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(Redirected fromAntiandrogens)
Class of pharmaceutical drugs
Drug class
Class identifiers
SynonymsAndrogen antagonists; Androgen blockers; Testosterone blockers
Use• Men and boys:Prostate cancer;Benign prostatic hyperplasia;Scalp hair loss;Paraphilias;Hypersexuality;Sex offenders;Precocious puberty;Priapism
• Women and girls:Acne;Seborrhea;Hidradenitis suppurativa;Hirsutism;Scalp hair loss;Hyperandrogenism;Transgender hormone therapy
ATC codeL02BB
Biological targetAndrogen receptor;Progesterone receptor;Estrogen receptor;GnRH receptor;5α-Reductase;CYP17A1 (17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase);P450scc; Others
Chemical classSteroidal;Nonsteroidal;Peptide
External links
Legal status
In Wikidata

Antiandrogens, also known asandrogen antagonists ortestosterone blockers, are a class ofdrugs that preventandrogens liketestosterone anddihydrotestosterone (DHT) from mediating theirbiological effects in the body. They act byblocking theandrogen receptor (AR) and/orinhibiting orsuppressing androgenproduction.[1][2] They can be thought of as the functional opposites of ARagonists, for instance androgens andanabolic steroids (AAS) like testosterone, DHT, andnandrolone andselective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) likeenobosarm. Antiandrogens are one of three types ofsex hormone antagonists, the others beingantiestrogens andantiprogestogens.[3]

Antiandrogens are used to treat an assortment ofandrogen-dependent conditions.[4] In men, antiandrogens are used in the treatment ofprostate cancer,enlarged prostate,scalp hair loss,overly high sex drive,unusual and problematic sexual urges, andearly puberty.[4][5] In women, antiandrogens are used to treatacne,seborrhea,excessive hair growth, scalp hair loss, andhigh androgen levels, such as those that occur inpolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).[4] Antiandrogens are also used as a component offeminizing hormone therapy fortransgender women and aspuberty blockers intransgender girls.[4]

Side effects of antiandrogens depend on the type of antiandrogen and the specific antiandrogen in question. In any case, common side effects of antiandrogens in men includebreast tenderness,breast enlargement,feminization,hot flashes,sexual dysfunction,infertility, andosteoporosis. In women, antiandrogens are much bettertolerated, and antiandrogens that work only by directly blocking androgens are associated with minimal side effects. However, becauseestrogens are made from androgens in the body, antiandrogens that suppress androgen production can causelow estrogen levels and associated symptoms like hot flashes,menstrual irregularities, and osteoporosis inpremenopausal women.

There are a few different major types of antiandrogens.[6] These include ARantagonists,androgen synthesis inhibitors, andantigonadotropins.[6] AR antagonists work by directly blocking the effects of androgens, while androgen synthesis inhibitors and antigonadotropins work by lowering androgen levels.[6] AR antagonists can be further divided intosteroidal antiandrogens andnonsteroidal antiandrogens; androgen synthesis inhibitors can be further divided mostly intoCYP17A1 inhibitors and5α-reductase inhibitors; and antigonadotropins can be further divided intogonadotropin-releasing hormone modulators (GnRH modulators),progestogens, andestrogens.[6][7][8]

Medical uses


Antiandrogens are used in the treatment of an assortment ofandrogen-dependent conditions in both males and females.[4][9] They are used to treat men withprostate cancer,benign prostatic hyperplasia,pattern hair loss,hypersexuality,paraphilias, andpriapism, as well as boys withprecocious puberty.[9][10][11] In women and girls, antiandrogens are used to treatacne,seborrhea,hidradenitis suppurativa,hirsutism, andhyperandrogenism.[9][12][13] Antiandrogens are also used intransgender women as a component offeminizing hormone therapy and aspuberty blockers intransgender girls.[14][15]

Men and boys


Prostate cancer

See also:Management of prostate cancer § Hormonal therapy, andAndrogen deprivation therapy

Androgens like testosterone and particularly DHT are importantly involved in the development and progression of prostate cancer.[16] They act asgrowth factors in theprostate gland, stimulatingcell division andtissue growth.[16] In accordance, therapeutic modalities that reduce androgen signaling in the prostate gland, referred to collectively asandrogen deprivation therapy, are able to significantly slow the course of prostate cancer and extend life in men with the disease.[16] Although antiandrogens are effective in slowing the progression of prostate cancer, they are not generally curative, and with time, the disease adapts and androgen deprivation therapy eventually becomes ineffective.[17] When this occurs, other treatment approaches, such aschemotherapy, may be considered.[17]

The most common methods of androgen deprivation therapy currently employed to treat prostate cancer arecastration (with a GnRH modulator ororchiectomy), nonsteroidal antiandrogens, and the androgen synthesis inhibitorabiraterone acetate.[16] Castration may be used alone or in combination with one of the other two treatments.[16][18] When castration is combined with a nonsteroidal antiandrogen likebicalutamide, this strategy is referred to ascombined androgen blockade (also known as complete or maximal androgen blockade).[16][19]Enzalutamide,apalutamide, and abiraterone acetate are specifically approved for use in combination with castration to treat castration-resistant prostate cancer.[16][20] Monotherapy with the nonsteroidal antiandrogen bicalutamide is also used in the treatment of prostate cancer as an alternative to castration with comparable effectiveness but with a different and potentially advantageous side effect profile.[16][21][22]

High-dose estrogen was the first functional antiandrogen used to treat prostate cancer. It was widely used, but has largely been abandoned for this indication in favor of newer agents with improved safety profiles and fewer feminizing side effects.[23]Cyproterone acetate was developed subsequently to high-dose estrogen and is the only steroidal antiandrogen that has been widely used in the treatment of prostate cancer,[24] but it has largely been replaced by nonsteroidal antiandrogens, which are newer and have greater effectiveness, tolerability, and safety.[25][26] Bicalutamide, as well as enzalutamide, have largely replaced the earlier nonsteroidal antiandrogensflutamide andnilutamide, which are now little used.[19][27][28][29][30] The earlier androgen synthesis inhibitorsaminoglutethimide andketoconazole have only limitedly been used in the treatment of prostate cancer due totoxicity concerns and have been replaced by abiraterone acetate.[31]

In addition to active treatment of prostate cancer, antiandrogens are effective asprophylaxis (preventatives) in reducing the risk of ever developing prostate cancer.[32] Antiandrogens have only limitedly been assessed for this purpose, but the 5α-reductase inhibitorsfinasteride anddutasteride and the steroidal AR antagonistspironolactone have been associated with significantly reduced risk of prostate cancer.[32][33] In addition, it is notable that prostate cancer is extremely rare in transgender women who have been on feminizing hormone therapy for an extended period of time.[34][35][36]

Enlarged prostate

See also:Benign prostatic hyperplasia § 5α-Reductase inhibitors

The 5α-reductase inhibitorsfinasteride anddutasteride are used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia, a condition in which the prostate becomes enlarged and this results in urinary obstruction and discomfort.[37] They are effective because androgens act as growth factors in the prostate gland.[37] The antiandrogenschlormadinone acetate andoxendolone and the functional antiandrogensallylestrenol andgestonorone caproate are also approved in some countries for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.[38][39]

Scalp hair loss

See also:Management of hair loss § Antiandrogens

5α-Reductase inhibitors like finasteride, dutasteride, andalfatradiol and thetopical nonsteroidal AR antagonisttopilutamide (fluridil) are approved for the treatment of pattern hair loss, also known as scalp hair loss or baldness.[40] This condition is generally caused by androgens, so antiandrogens can slow or halt its progression.[41] Systemic antiandrogens besides 5α-reductase inhibitors are not generally used to treat scalp hair loss in males due to risks like feminization (e.g., gynecomastia) and sexual dysfunction.[42][43][44][45][46][47][48] However, they have been assessed and reported to be effective for this indication.[42][43][49]



Systemic antiandrogens are generally not used to treat acne in males due to their high risk of feminization (e.g., gynecomastia) and sexual dysfunction.[50][51] However, they have been studied for acne in males and found to be effective.[52][44][45][53]Clascoterone, a topical antiandrogen, is effective for acne in males and has been approved by the FDA in August 2020.[54][55][56][57]


See also:Paraphilia § Antiandrogens, andChemical castration § Treatment for sex offenders

Androgens increasesex drive,[58] and for this reason, antiandrogens are able to reduce sex drive in men.[59][60] In accordance, antiandrogens are used in the treatment of conditions such ashypersexuality (excessively high sex drive) andparaphilias (atypical and sometimes societally unacceptable sexual interests) likepedophilia (sexual attraction to children).[59][60] They have been used to decrease sex drive insex offenders so as to reduce the likelihood ofrecidivism (repeat offenses).[61] Antiandrogens used for these indications includecyproterone acetate,medroxyprogesterone acetate, and GnRH modulators.[62][63]

Early puberty


Antiandrogens are used to treatprecocious puberty in boys.[64][65][66][67] They work by opposing the effects of androgens and delaying the development ofsecondary sexual characteristics and onset of changes insex drive andfunction until a more appropriate age.[64][65] Antiandrogens that have been used for this purpose includecyproterone acetate,medroxyprogesterone acetate, GnRH modulators,spironolactone,bicalutamide, andketoconazole.[64][67][68][69][70][71] Spironolactone and bicalutamide require combination with anaromatase inhibitor to prevent the effects of unopposedestrogens, while the others can be used alone.[64][70][71]

Long-lasting erections


Antiandrogens are effective in the treatment of recurrentpriapism (potentially painfulpenile erections that last more than four hours).[72][73][74][75][76]

Women and girls


Skin and hair conditions

See also:Acne vulgaris § Hormonal agents,Seborrhoeic dermatitis § Antiandrogens, andHirsutism § Medications

Antiandrogens are used in the treatment of androgen-dependentskin andhair conditions including acne, seborrhea, hidradenitis suppurativa, hirsutism, and pattern hair loss in women.[12] All of these conditions are dependent on androgens, and for this reason, antiandrogens are effective in treating them.[12] The most commonly used antiandrogens for these indications arecyproterone acetate andspironolactone.[77]Flutamide has also been studied extensively for such uses, but has fallen out of favor due to its association withhepatotoxicity.[78]Bicalutamide, which has a relatively minimal risk of hepatotoxicity, has been evaluated for the treatment of hirsutism and found effective similarly to flutamide and may be used instead of it.[79][80] In addition to AR antagonists,oral contraceptives containingethinylestradiol are effective in treating these conditions, and may be combined with AR antagonists.[81][82]

High androgen levels

See also:Hyperandrogenism § Treatment

Hyperandrogenism is a condition in women in which androgen levels are excessively and abnormally high.[13] It is commonly seen in women with PCOS, and also occurs in women withintersex conditions likecongenital adrenal hyperplasia.[13] Hyperandrogenism is associated withvirilization – that is, the development of masculinesecondary sexual characteristics like male-pattern facial and body hair growth (or hirsutism),voice deepening, increasedmusclemass andstrength, andbroadening of the shoulders, among others.[13] Androgen-dependent skin and hair conditions like acne and pattern hair loss may also occur in hyperandrogenism, andmenstrual disturbances, likeamenorrhea, are commonly seen.[13] Although antiandrogens do not treat the underlying cause of hyperandrogenism (e.g., PCOS), they are able to prevent and reverse its manifestation and effects.[13] As with androgen-dependent skin and hair conditions, the most commonly used antiandrogens in the treatment of hyperandrogenism in women are cyproterone acetate and spironolactone.[13] Other antiandrogens, like bicalutamide, may be used alternatively.[13]

Gender-affirming hormone therapy

See also:Feminizing hormone therapy § Antiandrogens

Antiandrogens are used to prevent or reversemasculinization and to facilitatefeminization intransgender women and some nonbinary individuals who are undergoinghormone therapy and who have not undergonesex reassignment surgery ororchiectomy.[14] Besides estrogens, the main antiandrogens that have been used for this purpose are cyproterone acetate, spironolactone, and GnRH modulators.[14] Nonsteroidal antiandrogens like bicalutamide are also used for this indication.[83][14] In addition to use in transgender women, antiandrogens, mainly GnRH modulators, are used aspuberty blockers to prevent the onset ofpuberty intransgender girls until they are older and ready to begin hormone therapy.[15]

Available forms

See also:Steroidal antiandrogen andNonsteroidal antiandrogen

There are several different types of antiandrogens, including the following:[6]

Certain antiandrogens combine multiple of the above mechanisms.[6][95] An example is the steroidal antiandrogen cyproterone acetate, which is a potent AR antagonist, a potent progestogen and hence antigonadotropin, a weak glucocorticoid and hence anticorticotropin, and a weak androgen synthesis inhibitor.[6][95][96][97]

Hits|Google Search hits (February 2018)}}a
Abiraterone acetateSteroidalAndrogen synthesis inhibitorZytigaOral2011Available523,000
AllylestrenolSteroidalProgestinGestanin, PerselinOral1961Availableb61,800
AminoglutethimideNonsteroidalAndrogen synthesis inhibitorCytadren, OrimetenOral1960Availableb222,000
ApalutamideNonsteroidalAR antagonistErleadaOral2018Available50,400
BicalutamideNonsteroidalAR antagonistCasodexOral1995Available754,000
Chlormadinone acetateSteroidalProgestin; AR antagonistBelara, ProstalOral1965Available220,000
Cyproterone acetateSteroidalProgestin; AR antagonistAndrocur, DianeOral,IM1973Available461,000
Delmadinone acetateSteroidalProgestin; AR antagonistTardakVeterinary1972Veterinary42,600
EnzalutamideNonsteroidalAR antagonistXtandiOral2012Available328,000
FlutamideNonsteroidalAR antagonistEulexinOral1983Available712,000
Gestonorone caproateSteroidalProgestinDepostat, PrimostatIM1973Availableb119,000
Hydroxyprogesterone caproateSteroidalProgestinDelalutin, ProlutonIM1954Available108,000
KetoconazoleNonsteroidalAndrogen synthesis inhibitorNizoral, othersOral, topical1981Available3,650,000
Medroxyprogesterone acetateSteroidalProgestinProvera, Depo-ProveraOral,IM,SC1958Available1,250,000
Megestrol acetateSteroidalProgestin; AR antagonistMegaceOral1963Available253,000
NilutamideNonsteroidalAR antagonistAnandron, NilandronOral1987Available132,000
Osaterone acetateSteroidalProgestin; AR antagonistYpozaneVeterinary2007Veterinary87,600
OxendoloneSteroidalProgestin; AR antagonistProstetin, RoxenoneIM1981Availableb36,100
SpironolactoneSteroidalAR antagonistAldactoneOral, topical1959Available3,010,000
Topilutamide and FinasterideNonsteroidalAR antagonistEucapilTopical2003Availableb36,300
Footnotes:a = Hits = Google Search hits (as of February 2018).b = Availability limited / mostly discontinued.Class: Steroidal =Steroidal antiandrogen. Nonsteroidal =Nonsteroidal antiandrogen.Sources: See individual articles.

Side effects


The side effects of antiandrogens vary depending on the type of antiandrogen – namely whether it is a selective AR antagonist or lowers androgen levels – as well as the presence ofoff-target activity in the antiandrogen in question.[21][98] For instance, whereas antigonadotropic antiandrogens like GnRH modulators and cyproterone acetate are associated with pronouncedsexual dysfunction andosteoporosis in men, selective AR antagonists like bicalutamide are not associated with osteoporosis and have been associated with only minimal sexual dysfunction.[21][99][100] These differences are thought related to the fact that antigonadotropins suppress androgen levels and by extension levels ofbioactivemetabolites of androgens likeestrogens andneurosteroids whereas selective AR antagonists similarly neutralize the effects of androgens but leave levels of androgens and hence their metabolites intact (and in fact can even increase them as a result of theirprogonadotropic effects).[21] As another example, the steroidal antiandrogens cyproterone acetate and spironolactone possess off-target actions includingprogestogenic,antimineralocorticoid, and/orglucocorticoid activity in addition to their antiandrogen activity, and these off-target activities can result in additional side effects.[98]

In males, the majorside effects of antiandrogens aredemasculinization andfeminization.[101] These side effects includebreast pain/tenderness andgynecomastia (breast development/enlargement), reducedbody hair growth/density, decreasedmuscle mass andstrength,feminine changes infat mass anddistribution, and reducedpenile length andtesticular size.[101] The rates of gynecomastia in men with selective AR antagonist monotherapy have been found to range from 30 to 85%.[102] In addition, antiandrogens can causeinfertility,osteoporosis,hot flashes,sexual dysfunction (including loss oflibido anderectile dysfunction),depression,fatigue,anemia, and decreasedsemen/ejaculate volume in males.[failed verification][101] Conversely, the side effects of selective AR antagonists in women are minimal.[80][103] However, antigonadotropic antiandrogens like cyproterone acetate can producehypoestrogenism,amenorrhea, and osteoporosis in premenopausal women, among other side effects.[81][104][105] In addition, androgen receptor antagonists can produce unfavorable effects oncholesterol levels, which long-term may increase the risk ofcardiovascular disease.[106][107][108][109][110][111][112]

A number of antiandrogens have been associated withhepatotoxicity.[113] These include, to varying extents, cyproterone acetate, flutamide, nilutamide, bicalutamide, aminoglutethimide, and ketoconazole.[113] In contrast, spironolactone, enzalutamide,[114] and other antiandrogens are not associated with significant rates of hepatotoxicity. However, although they do not pose a risk of hepatotoxicity, spironolactone has a risk ofhyperkalemia and enzalutamide has a risk ofseizures.[citation needed]

In women who arepregnant, antiandrogens can interfere with the androgen-mediatedsexual differentiation of thegenitalia andbrain of malefetuses.[115] This manifests primarily asambiguous genitalia – that is, undervirilized or feminized genitalia, which, anatomically, are a cross between apenis and avagina – and theoretically also asfemininity.[115][116] As such, antiandrogens areteratogens, and women who are pregnant should not be treated with an antiandrogen.[82] Moreover, women who can or may become pregnant are strongly recommended to take an antiandrogen only in combination with propercontraception.[82]



Antiandrogens are relatively safe in acuteoverdose.[citation needed]



Inhibitors andinducers ofcytochrome P450enzymes mayinteract with various antiandrogens.[citation needed]

Mechanism of action


Androgen receptor antagonists

Antiandrogens at steroid hormone receptors
AntiandrogenRelative binding affinities
ARTooltip Androgen receptorPRTooltip Progesterone receptorERTooltip Estrogen receptorGRTooltip Glucocorticoid receptorMRTooltip Mineralocorticoid receptor
Cyproterone acetate8–1060<0.151
Chlormadinone acetate5175<0.1381
Megestrol acetate5152<0.1503
Inocoterone acetate<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1<0.1
Notes: (1): Referenceligands (100%) weretestosterone for theARTooltip androgen receptor,progesterone for thePRTooltip progesterone receptor,estradiol for theERTooltip estrogen receptor,dexamethasone for theGRTooltip glucocorticoid receptor, andaldosterone for theMRTooltip mineralocorticoid receptor. (2): Tissues were rat prostate (AR), rabbit uterus (PR), mouse uterus (ER), rat thymus (GR), and rat kidney (MR). (3): Incubation times (0 °C) were 24 hours (AR,a), 2 hours (PR, ER), 4 hours (GR), and 1 hour (MR). (4): Assay methods were different for bicalutamide for receptors besides the AR.Sources:[117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126]
Relative potencies of selected antiandrogens
Cyproterone acetate1.0
Description: Relative potencies oforally administered antiandrogens in antagonizing 0.8 to 1.0 mg/kgs.c.Tooltip subcutaneous injectiontestosterone propionate-inducedventral prostate weight increase incastratedimmature male rats. Higher values mean greater potency.Sources: See template.

AR antagonists act by directly binding to and competitively displacing androgens like testosterone and DHT from the AR, thereby preventing them from activating the receptor and mediating their biological effects.[84][85] AR antagonists are classified into two types, based onchemical structure: steroidal and nonsteroidal.[7][8][84][85][92] Steroidal AR antagonists are structurally related tosteroid hormones like testosterone andprogesterone, whereas nonsteroidal AR antagonists are not steroids and are structurally distinct. Steroidal AR antagonists tend to haveoff-target hormonal actions due to their structural similarity to other steroid hormones.[92] In contrast, nonsteroidal AR antagonists are selective for the AR and have no off-target hormonal activity.[92] For this reason, they are sometimes described as "pure" antiandrogens.[92]

Although they are described as antiandrogens and indeed show only such effects generally, most or all steroidal AR antagonists are actually notsilent antagonists of the AR but rather are weakpartial agonists and are able to activate the receptor in the absence of more potent AR agonists like testosterone and DHT.[84][31][127][128] This may have clinical implications in the specific context of prostate cancer treatment.[84][127] As an example, steroidal AR antagonists are able to increase prostate weight and accelerate prostate cancer cell growth in the absence of more potent AR agonists,[84][127] and spironolactone has been found to accelerate progression of prostate cancer in case reports.[129][130] In addition, whereas cyproterone acetate produces ambiguous genitalia via feminization in male fetuses when administered to pregnant animals,[131] it has been found to produce masculinization of the genitalia of female fetuses of pregnant animals.[84] In contrast to steroidal AR antagonists, nonsteroidal AR antagonists are silent antagonists of the AR and do not activate the receptor.[132][31][133][127] This may be why they have greater efficacy than steroidal AR antagonists in the treatment of prostate cancer and is an important reason as to why they have largely replaced them for this indication in medicine.[132][31][133][127]

Nonsteroidal antiandrogens have relatively lowaffinity for the AR compared to steroidal AR ligands.[31][133][134] For example, bicalutamide has around 2% of the affinity of DHT for the AR and around 20% of the affinity of CPA for the AR.[134] Despite their low affinity for the AR however, the lack of weak partial agonist activity of NSAAs appears to improve their potency relative to steroidal antiandrogens.[134][135] For example, although flutamide has about 10-fold lower affinity for the AR than CPA, it shows equal or slightly greater potency to CPA as an antiandrogen inbioassays.[134][135] In addition, circulating therapeutic concentrations of nonsteroidal antiandrogens are very high, on the order of thousands of times higher than those of testosterone and DHT, and this allows them to efficaciously compete and block AR signaling.[136]

AR antagonists may not bind to or blockmembrane androgen receptors (mARs), which are distinct from the classical nuclear AR.[137][138][139] However, the mARs do not appear to be involved inmasculinization. This is evidenced by the perfectlyfemalephenotype of women withcomplete androgen insensitivity syndrome.[140][141] These women have a 46,XYkaryotype (i.e., are genetically "male") and high levels of androgens but possess a defective AR and for this reason never masculinize.[140][141] They are described as highly feminine, both physically as well as mentally and behaviorally.[142][143][144]

N-Terminal domain antagonists


N-Terminal domain AR antagonists are a new type of AR antagonist that, unlike all currently marketed AR antagonists, bind to theN-terminal domain (NTD) of the AR rather than theligand-binding domain (LBD).[145] Whereas conventional AR antagonists bind to the LBD of the AR andcompetitively displace androgens, thereby preventing them fromactivating the receptor, AR NTD antagonists bindcovalently to the NTD of the AR and preventprotein–protein interactions subsequent to activation that are required fortranscriptional activity.[145] As such, they arenon-competitive andirreversible antagonists of the AR.[146] Examples of AR NTD antagonists includebisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE) and its derivativesEPI-001,ralaniten (EPI-002), andralaniten acetate (EPI-506).[145][147] AR NTD antagonists are under investigation for the potential treatment of prostate cancer, and it is thought that they may have greaterefficacy as antiandrogens relative to conventional AR antagonists.[145] In accordance with this notion, AR NTD antagonists are active againstsplice variants of the AR, which conventional AR antagonists are not, and AR NTD antagonists are immune togain-of-function mutations in the AR LBD that convert AR antagonists into AR agonists and commonly occur in prostate cancer.[145]

Androgen receptor degraders


Selective androgen receptor degraders (SARDs) are another new type of antiandrogen that has recently been developed.[148] They work by enhancing thedegradation of the AR, and are analogous toselective estrogen receptor degraders (SERDs) likefulvestrant (a drug used to treatestrogen receptor-positivebreast cancer).[148] Similarly to AR NTD antagonists, it is thought that SARDs may have greater efficacy than conventional AR antagonists, and for this reason, they are under investigation for the treatment of prostate cancer.[149] An example of a SARD isdimethylcurcumin (ASC-J9), which is under development as atopical medication for the potential treatment of acne.[150] SARDs like dimethylcurcumin differ from conventional AR antagonists and AR NTD antagonists in that they may not necessarily bind directly to the AR.[149]

Androgen synthesis inhibitors

Main article:Androgen synthesis inhibitor

Androgen synthesis inhibitors areenzyme inhibitors that prevent thebiosynthesis of androgens.[31] This process occurs mainly in thegonads andadrenal glands, but also occurs in other tissues like theprostate gland,skin, andhair follicles. These drugs include aminoglutethimide, ketoconazole,[151] and abiraterone acetate.[89][31][152] Aminoglutethimide inhibits cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, also known as P450scc or CYP11A1, which is responsible for the conversion ofcholesterol intopregnenolone and by extension the production of all steroid hormones, including the androgens.[89] Ketoconazole and abiraterone acetate are inhibitors of the enzyme CYP17A1, also known as 17α-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase, which is responsible for the conversion ofpregnane steroids into androgens, as well as the conversion ofmineralocorticoids into glucocorticoids.[89][31] Because these drugs all prevent the formation of glucocorticoids in addition to androgens, they must be combined with a glucocorticoid likeprednisone to avoidadrenal insufficiency.[152] A newer drug currently under development for treatment of prostate cancer,seviteronel, is selective for inhibition of the 17,20-lyase functionality of CYP17A1, and for this reason, unlike earlier drugs, does not require concomitant treatment with a glucocorticoid.[153]

5α-Reductase inhibitors


5α-Reductase inhibitors such as finasteride and dutasteride are inhibitors of5α-reductase, an enzyme that is responsible for the formation of DHT from testosterone.[154] DHT is between 2.5- and 10-fold more potent than testosterone as an androgen[155] and is produced in atissue-selective manner based onexpression of 5α-reductase.[156] Tissues in which DHT forms at a high rate include theprostate gland,skin, andhair follicles.[41][156] In accordance, DHT is involved in thepathophysiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia, pattern hair loss, and hirsutism, and 5α-reductase inhibitors are used to treat these conditions.[41][156][157]


Estradiol and testosterone levels following a single intramuscular injection of 320 mgpolyestradiol phosphate, apolymeric estradiol ester and prodrug, in men with prostate cancer.[158]
Testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels with 100 mg/day oralcyproterone acetate in men.[159]

Antigonadotropins are drugs that suppress the GnRH-mediatedsecretion ofgonadotropins from thepituitary gland.[91] Gonadotropins includeluteinizing hormone (LH) andfollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and arepeptide hormones that signal thegonads to producesex hormones. By suppressing gonadotropin secretion, antigonadotropins suppress gonadal sex hormone production and by extension circulating androgen levels.[91]GnRH modulators, including bothGnRH agonists andGnRH antagonists, are powerful antigonadotropins that are able to suppress androgen levels by 95% in men.[160] In addition, estrogens and progestogens are antigonadotropins via exertion ofnegative feedback on thehypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis (HPG axis).[2][93][161] High-dose estrogens are able to suppress androgen levels to castrate levels in men similarly to GnRH modulators,[162] while high-dose progestogens are able to suppress androgen levels by up to approximately 70 to 80% in men.[163][164]

Examples of GnRH agonists includeleuprorelin (leuprolide) andgoserelin, while an example of a GnRH antagonist iscetrorelix.[92] Estrogens that are or that have been used as antigonadotropins include estradiol,estradiol esters likeestradiol valerate,estradiol undecylate, andpolyestradiol phosphate, conjugated estrogens, ethinylestradiol, diethylstilbestrol (no longer widely used), andbifluranol.[165][166] Progestogens that are used as antigonadotropins includechlormadinone acetate, cyproterone acetate, gestonorone caproate,[167]hydroxyprogesterone caproate, medroxyprogesterone acetate,megestrol acetate, and oxendolone.[2][168][169]



Sex hormone-binding globulin modulators


In addition to their antigonadotropic effects, estrogens are also functional antiandrogens by decreasing free concentrations of androgens via increasing thehepatic production ofsex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and by extension circulating SHBG levels.[170][171][172]Combined oral contraceptives containing ethinylestradiol have been found to increase circulating SHBG levels by 2- to 4-fold in women and to reduce free testosterone concentrations by 40 to 80%.[171] However, combined oral contraceptives that contain the particularly androgenic progestinlevonorgestrel have been found to increase SHBG levels by only 50 to 100%,[171] which is likely because activation of the AR in the liver has the opposite effect of estrogen and suppresses production of SHBG.[173] Levonorgestrel and certain other19-nortestosterone progestins used in combined oral contraceptives likenorethisterone also directly bind to and displace androgens from SHBG, which may additionally antagonize the functional antiandrogenic effects of ethinylestradiol.[173][174] In men, a study found that treatment with a relatively low dosage of 20 μg/day ethinylestradiol for 5 weeks increased circulating SHBG levels by 150% and, due to the accompanying decrease free testosterone levels, increased total circulating levels of testosterone by 50% (via reduced negative feedback by androgens on the HPG axis).[170]

Corticosteroid-binding globulin modulators


Estrogens at high doses can partially suppress adrenal androgen production.[175][176][177][178][179][180] A study found that treatment with a high-doseethinylestradiol (100 μg/day) reduced levels of major circulatingadrenal androgens by 27 to 48% intransgender women.[175][176][177] Decreased adrenal androgens with estrogens is apparent withoral andsynthetic estrogens likeethinylestradiol andestramustine phosphate but is minimal withparenteralbioidenticalestradiol forms likepolyestradiol phosphate.[179] It is thought to be mediated via ahepatic mechanism, probably increasedcorticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG)production and levels and compensatory changes in adrenal steroid production (e.g., shunting of adrenal androgen synthesis tocortisol production).[179][180] It is notable in this regard that oral and synthetic estrogens, due to the oralfirst pass and resistance to hepaticmetabolism, have much stronger influences onliver protein synthesis than parenteral estradiol.[181] The decrease in adrenal androgen levels with high-dose estrogen therapy may be beneficial in the treatment ofprostate cancer.[177][180]



Anticorticotropins such asglucocorticoids andmineralocorticoids work by exertingnegative feedback on thehypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA axis), thereby inhibiting the secretion ofcorticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and henceadrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; corticotropin) and consequently suppressing the production ofandrogen prohormones likedehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA),dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), andandrostenedione in theadrenal gland.[182][183] They are rarely used clinically as functional antiandrogens, but are used as such in the case ofcongenital adrenal hyperplasia in girls and women, in which there are excessive production and levels of adrenal androgens due to glucocorticoid deficiency and hence HPA axis overactivity.[182][183]

Insulin sensitizers


In women withinsulin resistance, such as those withpolycystic ovary syndrome, androgen levels are often elevated.[184]Metformin, aninsulin-sensitizing medication, has indirect antiandrogenic effects in such women, decreasingtestosterone levels by as much as 50% secondary to its beneficial effects on insulin sensitivity.[184][185][186]

Immunogens and vaccines


Ovandrotone albumin (Fecundin, Ovastim) andAndrovax (androstenedione albumin) areimmunogens andvaccines againstandrostenedione that are used inveterinary medicine to improvefecundity (reproductive rate) in ewes (adult female sheep).[187][188] The generation ofantibodies against androstenedione by these agents is thought to decrease circulating levels of androstenedione and its metabolites (e.g., testosterone and estrogens), which in turn increases the activity of the HPG axis via reduced negative feedback and increases the rate ofovulation, resulting in greaterfertility and fecundity.[187][188]


See also:List of antiandrogens andList of steroidal antiandrogens

Antiandrogens can be divided into several different types based onchemical structure, includingsteroidal antiandrogens,nonsteroidal antiandrogens, andpeptides. Steroidal antiandrogens include compounds likecyproterone acetate,spironolactone,estradiol,abiraterone acetate, andfinasteride; nonsteroidal antiandrogens include compounds likebicalutamide,elagolix,diethylstilbestrol,aminoglutethimide, andketoconazole; and peptides includeGnRH analogues likeleuprorelin andcetrorelix.[citation needed]


See also:Discovery and development of antiandrogens

Antigonadotropins like estrogens and progestogens were both first introduced in the 1930s.[189] The beneficial effects of androgen deprivation via surgical castration or high-dose estrogen therapy on prostate cancer were discovered in 1941.[31]: 56 [190] AR antagonists were first discovered in the early 1960s.[96] The steroidal antiandrogen cyproterone acetate was discovered in 1961. and introduced in 1973. and is often described as the first antiandrogen to have been marketed.[191][62] However, spironolactone was introduced in 1959.,[192][193] although its antiandrogen effects were not recognized or taken advantage of until later and were originally an unintended off-target action of the drug.[194] In addition to spironolactone, chlormadinone acetate and megestrol acetate are steroidal antiandrogens that are weaker than cyproterone acetate but were also introduced earlier, in the 1960s.[195][196][197] Other early steroidal antiandrogens that were developed around this time but were never marketed includebenorterone (SKF-7690; 17α-methyl-B-nortestosterone),BOMT (Ro 7–2340),cyproterone (SH-80881), andtrimethyltrienolone (R-2956).[198][199]

The nonsteroidal antiandrogen flutamide was first reported in 1967.[24] It was introduced in 1983 and was the first nonsteroidal antiandrogen marketed.[200][201] Another early nonsteroidal antiandrogen,[202]DIMP (Ro 7–8117), which is structurally related tothalidomide[203] and is a relatively weak antiandrogen,[204][205] was first described in 1973 and was never marketed.[206] Flutamide was followed by nilutamide in 1989. and bicalutamide in 1995.[207] In addition to these three drugs, which have been regarded as first-generation nonsteroidal antiandrogens, the second-generation nonsteroidal antiandrogensenzalutamide andapalutamide were introduced in 2012. and 2018.[208][209][210] They differ from the earlier nonsteroidal antiandrogens namely in that they are much more efficacious in comparison.[209]

The androgen synthesis inhibitors aminoglutethimide and ketoconazole were first marketed in 1960. and 1977., respectively,[211][212] and the newer drug abiraterone acetate was introduced in 2011.[213] GnRH modulators were first introduced in the 1980s.[214] The 5α-reductase inhibitors finasteride and dutasteride were introduced in 1992. and 2002. respectively.[215][216]Elagolix, the first orally active GnRH modulator to be marketed, was introduced in 2018.[217]



The following is a timeline of events in the history of antiandrogens:[218]

  • 1941: Hudgins and Hodges show that androgen deprivation via high-dose estrogen therapy or surgical castration treats prostate cancer
  • 1957: The steroidal antiandrogen spironolactone is first synthesized[219]
  • 1960: Spironolactone is first introduced for medical use, as an antimineralocorticoid[219]
  • 1961: The steroidal antiandrogen cyproterone acetate is first synthesized[220]
  • 1962: Spironolactone is first reported to produce gynecomastia in men[219][221]
  • 1966: Benorterone is the first known antiandrogen to be studied clinically, to treat acne and hirsutism in women[222][223]
  • 1963: The antiandrogenic activity of cyproterone acetate is discovered[48][224]
  • 1967: A known antiandrogen, benorterone, is first reported to induce gynecomastia in males[222]
  • 1967: The first-generation nonsteroidal antiandrogen flutamide is first synthesized
  • 1967: Cyproterone acetate was first studied clinically, to treat sexual deviance in men[225]
  • 1969: Cyproterone acetate was first studied in the treatment of acne, hirsutism, seborrhea, and scalp hair loss in women[226]
  • 1969: The antiandrogenic activity of spironolactone is discovered[227]
  • 1972: The antiandrogenic activity of flutamide is first reported[228][229]
  • 1973: Cyproterone acetate was first introduced for medical use, to treat sexual deviance[230]
  • 1977: The first-generation antiandrogen nilutamide is first described[231]
  • 1978: Spironolactone is first studied in the treatment of hirsutism in women[65][232]
  • 1979: Combined androgen blockade is first studied[233][234]
  • 1980: Medical castration via a GnRH analogue is first achieved[citation needed]
  • 1982: The first-generation antiandrogen bicalutamide is first described[235]
  • 1982: Combined androgen blockade for prostate cancer is developed
  • 1983: Flutamide is first introduced, in Chile, for medical use, to treat prostate cancer[236][237]
  • 1987: Nilutamide is first introduced, in France, for medical use, to treat prostate cancer[207]
  • 1989: Combined androgen blockade via flutamide and a GnRH analogue is found to be superior to a GnRH analogue alone for prostate cancer
  • 1989: Flutamide is first introduced for medical use in the United States, to treat prostate cancer[238]
  • 1989: Flutamide is first studied in the treatment of hirsutism in women[9]
  • 1992: The androgen synthesis inhibitor abiraterone acetate is first described[239]
  • 1995: Bicalutamide is first introduced for medical use, to treat prostate cancer[207]
  • 1996: Nilutamide is first introduced for medical use in the United States, to treat prostate cancer[240]
  • 2006: The second-generation nonsteroidal antiandrogen enzalutamide is first described[241]
  • 2007: The second-generation nonsteroidal antiandrogen apalutamide is first described[242]
  • 2011: Abiraterone acetate is first introduced for medical use, to treat prostate cancer[243]
  • 2012: Enzalutamide is first introduced for medical use, to treat prostate cancer[244]
  • 2018: Apalutamide is first introduced for medical use, to treat prostate cancer[245]
  • 2018: Elagolix is the first orally active GnRH antagonist to be introduced for medical use[217]
  • 2019: Relugolix is the second orally active GnRH antagonist to be introduced for medical use[246]

Society and culture




The termantiandrogen is generally used to refer specifically to AR antagonists, as described by Dorfman (1970):[247][248]

Antiandrogens are substances which prevent androgens from expressing their activity at target sites. The inhibitory effect of these substances, therefore, should be differentiated from compounds which decrease the synthesis and/or release of hypothalamic (releasing) factors, from anterior pituitary hormones (gonadotropins, particularly luteinizing hormone) and from material which acts directly on the gonads to inhibit biosynthesis and/or secretion of androgens.[247][248]

However, in spite of the above, the term may also be used to describefunctional antiandrogens like androgen synthesis inhibitors and antigonadotropins, including even estrogens and progestogens.[2][6][249] For example, the progestogen and hence antigonadotropin medroxyprogesterone acetate is sometimes described as a steroidal antiandrogen, even though it is not an antagonist of the AR.[250][249]


See also:List of investigational sex-hormonal agents § Androgenics

Topical administration

This section'sfactual accuracy may be compromised due to out-of-date information. The reason given is: Clascoterone has been approved for acne by the FDA in August 2020, and is considered to be highly effective (>= tretinoin 0.05%). Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information.(April 2024)

There has been much interest and effort in the development of topical AR antagonists to treat androgen-dependent conditions like acne and pattern hair loss in males.[251] Unfortunately, whereas systemic administration of antiandrogens is very effective in treating these conditions, topical administration has disappointingly been found generally to possess limited and only modest effectiveness, even when high-affinity steroidal AR antagonists like cyproterone acetate and spironolactone have been employed.[251] Moreover, in the specific case of acne treatment, topical AR antagonists have been found much less effective compared to established treatments likebenzoyl peroxide andantibiotics.[251]

A variety of AR antagonists have been developed for topical use but have not completed development and hence have never been marketed. These include the steroidal AR antagonistsclascoterone,cyproterone,rosterolone, andtopterone and the nonsteroidal AR antagonistscioteronel,inocoterone acetate,RU-22930,RU-58642, andRU-58841. However, one topical AR antagonist,topilutamide (fluridil), has been introduced in a few European countries for the treatment of pattern hair loss in men.[40] In addition, a topical 5α-reductase inhibitor and weak estrogen,alfatradiol, has also been introduced in some European countries for the same indication, although its effectiveness is controversial.[40]Spironolactone has been marketed inItaly in the form of a topical cream under the brand name Spiroderm for the treatment of acne and hirsutism, but this formulation was discontinued and hence is no longer available.[252]

Male contraception


Antiandrogens, such as cyproterone acetate, have been studied for potential use asmale hormonal contraceptives.[253][254][255][256][65][257][258][259] While effective in suppressingmale fertility, their use as monotherapies is precluded by side effects, such asandrogen deficiency (e.g.,demasculinization,sexual dysfunction,hot flashes,osteoporosis) andfeminization (e.g.,gynecomastia).[65][257][258][260] The combination of a primary antigonadotropin such as cyproterone acetate to prevent fertility and an androgen like testosterone to prevent systemic androgen deficiency, resulting in a selective antiandrogenic action locally in the testes, has been extensively studied and has shown promising results, but has not been approved for clinical use at this time.[258][259][261][262][260]Dimethandrolone undecanoate (developmental code name CDB-4521), anorally active dual AAS and progestogen, is under investigation as a potential male contraceptive and as the first malebirth control pill.[263][264]

Breast cancer


Antiandrogens such asbicalutamide,enzalutamide, andabiraterone acetate are under investigation for the potential treatment ofbreast cancer, including AR-expressingtriple-negative breast cancer and other types of AR-expressing breast cancer.[265][266][267][268][269]



Antiandrogens may be effective in the treatment ofobsessive–compulsive disorder.[270]

See also



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Further reading

(incl.AASTooltip anabolic–androgenic steroid)
ARTooltip Androgen receptoragonists
ARTooltip Androgen receptorantagonists
ARTooltip Androgen receptor
SARMsTooltip Selective androgen receptor modulator
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