koṇa meaning "angle",[5] and आसन,Āsana meaning "posture" or "seat".[6]
The name Baddha Konasana is relatively recent, but the pose is medieval, as themeditation seat Bhadrasana (from भद्राBhadra, "throne"[7]) is described in the 15th centuryHaṭha Yoga Pradīpikā 1.53-54.[4]
From sitting position with both the legs outstretched forward, hands by the sides, palms resting on the ground, fingers together pointing forward, the legs are hinged at the knees so the soles of the feet meet. The legs are grasped at the ankles and folded more until the heels reach the perineum. The knees move down to the ground, and with practice reach there; the body is erect and the gaze in front. The asana is held before coming back to the starting position. The thighs are stretched with care. When used for meditation, the hands are placed inAnjali mudra (prayer position) in front of the chest.[8]
The pose strongly opens hip and groin,[9] and is one of the few yoga asanas that can be practiced comfortably soon after eating, except for the forward-bending variation with the head on the floor. It is claimed inLight on Yoga, citing Grantly Dick Reed'sChildbirth Without Fear, that the pose isbeneficial to pregnant women, as regular practice reduces pain during delivery.[8] If there is a groin or knee injury, the knees must be supported on folded blankets.[1]
A common variant is Supta Baddha Konasana,[10] Cobbler's Pose in Lying Position, from सुप्त,supta, meaning "supine" or "reclining".[11]
Inpregnancy, the pose can be practised reclining as "Wall Butterfly", with the buttocks and feet against a wall, feet together, the knees falling to the sides. The hands can be used to press the knees.[12]
Tarasana, Star Pose, has the body leaning forwards over the clasped feet.[13]
With the thighssupported on folded blankets, 10-pound sandbags may be placed on the inner thigh (near the groin) to assist the stretch.[1]
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