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Antiquities of the Jews

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Historiographical work by historian Flavius Josephus
Antiquities of the Jews
AuthorFlavius Josephus
Original titleἸουδαϊκὴ ἀρχαιολογία
TranslatorThomas Lodge
William Whiston
Henry St. John Thackeray
Ralph Marcus
LanguageKoine Greek
SubjectJewish history
Published93/94 AD
Publication placeRoman Empire
Published in English
Media typeManuscript
LC ClassDS116.J7418
Original text
Ἰουδαϊκὴ ἀρχαιολογία at GreekWikisource
TranslationAntiquities of the Jews at Wikisource
A leaf from the 1466 manuscript of theAntiquitates Iudaice,National Library of Poland

Antiquities of the Jews (Latin:Antiquitates Iudaicae;Greek:Ἰουδαϊκὴ ἀρχαιολογία,Ioudaikē archaiologia) is a 20-volumehistoriographical work, written inGreek, by historianJosephus in the 13th year of the reign of Roman emperorDomitian, which was 94CE.[1] The book contains an account of thehistory of the Jewish people for Josephus's gentile patrons. In the first ten volumes, Josephus follows the events of theHebrew Bible beginning with the creation ofAdam and Eve.

The second ten volumes continues the history of the Jewish people beyond the biblical text and up to theFirst Jewish–Roman War (66–73 CE). This work, along with Josephus's other major work,The Jewish War (De Bello Iudaico), provides valuable background material for historians wishing to understand 1st-century CE Judaism and theearly Christian period.[2]



Josephus'Antiquities of the Jews is a vital source for the history of theintertestamental period and the Jewish war against Rome.[3]Antiquities of the Jews is separated into twenty volumes:

VolumeFromToYears covered
IBiblical creationDeath ofAbraham's sonIsaac3,833
IIHistory of Isaac's sonsThe Exodus of Jews fromBiblical Egypt250
IIIExodus from EgyptFirst 2 years of the 40 years in the wilderness2
IVThe remaining 38 years in the wildernessDeath ofMoses upon reachingCanaan38
VJoshua's replacement of Moses as leaderDeath of the priestEli476
VIThe capture of theArk by thePhilistinesDeath ofKing Saul32
VIIDavid's ascension to the throne of theKingdom of IsraelDeath of King David40
VIIISolomon's ascension as King of IsraelThe death ofKing Ahab in battle with the Syrian army, and the saving of the army byJehoshaphat163
IXReign of King JehoshaphatFall ofSamaria157
XBabylonian captivity of the JewsDaniel and the destruction of theNeo-Assyrian Empire182
XIStart of thePersian Empire ofCyrus the GreatDeath ofAlexander the Great253
XIIDeath of Alexander the GreatMaccabean Revolt and the death ofJudas Maccabeus170
XIIIOrigins of theHasmonean dynastyDeath ofQueen Alexandra82
XIVThe death of Queen AlexandraDeath ofAntigonus II Mattathias32
XVHerod the Great's taking ofJerusalemCompletion of King Herod's temple in Jerusalem18
XVICompletion of King Herod's templeDeath of Herod's sons12
XVIIDeath of Herod's sonsBanishment of King Archelaus14
XVIIIThe banishment of KingHerod ArchelausBanishment of the Jews living in Babylon32
XIXThe banishment of the Jews living in BabylonCuspius Fadus, theRoman procurators of Judea3
XXThe time ofEmperor ClaudiusGessius Florus, Procurator of Judea. His antagonism of the Jews led to theJewish Wars22

In the preface ofAntiquities of the Jews, Josephus provides his motivation for composing such a large work. He writes:

Now I have undertaken the present work, as thinking it will appear to all the Greeks worthy of their study; for it will contain all our antiquities, and the constitution of our government, as interpreted out of the Hebrew Scriptures.[4]

Josephan scholar Louis Feldman highlights several of the misconceptions about the Jewish people that were being circulated in Josephus's time. In particular, the Jews were thought to lack great historical figures and a credible history of their people. They were also accused of harboring hostility toward non-Jews, and were thought to be generally lacking in loyalty, respect for authority, and charity.[5] With these harsh accusations against the Jews fluttering about the Roman empire, Josephus, set out to provide aHellenized version of the Jewish history. Such a work is often called an "apologia," as it pleads the case of a group of people or set of beliefs to a larger audience.

In order to accomplish this goal, Josephus omitted certain accounts in the Jewish narrative and even added a Hellenistic "glaze" to his work. For example, the "Song of the Sea" sung byMoses and the people of Israel after their deliverance at theRed Sea is completely omitted in Josephus's text.[6] He does mention, however, that Moses composed a song to God inhexameter—a rather unusual (and Greek) metrical scheme for an ancient Hebrew.[7] Josephus also writes thatAbraham taughtscience to theEgyptians, who in turn taught theGreeks, and thatMoses set up a senatorial priestly aristocracy, which like Rome resisted monarchy. Thus, in an attempt to make the Jewish history more palatable to his Greco-Roman audience, the great figures of thebiblical stories are presented asideal philosopher-leaders.

In another example, apparently due to his concern with pagan antisemitism, Josephus omitted the entire episode of the golden calf from his account of the Israelites at Mount Sinai. It has been suggested that he was afraid that the biblical account might be employed by Alexandrian antisemites to lend credence to their allegation that the Jews worshiped an ass's head in the Temple (cf. Apion 2:80, 114, 120; Tacitus, Histories 5:4).[8] He also stated that the Ancient Egyptians forced the Jewish slaves to build the pyramids, writing "They [the Egyptian taskmasters] set them also to build pyramids."[9]

Josephus also adds a short account of his personal life,Vita, as an appendix to theJudean Antiquities.

Antiquities of the Jews contains a good deal of valuable, sometimes unique, historical material. This applies, for example, to the history of the Hellenistic states,Parthia,Armenia, theNabatean kingdom, and theRoman Empire. In the Middle Ages and up to modern times the book was considered one of the most important sources in ancient Roman history, along with the works ofTitus Livius,Tacitus,Suetonius, andJerome. Because of this, Josephus is sometimes called the "Titus Livius of the Greeks". TheJewish Encyclopedia speculates that much of Josephus's writings onHerod the Great and his sons draw from the work ofNicolaus of Damascus, a personal friend of Herod's, whose writings remain largely missing; once Nicolaus's narrative onHerod Archelaus ends, Josephus's narrative becomes less detailed.[10] Josephus admitted being familiar with Nicolaus's work but also rebuked Nicolaus for exaggerating Herod's royal claims and benevolence, where Josephus treated Herod as a tyrant.[10]

The extant copies of this work contain two passages aboutJesus andJames the Just. The long one has come to be known as theTestimonium Flavianum. Scholars usually agree on the authenticity of the second passage, while the first one is considered to be authentic, but to have been subjected toChristian interpolation.



The earliest Greek manuscript of Books 11–20 of theAntiquities dates from the eleventh century,[11] the Ambrosianus 370 (F 128); preserved in theBiblioteca Ambrosiana inMilan. However, the manuscript tradition is complex and many manuscripts are incomplete.[12]

The works of Josephus Flavius were popular in late antiquity. Then appeared the translation of "Antiquities of the Jews" intoLatin. It is attributed to either Jerome or his contemporaryTyrannius Rufinus. In medieval Europe, "Antiquities of the Jews" circulated widely, mainly in Latin translation (e.gAntiquities of the Jews from 1466 in theNational Library of Poland).

This work of Joseph Flavius was translated intoOld Bulgarian at thePreslav Literary School in the beginning of the 10th century during the time ofSimeon the Great.

In the 9th–10th centuries, the so-called "Josippon", written inHebrew, appeared in Italy. It described the events of world and Jewish history from the time of the construction of theTower of Babel to the capture of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 AD. Essentially, this chronicle was an abbreviated translation ofJewish Antiquities andThe Jewish War, butJoseph ben Gorion was named the author. Josippon gained no less popularity than Antiquities of the Jews. With the advent of printing, it was published even before this major work of Josephus Flavius in 1476.



In 1602,Thomas Lodge published an English translation of both theAntiquities and theWars. This volume amounted to over 800 pages.[13]

The first printed edition ofAntiquities of the Jews in Greek appeared in 1544. Other publications followed—1553 (Antwerp), 1611 and 1634 (Cologne), 1687 (Oxford), 1691 (Leipzig), 1700 (Oxford), 1726 (Leiden), and so on. Already in the 15th–16th centuries,Jewish Antiquities was translated into Dutch, French, Italian, German and Spanish. The book was published both in modern languages and in Latin. The first Russian translation ofJewish Antiquities appeared in 1781.[14] First Italian translation dates to 1549 in Venice.[citation needed]

One of the best known translations of this work was provided byWilliam Whiston in 1737, which has been in print continuously since then.[15] TheLoeb Classical Library published a 1926 translation byHenry St. John Thackeray and Ralph Marcus, normally preferred academically. A cross-reference apparatus for the Works of Josephus and the Biblical canon also exists.[16][17]

See also



  1. ^Antiquities,Book XX, chapter 11; "I shall put an end to these Antiquities, which are contained in twenty books, and sixty thousand verses. And if God permit me, I will briefly run over this war again, with what befell us therein to this very day, which is the thirteenth year of the reign of Caesar Domitian [i.e. September 93 – September 94], and the fifty-sixth year of my own life."
  2. ^Stephen L. Harris,Understanding the Bible, (Palo Alto: Mayfield, 1985).
  3. ^Freedman, David Noel, ed.,The Anchor Bible Dictionary, (New York: Doubleday, 1997, 1992).
  4. ^Ant. 1.5. Trans. by William Whiston, A.M., 1895
  5. ^Louis Feldman,Josephus' Interpretation of the Bible (Berkeley: University of California, 1998), pp. 132–162.
  6. ^Exodus 15
  7. ^Ant. 2:346
  8. ^"Encyclopedia Judaica: The Golden Calf".Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved27 November 2017.
  9. ^Down, David (September 1, 2004)."The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt". Answers in Genesis. RetrievedNovember 30, 2020.
  10. ^abGottheil, Richard; Krauss, Samuel.Nicholas of Damascus (Nicolaus Damascenus).The Jewish Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 3, 2021.
  11. ^Clare K. Rothschild, "Echo of a Whisper": The Uncertain Authenticity of Josephus' Witness to John the Baptist, in David Hellholm, Tor Vegge, Ayvind Norderval, Christer Hellholm (editors),Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity, page 273 (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2011).ISBN 978-3-11-024751-0
  12. ^Pearse, Roger."Josephus: the Main Manuscripts of "Antiquities"".Tertullian.
  13. ^Wolfe, H. (2006-12-25).The Literary Career and Legacy of Elizabeth Cary, 1613-1680. Springer.ISBN 978-0-230-60181-9.
  14. ^"Иосиф Флавий. Иудейские древности. Предисловие к русскому изданию" [Josephus Flavius. Jewish Antiquities. Preface to the Russian Edition] (in Russian).
  15. ^A new updated version of Whiston's translation was published by Hendrickson Publishers in 1987.
  16. ^Clontz, T.E. and J.,The Comprehensive New Testament, Cornerstone Publications (2008),ISBN 978-0-9778737-1-5
  17. ^Bennett, Rick (30 November 2011)."New Release: Comprehensive Bible Cross Reference".Accordance Bible Software. Retrieved27 November 2017.|

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