Lists of |
Compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach |
TheBach-Werke-Verzeichnis (German:[ˈbaxˌvɛʁkəfɐˈtsaɪçnɪs],lit. 'Bach Works Catalogue';BWV) is acatalogue of compositions byJohann Sebastian Bach. It was first published in 1950, edited byWolfgang Schmieder. The catalogue's second edition appeared in 1990. An abbreviated version of that second edition, known as BWV2a, was published in 1998.
The catalogue groups compositions by genre. Even within a genre, compositions are not necessarily collated chronologically. For example,BWV 992 was composed many years beforeBWV 1. BWV numbers were assigned to 1,126 compositions in the 20th century, and more have been added to the catalogue in the 21st century. TheAnnex of the BWV (BWV Anh.) lists over 200 lost, doubtful and spurious compositions.
The first edition of theBach-Werke-Verzeichnis was published in 1950. It allocated a unique number to every known composition by Bach.Wolfgang Schmieder, the editor of that catalogue, grouped the compositions by genre, largely following the 19th-centuryBach Gesellschaft (BG) edition for the collation (e.g., BG cantata number = BWV number of the cantata):[1]
TheAnhang of the BWV listed works that were not suitable for the main catalogue, in three sections:
Within each section of theAnhang the works are sorted by genre, following the same sequence of genres as the main catalogue.
Schmieder published the BWV's second edition in 1990, with some modifications regarding authenticity discriminations, and more works added to the main catalogue and theAnhang. Several compositions were repositioned in the over-all structure of chapters organised by genre andAnhang sections.[1] In 1998Alfred Dürr and Yoshitake Kobayashi published a small edition of the catalogue, based on the 1990 second edition. This edition, known as BWV2a, contained a few further updates and collation rearrangements.[2]
New additions (Nachträge) to BWV2/BWV2a included:
Numbers above BWV 1126 were added in the 21st century. A revised version (3rd edition in total) of theBach-Werke-Verzeichnis was originally announced by theBach Archive for publication in 2020,[3] however it was delayed and only finally published in 2022.[4]
The numbers assigned to compositions byJohann Sebastian Bach and by others in theBach-Werke-Verzeichnis are widely used for the unique identification of these compositions. Exceptionally BWV numbers are also indicated as Schmieder (S) numbers (e.g. S. 225 =BWV 225).[5]
BWV numbers 1 to 1126 appear in the 1998 edition of theBach-Werke-Verzeichnis.[2]
BWV numbers above 1126 were assigned from the first decade of the 21st century.[103]
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column | content | |
1 | BWV | Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (lit. 'Bach-works-catalogue'; BWV) numbers.Anhang (Annex; Anh.) numbers are indicated as follows: |
2 | 2a | Section in which the composition appears in BWV2a:
3 | Date | Date associated with the completion of the listed version of the composition. Exact dates (e.g. for most cantatas) usually indicate the assumed date of first (public) performance. When the date is followed by an abbreviation in brackets (e.g. JSB for Johann Sebastian Bach) it indicates the date of that person's involvement with the composition as composer, scribe or publisher. |
4 | Name | Name of the composition: if the composition is known by a Germanincipit, that German name is preceded by the composition type (e.g. cantata, chorale prelude, motet, ...) |
5 | Key | Key of the composition |
6 | Scoring | Seescoring table below for the abbreviations used in this column |
7 | BG | Bach Gesellschaft-Ausgabe (BG edition; BGA): numbers before the colon indicate the volume in that edition. After the colon an Arabic numeral indicates the page number where the score of the composition begins, while a Roman numeral indicates a description of the composition in theVorwort (Preface) of the volume.[111] |
8 | NBE | New Bach Edition (German:Neue Bach-Ausgabe, NBA): Roman numerals for the series, followed by a slash, and the volume number in Arabic numerals. A page number, after a colon, refers to the "Score" part of the volume. Without such page number, the composition is only described in the "Critical Commentary" part of the volume. The volumes group Bach's compositions by genre:[112]
9 | Additional info | may include:
Provenance of standard texts and tunes, such asLutheran hymns andtheir chorale melodies, Latin liturgical texts (e.g.Magnificat) and common tunes (e.g.Folia), are not usually indicated in this column. For an overview of such resources used by Bach, see individual composition articles, and overviews in, e.g.,Chorale cantata (Bach)#Bach's chorale cantatas,List of chorale harmonisations by Johann Sebastian Bach#Chorale harmonisations in various collections andList of organ compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach#Chorale Preludes. |
10 | BD | Bach Digital Work page |
Voices (see alsoSATB) | ||||||||||||
a | A | b | B | s | S | t | T | v | V | |||
alto (solo part) | alto (choir part) | bass (solo part) | bass (choir part) | soprano (solo part) | soprano (choir part) | tenor (solo part) | tenor (choir part) | voice (includesparts for unspecified voices or instruments as in some canons) | vocal music for unspecifiedvoice type | |||
Winds and battery (bold = soloist) | ||||||||||||
Bas | Bel | Cnt | Fl | Hn | Ob | Oba | Odc | Tai | Tbn | Tdt | Tmp | Tr |
bassoon (can be part of Bc, see below) | bell(s) (musical bells) | cornett,cornettino | flute (traverso,flauto dolce,piccolo,flauto basso) | natural horn,corno da caccia,corno da tirarsi,lituo | oboe | oboe d'amore | oboe da caccia | taille | trombone | tromba da tirarsi | timpani | tromba (natural trumpet,clarino trumpet) |
Strings and keyboard (bold = soloist) | ||||||||||||
Bc | Hc | Kb | Lu | Lw | Org | Str | Va | Vc | Vdg | Vl | Vne | |
basso continuo: Vdg, Hc, Vc, Bas, Org, Vne and/or Lu | harpsichord | keyboard (Hc, Lw, Org orclavichord) | lute,theorbo | Lautenwerck (lute-harpsichord) | organ (/man. = manualiter, withoutpedals) | strings: Vl I, Vl II and Va | viola(s),viola d'amore,violetta | violoncello,violoncello piccolo | viola da gamba | violin(s),violino piccolo | violone, violone grosso |
Colour | Meaning |
green | extant or clearly documented partial or complete manuscript (copy) by Bach and/or first edition under Bach's supervision |
yellow | extant or clearly documented manuscript (copy) or print edition, in whole or in part, by close relative, i.e. brother (J. Christoph), wife (A. M.), son (W. F. /C. P. E. /J. C. F. /J. Christian) or son-in-law (Altnickol) |
orange-brown | extant or clearly documented manuscript (copy) by close friend and/orpupil (Kellner, Krebs, Kirnberger,Walther, ...), or distant family member |
BWV | 2a | Date | Name | Key | Scoring | BG | NBE | Additional info | BD |
1127 | 1713-10-30 | aria "Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn' ihn" | C maj. | s Str Bc | Sppl: 237 | text byMylius [scores][104] | 01307 | ||
1128 | II | 1707–1708 | chorale setting "Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält" | G min. | Organ | IV/10 | afterZ 4441a; was BWV Anh. 71[106][107] | 01725 | |
1129 | c. 1742–1745 | music theoryTheoretische Aufzeichnungen zum fünfstimmigen Satz | Sppl: 63 | 11582 | |||||
1130 | c. 1742–1743 | music theoryTheoretische Aufzeichnungen zum Kontrapunkt | Sppl: 45 | 11583 | |||||
1131 | c. 1743–1746 | music theoryRegeln zum Gebrauch von Synkopen im doppelten Kontrapunkt | Sppl: 41 | 11584 | |||||
1132 | c. 1736–1739 | Counterpoint studies with W. F. Bach | Sppl: 67 | 11585 | |||||
1133 | c. 1740–1745 | thorough-bass rules IEinige höchst nöthige Regeln vom General Basse | V/4: 131 Sppl: 37 | 11586 | |||||
1134 | 1738? | thorough-bass rules IIPrecepts and Principles For Playing the Thorough-Bass or Accompanying in Four Parts | Sppl: 3 | 11587 | |||||
1135 | I | 1724-03-25 | CantataSiehe, eine Jungfrau ist schwanger (25 March:Annunciation) | was BWV Anh. 199; text extant[113][114][115] | 01510 | ||||
1136 | I | 1708–1717? 1725-09-09? 1727-02-06 | CantataLiebster Gott, vergißt du mich (1711: libretto for Trin. VII; 1725: Trin. XV?; 1727, withBWV 157.1: funeral in Pomßen) | was BWV Anh. 209; text byLehms[116][117] | 01520 | ||||
1137 | I | 1729-10-23? | Cantata (sketch:Gott, du Richter der Gedanken for Trinity XIX byPicander?) | SATB Vl Str Bc | III/1 | was BWV Anh. 2; in SBBP 36: 18[118] | 01309 | ||
1138.1 | I | 1709-02-04 | Cantata for Ratswahl in Mühlhausen No. 2 | wasBWV Anh. 192[119] | 01503 | ||||
1138.2 | 1710-02-04 | Cantata for Ratswahl in Mühlhausen No. 3 | lost | 11382 | |||||
1139.1 | I | 1725-08-27 | CantataWünschet Jerusalem Glück (council election) | wasBWV Anh. 4; text byPicander; →BWV 1139.2[120][121] | 01311 | ||||
1139.2 | I | 1730-06-27 | CantataWünschet Jerusalem Glück (200th anniversary of theAugsburg Confession) | was BWV Anh. 4a; text byPicander; afterBWV 1139.1[122] | 01312 | ||||
1140 | I | 1730-08-25 | CantataGott, gib dein Gerichte dem Könige (council election) | I/32.2 | wasBWV Anh. 3; text byPicander[122][121] | 01310 | |||
1141 | I | 1740-08-29 | CantataHerrscher des Himmels, König der Ehren (council election) | I/32.2 | wasBWV Anh. 193; text extant; /7 afterBWV 208/15?[123][124] | 01504 | |||
1142 | 1716-04-02 | CantataWas ist, das wir Leben nennen (funeral service forJohann Ernst of S.-W.) | text extant | 01531 | |||||
1143 | 4. | 1729-03-24 | CantataKlagt, Kinder, klagt es aller Welt (funeral ofLeopold of Anhalt-Köthen; music lost but partially reconstructible) | I/34 | wasBWV 244a; text byPicander; ↔BWV 198/1, /10,244b/6, /8, /39, /49, /57, /23, /20, /65, /13, /68 | 00305 | |||
1144 | I | 1725-02-12 | CantataSein Segen fließt daher wie ein Strom (wedding) | wasBWV Anh. 14; text extant[125][126] | 01322 | ||||
1145 | I | 1729-01-18 | CantataDer Herr ist freundlich dem, der auf ihn harret (wedding) | wasBWV Anh. 211; text byPicander[127][128] | 01522 | ||||
1146 | I | 1729-07-26 | CantataVergnügende Flammen, verdoppelt die Macht (wedding) | wasBWV Anh. 212; text byPicander[129][130][128] | 01523 | ||||
1147 | I | 1718-12-10 | CantataLobet den Herrn, alle seine Heerscharen (birthday ofLeopold of A.-K.) | I/34 | wasBWV Anh. 5; text byHunold[131] | 01313 | |||
1148 | I | 1724-04-27 | CantataSiehe, der Hüter Israel (doctorate) | SATB 3Tr Tmp 2Ob 3Vl Va Bc | I/34 | wasBWV Anh. 15; lost[132][133] | 01323 | ||
1150 | I | 1721-01-01? 1722-01-01? | CantataIhr wallenden Wolken (New Year) | b 2Fl Str Vc Hc Bc | I/4 | wasBWV Anh. 197; lost[134][135] | 01508 | ||
1151 | I | 1720-01-01 | Secular cantataDich loben die lieblichen Strahlen der Sonne (New Year) | I/35 | wasBWV Anh. 6; text byHunold[136][137] | 01314 | |||
1152 | I | 1723-01-01 | Secular cantata for New Year (congratulation ofLeopold of Anhalt-Köthen and his wifeFrederica Henriette) | I/35 | wasBWV Anh. 8; lost[138] | 01316 | |||
1153 | I | 1720-12-10 | Secular cantataHeut ist gewiß ein guter Tag (birthday ofLeopold of Anhalt-Köthen) | I/35 | wasBWV Anh. 7; text byHunold[139][140] | 01315 | |||
1154 | I | 1722-07-29 | CantataO vergnügte Stunden (birthday ofJohn Augustus of Anhalt-Zerbst) | wasBWV Anh. 194; text extant[141][142] | 01505 | ||||
1155 | I | 1723-08-09 | Ode in Latin (birthday ofFrederick II of Saxe-Gotha) | I/38 | wasBWV Anh. 20; lost[143][144] | 01328 | |||
1156 | I | 1727-05-12 | Secular cantataEntfernet euch, ihr heitern Sterne (57th birthday ofAugustus II) | I/36 | wasBWV Anh. 9; text byHaupt, C. F.; /1 →BWV 232II/6?[145][146][147] | 01317 | |||
1157 | I | 1732-08-03 | Secular cantataEs lebe der König, der Vater im Lande (name day ofAugustus II) | I/36 | wasBWV Anh. 11; text byPicander; /1 & /11 →BWV 215/1 → 232IV/1=/3; /7 →248/39?; /9 →212/14[121][129][148] | 01319 | |||
1158 | I | 1733-08-03 | Secular cantataFrohes Volk, vergnügte Sachsen (name day ofAugustus III) | I/36 | wasBWV Anh. 12; text byPicander; afterBWV Anh. 18; /1 →BWV 11/1[121][129][149] | 01320 | |||
1159 | 1739-10-07 | Secular cantata "Serenade" (birthday ofAugustus III) | lost | 01536 | |||||
1160 | I | 1731-08-25 | Secular cantataSo kämpfet nur, ihr muntern Töne (birthday ofJoachim Friedrich von Flemming [de]) | I/39 | wasBWV Anh. 10; text byPicander; /1 →BWV 248VIa/1?[129][150] | 01318 | |||
1161 | I | 1738-04-28 | Secular cantataWillkommen! Ihr herrschenden Götter der Erden in honour of the royal couple (Augustus III andMaria Josepha), and for the forthcoming marriage of princessMaria Amalia withCharles of Sicily | I/37 | wasBWV Anh. 13; text byGottsched, J. C. inRiemersche Chronik [121][151][152][153] | 01321 | |||
1162 | I | 1732-06-05 | Secular cantataFroher Tag, verlangte Stunden (inauguration ofSt. Thomas school after renovation) | I/39 | wasBWV Anh. 18; text byWinckler; /1 →BWV 11/1; /1 /3 /5 /6 /8 /10 →BWV Anh. 12[154][155][156] | 01326 | |||
1163 | I | 1725-11-27 | Secular cantataAuf, süß entzückende Gewalt (wedding ofPeter, eldest son ofPeter Hohmann, and Christiana Sibylla Mencke) | I/40 | wasBWV Anh. 196; text byGottsched, C.; /3 →BWV 11/4 →232IV/4; /5 →BWV 11/8[157][158][159][160] | 01507 | |||
1164 | II | 1712–1713 or earlier | MotetIch lasse dich nicht, du segnest mich denn | F min. | 2SATB | 39: 157 | III/3: 3 | byBach, J. Christoph?; wasBWV Anh. 159; ↔BWV 421 (/2)[161][162] | 01470 |
Appearing in theBWV Anh.:
Der inzwischen durch zahlreiche Verschiebungen unübersichtlich gewordene Anhang wird ebenfalls komplett überarbeitet (transl.: TheAnhang, which in the meanwhile has become confusing because of many changes, will also be completely reworked)
Preface in English and German.
Unaltered up unto its eighth printing in 1986.