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Arroyo Formation

Coordinates:33°48′N99°12′W / 33.8°N 99.2°W /33.8; -99.2
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Geologic formation in Texas, U.S.
Arroyo Formation
Stratigraphic range:Kungurian
Unit ofClear Fork Group
UnderliesVale Formation
OverliesWaggoner Ranch Formation
Thickness250 ft (76 m)
Coordinates33°48′N99°12′W / 33.8°N 99.2°W /33.8; -99.2
Approximate paleocoordinates0°24′N29°36′W / 0.4°N 29.6°W /0.4; -29.6
Region Texas
Country United States
Type section
Named forLos Arroyos,Runnels County, Texas
Named byBeede & Waithe
Year defined1918
Arroyo Formation is located in the United States
Arroyo Formation
Arroyo Formation (the United States)
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Arroyo Formation is located in Texas
Arroyo Formation
Arroyo Formation (Texas)
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TheArroyo Formation, sometimes termed theLower Clear Fork Formation, is ageologic formation inTexas.[1] It preservesfossils dating back to theKungurian stage of thePermianperiod.[2] It is the lower-most portion of theClear Fork Group, part of a series of fossiliferous Permian strata in the south-central United States known as thered beds.



The Arroyo Formation is the oldest and most eastern component of the Clear Fork Group. It extends in a Northeasterly direction from Concho County up as far north as Wilbarger County. North of the Red River in Oklahoma, the equivalent formation is the upperGarber Formation and cave deposits ofRichards Spur (formerly Fort Sill).[3][4]

Southern area


The Arroyo Formation was first named by Beede and Waite (1918).[5] Thetype locality was a series of marinelimestone,shale, andgypsum deposits cropping out at Los Arroyos (formerly Los Arroyo), a specificarroyo inRunnels County a few miles west ofBallinger. Wrather (1917) observed the same geological sequence inTaylor County, although he named it theAbilene Formation, which was a preoccupied name rejected by Beede and Waite (1918). At first, Beede and Waite (1918) tentatively placed the Arroyo Formation in theWichita (or Albany) Stage/Group, rather than the overlying Clear Fork Stage/Group.[5] Subsequent authors, starting with Sellars (1932), have considered the Arroyo Formation the basal part of the Clear Fork Group.[6] Olson (1989) called the portion of the Arroyo Formation below theSalt Fork of the Brazos River the "Southern area", contrasting it with the extensively studied "Classic area" further north.[7]

"Southern area" deposits found north of Runnels County preserve a series of terrestrialmudstone layers interspersed with several distinct intervals of marinelimestone, four of which having been named. These four limestone intervals are, from stratigraphically lowest to highest, the Rainey, Lytle, Kirby Lake, and Standpipe Limestones. The composition and appearance of these limestones can be variable, with some localities having fine-grained layers and others being practically marine conglomerate. These four limestone layers do not persist in the entirety of the "Southern Area", with the Standpipe Limestone terminating just north ofAbilene. This makes it difficult to distinguish the boundary between the Arroyo andVale Formation north of Taylor County, where it occurs shortly after the top of the Standpipe Limestone.[7]

The limestone layers are often fossiliferous, preserving fossils from both marine organisms and reworked inland fauna. A diverse assortment ofpalaeoniscoid fish teeth and scales andbivalve shells are by far the most abundant fossils. Worm burrows and ostracods are also very common. Tetrapod remains includeDimetrodon teeth, unusually small "Lysorophus" (Brachydectes) vertebrae, skull fragments from smallDiplocaulus andTrimerorhachis, a fewEryops components, and fragments from variousmicrosaurs, possibly referable toPantylus,Microbrachis, and/orPelodosotis. Most of the bones belong to small animals, likely due to taphonomic bias due to ease of transportation. This is also a possible reason as for why found teeth from the freshwaterlungfishGnathorhiza, are much smaller and rarer than those from terrestrial deposits.Captorhinus, a common small animal in the "Classic area", is curiously absent. Shark remains include teeth fromOrthacanthus andhybodonts. Marineinvertebrates mostly belonged to shallow water or estuary niches, apart from a single poorly preservednautiloid which likely drifted in from more open waters.[7]

Fossils from terrestrial deposits (like streamconglomerate or red mudstone) are rare in the southern area, found at only a handful of sites inHaskell County and southwestern Baylor County. These fossils are probably from a later interval of the Arroyo Formation, a segment which would lie between the Kirby Lake and Standpipe Limestone layers further south. The fauna is similar to that of the "Classic area", withDiplocaulus,Dimetrodon, andOrthacanthus fossils being the most common andEryops andDiadectes also known, albeit from much more fragmentary remains.[7]

Northern ("classic") area


Between the Salt Fork Brazos andRed River, the Arroyo Formation preserves a terrestrial floodplain ecosystem found in outcrops in Baylor, Wilbarger, and Wichita counties. This area, which Olson (1989) termed the "Classic area", has been extensively studied for its Permian plant and animal fossils.[7] The portions of the Arroyo Formation exposed in this area are among the oxidized Permian sediments collectively termed theRed Beds of Texas and Oklahoma. They are represented by Redclays,shales, andmudstones, with occasional layers ofsandstone orconglomerate,[8] as well as scatteredcarbonate nodules which become increasingly more common in younger levels. Some of the sandstone layers have been given informal names, such as the Red Tank and Brushy Creek Sandstone Members.[9][10] Limestone layers are rare relative to the "southern area", and the diagnostic Taylor County layers are seemingly completely absent north of the Salt Fork,[7] although a dolomite layer possibly equivalent to the Rainey or Lytle limestones has been reported.[9][10] This dolomite layer, informally named the Craddock dolomite, has been known to preserve plant impressions as well asarthropod andtetrapod footprints.[11]

With the absence of the characteristic Standpipe Limestone of the "southern area", Arroyo red beds in the "classic area" are difficult to differentiate from the overlying Vale Formation on a purely geological basis. A similar issue obscures the boundary between the Vale and Choza Formations, with the absence of the BullwagonDolomite which separates the two further south. As a result,sedimentologists generally do not distinguish the component formations of the Clear Fork Group, and simply prefer to call these northern red beds theClear Fork Formation.[9] Under this system, the Arroyo Formation would be roughly equivalent to the informal"Lower Clear Fork Formation".[10]

Olson (1958) attempted to provide an informal geological boundary between the Arroyo and Vale based on the presence of an even red shale or mudstone layer. This layer is found along a northeastern-oriented line that bisected the Clear Fork area in the western part of Baylor County. This even layer, he argued, was formed by slow, brackish streams in a lowland delta close to sea level. Therefore, their presence may have been a result of the same marine transgression responsible for the Standpipe Limestone further south. Under this hypothesis, the Vale Formation could be found in stratigraphically higher areas west of the line, and the Arroyo formation would be east of the line. Nevertheless, Olson admitted that this boundary was imprecise due to the variable depth of the shales and the varying topography of the surrounding landscape.[12]

A skeleton ofDimetrodon grandis found at the Craddock bonebed on display at theNational Museum of Natural History

The "classic area" of the Arroyo Formation is one of the most fossiliferous parts of the Texas Red Beds, and it is typically differentiated from surrounding formations bypaleontologists on the basis of faunal differences.[8][12][13] A large number of sites are known bearing either abundant plant or animal remains. The animal-bearing sites are among the most diverseEarly Permian tetrapod assemblages in the world, with numerous remains ofamphibians,pelycosaurs (mammal relatives),chondrichthyans (sharks), andeureptiles. The last and largest known species ofedaphosaurid,Edaphosaurus pogonias, is known from the Arroyo, with the family going extinct soon afterwards. Other pelycosaurs, includingSecodontosaurus,Varanosaurus, and several species ofDimetrodon, were abundant, though the abundance ofDimetrodon was retained in the Vale and Choza Formations.Captorhinids were the most common eureptiles in the Arroyo, represented by basal taxa such asCaptorhinus andLabidosaurus.[13][7] Captorhinids experienced a taxonomic turnover at the beginning of the Vale Formation, as advanced taxa likeLabidosaurikos andCaptorhinikos replace or evolve from the more primitive captorhinids soon after the red shale boundary between the two formations.[12] The first specimens of the gracile eureptileAraeoscelis were discovered at the Craddock Bonebed, one of the most productive Arroyo Formation sites in Baylor County. Aquatic amphibians likeDiplocaulus,Trimerorhachis, andEryops are common. Terrestrial amphibians likeSeymouria,Diadectes,microsaurs, and variousdissorophoids (Acheloma,Broiliellus,Aspidosaurus, etc.) were present as well. Many of these terrestrial amphibians did not survive into the Vale Formation.[8][7] Burrows containingaestivatingBrachydectes,Gnathorhiza, andDiplocaulus are common in the middle part of the Arroyo Formation, likely indicating a period with a drier climate than the early or late Arroyo. The most common shark remains belong toOrthacanthus platypternus, although teeth fromXenacanthus luederensis are also known from some early Arroyo sites.[13]




Color key
TaxonReclassified taxonTaxon falsely reported as presentDubious taxon or junior synonymIchnotaxonOotaxonMorphotaxon
Uncertain or tentative taxa are insmall text;crossed out taxa are discredited.
BrachydectesB. elongatusAlysorophian common in some sites. Historically referred to Lysorophus tricarinatus.[14]
CardiocephalusC. sternbergiAgymnarthridmicrosaur[15]
CrossotelosC. annulatusAurocordylidnectridean.[16]


D. brevirostrisRare[17]

D. copei

Indeterminate, likely a junior synonym ofD. magnicornis[17]

D. limbatus

Junior synonym ofD. magnicornis[17]

D. magnicornisAn abundantdiplocaulidnectridean[17]

D. primigenius

May be synonymous withD. magnicornis[17]

EuryodusE. primusAgymnarthridmicrosaur[15]


G. willistoni

An indeterminategymnarthridmicrosaur known from skull fragments. Initially namedGoniocephalus.[15]


G. willoughbyi

Junior synonym ofCardiocephalus sternbergi.[15]

MicraroterM. erythrogeoisAnostodolepidmicrosaur which may have been present based on BPI 3839, a well-preserved skull and skeleton potentially referable to the genus.[18]
OstodolepisO. brevispinatusAnostodolepidmicrosaur[15][18]


P. coicodus

A fragmentarymicrosaur. May be synonymous withPantylus cordatus, or completely unrelated.[15]

PelodosotisP. elongatumAnostodolepidmicrosaur[18]


P. parvus

Also known asDiplocaulus pusillus andPlatyops parvus. Junior synonym ofDiplocaulus magnicornis.[17]

QuasicaeciliaQ. texanaAbrachystelechidmicrosaur. Type locality unknown, may be from the Arroyo Formation.[19]




A. cumminsi


Acheloma cumminsi
Eryops megacephalus
Cacops aspidephorus
A. willistoni

A. casei

Junior synonym ofIsodectes obtusus[20]


A. aphthitos

Junior synonym ofAspidosaurus chiton[21]


A. chitonAdissorophid

A. peltatus

Junior synonym ofDissorophus multicinctus

BroiliellusB. arroyoensisAdissorophid[22]
CacopsC. aspidephorusAdissorophid
DasycepsD. micropthalmusAzatrachydid[23]
DissorophusD. multicinctusAdissorophid


E. townendae

Junior synonym ofIsodectes obtusus[20]

EryopsE. megacephalusA commoneryopid


I. obtususAdvinosaur[20]

I. megalops

Junior synonym ofIsodectes obtusus[20]

Kermitops[24]K. gratus[24]Anamphibamiform[24]
NanobamusN. macrorhinusAnamphibamiform[25]


T. insignisA commondvinosaur[26]
T. mesopsRare[26]

T. conangulus

Junior synonym ofIsodectes obtusus[20]

T. greggiMay be descended fromT. insignis[26]




D. anomalus

Junior synonym ofSeymouria baylorensis

Seymouria baylorensis
SeymouriaS. baylorensis


DiadectesD. tenuitectensAdiadectid


CaseaC. broiliiAcaseid
DimetrodonD. giganhomogenesAsphenacodontid
D. grandis
D. kempaeDubious
D. loomisiAsphenacodontid
EdaphosaurusE. pogoniasAnedaphosaurid
SecodontosaurusS. obtusidensAsphenacodontid
TetraceratopsT. insignisAn advancedpelycosaur or earlytherapsid
TrichasaurusT. texensisAcaseid
VaranopsV. brevirostrisAvaranopid
VaranosaurusV. acutirostrisAnophiacodontid


AraeoscelisA. grandisAnaraeoscelidiandiapsid
CaptorhinusC. agutiAcaptorhinid
EctocynodonE. incisivusJunior synonym ofCaptorhinus aguti. Has also been referred to the microsaurPariotichus and the captorhinidLabidosaurus.
LabidosaurusA. hamatusAcaptorhinid



Apart from sharks and lungfish, a large and well-preservedactinopterygian fish,Brachydegma caelatum, is known from the lower Clear Fork Formation.[27]

See also



  1. ^Arroyo Formation
  2. ^Lucas, Spencer G. (2018)."Permian tetrapod biochronology, correlation and evolutionary events".Geological Society, London, Special Publications.450 (1):405–444.Bibcode:2018GSLSP.450..405L.doi:10.1144/SP450.12.ISSN 0305-8719.S2CID 134768451.
  3. ^Sullivan, Corwin; Reisz, Robert R (1999-08-21)."First record of Seymouria (Vertebrata: Seymouriamorpha) from Early Permian fissure fills at Richards Spur, Oklahoma".Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.36 (8):1257–1266.Bibcode:1999CaJES..36.1257S.doi:10.1139/e99-035.ISSN 0008-4077.
  4. ^Maddin, Hillary C.; Evans, David C.; Reisz, Robert R. (2006-12-11). "An Early Permian varanodontine varanopid (Synapsida: Eupelycosauria) from the Richards Spur locality, Oklahoma".Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.26 (4):957–966.doi:10.1671/0272-4634(2006)26[957:AEPVVS]2.0.CO;2.ISSN 0272-4634.S2CID 130455511.
  5. ^abBeede, J.W.; Waite, V.V. (15 March 1918)."The geology of Runnels County"(PDF).University of Texas Bulletin.1816:1–64.
  6. ^Sellars, E.H. (22 August 1932)."The pre-Paleozoic and Paleozoic systems in Texas"(PDF).University of Texas Bulletin. The Geology of Texas.3232:15–238.
  7. ^abcdefghOlson, Everett C. (July 1989)."The Arroyo Formation (Leonardian: Lower Permian) and Its Vertebrate Fossils"(PDF).Texas Memorial Museum Bulletin.35:1–25.
  8. ^abcRomer, Alfred S. (1928)."Vertebrate faunal horizons in the Texas Permo-Carboniferous red beds".University of Texas Bulletin.2801:67–108.[permanent dead link]
  9. ^abcNelson, W. John; Hook, Robert W.; Tabor, Neil (2001)."Clear Fork Group (Leonardian, Lower Permian) of North-Central Texas".Oklahoma Geological Survey Circular.104:167–169.
  10. ^abcNelson, W. John; Hook, Robert W.; Chaney, Dan S. (2013)."Lithostratigraphy of the Lower Permian (Leonardian) Clear Fork Formation of north-central Texas".New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin.60:286–311.
  11. ^Lucas, Spencer G.; Voigt, Sebastian; Lerner, Allan J.; Nelson, W. John (August 2011). "Late Early Permian continental ichnofauna from Lake Kemp, north-central Texas, USA".Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.308 (3–4):395–404.Bibcode:2011PPP...308..395L.doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.05.047.
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  13. ^abcMurray, P.A.; Johnson, G.D. (3 August 1987)."Clear Fork vertebrates and environments from the Lower Permian of north-central Texas".The Texas Journal of Science.39:253–266.
  14. ^Wellstead, Carl (7 November 1991)."Taxonomic revision of the Lysorophia, Permo-Carboniferous lepospondyl amphibians"(PDF).Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History.209.hdl:2246/904.
  15. ^abcdefGregory, Joseph T.; Peabody, Frank E.; Price, Llewellyn L. (1956). "Revision of the Gymnarthridae, American Permian Microsaurs".Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History.10:1–77.S2CID 51541428.
  16. ^Carlson, K. J. (1999). "Crossotelos, an Early Permian nectridian amphibian".Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.19 (4):623–631.Bibcode:1999JVPal..19..623C.doi:10.1080/02724634.1999.10011176.
  17. ^abcdefOlson, E.C. (12 January 1951)."Diplocaulus: A study in growth and variation".Fieldiana: Geology.11 (2):59–149.
  18. ^abcCarroll, R. L.; Gaskill, P. (1978)."The Order Microsauria".Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society.126:1–211.ISBN 9780871691262.
  19. ^Carroll, R. L. (1990)."A tiny microsaur from the Lower Permian of Texas: size constraints in Palaeozoic tetrapods"(PDF).Palaeontology.33:1–17. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 2011-08-24.
  20. ^abcdeSequeira, S. E. K. (1998)."The cranial morphology and taxonomy of the saurerpetontidIsodectes obtusus comb. Nov. (Amphibia: Temnospondyli) from the Lower Permian of Texas".Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.122 (1–2):237–259.doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1998.tb02531.x.
  21. ^Gee, Bryan M. (2018). "Reappraisal of the early Permian dissorophidAlegeinosaurus from Texas, USA".PalZ.92 (4):661–669.Bibcode:2018PalZ...92..661G.doi:10.1007/s12542-018-0421-9.S2CID 89844574.
  22. ^DeMar, Robert E. (1967)."Two new species ofBroiliellus (Amphibians) from the Permian of Texas".Fieldiana: Geology.16:117–129 – via Biodiversity Heritage Library.
  23. ^Paton, Roberta L. (1975)."A Lower Permian temnospondyl amphibian from the English Midlands"(PDF).Palaeontology.18:831–845.
  24. ^abcSo, Calvin; Pardo, Jason D; Mann, Arjan (2024-03-21)."A new amphibamiform from the Early Permian of Texas elucidates patterns of cranial diversity among terrestrial amphibamiforms".Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae012.ISSN 0024-4082.
  25. ^Gee, Bryan M.; Reisz, Robert R. (2020)."The amphibamiform Nanobamus macrorhinus from the early Permian of Texas".Journal of Paleontology.94 (2):366–377.Bibcode:2020JPal...94..366G.doi:10.1017/jpa.2019.72.ISSN 0022-3360.
  26. ^abcAndrew R. Milner; Rainer R. Schoch (2013)."Trimerorhachis (Amphibia: Temnospondyli) from the Lower Permian of Texas and New Mexico: cranial osteology, taxonomy and biostratigraphy".Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen.270 (1):91–128.doi:10.1127/0077-7749/2013/0360.
  27. ^Argyriou, Thodoris; Giles, Sam; Friedman, Matt (2022-05-17)."A Permian fish reveals widespread distribution of neopterygian-like jaw suspension".eLife.11.doi:10.7554/eLife.58433.ISSN 2050-084X.PMID 35579418.
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