Anthelmintics orantihelminthics are a group ofantiparasitic drugs that expel parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites from the body by either stunning or killing them without causing significant damage to the host. They may also be calledvermifuges (those that stun) orvermicides (those that kill). Anthelmintics are used to treat people who are infected by helminths, a condition calledhelminthiasis. These drugs are also used to treat infected animals, particularly smallruminants such asgoats andsheep.[1]
Anthelmintic medication is also used inmass deworming campaigns of school-aged children in many developing countries.[2][3] Anthelmintics are also used for mass deworming of livestock. The drugs of choice for soil-transmitted helminths aremebendazole andalbendazole;[4] forschistosomiasis andtapeworms it ispraziquantel.[5]
Many early treatments were herbal, such as the oil of herbs of the genusChenopodium that were given as anthelmintic treatment for centuries. In 1908 it was found that the active constituent wasascaridole.[6] From the 1920s to the 1970s, halogenated hydrocarbons (such as chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, tetrachloroethylene and hexachloroethane) were used in a string of continually more efficacious anthelmintics, until their underlying host toxicity was revealed.[6] The modern broad-spectrum anthelmintics were developed by pharmaceutical companies that can afford the screening programs and testing systems that modern drug development involves.[6][7]
Historically, there have been three main classes of broad-spectrum anthelmintics.[8] These are benzimidazoles,imidazothiazoles/tetrahydropyrimidines, and macrocyclic lactones.
Anthelmintic resistance occurs when a heritable genetic change occurs in the parasite's DNA, rendering it insensitive to a previously effective anthelmintic drug. This is a particularly serious problem in helminth parasites of small ruminant farm animals.[12] There are many factors that contribute to anthelmintic resistance, such as frequent, mass anthelmintic treatment, underdosing, treating repeatedly with only one anthelmintic, and resistance being transmitted during transfer of animals.[12] Anthelmintic resistance in parasites is widespread; drug resistance exists in all livestock hosts and to all anthelmintic drug classes.[13] This is a major threat to the sustainability of modern ruminant livestock production, resulting in reduced productivity, compromised animal health and welfare,[12] and increased greenhouse gas emissions through increased parasitism and farm inputs.[14] A database of published and unpublished European AR research on gastrointestinalnematodes was collated in 2020. A total of 197 publications were available for analysis, representing 535 studies in 22 countries and spanning the period 1980–2020. Results in sheep and goats since 2010 reveal an average prevalence of resistance tobenzimidazoles of 86%,moxidectin 52%, andlevamisole 48%. All major gastrointestinalnematode genera survived treatment in various studies. In cattle, prevalence of anthelminthic resistance varied between anthelmintic classes from 0–100% (benzimidazoles and macrocyclic lactones), 0–17% (levamisole) and 0–73% (moxidectin), and bothCooperia andOstertagia survived treatment.[14] However, resistance is not seen as often in the parasitic helminths that affect cattle, compared to sheep. Reasons for this include the fact that cattle receive anthelminthic drugs less frequently than sheep, and the different nature of their faecal pats that could leave different numbers of resistant infective larvae on the pasture.[7] Unlike sheep, cattle can develop sufficient immunoprotection against such parasites.[15]
Bothin vitro (egg hatch assay, larval development test, larval motility test,polymerase chain reaction andin vivo methods (fecal egg count reduction test) can be used to detect anthelmintic resistance.[11]
Treatment with an antihelminthic drug kills worms whose phenotype renders them susceptible to the drug, butresistant parasites survive and pass on their "resistance" genes. Resistant varieties accumulate, and treatment failure finally occurs.[16]
The ways in which anthelmintics are used have contributed to a major anthelmintic resistance issue worldwide. From the 1950s to the 1980s, new classes of effective and inexpensive anthelmintics were made available every decade, leading to excessive use throughout agriculture and disincentivizing alternative anti-nematodal strategies.[13] Developing new anthelmintics is time-consuming and expensive therefore, it is important to use the ones that currently exist in a way that will minimize or prevent the development of anthelmintic resistance.[11] Some of these methods are ensuring animals are not being underdosed, rotating the anthelmintics that are being used, and rotation of grazing land to reduce the parasite population.[1] Other methods include using a combination of multiple different anthelmintics, and the use ofrefugia based strategies. Refugia refers to the portion of the parasite population not being exposed to anthelmintics. This population is therefore not undergoing selection for resistance. Use ofrefugia helps to slow down the speed of evolution of resistance to anthelmintic drugs.[17] Due to the problem of anthelmintic resistance, research into alternatives is continuing, including in the field ofrational drug design.[18]
new anthelmintic alternatives such as tribendimidine and Nitazoxanide have proved to be safe and effective against A. lumbricoides and other soil-transmitted helminthiases in human trials.
Nitazoxanide, a 5-nitrothiazole derivative with broad-spectrum activity against helminths and protozoans, has been shown to be effective against C cayetanensis, with an efficacy 87% by the third dose (first, 71%; second 75%). Three percent of patients had minor side effects.