Artakioi was aMoesian tribe mentioned in the Roman period.[1]Cassius Dio (155–235) mentioned the tribe.[1] The ethnonym has been connected with the Roman-era toponyms Artiskos (a tributary of theMaritsa) and Artanes (a tributary of theDanube).[2] The tribe inhabited the region of the upperTundzha river, a tributary of Maritsa.[3] It is believed that they spoke aThracian language.[4]
Pliny speaks of the 'Moesic tribes' (N.H. iV-3 'Moesiacae gentes'), but their names remain almost unknown; in the Roman period, the tribes of the Artakioi (Dio Cass. LI. 27.1) or Artakai (St. Byz. 127. 23)20 were known.
Artiskos, affluent de l'Hebros; Artanès, affluent de l'Istros; la tribu des Artakioi)," mais il ne s'agit ici que d'une analogie fortuite.
артаките са живеели в областта на горна Тунджа.
... question at the time (the Krobuzoi and Artakioi), in other words is written in the Thracian language (Georgiev 1965 [=1977]; Schmitt-Brandt 1967; Ancillotti 1986; Schmid 1987).