Ausculum of ancientPicenum[4] was founded by the Italic (Piceni) and was originally aSabine city.[5]Asculum was also the name of other places.
Following its defeat by the Romans in 268 BC,[6] Asculum became acivitas foederata, a "federated" city with nominal independence from Rome. It was later connected by the importantVia Salaria, thesalt road that connectedLatium with the salt production areas on the Adriatic coast.
It was the first Italian city to rise up against Rome in 90 BC during theSocial War. An account described the city as home to a war-like people that bore generation-old grudge against Rome for encroaching on its northern territories.[7] It was besieged and captured following theBattle of Asculum (89 BC).[8] Discovered artifacts in the city such as sling bullets show that the siege included at least four Roman legions as well asGallic andSpanishauxiliaries.[9] Following the war, it became amunicipium. In thetriumviral period or underAugustus, it became acolonia.
During theMiddle Ages Ascoli was ravaged by theOstrogoths and then by theLombards of KingFaroald (578). After nearly two centuries as part of the LombardDuchy of Spoleto (593–789), Ascoli was ruled by theFranks through their vicars, but ultimately it was thebishops that gained influence and power over the city.
In 1189 a freerepublican municipality was established but internal strife led dramatically to the demise of civic values and freedom and to unfortunate ventures against neighboring enemies. This unstable situation opened the way to foreign dictatorships, like those ofGaleotto I Malatesta (14th century), initially recruited as a mercenary (condottiero) in the war againstFermo, andFrancesco Sforza. Sforza was ousted in 1482, but Ascoli was again compelled to submit to thePapal suzerainty. In 1860 it was annexed, together withMarche andUmbria, into the newlyunified Kingdom of Italy.
San Francesco:Gothic style church begun in 1258. The dome was completed in 1549. A monument toPope Julius II is in the side portal, while the central portal is one of the finest examples of local travertine decoration. Adjacent to the church is the 16th centuryLoggia dei Mercanti, inBramantesque style of the RomanHigh Renaissance.
Convent of San Francesco: adjacent to the above-named church, of which two noteworthy cloisters remain today. It was once a prestigious center of culture, whose students includedPope Sixtus V.
Sant'Agostino: 14th century church built originally with a single nave, was enlarged with two aisles in the late 15th century. The rectangular façade has a 1547 portal similar to that of Sant'Emidio. The convent houses the town library, the Contemporary Art Gallery and an auditorium.
Edicola di Morelli: monumental Baroque niche attached to the exterior of the church of San Francesco at the Piazza del Popolo. The niche housed a venerated Madonna image, putatively designed by Lazzaro Morelli, a disciple ofGian Lorenzo Bernini.
The Roman walls of the "Fortezza Pia" in the upper part of the town
"Vesta's" temple: devoted to the cult of Isis
Roman temple rebuilt as an auditorium
The Palazzo dei Capitani del Popolo ('Palace of the People's Captains'). Built in the 13th century connecting three pre-existing edifices, it was the seat of thepodestà, the people's captains and, later, of the Papal governors. In the 15th century the southern side was enlarged and, in 1520, a Mannerist façade was added in the rear side. In 1535 it underwent a general renovation, and in 1549 a new portal, with a monument ofPope Paul III, was added.
Palazzo Malaspina: palace in Corso Mezzini, previous 14th century structure reconstructed in the 16th century using designs attributed to architectNicola Filotesio
Porta Gemina ('Twin Gate'): an ancient Roman gate from the 1st century BC, through which theVia Salaria entered the city. The ruins of the ancient theater are located nearby. It had two passageways, each 5.70 metres (18.7 ft) tall and 2.95 metres (9.7 ft) wide.
Porta Tufilla: a tower-like gate built in 1552–55. It is annexed to the Ponte Tufillo, a medieval bridge built in 1097 over theRiver Tronto.
Ponte Maggiore ('Great Bridge'), of medieval origin
Lombard Palace and the Ercolani Tower (11th-12th centuries)
Loggia dei Mercanti: a 16th century portico annexed to the church of San Francesco. It was commissioned by the city's wool traders guild and finished in 1513.
Fortezza Pia: a fortress commanding the city, rebuilt in 1560 byPope Pius IV (whence the name)
Malatesta Fortress, in a site probably occupied by Roman baths. It was rebuilt byGaleotto I Malatesta, lord of Rimini, during the war againstFermo. The construction, used as a jail until 1978, was enlarged byAntonio da Sangallo the Younger in 1543.
Grotte dell'Annunziata ('Grottoes of the Annunciation'), a large portico with niches from the 2nd-1st centuries BC, whose original function is unknown (it has been suggested that they could be barracks or slaves dwellings, or a fortified palace[10])
In Castel Trosino, not far from the city, in 1893 a rare 6th centuryLombardnecropolis was found.
Recent industrialization has brought to Ascoli several Italian and multinational companies (YKK, Manuli,Pfizer,Barilla) but the bulk of the economy is made up of small and medium-sized enterprises and by those providing professional services to the area. Agriculture is still important (wheat, olives, fruits).
The city is the administrative headquarters and teaching the School of Architecture and Design at theUniversity of Camerino and the International School on Safety and Environmental Protection private university'sAlma Mater Europaea.
The main festivity is on the first Sunday in August. The historical parade with more than 1500 people dressed in Renaissance costume is held in celebration of Saint Emidio, protector of the city. The parade is followed by a tournament, calledQuintana, in which six knights, each competing for one of the six neighborhoods in the city, ride the course one after the other trying to hit an effigy of an Arab warrior. Strength and ability are necessary for the knight to win thepalio or grand prize.
TheRiver Castellano is a site for swimming and bathing in summer.
Founded in 1898,Ascoli Calcio is the main football team in the city. It is one of the oldest teams in Italy and it played for 16 years in Serie A.
Bivio Giustimana, Campolungo-villa sant'Antonio, Caprignano, Carpineto, Casa circondariale, Casalena, Casamurana, Case di Cioccio,Casette, Castel di Lama stazione, Castel Trosino, Cervara, Colle, Colle san Marco, Colloto, Colonna, Colonnata, Faiano, Funti, Giustimana, Il Palazzo, Lago, Lisciano, Lisciano di Colloto, Montadamo, Morignano, Mozzano, Oleificio Panichi, Palombare, Pedana, Piagge, Pianaccerro, Poggio di Bretta, Polesio, Ponte Pedana, Porchiano, Rosara, San Pietro, Santa Maria a Corte, Talvacchia, Taverna di mezzo, Trivigliano-villa Pagani, Tronzano, Valle Fiorana, Valle Senzana, Valli, Vena piccola, Venagrande, Villa S. Antonio.
^Richard J.A. Talbert, ed. (2000).Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World: Map-By-Map Directory. Vol. I. Princeton, NJ and Oxford, UK: Princeton University Press. p. 607.ISBN0691049459.
^Harris, W.; DARMC; R. Talbert; S. Gillies; G. Rees; J. Becker; T. Elliott."Places: 413036 (Asculum)". Pleiades. RetrievedNovember 1, 2014.